The Nintendo NX is due in March 2017, and all that is truly known with 100% certainty is that it will play video games. It won't be a toaster or a talking robot (we don't think), and it'll probably have some kind of controller with buttons and sticks. There are reasonable and logical ideas that can be put forth about it, but 100% nailed down details are non-existent.
What we also don't know is how much major third parties will be on board, the likes of Ubisoft, Activision, EA et al. If Nintendo's next console aims to compete in the conventional gaming space support from companies that control some of gaming's biggest brands would undoubtedly be helpful, and in some areas there are positive noises around the likes of Square Enix and Bandai Namco being keen on the device.
Back in February we shared a report that EA and Nintendo had a series of meetings lined up back in March, with earnest conversations to take place about the next system - the focus, according to the sources in question, was on sports games and related areas. It all seemed reasonable, and you can check out the report - for which we collaborated with Liam Robertson - over here.
There is a radio silence of sorts around the NX right now, though, which is probably why we've been pointed by multiple tipsters to comments from Patrick Söderlund, the executive vice president of EA Studios. In an interview with BBC's Newsbeat he said the following when asked about EA games on NX.
I personally and the company are huge fans of Nintendo, they're the reason why I started making games. We're in constant communication with them and when they come to market something - and if it makes sense for us - we'll be there.
It's the kind of answer that'd bring a smile to the PR Manager that may or may not have been in the room. They're hardly the words of confidence, either - an EA executive wouldn't have dreamt of being ambivalent about either the PS4 or Xbox One systems before they were unveiled to the world, we suspect, because EA makes big money on Sony and Microsoft platforms. It merely reflects the deterioration of Nintendo's clout with EA that its executives can do the equivalent of a polite shoulder shrug and say "if it makes sense to us".
But there it is, something an EA man said about NX. Which was, though we all want to know more, ultimately very little.
[source bbc.co.uk]
Comments 139
sees EA, moves on
This is a good thing to hear. I know some people are mad at EA and Ubisoft, but Nintendo really needs them.
I think that it was an artful dodge to a question that he probably could not answer for multiple reasons. While I don't think EA has any plans, unless it is to release old ports and then jump ship, for the NX; it is a little unfair to hammer him for that response.
To be fair to Ubisoft despite how copy and paste their games can be, they did at least support the Wii U much more than EA ever did.
It is never unfair to hammer on EA.
seems like Nintendo doesn't want anyone to talk about NX for now.
All lips are sealed, Nintendo's NDA must be really strict.
Great, now release Battlefield 1 on NX.
Its not like we're really missing much without EA, I mean all the really do is churn out yearly updates of Fifa, Madden etc and close down or destroy amazingly talented studios - Criterion, Bullfrog etc.
The day they fully support a Nintendo machine again is the day I'll eat my hat.
What? This article is already more than 10 minutes old and still less than a hundred comments?
You mean clicks article and is first to reply?
in other words Talks between them are still ongoing and there is nothing to report right now
@TheFatPlumber I think that a lot of people really need to start realizing that besides their own preference, they need to look at the bigger picture and that is the more third party support, the better, and whoever gives it, even if it is your least favorite company, is totally beside the point.
EA isn't exactly my favorite publisher either, but they do a whole lot more than churn out yearly sports game sequels. They own and publish so many franchises that they should potentially be able to have something for each and everyone of us.
If they don't know already at this point:
Worrying stuff that major third parties aren't already onboard; would all you fanboys not agree?
Yeah, that's EA.
One difference between Sony/MS and Nintendo is that Nintendo seem to be terrified of leaks while Sony and MS seem to embrace them and use them for hype. I'll bet even if EA had agreed a load of big games for NX, the NDAs would still make any slick spokesperson say the same thing.
The fact he started with a compliment probably means no EA support unless it's selling well.
For me, EA supporting Nintendo's systems makes very little difference. It's been a long time since they made a Road Rash game, and the studio (or was it just the main people behind it?)behind Henry Hatsworth left after making that amazing game.
On the overall spectrum of things though, EA supporting Nintendo would be a very good thing for them. Those yearly sport instalments tend to sell very well, and EA do have various titles that are received well.
I'm unsure as to whether this comment implies that EA are not going to support the NX initially, or are simply not saying things clearly due to NDA's. Frankly, this comment could mean a lot of things due to how evasive it comes across.
I hope they fully support the NX and I assume we will get a years worth of releases and it will be a wait and see.....all depends on how hard it is to port though....if it isn't too different then we will probably get everything because the cost will be small
Thanks but no thanks. We'll be fine without you, EA.
EA made most of the best 3rd party games on Wii and their Wii U games were not awful. One of the only decent racing games was nfs. ME3 was a poor choice ahead of the trilogy but the port had fantastic features which all games should have taken lead from. FIFA was pretty poor in most respects but it did make good use of the gamepad. No motion plus tiger woods or proper tennis game was a travesty.
Oh EA, I dont really care
Honestly, everyone knows EA's crowd has a X1/PS4, so I really don't see them jumping ship and buying an NX (whatever it is) to FIFA. And Nintendo gamers (with good reasons) don't like EA's games, so I would say it isn't a big lost.
Still, Nintendo should try to get some games to catter to the dudebro crowd, but if EA says something about Origin and their online system, send them packing.
