Nintendo finally got around to re-releasing the very first batch of Pokémon entries on the 3DS eShop last week, with Red, Blue and Yellow arriving on in the west while Japan was also gifted Pokémon Green.
While Nintendo won't give actual sales figures, it has confirmed which of these titles has sold the most briskly, and it should come as no great shock to learn that Pokémon Yellow is the king of the hill, followed by Red and Blue, in that order.
Based on the TV series, Yellow includes content not present in Red and Blue as well as a strong focus on what has to be the most famous Pocket Monster of all. This could explain why it has become the best-selling edition on the eShop.
Over in Japan, the story is the same - Yellow is top, with Red, Blue and Green following in order.
So, which one did you buy? We asked the same question pre-release, but let us know what you actually went for by filling out the poll below.
Which version of Pokémon did you download in the end? (464 votes)
- Pokémon Red
- Pokémon Blue
- Pokémon Yellow
- All three
- Pokémon Red and Blue
- Pokémon Red and Yellow
- Pokémon Blue and Yellow
- I haven't downloaded any of them
Please login to vote in this poll.
[source gonintendo.com, via gonintendo.com]
Comments 77
Wow. That was funny I voted and it said Yellow 100%
Pokémon Yellow for me ^^.
Still it isn't that surprising for me that Pokémon Yellow is the highest selling as it is the only one with more colors and variations :+). (And some anime references).
I guess I was the first one that voted.
I almost bought yellow since I never got it as a kid. I decided to wait and replay red first.
I have not got any yet I will get yellow first then due to the color.
I got Yellow but I may pick up Blue later. After all these years, I'm still a sucker for Pokedex completion.
Since a majority of players downloaded Red and Yellow version, I decided to get Blue version since it's the least popular. As a result, this will make Meowth, Persian and Magmar rare since hardly anyone bothered getting Blue version, which they are exclusive to.
Yellow's the obvious choice as it's the only version in colour (plus Pikachu).
I chose Red as my main, but now I'm trying to catch up with Blue and Yellow. I want to play all three versions at a steady pace. I just wish that they bothered to give us the colour versions of Red and Blue.
Yellow and Blue.
I got blue and my wife got yellow. Not sure how complete we can get our pokedex without red. I need to get a wiggle on though as X is sitting in its shrink wrap and I want to get the 20th anniversary mythical pokemon.
I got blue and my wife got yellow. Not sure how complete we can get our pokedex without red. I need to get a wiggle on though as X is sitting in its shrink wrap and I want to get the 20th anniversary mythical pokemon.
@ryando lol so excited, u posted 12 times huh?
I got Pokemon Red and plan on getting Yellow too. My kids are each getting a version too so we can trade Pokemon
I got Yellow!
I bought all three. I might have to buy one of them on my girlfriends 3DS so I can trade though....
Got all three of them.
@kevfrei We've only got the Wii U browser to thank for that. It just wasn't doing anything when I hit reply. At least I'm not the only one posting the same comment more than once 😉. Anyway, Twilight Princess HD has just been delivered so I'm gonna try and put the first few hours of that behind me. Take care!
I'll get yellow, so I can get all starters without restarting my save file.
I downloaded all three the day they came out. Pokemon4Lyfe
I'm avoiding them, since it's annoying that only Japanese players can obtain Mew in them without using glitches.
All 3 because I love Pokemon!!
Red because it was my first
Pokemon Yellow. I will eventually get Red and Blue with the New 3DS bundle very soon, and then I can catch em all!
I bought all three.
I got Blue because it's the only one of the three I don't have physically
I haven't picked up any of these as I still have both Blue and Yellow. I may pick up Yellow eventually should its save fail.
I had blue so I planned on only getting yellow and maybe red along with it... then that pokémon themed n3DS was announced so I have all three versions. probably still only gonna play y & r
Haven't gotten one yet but it will be yellow as thats the only one I have not played
I originally was going to get Red & Yellow. But I got the Special 3DS Nintendo Pokemon 20 edition that came with Red & Blue versions and bought Yellow because it has extras and Jessie, James & Meowth!
