Star Fox Zero is just about a month away from release as of now, and naturally there's plenty of buzz being drummed up around the newest entry in this classic franchise. Though we never got the transformable Arwing amiibo that Miyamoto wanted to make, it was revealed earlier that the game will be compatible with the Super Smash Bros. Fox amiibo, which will allow players to fly a much more retro looking Arwing. Now, in a recent livestream, it's been shown what the Falco amiibo will do in game.
AbdallahSmash026 recently played through nearly the first hour of Star Fox Zero, and he was the one to show what the Falco amiibo could do. Scanning it in will see players flying a black Arwing, which will allow you to lock on and target two enemies instead of one, but the downside is that the black Arwing will take three times as much damage. There's certainly an interesting tradeoff to be made here, now let's see the kind of scores that players can achieve with that extra lock on.
What do you think? Will you be picking up Star Fox Zero? Do you like the idea of the black Arwing? Sahre your thoughts in the comments below.
[source, via]
Comments 81
Lame... I was hoping for something cooler from the Falco amiibo...
It would have been awesome if it could unlock the original Star Fox SNES game!...hey, I can dream can't I?
It's a little amiibo function that doesn't take away content from the game, so it's good in my book.
Now I need a Falco amiibo! Not really because I need the feature, but because I want it!
the old risk and reward eh, sounds fun i need to pick up the fox and falco amiibo soon then.
I would love to see a black Arwing. I hope we can get a Star Fox series amiibo. However, I wish amiibos can provide more than just unlockable content.
oh here's hoping that corrin's amiibo unlocks a dragon. charizard unlcoks a charizard. maybe bayonetta unlocks fortitudo. bring 'em all in!!!
Locking the retro Arwing behind the the Fox amiibo,I was fine with,it doesn't effect gameplay and is just a neat little extra.This one does change the gameplay though,by quite a lot.Unless there's an option for us to do something similar without needing the amiibo,I'll be annoyed at this!
Interesting and reminds me of Ganondorf Amiibo on Twilight Princess HD but I was hoping my friends idea of Falco unlocking the N64 Arwing and N64 Level Music would be true since that would have fit with what Fox unlocked.
You can see the black livery Arwing in the video:
Looks cool, to be honest. But I've already said this in the forums; I think amiibo functionality is underutilized. Fox and Falco were already a step in the right direction. Why not include more amiibo support? Various (in fact, all of them) amiibo would provide themed liveries as well as various benefits and upgrades. And that could be extended to online play so each player has his or her own unique Arwing, just like Splatoon or Mario Kart. Such a missed opportunity.
Anyway, I'm still hyped for the game. Launch day hopes!
This is a cancer. A premium cheat code sold for over $10 (price varies according to stock limit). Why the f* are we supporting this kind of thing?
Great, and Falco is a best Buy exclusive in NA. I've been looking for him since December and haven't seen a darn thing. If they want to put this kind of expletive in their games, Nintendo really needs to get on top of this stock business. I'm getting real tired of the hunt, and I already gave up months ago of finding a wild Rosalina, and I refuse to support the scalpers who are charging twice as much for an opened box.
I found a Fox amiibo the other day, been looking for one since he first came out.
I've seen a lot of Falcos for a while now, but I refused to get him until I got a Fox one. Now I can't find the Falco one...
I'll gladly take this over the BS that every single other game company on earth is doing. Locking entire parts of the game behind paid DLC. Look at Street Fighter V. It's an incomplete game sold at full price, with premium content to be released later at full DLC prices. Look at sports games, all of the FPS games. Maps, weapons, campaigns. All locked behind full-priced DLC.
At least you get a cool little plastic statue to keep.
It's not like this is an essential part of the game anyway. It's basically a bonus challenge mode.
Kamukaze mode
@Gold_Ranger That wasn't smart at all. When it comes to amiibo you need to grab them the moment you see them, not wait because...reasons
I like this; it's a big enough change that it isn't necessarily trivial, but it's not significant enough that it'll make those who don't have the amiibo feel like they're missing out on a ton. This is how amiibo should be implemented.