@A01 A bit of an exaggeration, but it gets the point across. After all, despite how EA did not support the Wii U, they ended up supporting the Wii for a long time. If the NX sells well, regardless of what the NX is even like, EA will more than likely support it.
@Nintenjoe64 I don't think I've played any of the Wii games made by EA, so I've got no standard to judge them on, but I don't really hear many people talk about them. Well, I believe with exception to Boom Blox Bash Party and it's sequel, which I believe was made/released by EA. I'm currently collecting Wii games; are there any specific EA Wii games you'd recommend?
No surprise, basically it's the expected response of "show me, Nintendo, why I should invest in your system". It's like any product anyone is trying to sell-- "Tell me WHY I should invest in you/your product/etc.". That's just business. It's up to Nintendo to deliver. I NEVER count Nintendo out, but hey, I've gamed with them for 30 years of my life, so being cautiously optimistic is not a bad thing.
I think its a bit pre mature to think they are automatically saying no. EA is a necessary evil of sorts as much as they are despises. Of course there is always the NDA
This means we are not supporting the NX at all.
@Souldin tiger woods with motion plus, grand slam tennis, godfather, dead space... There's probably a few more but those are ones that impressed me for Wii games, especially the use of motion controls in the first 3
@Souldin oh yeah, Medal of Honor heroes 2 was good
@Nintenjoe64 Oh yeah, there was a Wii exclusive Dead Space game; it's a rail shooter if I remember correctly. I've heard people talk about that game quite a bit as well; it is one of the games I've got on my Wii game hunting list as it were.
I think I remember seeing a video mentioning the Godfather Wii game recently as well; it's a GTA style of game, isn't it? I don't usually play those sort of games, but I also intend to video reviews of Wii games at some point, so it might be worth trying it out for that alone.
I'll keep an eye out for Medal of Honour: Heroes 2 as well. I'm usually not a fan of FPS games, though the Wii remote usually manages to make them very fun for me, so I'll give it a try. Thank you for the recommendations.
Hard to knock another corporate head for not discussing their NX plans - yes even EA - when Nintendo won't talk about it themselves.
Yet another reason why I don't like NX missing E3. Every multiplat game announced every dev will have to answer the same question - "Is it coming to NX?" - and every dev will have to give a similar answer - "'I'm not allowed to say", "ask Nintnedo" "ask me after Ntindo announces NX".
All of E3 is going to be "where's NX? what's coming to NX? what isn't coming to NX? when is it coming to NX?
The more Dev's on board the better.
All Nintendo fanboys (not all, I'm a Nintendo fanboy!) are gonna do is complain that EA and third parties are not supporting the Wii U but it's actually Nintendo's fault for making the Wii U so underpowered with a different archetecture making it hard to develop for! Despite this, the Wii U is an amazing console with awesome first party games, some third party games such as Bayonetta 2 and eshop games
However, I do believe EA didn't try with Wii U, whereas look at Ubisoft's support!
@Kirk I can't see third parties jumping aboard unless Nintendo provide some decent incentives and marketing which they have spent nothing on since the Wii boom. There was no drive from Nintendo in the media to sell Wii U - most people I know look at me strange when I mention it's name as many still haven't heard of it! Nintendo didn't even bother trying to keep 3rd party support. Hell I read that developers could only use one of the Wii U's CPU cores until 6 months after it released, it took 6 months for them to get the OS to release standard so NX needs to be ready.
With Miyamoto and the old Yamuchi rear guard slowly being sidelined we have seen a relationship develop with Microsoft to develop Minecraft on Wii U, which is a move in the right direction. Perhaps a reinvigorated Nintendo has the desire to reach out to third parties. I hope so.
Nintendo needs EA to join in and to be very successful that way other 3rd party companies might do the same. Last time 3rd parties dropped support we were left with a system Nintendo almost completely abandoned. How many big Wii U games are coming this year?
It's easy to bash EA. However, their games sells very well, so it could be useful for Nintendo's sake for EA to bring games to the NX.
@Souldin Hope you don't mind if I add to that. I've browsed through my own collection, and this is the most complete list that I can come up with as far as worthwhile EA games on Wii are concerned, obviously depending on your own preference and taste, but these are the ones I have and like:
Need for Speed NITRO (Wii exclusive, great fun)
Grand Slam Tennis
Dead Space Extraction
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12
SSX Blur (another Wii exclusive)
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Medal of Honor Heroes 2
EA Skate It
Boom Blox
Boom Blox Bash Party
Facebreaker: K.O. Party
NASCAR Kart Racing
The Godfather - Black Hand Edition
The Sims 3
Besides Need for Speed NITRO, the other Need for Speed games (Pro Street, Undercover, Carbon, The RUN) are also actually quite decent, except for NFS Hot Pursuit, which is the ugliest of them all and is an entirely different game compared to the one on the Xbox360/PS3.
And if you have kids, or younger brothers, sisters or other relatives, then I can also recommend these:
EA Playground
EA Create
EA Boogie
Spore Hero
Monopoly Streets
And the entire range of MySims games (also Wii exclusive)
The obvious thing to do if you're unsure is to just check some let's plays or reviews on YouTube. For the Wii, I always find The Wiiviewr to be a decent channel. And Classic Game Room also has quite a few Wii reviews.