I would buy Yellow, but I have it for the GB, so I bought Red instead.
You people are crazy. Your opinions are wrong.
Blue, but I'm still gonna get the other two.
I've got a Pokemon club at my college and every single one of the members are getting only Pokemon yellow, strictly for the color. I actually am playing through blue and I actually like the black and gray because it gives off the feeling of playing on a gameboy pocket.
I still have working pokemon Red and Yellow versions so all that was left that I needed was pokemon Blue.
Red myself here. I was not interested at all in Pokemon back in the 90's unlike my friends, so I missed out on the beginning. Almost got Yellow (almost wish I did) but got Red to really start at the beginning.
I got Yellow. Pika!
@TheRavingTimes and pinsir, ninetales and vulpix!
I'm still debating whether or not I'm going to bother getting one. If I do, it will be Red, same as what I had when I was younger.
Blue and yellow
Have yet to get any but I plan on Red first!
Perhaps I'll give Yellow a try. I've already played so much through Red and I own FireRed and LeafGreen as well, so Yellow is really the only version that might still be of some value due to its unique features and altered boss rosters. I find the 10 euro price tag a little too high for a game I have played in various forms already. It really depends on wether there ends up being some serious benefit to sending your Pokémon from these versions to Sun and Moon. If it's just about adding certain Pokémon to the Pokédex I can rely perfectly on X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire.
Yellow. The color is a no-brainer.
I wish they would have put the SGB color in Blue and Red (and all other VC games that originally supported SGB), but since that didn't happen, I picked up Yellow instead of what I originally desired, Blue.
It only makes sense, since anyone who prefers Red or Blue can just get FireRed or LeafGreen instead (as long as they have something that plays GBA games).
@Calllack Those can be found in Yellow. Those other ones are completely exclusive to Blue among the Western first generation games.
I started with my first. Pokemon Blue.
I may get yellow or even red later on though.
@BulbasaurusRex ooh
None. I would have preferred FRLG but that can't happen. I still would like to see Kanto reimagined in the style of XY and ORAS.
I voted Yellow. Unless you are dedicated to playing the same version you played as a kid, or you are set on getting all 150 on your own, there isn't much of a reason to play the others considering Yellow gets all of the starters.
If it had been in color, my Dad would have gone with Blue. My nephew liked the idea of Pikachu following him. And I bought Yellow since it isn't included in the New 3DS bundle I plan to buy.
So yeah. Three copies of Yellow here.
I got all three, but I'm starting with Blue because it was the first game I ever owned!
Mew glitch works flawlessly on all versions. I got two Mew and a bunch of Pokémon that aren't available in my Yellow version outside trading. 12 hours of playthrough so far.
I WOULD have gotten Yellow as well, but I was planning on playing this with two other people. And said people both already got Yellow and Red (one each), so I was pretty much 'stuck' getting Blue. Not that that's a bad thing! Blue was the first one I ever played (with Yellow being the first I personally owned, though), and frankly I don't really prefer one over the other with these.
Haven't downloaded any but if a big discount or maybe extra support (stadium, dodrio mode etc) comes I'll get blue as that's the one I bought 20 years ago.
Oops I accidentally said I got Yellow instead of Red facepalm
I picked Red version. Very happy with it! Its fun to explore Kanto again.
I think the new red and blue systems are way prettier the yellow one so if I was getting a bundle I'd probably choose the red one, but I can totally get why people are choosing Pokemon Yellow the game over the other options.
I had Yellow and Red as a kid, so I obviously went with Blue, although at some point, if there is a discount, I may pick Yellow up as well.
On a side note, I believe it would be very wise of Nintendo to
re-remake these original 3 for the next handheld, whatever it ends up being. I can definitely tell you that I would buy it day one.
I liked Fire Red and Leaf Green, but I still feel that they just aren't as fun as the originals. Although I strongly believe Heart Gold and Soul Silver are much better than their respective originals.
on my new 3ds got all 3.
on my pikachu 3ds xl only got yellow so far, might DL red or blue on it in the future... or not...