I grabbed Falco a few months ago just in case this happened. I am so psyched for this game.
Black arwing is cool and all, but still not getting the game at full price and definitely not wasting money on an on-disc DLC statue that I'll just forget about days later.
EDIT: Also, isn't this just an Arwing with Wolfen (Assault ver.) colors?
I'd rather it turn the arwing into bread!
I can't believe they gave so little to Falco fans.
This is a big insult to them and their Amiibos.
I wonder how big this will blow up on social media and forums...
Apparently other sources and NeoGaf are reporting you can unlock this arwing without the Amiibo.
Need to find a Falco amiibo...
I like the idea of using an amiibo to go into Hard Mode, but if Zero follows the same point system as 64, then you should be able to fire charged shots without locking on, and hitting multiple bogeys while doing so will result in a better hit bonus. If there are medals to be earned her, then I probably won't need the 2x Lock-On ability until after I've earned them all.
There tons of Falcos around after the last restock.
Though others are reporting the Amiibo unlocks it from the get go and you can unlock it later in the game without the Amiibo.
@Xenocity Mainly I just want to collect all the Smash Bros amiibo.
Well that must be a pricey endeavor.
Well April 22nd can't come fast enough...
I can't wait to buy Star Fox 0 at a steep discount on launch day.
Some of you people are so fickle and impossible to please.
"I hate when Nintendo locks things behind Amiibo! Over-priced DLC statues!"
"What the hell Nintendo, this Amiibo DLC isn't good enough! There should be more important features locked behind Amiibo!"
Which way do you want it??
@Xenocity What discount exactly?
He's just a troll, don't mind him.
I buy many of my games at my local Meijer, because I build up enough rewards credit via normal grocery shopping.
This month I was able to nab Pokken for $22.93 on launch day.
I'm not a troll.
Though you definitely sound like one.
If you actually use costumer rewards programs, coupons and sales, there is no reason to ever pay full price for a video game even at launch (Same goes for most other products).
I still want a Peppy and Slippy amiibo to complete my collection 😢
@Vandy Many people with consistent opposing viewpoints != one person with a continuously flip-flopping viewpoint.
Me, I'd prefer things not be locked behind obfuscated DLC.
@Vandy I don't really have a problem with how amiibo have been implemented so far.Usually they just unlock little visual extras,costumes,extra challenge modes and so on.That's fine as it doesn't interfere with the main game and leave me thinking I'm missing out on much.Twilight Princess they went a little further though and went into the main game by locking an extra hard mode behind the Ganondorf amiibo.That's going a bit too far if you ask me but I can let that one go as it's a huge adventure and there's also the Hero mode anyway.Starfox Zero is different though,it's a much shorter and focused shoot-em-up that's all about racking up combos and improving your score.It encourages you to play it over and over again.This 'Double lock,triple damage' adds a whole new way to play the main game.Having that locked behind an amiibo is not fair to those of us who don't want them.I'll wait and see before I complain more as that option might still be in there,just without the black Arwing.If so,then that's fine.
No different than extra modes and maps being $9.99 each for every game on the PS Network or XBOX store. That's not fair to those of us who don't want to pay extra, just like you would with the Amiibo.
Or when they include several maps as part of a pack. What if I just want one of the maps? Why do I have to pay extra for the others I don't want?
@Vandy While that is true,at least the option is there for me on my console to purchase them if I want to.I don't have to go online and order a plastic figure that I don't want and pay double the price to get it shipped to me.As I said,keep amiibo to the little extras they've been so far,that's fine,as long as It doesn't interfere with the main game.This is interfering with it though,it's a whole new way to play and it' seems to be locked behind a single amiibo.
Still cheaper than buying a plastic toy from an online store and and paying the shipping price too. And what if they´re sold out and won´t produce more of that specific figure?
I have Falco amiibo already as that was the last one I planned to buy (until Lucas was announced back in June last year, NOW I have everything I wanted) and this sounds like a fun little extra to unlock.