Hope that is of some help to you.
@123akis If the Wii U sold, third parties would make the games. The majority of third party titles were ported in a few months with small teams. Both COD games were ported in two months with a team of less than 40. The same went for Assassins Creed and many others.
Watchdogs was another port produced by a small team of rookies in Ubisoft Romania after the PS4/X1/PC editions launched within two months and then held until Ubisoft decided to release.
The whole underpowered thing isnt really an issue when 360 ports can be done so quickly, plus when you consider they all run straight of the disc with no installation is a monumental achievement. Not forgetting downloaded software is also deliberately penalised to ensure parity with retail disc releases...
There's literally nothing from EA I'm dying for except Sims and Sim City and those I don't want on any console. PC please. So who cares? Why do we still listen to EA? At least Ubisoft pays attention to game consoles, EA is sports and boring trashy local family games that everyone forgets in a week. Also why would anyone listen to a company who was world's worst company 3+ years in a row? Maybe not anymore but they were and it was recent enough to disregard anything they say.
On one hand, I have trouble trusting that EA would support a platform by Nintendo under any circumstances. Compare their Wii titles to those on the PS3, X360, and PSP. Also consider their treatment of the 3DS and Wii U at their launches.
That said, even Wii-level support would be very useful for the NX. FIFA, Madden, and PGA Tour did well on the Wii, and games like MySims and Need for Speed also filled out the library.
@rjejr "All of E3 is going to be "where's NX? what's coming to NX? what isn't coming to NX? when is it coming to NX? "
More likely, they'll be saying: What the heck actually IS the NX?
Oh no!!! No thinking I'm manly yet playing with men in shorts (FIFA)!!! No badly dubbed movies with minimal gameplay (Mass Effect)!! No buggy simulator games (SIMS)!!! No bond games that still aren't as good as Rare's Goldeneye from 1997!!! How will I cope?
Battlefield 1 for the NX or BUST!
Jk, I'll buy the NX.
@ThanosReXXX "More likely, they'll be saying: What the heck actually IS the NX? "
That was my Miitomo Miifoto post on Twitter last Monday, I kid you not. That's me, dressed like a Chocobo.
Edit - I hate it when I do that. And I do it all the time, but usually I catch it first.
They're scum but unfortunately Nintendo will need their support if they're to succeed.
How EA of you... I want the NX to have EA games in that, while the company is awful, some of the studios they own make awesome games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Also, their games sell well.
In EA's defense, @rjejr put it best: the NX might as well be a toaster as far as we know. (Although earlier today the Ouendan creator pretty much said the NX has a touch screen.)
Still, as Nintendo's "the reason they started to make games", they make a fair deal of games for rival consoles.
Comedy is often based on ironic juxtaposition. "Nintendo is the reason we're making games for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One" is one of the funniest unintentional jokes ever.
Really disappointing (though entirely predictable) to see some people's dismissive attitudes towards EA and the like.
Like it or not, these games are a big deal. There's no point acting all stubborn and dismissive about it. Nintendo needs these guys on board. And you know what, a lot of these games are big for a reason - they're well made and super fun!
@liveswired I really hope so too, but the signs aren't exactly pointing to it.
Also, yeah, while business is business, "if it makes sense to us" is just cold.
Haters gonna hate.
Mass effect 3 is in my top 15 on the wiiu. It would be great to get the next installment
were like you, EA. we ALL want to know what the hell the NX is!.
@AlexSora89 "Although earlier today the Ouendan creator pretty much said the NX has a touch screen."
Are you talking about the comment on NL earlier today? -
"I'd certainly love to make another version of it and hopefully it's the next platform."
I think he could just as easily be talking about the NXDS, or 4DS, whatever they call it. I'm still hoping for a $250 NX Home and a $200 NXDS portable that play the same games, but can be combined to play certain games in "enhanced" mode. NX Home in March, NXDS in Nov along w/ a game or 2 that utilize both. Admittedly I've gotten a little ahead of myself.
Oh, and thanks for the compliment. And if NX is a toaster, I hope it's at least a toaster with internet access, I still can't believe they colored the Wii Mini "Netflix" red but dropped it's internet connection.
It kind of needs EA support as parents may be more inclined to buy their kids a console where they can play games from their youth and newer titles in those franchises as well as Madden, FIFA and Battlefield when the kids are in bed.
I would rather play the Nintendo games from my youth that the latter but each to their own.
I'll say - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call added button commands, but the fact the creator of a touch-heavy game series is ready to take it to NX can't be ignored. It might actually be a way to tell us something.
I really liked SSX Blur on the Wii. It's probably like Star Fox Zero in the love it/hate it motion controls. But it clicked for me and felt rewarding.
@rjejr "That's me"
Forgets to post the actual pic...
Who cares. They know their market is with Sony/MS. Could they have a decent market with Nintendo if they cultivated it? Sure, but apparently smaller dollars are of no interest to EA.
@cleveland124 I've always enjoyed the SSX games, ever since Tricky on the GameCube.
Of course you are going to have low sales when all you offer are ports, gimped versions and nothing thats system exclusive. They set themselves up to fail. They shouldve given us Desert Strike U. B.O.B. U, etc.
