The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD is the first of what Nintendo hopes will be a few key releases for Wii U in the next few months. The remaster of the previously successful Wii launch title (which also landed late on GameCube), it's also responsible for kickstarting the year's 30th Anniversary celebrations for its franchise.
Pleasingly the UK charts bring positive sales results, with the Tantalus Media-developed port grabbing second place in the all-format chart behind Far Cry Primal, but actually taking the lead and seizing first place in the single-format results. That's particularly impressive in light of the relatively small Wii U userbase in the UK.
It was a decent week for Pokemon, too. Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon continues its steady drop down the all-format chart from 15th to 22nd, but that's still a slower decline than various other major 3DS releases in recent times. There are also chart returns for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, with the latter entering the all-format charts in 32nd and the former in 37th place. Those results mean that Pokemon titles account for the top three in the 3DS-only chart.
Finally, as the random entry of the week - presumably helped by promotions - we have Just Dance 2016 for the last-gen Wii breaking back into the single-format top 40 in 35th place.
An excellent result in the end for Twilight Princess HD. Were you one of the Wii U owners to jump in with a launch weekend purchase of the remaster?
[source chart-track.co.uk]
Comments 34
Go TP! It would have been worrying if this had sold poorly, especially considering how popular the original was.
I think Nintendo and Aonuma need to seriously reconsider their aversion to developing 'realistic' Zelda games. It clearly sells.
The first number 1 Wii U release of the year! Hopefully one of many to grab top 5 places at least. To compensate for the lack of blockbusters like Splatoon and Mario Kart 8, Nintendo need there key releases in 2016 to do well.
Look Nintendo, HD remasters of GameCube games sell! Now please the Paper Mario fans by creating TTYD HD.
I have reached the boss in the Goron Mines. Everyone with a Wii U should buy this game....
Currently playing it (again) and enjoy the heck of it. Next up, Metroid Prime Trilogy HD Remaster pretty please!
Has any other Wii U game topped the chart before? Surely MK8 did so.
Wind Waker HD did the same when it launched.
Its clear UK customers will buy Nintendo games when they launch. what makes it interesting is that at high street retail your basically restricted to GAME with its poor stock and over pricing.
Now give us Super Mario Sunshine HD, please!
@NewAdvent I agree mostly. however I played through the first one exclusively on the Gamepad and it was glorious but when I switched up to the TV for the 2nd one it was... not glorious. Totally playable and still good looking
This must be the 1st Wii U title 1st in the singles chart.
@abe_hikura how did you play through Metroid Prime exclusively on the GamePad? I thought wiimote + nunchuck were required? Or do you mean that you used the wiimote + nunchuck on an upright standing GamePad? If Metroid Prime Trilogy had gyro controls or even right stick aiming to play on the GamePad, I would buy it again... Alas I don't think this is the case. Can you confirm?
@NintndoNik used Wiimote + Nunchuck on standing game pad, to my knowledge its the only supported control scheme
Positive Nintendo news from the UK is a rare thing,so this is pleasing to read.Maybe that's why we have seen so little of Zelda U,they didn't want to steal the spotlight from TP.
@Grumblevolcano Agreed. Add Sunshine and Eternal Darkness to that.
I got the game on the Wii as a gift last July? Is it a waste of money to rebuy it?
If only they would release the GC and Wii Fire Emblem games in HD.
@OorWullie I think that's exactly the reason we haven't seen anything! Hopefully there will be a direct towards the end of April that will end with another teaser trailer for Zelda U! Then a full reveal with a title at E3
Heh, I don't know why I'm surprised it did well, I just am. Either way, I've been enjoying since 03/03, I'm just retrieving the last 9 miiverse stamps and doing the cave of shadows.
Maybe people already know this, but it was news to me: for those in the US, Amazon is currently offering 20% off the game/amiibo bundle for Prime account holders.
@Sligeach MK8 launched in the same week as Watch_Dogs, so was always going to struggle to top that, particularly as the Wii U install base was significantly lower then than it is now.
I got twilight princess on launch day and gotta say the ammibo is very sexy
Happy to see that it's doing well in the UK
I thought it would do well, but I didn't think it would hit #1. Congrats, Nintendo!
It must have done well in the US too because every store I went to in my local area was sold out except for Target which had 2 in stock.
I've 100%'d TP on Gamecube. No amount of rupees could make me return to that meh experience.
@amiiboacid It all depends on how you want to play it. Do you want to waggle the controller around to attack for 40 hours or press a button? Plus the update in visuals is worth the price alone. However the Wii version is certainly playable and other then controls and visuals you will still get the full experience.
@TheLastLugia True. And the exact opposite was the case last week. It's a pretty quiet scene at the moment.
Well, this is what people want - Zelda games where you can explore a large world. In fact, this is basically the reason I still buy Nintendo.
As a business Nintendo missed a trick here. Hope they learn on the NX.
Re-release all your Wii and Wii U games on the NX. It's easy money.
You only have a small fanbase but they are loyal. Milk them. It's not nasty, it's business. Sell them the same damn game 10 times if you have too.
Get those share prices up.
@Grumblevolcano or Super Mario Sunshine, or F-Zero GX or Eternal Darkness, or WaveRace Bluestorm....
@Hotfusion Are you kidding? They've been doing that for the last 2 years, and it's working now. What do you think amiibo, and to a lesser extent, the n3DS faceplates were for? The badge arcade? Starting SNES VC on n3DS over, again?
Hell, Iwata even mentioned this exact thing in the investor's meeting last year. They didn't miss that trick, they just went about it stealthily.
I am talking strictly about Wii U RETAIL releases. That's the money I am talking about. Not anything else.
I pre-ordered this when I was able to and got it for a real bargain! that included soundtrack and amiibo. I havn't had the chance to play it yet but I'm looking forward to do so.
Twilight Princess is better than Skyward Sword. It still is a bit expensive for being one single remaster, but the lack of Wii U software and the solid experience of playing Twilight Princess are doing their job.
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