My Falco amiibo still remains locked up in his original plastic and cardboard containment room...much like all my other amiibos. The stealth arwing sounds like a cool content feature though. Why or why did Nintendo decide to put an EMI shield under each base?
@OorWullie @Luffymcduck
You do realize you can just walk into any store and purchase Falco, right? Especially since they will be reprinting all of the Starfox Amiibo for Zero's release.
Better still, you can simply order the items online with whatever else you wanted to buy already and have them shipped to you for free.
@Vandy Yes,but I live in Thailand and don't have any stores near me selling amiibo.If I want one,I have to pay more for shipping than the price of the amiibo itself.Obviously I'm a rare case,but still it's something that I'm missing out on that I should't be.
I still don't like things that are designed to change the difficulty being locked to amiibo. This seems like a feature that should have just been an additional mode in the base game.
I'm not an amiibo person at all. I gave my wolf link amiibo away without even bothering to use it. The fact this optional little bit of content is on an amiibo doesn't bother me. Who's to say this feature is not unlockable anyway when the game isn't even out yet? The amiibo might only be a shortcut to getting it.
I have falco amiibo!😄
@Vandy #26 There is a very simple solution, have meaningful amiibo support but at the same time have it unlockable ingame by doing something difficult. Here's a few examples of unlockable methods I've thought up:
. MK8 costumes - unlocks 1 after every 1000 VR so you'll have the first unlock at 2000 VR and the final unlock at 20000 VR.
. Splatoon challenges - unlocks a full set after reaching + ranks for the first time so 1 unlockable at each of C+, B+ and A+ (S+ doesn't exist so exclude S).
. Star Fox Zero Fox and Falco unlocks - unlocks the 16-bit arwing when you get half of the gold medals in the game and the black arwing by getting all the gold medals in the game.
I got the Falco amiibo at game yesterday for £4.99!
@Grumblevolcano That's the perfect solution to me
I like the idea because it doesn't spoil the gameplay for me. It's an interesting feature which might make me get the amiibo but I'm not sure yet.
Yay! A mode I'm interested in but can't play since I don't want the amiibo!
@Vandy You do realize that those aren't differing opinions, right? I don't like the fact that they lock things behind Amiibo that would have been considered a bonus reward for completing an achievement in the past. I would like something more substantial from an Amiibo before I would consider purchasing it. A new skin and difficulty change NEVER required a physical purchase in the past.
How much is it to unlock all the costumes in Mario Kart 8? Costumes! What is substantial about that?
Super Mario Galaxy allowed you to play as Luigi after beating the game as Mario. It brought a whole new challenge to the entire game due to Luigi handling differently. Now imagine having to pay extra for that bonus. Disgusting!
Imagine having to buy all the figures in the Zelda series to unlock the 2nd quest in the original Legend of Zelda. Ridiculous!
Saying I don't like the Amiibo unlocks and would like something more substantial is not two different views.
I buy the amiibos for the figure. If it unlocks something it is a bonus to me. Only bought the smash ones mind. So glad there are only 2 left.
Cool, it seems like it would be worth it (kind of) to take Falco as well as Fox out of the packaging now. It would be cool if other amiibo can be used but a well.
@dazzleshell 3 (Cloud, Corrin, Bayonetta)
@AshFoxX That seems weird. have them in stock since release and almost all the best buy stores in my state have some for pick up.
It is was better stocked than a earlier wave like Rosalina.
@Grumblevolcano I'm super down with this system. It gives the amiibo owners a nice buzz when they scan, and - BOOM! - instant reward; but at the same time, doesn't leave those who don't want to invest space and money in plastic figures feeling completely 'locked out' of parts of their games.
It's basically like Super Mario Maker (minus the 8-bit amiibo). It can be hard to unlock a specific costume unless you've got the corresponding amiibo, but it never feels impossible, and you get rewarded for trying with other costumes.