@ThanosReXXX I don't mind at all. Thank you for this list of recommendations.
As for your list, I happen to already have Dead Space Extraction, Boom Blox, Boom Blox Bash Party, Facebreaker: K.O. Party, EA Boogie, and Spore Hero on my Wii games to get list. Both you and Nintenjoe64 have suggested I pick up Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and The Godfather - Black Hand Edition, so I'll definitely try and look for them. I tend to quite like 3rd party Wii exclusives, so I'll see about adding Need for Speed NITRO and SSX Blur to my list as well.
Once again, thank you for the recommendations, I appreciate them very much.
Can we just all hold up our middle fingers to EA already? Who needs 'em.
They do bring a lot to the table and people should care about 3rd party support, or at least want it.
But I'm not really gonna be upset if NX ends up like Wii U- the thought of only owning one, "all encompassing" Nintendo console has never even entered my mind. Neither has the notion of not owning a Nintendo console.
This article wasnt slow news click bait day, most of the gaming sites published same news item.
I'd be more skeptical if EA executives said something official and definitive. That's the way to cause real pain when the 180 comes.
For those trying to shoo EA away as if they offer nothing, you don't speak for a significant number of people. Are you going to argue that having a strong library of sports games and other major titles is going to somehow hurt the prospects of the NX?
If Nintendo can't widen its base beyond "Nintendo fans" who don't like third party games and haven't given up on Nintendo yet, how long do you think the company will hold up? Major losing proposition.
That said, I'm 99% sure I'll be buying NX at launch sight unseen.
@liveswired I totally get your point but if the Wii U had been more powerful, then all this extra resources, time, money and effort wouldn't be needed and therefore making it a lot easier. Also, some developers just don't want to see their game in a much weaker form.
In case EA are reading this comment section, I'll choose my words carefully.....Go F@&k yourself EA
I appeciate people like EA games and it won't hurt NX to have their games, but I won't be buying them
One of my most played Wii U games is NBA 2K13.
I'm waiting anxiously to see if 2K will support the NX
@JaxonH Well, personally, I'd also be fine with it if it is going to be a first and second party only machine again, but we all know that they can't survive like this and it won't be good for the bigger picture. More people need to understand this instead of just saying that they don't care if companies like EA aren't coming to NX.
And every now and then, EA actually does pick up some interesting games, such as Unraveled and I'm a Star Wars fan myself, so I wouldn't mind a couple of those coming to the Wii either...
@123akis The power issue was and is a front. It was never the real issue. Like @liveswired said, they could make the games with next to no trouble for the Xbox360 and PS3, so they could also have made them for the Wii U. The real issue was market share and in relation to that, return on investment.
It was simply going to be too expensive to spend time into porting and optimizing the games for the Wii U compared to the expected sales numbers. And a lot of Wii U owners were already (and rightly so) disappointed with the generally lackluster and half-baked support with games missing all kinds of components that the other platforms did have.
If Nintendo had sold 3 or 4 times the amount of Wii U's sold now, you could definitely have counted on more third party support being there, because then the financial risk would have been a hell of a whole lot less than it is now.
Which in turn means that if EA sees a profitable market in publishing games on NX, then they will do so. To them it is just a business decision, hence the non-committal statements.
NBA 2K13 came to Wii U?
Emo EA executive looks Emo
To quote Spoony: "Screw you EA, you killed Ultima!"
@JaxonH You missed that one? Here's a let's play:
They just released some crazy numbers in their financial briefing, and they really don't need Nintendo. If Nintendo makes sure the NX is easy to port to (which is very different to being easy to make ground up games for) and sells decent numbers, it will get EA's games, but they're not going to make any special efforts for Nintendo when they're selling so many games on PS4 and Xbone.
Nintendo were arrogant enough with the N64, making it so different from the competition because they thought devs would make games on their console, and then it would be too hard to port to the rivals. This isn't a rumour or a guess, Yamauchi said it several times. Nintendo seems to have done this again with the Wii U after the huge success of the Wii. What reason did they have for making it so drastically different to other machines? I don't see the benefit, but I've certainly seen the drawbacks to it.
It doesn't surprise me at all such response from EA not it would surprise of EA slips the NX all together. Since Nintendo disolved the "unprecedented partnership" they were suppose to have with Wii U, EA is out to send a statement to Nintendo. Shoot, I wouldn't be surprise if EA were hoping to see Nintendo give up the console business to claim that without their games (EA), Nintendo console run ended.
@JaxonH oh yea, I downloaded NBA 2K13 shortly after buying my Wii U.
Awesome game without any of the bugs that made me HATE NBA 2K11 ON PS3.
I'm just put out that it didn't sell well. I'm certain that's why we didn't get 2K14/5/6
Problem is, 3rd parties have their entire customer base on 2 consoles. PS and Xbox. And we've already established their market share among Nintendo fans is nearly nonexistent.
Which means- watch me here- which means that by bringing new people into the NX fold with appealing 3rd party support, these 3rd parties aren't actually gaining any new customers. All they're doing is subtracting from console X and Y, and adding to a 3rd console Z.
Which means, they're effectively taking their fanbase among 2 consoles and redistributing them among 3. Same baseline sales potential, only now they have to develop a 3rd version to obtain the same number of sales. Where's the benefit for them? And it's not that it's just a neutral thing, it's actually going to cost them, in millions.