I got Yellow which is what I had originally, mostly due to getting all 3 starters and having the anime following theme, anyone else forget how tough these games are lol, and man inventory management isn't fun. And I wish I could swap move slots . Hard to realize how much stuff is streamlined until you play the old ones again.
I got Red/Blue/Yellow on my UK 3DS and Green/Blue/Yellow on my JPN one
What's the point in getting anything other than Yellow, unless you really want Meowth/Persian, Koffing/Weezing, or Ekans/Arbok? (Only Persian is really good, so Blue/Yellow it is. )
As for me, I'll instead be revisiting Pokémon 1st gen mods like the Brown version. Kaizo Blue looks a little too daunting for me, so I just watched someone else do a Nuzlocke run of it. (One of the toughest challenges by far in the entire series.) It might also be about time to dust off the N64, replace a few coin batteries, and play through Pokémon Stadium 1 & 2 again.
@crimsontadpoles I'm pretty sure I've told you this before, but you're wrong. You can only get Mew in Red and Blue through the glitch. Japanese players get a code for Mew, yes, but that's for XY/ORAS.
@TheRavingTimes Meowth! That's right!
@BlatantlyHeroic It took me quite a bit of searching to find, but there is an event to get Mew on the Virtual Console games in Japan: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2016/02/160205_gm01.html
Ok, it's actually much trickier to get it than I initially thought. Judging by Google translate, I think someone would need to buy a special edition of a Pokemon 2DS Console, do something with their username, visit a shop, follow some exact steps on their console and do some trading in the cable club.
The more I read of it, the more trickier it sounds. The glitch is much simpler than this event, and doesn't require buying a new console. Since the event sounds quite horrific, I'm going to stop sulking that we didn't get it here, and possibly buy one of the Virtual Console games in the future.
@crimsontadpoles Huh, interesting. I wouldn't want to go through that. It definitely is easier just to hack Mew, and Sun and Moon would still count it as legit anyway so, glitching it sounds like the way to go, and is honestly a fun way to go about it because then you're actually creating your own "event" adventure of sorts.
I got yellow. When I got my GBA years ago, I found Blue at a used video game store very inexpensive. I never got in Pokémon before, but I was hooked when I started playing Blue. I was excited when I heard these games were coming out for the VC. I've been playing Yellow every night since it was released. My wife asked me what game I was playing, because of how much I've been playing. I sheepishly answered Pokémon...
Didn't get any and don't really think I will bother to get them, maybe if it goes on sale if that ever happens, of course it costs a few extra dollars here then it does in MURICA.
I got Red, as it was my first. But I'll get Yellow at some point. Just not immediately.
Wait, so Pokemon Red sold better than Pokemon Blue in Japan? Red and Green were far inferior to Blue in Japan.
Just like 16 years ago, I went with Pokemon Blue. My girlfriend picked up Pokemon Red, so we can't really complain!
I bought yellow for obvious reasons but I may get red as well.
I need as many Body Slam and Reflect tms taught to gen 1 as much as possible.
@ryando That's pretty much inversed for my sister and me: I go with Yellow (my first Game Boy was the bundle), and her, Blue, though when it comes to X, her copy is lost...prolly by me.
But as for Japan's numbers, I'd almost expect J-Blue to beat out J-Red, seeing as it's their "third version", prior to the "Pocket Monsters Pikachu" DX version.
I chose the Yellow version because I wanted all three starters plus Pikachu. I still have the original cartridge under my bed but the battery is dead so saving is impossible.
Got all three, too hard for me to choose just one of them.
Good too see I'm not the only one
I always pick the least popular game of a duo and saw Yellow as a different enough game to warrant me buying it. My brother has red, so I can start a Living Dex
Just got Red today. Wasn't going to at first since I have all of the original 151 in Omega Ruby, but since I never actually played the originals I figured why not? I'm enjoying it so far, it's quite charming.
It was a really hard decision for me, but I went with Pokemon red because I wanted to feel like some sort of veteran.
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