I hope what they say about the black Arwing being unlockable by other means is true!
play the game or don't, buy the amiibo or don't, just stop wasting your time whining, and be happy
In this thread, further evidence that people will whine about anything.
this is pretty cool i already have both amiibo. when are we getting peppy and slippy tho
@Grumblevolcano Ryu and Roy still haven't been released, have they?
@MarioPhD They came out the same day as Pokken Tournament (18th March).
It looks amazing!!
@RoomB31 This is a completely vacuous comment.
It's not unproductive to discuss potential uses for amiibo implementation, and though there is some amount of complaining involved, there are also some interesting suggestions such as the one @grumblevolcano put forward earlier. No, nothing we say here is likely to meaningfully influence Nintendo's decision making, but that's true of every comment on this website. It doesn't make debate a completely worthless activity among fans.
I could just as easily say, "Read the comment section or don't, write a comment or don't, just stop wasting your time whining about other people's opinions and be happy "
You're basically criticising people for using the comment section at all; at least, those who don't share your feelings. Some people have different opinions; some people phrase them churlishly and this comes across as whining; other people manage to phrase them more constructively. But please, tackle each comment individually if you disagree with it, rather than dismissing every comment that isn't 100% positive as not worth making.
Whining is irritating, but debate is meaningless if it only allows one viewpoint.
@Grumblevolcano Huh. I wasn't interested in those personally, so I didn't pay much mind. Definitely looking forward to grabbing Cloud, however!
@Maxz yet mine is the only "vacuous" comment?
You assume much to think I was at referring to anyone who comments with substantive thought.
Every time Amiibo support is announced or revealed, a frenzy of "unfair" "too much/too little" "locked content" "bs plastic figures", these comments don't debate/discuss, they whine (for lack of a better word). People are allowed to dislike something, but redundancies don't lead to change, or constructive debate.
@rushiosan Are you kidding? How is this a cheat code when it clearly comes with a huge downside (you take 3 times more damage per enemy hit)? So fed up by people ranting about nothing...
@Dr_Corndog: Couldn't agree more.
@Cherkov: Most of the games on other platforms actually charge you a lot just for a new skin. I don't get the attraction of a new skin because it doesn't do anything gameplay-wise, but I think these useless things belong to Amiibo rather than into the game itself (because I would actually be disappointed if the game would 'reward' me with such nonsense).
So this Black Arwing will be the Rosa of Star Fox Zero? (It's is being developed by PlatinumGames, so of course there would be something like this. The reference is obvious too).
Scummy SCamiibo!
I like that.
Almost every other game in existence charges you for every minor thing, including new skins. Sports games charge you $2.99 for alternate jerseys, racing games charge you $2.99 for custom paint jobs, fighting games charge you $2.99 - $5.99 per skin, etc.
Furthermore, a "new difficulty mode" is not part of the core game. If you have to buy an Amiibo to unlock it, then you have to buy the Amiibo. That's the way it is. It is absolutely no different than the games that charge you for "second campaign". Or the games that charge you to download new levels, new maps. Games that charge you to download "brutal" difficulty modes, or "one hit kill" modes. I would have gladly purchased a Luigi Amiibo if it meant unlocking his mode in Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 because they felt like brand new games.
You are coming across as someone who is so completely out of touch with the direction modern gaming is going. If you don't like it, then stick to playing the classics that give you everything you feel you're entitled to for free. But you're going to be left behind in the past. Meanwhile, I'm happy to buy an Amiibo in place of DLC because not only are they cool little statues, but they're also used in multiple games to unlock multiple things. I'd rather have that than have to take part in the "$79.99 season pass" subscription model that most other games are doing now. Where you have to pay upwards of $80 for DLC that comes out every two months for a year in order to fully experience everything the game has to offer. And that's just for one game!
Falco Amiibo will work in Starfox Zero, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros and Super Mario Maker. Just off the top of my head, that's already four games. And whenever a new Amiibo-enabled game is released, you can use the same old Amiibo you already own. I think that's pretty fair of them to do, rather than releasing a "new version" of Yoshi every time that unlocks different things.