So why should they want to split up their fanbase among a 3rd console? If it's not going to increase their bottom line, why spend all that money developing for 3 consoles to reach their fanbase when they could reach them all on just 2?
What I'm saying is, their only TRUE potential benefit is to make new fans among the Nintendo crowd, and add to the fold, rather than simply redistribute the existing fold. And Wii U was a message loud and clear to all 3rd parties- "Nintendo fans are not interested".
It's unfortunate. That's why I was encouraging everyone to support those Wii U ports when we had the chance. They were some truly excellent games that came to Wii U- Arkham City, Darksiders 2, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Sonic Racing Transformed (which was as good if not better than Mario Kart 8!! Yet still no sales!!), Rayman Legends (as good as ANY Nintendo platformer yet still no sales!).
It's a lost cause. This fanbase doesn't care about great games. Just great Nintendo games.
As a Nintendo gamer, I would have been interested in EA had EA not offered expensive and gimped ports of certain titles that were big on other consoles.
@Souldin I think the game you're talking about might be Scarface, not The Godfather.
@rjejr Unrelated to this article but Disney has quit making games, Infinity is over.
http://playeressence.com/mass-effect-andromeda-launch-pushed-early-2017/ Part of me says this cant be a mere coincidence
@123akis yeah, that's true as well. Devs just don't have the time to rise to the challenge anymore.
It is hard to interpret this answer. It all hinges on if EA know what the NX is. If they don't then obviously the thing needs to make sense for them. If porting games requires remaking the game to fit in to Nintendo's new concept, then that is a big ask for them and they are being sensible. If they do know what it is, then the fact they are so cagey could hint at the fact it is not a typical 'gamebox' and they will wait and see how well it is received.
im totally fine with no EA games.they suck anyway.i play nintendo for nintendo games.
EA is strictly in the buisness to make as much money as possible. Many of us have writen them off due to their money grabbing antics, and rightfully so. On the other hand EA not supporting the NX would likely be a sign of the Nx's success.. If there's money to be made, you bet they'll show up with open arms. If not, we'll see another Wii U scenario.
Also this article really doesn't say much at all about EAs support of the NX..
Who needs Star Wars Battlefront or whatever their newest sports game is when I can play an overpriced paper thin version of Mario Tennis?
"If it makes sense for us" What the heck does that mean?
If the NX uses the same architecture as the other two consoles, there's no excuse for a majority of the games not being on the NX, unless they're exclusives.
But, unfortunately, it seems companies like EA need to support the NX for it to be a success. I wouldn't mind their absence but Nintendo needs to in this instance. Now, I would mind Ubisoft's absence since I love Assassin's Creed and their PC ports aren't the best.
@JaxonH Okay, that is a point to consider, except as a sales & marketing professional myself (and currently the proud owner of my own sales company) I can honestly tell you that it doesn't quite work like that entirely. It has some merit, but there are so many more aspects to consider that weigh in on the situation.
First off, consider multiple console owners/buyers. If I still buy an Xbox Next/PS5 or whatever even though I have already bought an NX, then there is no loss of consumers on either of those platforms.
Also, if Nintendo truly is going to go the x86 route, and makes its console on par with or stronger than PS4/PS4.5(NEO), then there is no financial or business reason to develop exclusively for just the other two platforms.
And fans have spoken out negatively about third party games during this generation, but largely for obvious reasons, some of which I already mentioned in my previous comment. That doesn't mean that they won't buy third party games if they come with all the bells and whistles included, like they should in the first place. Also for a publisher to truly be able to gauge customer interest in these titles, they'd have to commit completely, and not like they have largely done on the Wii U. If you try to sell people a car with only three wheels and two seats while at the same time selling a complete car to other customers, then you can fully expect to be shunned, so that really wasn't anything that we couldn't have seen coming from a mile away, as I'm pretty sure you have also mentioned many times in many comments.
And finally, as a rule, and you're just going to have to trust me on this one: healthy and business savvy companies are always, always looking to expand and/or make a profit.
And if the target audience that can help to achieve that is on other platforms, then you will go there. It's the whole "build it and they will come" trope.
If Nintendo ticks all the boxes, and third parties jump in with two feet instead of with one toe, then there is a VERY realistic chance that the NX will succeed and will actually have a healthy lineup of both first and third party games.
@DBPirate If you add the word "business" in front of sense, then you will see that it's just corporate speak for saying: "if the NX is going to succeed in gaining a large enough market share, then we WILL publish games for it". They want to make money, simple as that. If the NX is going to sell as bad as the Wii U or worse, then it is potentially even going to cost them money to bring their games to it...
I no EA is important to nintendo for third party support sports games. But for me they can't be trusted,they simply make me vomit they are disgraceful with no seance of telling the truth.So EA has no honour.
@Grumblevolcano Well, they aren't going away completely: they will still continue by licensing games, so the Disney label will still pop up every now and then on whatever console we will own in the future...
Oh of course it's always more complex, but basically all I was getting it is that if convincing existing customers to simply buy those games on NX rather than PS4/X1 is the only goal, then that's really no goal at all. New customers is the name of the game, as you just said. And the majority of potential new customers on any Nintendo console is the existing fanbase.
I do agree that stripped down ports serve as a poor baseline indicator, but, not all Wii U 3rd party games were inferior. And yet the good, solid, critically acclaimed ports sold just as poorly as all the others. Kind of leaves a grim outlook. I mean, if it's really easy to port to NX so that investment required is minimal, this problem may be circumvented... to an extent.
Nintendo have more important things to do than running after EA garbage. They need to save the japanese industry that is getting kicked out of the consoles market.
'If it makes sense'....just like it made sense to release Mass Effect 3 for full price whilst every other platform got a trilogy collection? Just like it made sense to release a gimped version of FIFA based on last year's engine, and then to not support the current gen console the following year but carry on supporting the previous gen one? Just like it made sense to release a port of a racing game for full price 4 months after all of it's hype had died down and with zero marketing?
EA do not understand the meaning of the word 'sense' when it comes to releasing games on Nintendo platforms. They really need to own up to their own mistakes as to why their Wii U games didn't sell.
The only EA game I want is mass effect and in all fairness I have a ps4 for that if need be. Otherwise I couldn't care less about EA! Unfortunately a lot of people find their repetitive, rushed, dlc ridden crap fun. So yes, without them Nintendo will lose money, which obviously is a shame. The only PS4 EA game I've bothered with was star wars battlefront which I have played for approximately... 2 hours since I bought it. As beautiful as it looks uncharted 4 and ratchet and clank look better and they are actually fun lol.
@JaxonH Yeah, true. And unfortunately, even if the NX is easy to develop for, then they will first assess the initial attach rate and sales forecast before completely committing.
I personally think that the reason why many of these good ports still sold poorly is because of a lot of people either expecting them to be as bad as the other third party efforts, never bothering to look into it a bit more, and the rest of them were so angered by the pitiful third party support (I'd say unprecedented, but in a bad way) in the first place, that they simply decided to forego buying any third party titles altogether.
There's probably some more reasons as well, but to me those seem somewhat more evident. I am a Nintendo fan, but have always bought a lot of third party software, ever since the N64, and so have most people I know, so if that is any indication that Nintendo owners actually DO buy third party software, then I see no reason why that can't happen now.
I guess we'll know soon enough if all these rumors about third parties being interested or even impressed by the NX hardware are true, since I'm still expecting to hear some official announcement in the next couple of months after this year's E3.
Love that corporate non-speak.
Ever think back to when people (and publishers) were still enthusiastic about the Wii U?
A time to remember and cherish, for sure...
@The_Ninja Pfft... more like gimme Mass Effect Andromeda
There is also the point to consider that Nintendo's legal team probably THE most active, re-active, experienced and ruthless of any company in this industry and there I'll be some real NDAs plastered across everyone in contact with the NX project.
EA may prove as useless as ever, but at this point I would take a "no comment" as any sort of indication.
Once Nintendo opens the comma channel on the NX, then and only then will anyone be able to gauge the intended support by a show of what is coming in the next 12 months from March onward.
Earlier reports indicate a literal slew of software is inbound for the format in its first year, but only time will tell.
Well i, and i suspect most of us here, can live without EA and their games but... it's definitely not a good sign for the future.
EA won't ever get on board and fully support Nintendo, because they're in Microsoft's pocket. EA's tactic is to monopolise the market. Look into their history, it's their way or the high way. Only they are allowed to make sports games. They tried to ruin SEGA too.
I want Nintendo to be as successful as they want to be... which means they want EA on their system. I don't think that'll ever happen again.
I don't care for many EA games. The only ones I do like weren't originally EA games and have only been ruined since EA aquired them (Plants Vs Zombies, Mass Effect...)
I don't like EA at all tbh.
Good to hear that Nintendo has EA's support! If its a home console they are going to need their support.
Some EA games have been my favorite from the start, however, nowadays, some of those games are already "out", "forgotten", all for low sales...
Really, I can't say that EA is fully responsible, because, part of those low sales is "trend" of develop expensive games and sell below than necessary to recover the investment (and not necessary expensive games, any game that never got to necessary success); obviously I can not deny their bad decisions to make games with things we do not like (forced online, games full of bugs, sometimes exaggerated and unnecessary DLC; and I could say drastic changes from game to game, but this is more personal opinion of each person)
Really EA can be seen for many people as "the company of evil", but as mentioned, without more variety, no matter where it comes, have a console, more consumers will have; but, if we want that EA really change for good, need also we change, like consumers, show that want some good that some that is not good, but, well, "it's more easy say it that make it"
If EA joins or not, one things for certain. Bridges need to be repaired.
Again...good! Nintendo should continue to stay as far away from their trash as possible!
Typical American talking. I personally don`t need EA at all.
I bet these jerks are going to try to force Origin upon Nintendo again, so if it's refused, then EA abandons the NX just like the Wii U. I know their tactics all too well. They've been pulling this kind of crap since the Dreamcast days; to skirt anti trust laws, monopolize sports titles by punishing any 1st/2nd party attempts to compete, and imbed themselves into the platform owner's market. EA stabbed Sega in the back 16 years ago to punish them for refusing to give up the 2K Sports and Virtua Sports series of the time, which were superior to Madden, etc. EA wouldn't hesitate to stab Nintendo in the back, either.