@Vandy Dunno where you got the idea that SFV is doing that, their DLC plans are actually pretty generous. DLC characters will be patched in when they're finished and you can buy them with the in-game currency you get from doing fights. Or you can buy them with real money if you want them right away. It's very similar to the League of Legends business model.
DLC typically comes out after a game is finished. Extra map packs, characters, whatever that come out like this should be allowed to cost money unless the base game is an obvious butchered experience without it.
Most of the "generous" DLC offerings in regards to Street Fighter V was in response to the overwhelming negative reaction to their having released an unfinished game. But that's not relevant to the point in this discussion.
@Vandy lmao what
I guess I was misled by a recent article I read then that talked about providing a campaign mode at a later time as well as other new modes. All of which would be paid DLC. The article you cited IS from 8 months ago, so a lot can change in that time.
But again, we're getting off the topic of the Falco Amiibo DLC. I'm not going to talk about SFV anymore because that is the most minute of all the points I have made.
@RoomB31 I said it was a vacuous comment, not the vacuous comment.
I find a lot of the repetitive winging annoying as well; mainly because the comments often feel like a knee-jerk reactions from people with an agenda, rather than an individual response to the article in question. But people have got as much right to post, "MORE STUFF LOCKED AWAY!?" as they do to write, "Oh, cool! This is neat!".
You can engage with specific posts if you want to. For example, someone should probably tell @Sligeach that his cherished "SCamiibo" pun hasn't grown any more clever after posting it fifteen times.
But you wrote basically amounts to "Buy the game or not. Buy the amiibo or not. Just don't have an opinion, and whatever you do don't share it in the comment section".
You have some good points of course, but telling people who are displeased about something to "stop whining and be happy" is one of the most patronising and annoying statements you can make, and also defies the whole purpose of the comment section, which is to share (often varying) opinions.
Engage with those opinions if you have the inclination, but don't dismiss their right to exist.
@Maxz or it amounts to," life's too short, enjoy things you enjoy, move on, and let's talk about something of substance" I can see how it might have be taken out of context.
I don't deny anyone's post, which is why I attacked no one just the superfluous monotony.
@AshFoxX quit whinning. Not only do they have PLENTY, but if you buy it together with the game it's only $5
@Vandy You should watch yourself, son, and not go making assumptions about people you don't know. All I did was point out how your 2 examples are not opposing points of view, then backed them with examples of my own. Just because trends are changing doesn't make them changing for the better. I don't feel entitled to anything here, but I do know what I am willing to pay for, and this ain't it. Episodic content? Cool. New campaigns? Awesome. Texture changes and a "cool" statue? No thank you.
And almost every game in existence? You should learn to check your facts a little better there. I will be enjoying my old game of Bayonetta 2 and dress as Samus without buying anything else for it.
Nope not enough to make me open Fox and Falco
"You should watch yourself, son"
LOL what?
Yes, almost every game in existence. "Almost". Congratulations, you chose one game that fits into the small pool of games that exists outside of "almost".
@Vandy Almost every game in existence doesn't charge you for every little thing. Go ahead and name them all smart guy.
...and, of course, any move triggered by up+b becomes worthless.
I"m confused.
"but the downside is that the black Arwing will take three times as much damage"
What is the downside? If it can take 3 times as much damage then that means it has 3 times the health. I'm not seeing a trade off. I can lock on and fire on 2 enemies and takes 3 times the amount of damage. That sounds like a win win here.
@Rob_mc_1 You take three times MORE damage, as in, when compared to playing normally, the damage you receive when hit is tripled. You essentially only have a third of the health you would normally have.
I still wish Nintendo would offer the amiibo unlockables as DLC at a reduced price around 6 months after the game's release. I only buy amiibos the Fire Emblem, Metroid, Zelda and Kid Icarus series (+ Mega Man) and I don't really want to get Fox and Falco.
The good thing is that they only need to be scanned once so if you can somehow borrow them from a friend; which is what I plan to do.
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