I hope Nintendo refuses Origin again and refuses to be submissive towards EA.
Edit: Nooooo! The namesake of the B... best two handed sword is censored now!
@Captain_Gonru "Disney Infinity is done"
Holy #$%^$#@ Thanks for the update. Guy takes a nap for 1 hour...
Well I guess that's 1 game we don't have to worry about being on NX. And a lot less toys I have to buy, though I will be buying plenty now for half price.
You were just kidding about that "NX before E3" remark right? I didn't see the They can't show NX before E3 and then have only Zelda U at E3. I give Ninned a lot of gruff for being so idiotic, but even they coudlnt pull that level of ineptitude off. If they show off NX before E3 all E3 would be would be NX games. Which is what they should have done, unveil NX, well now, then NX games at E3. But only if they actually wanted to sell any NX, they must want to keep every console for themselves.
@empsolo Don't forget, EA also killed Westwood Studios, the creators of the Command and Conquer, and Red Alert series. Command and Conquer 4 is what happens when EA takes over. They devour and kill franchises.
@Grumblevolcano Oh, thanks for the shout out Grumble. I was taking a nap and missed the news. Don't know whether to be happy for my wallet or upset for my kids. Well probably for the best.
OK, the real question now is, how long until those Marvel toys to life thing goes away. I know for a fact it isn't selling, the inventory on the shelf hasn't budged.
EA=Effluent Arts.
Good or bad, my biggest fear is that Nintendo will give NX a different name that will be stupid.
@Peach64 With regards to the N64 - it was the most powerful console on the market for its generation by quite a margin however Nintendo provided restricted access to the systems power - even 2nd party Rare were given the same treatment along with no or lack of documentation - in order to gain access and tap into its hardware developers had to write custom bespoke microcode which they had to do by themselves. On top of this Nintendo charged high licensing fees, extra charges for games released on other systems, limited production runs, limits on number of games made, no leeway in manufacturing runs, price fixing...I could continue.
Needless to say they fell out with prominent CD manufacturers and gave Square, Capcom and the rest of their old guard the two fingers by shifting to Cartridge, ignoring their pleas.
If Nintendo went CD the outlook for N64 in terms of support would've been alot better, no doubt sales may have doubled, prices would be lower, plus the number of superior ports would have increased 10 fold.
But, all being said, I'm still glad with the instant loading carts. My Saturn and PS1 regularly take over 2minutes to load a game, not including level loads throughout and low quality FMV which the games are loaded with are no longer cool.
@JaxonH I don't care what 3rd party games the NX gets as long as its something good, and compelling. I gotta say I do get tired of all the Nintendo's IP, variety is the spice of life after all, but Nintendo usually puts an abnormally high amount of polish that keeps me coming back again and again.
When 3rd Parties match that same work ethic I'm on board, I believe we've had a similar conversation before, yes not all ports were bad, but some were just down right lazy. Understandably the console was hard code for most of the people to be bothered with it.
Side note: I do have to say that the 3DS saved Nintendo for me this generation having some very awesome high quality games to take on the go. And that backlog....oh lord the backlog.
Can you blame EA, though? As much as Nintendo has screwed up and continued doing so, I don't blame EA or any other studio/publisher for their ambivalence toward Nintendo and being cautious about throwing full support behind anything Nintendo-branded. All the fanboys and fangirls panning this guy aren't thinking logically and if I were him, I would've stated the same thing. None of us hate Nintendo - especially not me. But acting as if Nintendo hasn't trashed their own name in the past decade and some is just lying to yourself and why should third-parties have faith in Nintendo when they've consistently proven they're out of touch and don't learn from past mistakes? Hopefully, new management under Kimishima (who seems like he means business) the NX will be a success and start rebuilding Nintendo's name. Regardless of what the NX ends up being, I don't think it'll fail per se. Now, if its an excellent change for Nintendo or ends up being more of the same crap from them is a different topic but I don't think it will be a total failure. That being said, I believe EA will probably hop on at some point down the road.
@JaxonH Sonic Racing is awesome, not as polished as Mario Kart 8 but the tracks are as good, plus the challenges and progression are significantly better, handling is perfect too.
Racing online has been too much of a chore for me as I rarely get a match. Also gamepad mirroring is operating at a much lower resolution which was obviously a mistake in the settings by Sumo was never patched.
This is what you get when you make under-powered consoles with gimmicky controllers. Don't get me wrong, I loved both the Wii and the Wii U and both controllers but you would be blind to not see how difficult it would be to port 3rd party games from the more powerful, normally controller based consoles to Nintendo's crazy under-powered console.
Ever since the N64 Nintendo has always made empty promises about third party support before they launch a console and never deliver on those promises... Before launching the Wii U they even went so far as to claim they had an "unprecedented partnership" with EA which was proven to be a blatant lie
@c1pher_c0mplet Fave comment in this section
me: hey Nintendo. can you tell me what the starter okrmo0n of Pokémon sun and moon are? Nintendo: sure.
me: hey Nintendo. can you tell me what the nx looks like?
Nintendo: NO!!!
Are you going to put current, equal games on nintendo nx? That is the only question I want answered.
@DualWielding Ehm... no, it was actually John Riccitiello, who was the VP of EA back in 2011 who used that phrase and made that promise, not Nintendo themselves. Let's not falsify history, shall we?
Here's an article about that, and underneath it a link to the actual speech in which he says it, if the article isn't enough proof for you.
What happened next behind the scenes at EA was both a change of the guard (Riccitiello got the boot) and a change of policy, and a push from EA to persuade/force Nintendo to use Origin as their online platform of choice in exchange for EA's games.
Nintendo refused because they wanted to use their own online platform and not be dependent on EA, but in the meantime during these talks, they had already received quite a bit of assistance from EA with setting up their own online environment, and that combined with Nintendo's refusal to further that collaboration by using Origin is what soured their relationship.
Titles already in development and/or all but finished were still released, but after that, they pulled the plug on the Wii U. And the rest is history...
I'm not fond of EA, but better we have them inside the tent spitting out than outside spitting in eh.
EA is a business, not a charity. I don't blame the cautiousness one iota.
@Nintenjoe64 on the other hand, most new Sony/MS systems aren't really innovative so...leaks aren't as big a deal. The PS4K leak was probably not good for sales (as it will give reservations to anyone thinking of buying a PS4 from now until that releases), but is not the innovation like Wii, WiiU gamepad, DS, etc. If those innovations get leaked early, could steal Nintendo's thunder or (if it's a really great idea) it could have competitors try to copy-cat Nintendo and steal the initial sales (i.e. PS3 motion)
I haven't bought an EA game since Road Rash...they ruined James Bond back in the GameCube days...they virtually tried to extort Nintendo during the release of wiiu with the whole eshop thing...they ditched the NCAA!!...out of the big generic video games inc., they are the least missed. Ubisoft seems to at least try with their games and have released some incredible games over the years.
"Also uses the usual "we're huge fans of Nintendo" line"
Yeah, everyone is fan. But nobody supports them. I wished some developers would be a bit honest about Nintendo for once. I mean, even the ones who left (Rareware, for example) are still extremely polite.
I may sound very negative, but I wished the developers would hang the dirty wash out for once. Just to make Nintendo wake-up!!
Honestly, wtf cares about EA anymore nowadays? They went from the biggest producer of games in the industry to the most hated producer of the crappiest games of the industry. Plus, their platform (Origin) is by far the worst gaming platform that exists.
I also don't get why Activision would be important. They went from one of the biggest and most beloved producer of video games to the producer CoD games (that are released way too frequently and all look and feel the same) and that's it. They've got nothing else mentionworthy. No one cares for or even knows about Acitivison except CoD-players.
Ubisoft on the other hand would be important, I agree on that. Plus Microsoft, Valve, Capcom, Square Enix, Bandai Namco, Platinum games, WB games, Disney and tons of indies.
You call Ubisoft important, but the once great company has also fallen and only makes Asscreeds nowadays!
And I will buy their games.............. If it makes sense
Maybe I'm part of the problem with regards to EA on Nintendo but I can't remember the last time I bought an EA game.
Since The upcoming Zelda for Wii U runs on NX, we can assume that NX has a display on the controller like Wii U.
Knowing Nintendo, they won't use the same controller for the new console. So we can assume that the new controller will either be a portable unit or something else.
If it is a portable unit, then the game cartridge needs to run on it. Which means the CPU/GPU is built into the controller, wirelessly streamed to a home console that connects to the TV.
But a portable unit can't run a game like the New Zelda, which means there has to be additional processing unit on the home console.
If it requires a home console to run Zelda then the portable unit is not so portable?
The only way to solve this is streaming through Wifi?
This deduction is not going anywhere. I need to play more Prof Layton and Phoenix Wright games.
@Captain_Gonru "And now you're doing it, too."
Doing what, leaving off I really don't know, and I went back and reread my earlier posts.
Yes, ok, Nintneodo could show off NX before E3, but the chances are slim and none, and slim has left the building. They want everyone focused on Zelda U at E3. Who is going to pay any attention to a Wii U game if there are trailers for NX games being shown? Zelda U would be an afterthought, not the star, and they obviously want it to be the star.
Why they are making the stupid decision to focus on a game on an old dead and buried system rather than a new system and new games at E3 I don't know, I really can't begin to understand it, but if that's what they are going to do, NX is going to wait. Probably announce it on Labor Day Monday when everybody is at the beach. First Splatfest was the 4th of July.
I'd like NX news sooner, like last E3 maybe, or last week anyway, or the week before right after the financial report, all of this waiting is driving me nuts, but they seem determined to hold off as long as they can. They must all be thinking about baseball stats in their heads.
There honestly is less than a handful of EA games that I would even consider buying, so I'm not too concerned if they don't jump on board. I do however know what it means if they don't, and I hope Nintendo is ready for that.
@DeltaPeng prior to Wii U I think people stealing their ideas was probably a massive problem but I think MS and Sony wouldn't risk copying anything Nintendo did this gen because they'd expect it to flop
@Souldin mohh2 was only good for its control customisation and 32 player online
@Megumi_Sagano I did the same. EA just makes me sick. So annoying.
That truly is an unprecedented relationship
EA and Ubisoft are the worst of the bunch. Anyone missing those companies doesnt know gaming.
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