Well, we finally have a date for the launch of Miitomo and the My Nintendo loyalty programme in the West, and Nintendo has been good to its word and hit its target for a March release. It's been confirmed that the app and the Club Nintendo replacement will land in the US and 'several other countries' on 31st March.
The full list of countries for the Miitomo release is UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, U.S and Canada.
As for My Nintendo, it'll arrive 'in the afternoon' of 31st March in the following countries - UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Italy, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Malta, Greece, Sweden, Estonia, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, U.S, Canada, Mexico and Brazil.
Many have been following both with interest already following their launches in Japan earlier this month, though at the time of writing Nintendo hasn't yet unveiled the My Nintendo rewards for the West. We did break down the My Nintendo economy as it is in Japan, however, and it'll be interesting to see how it varies in the West. We've also spent plenty of time with Miitomo, though look forward to trying out the formally launched Western version.
It's also worth noting that users can still setup a Nintendo account and pre-register for Miitomo in order to get a My Nintendo bonus, though this needs to be done before 31st March. Head to the official site to do this, and we've also shared a guide on the process.
Are you excited about the upcoming arrival of My Nintendo and Miitomo? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 102
Can we have Flipnote Studio now please? u_u
It will be interesting to see how the western launch will compare with the Japan. Will it get more then a million downloads out of curiosity alone or will it get a handful of us for the rewards points and that's it.
I'll try it out.
@Captain_Gonru Well there ya go.
I won't even be able to use Miitomo. I checked their FAQ and it says "iPhone 4 is not supported."
How crazy is that? XD It says iOS 7 is supported but every iPhone after 4 has the latest iOS, makes no sense to support an old one.
I'm not overly excited but I'm definitely going to download and keep it in my phone. Nice to see Finland included, thanks! (Edit. Um, actually it's not included in the app list. Not sure how this goes then)
i will be downloading this app just to try it.
I had a feeling it would be released on my Birthday!
@Peace-Boy Yep, that's... odd, maybe they also think about the guys who don't want to update and have an iPhone 4S/5... honestly iPhone 4 isn't that powerful hardware-wise so I understand this decision from an hardware point of view. I have an iPhone 4 so I will happily skip this app (but sadly pretty much all the other apps from Nintendo at this point, unless they release a Pokemon Shuffle-like game...)
@Moon "Users who sign up for a Nintendo Account before the end of April will also be able to download Flipnote Studio 3D to their Nintendo 3DS system for free."
Wow, the Serbs really have it tough when it comes to Nintendo stuff. Even Greece, a glorified German puppet state, is getting Miitomo!
Why don't they launch this in the Philippines, though? It's perfect for all the gossipers here. While there are doubts that they are monetizable, they will use the application.
Just preregistered! Thanks for reminding me!
When I went to preregister for miitoto and put in my nnid it comes up as already preregistered.
Yey bought a android tablet especially for it
@Mister_Wu Pokémon Shuffle isn't compatible with the iPhone 4?
That's actually really surprising, considering how the 3DS - which has a much less powerful chipset - can handle the game.
@TheWPCTraveler It is, and that's what I wanted to say: if they make an app like Pokémon Shuffle, I will be able to play it on the iPhone 4, otherwise I will be left out!
@Wouwter We gotta wait another month?! Grrr...
@BarryDunne lol >_>
@Peace-Boy Oh no! What about 4S?
@TheWPCTraveler Yeah. It's really boring that we're always neglected here in SRB.
Cool, it's good that it's finally arriving here. Hopefully they'll get it out to other countries before too long.
I'll give Miitomo a try, but I doubt I'll use it very much unless I become addicted to the platinum coins.
woohoo! hopefully not ip locked for the 'several other regions'.
Finally, been itchin' to link My Nintendo to Miitomo. Had a feelin' it would be this Thursday.
Why isn't this game released for 3DS? Not everyone has a smartphone.
@Mister_Wu Do you seriously believe Miitomo will need powerful hardware to run on? These are Miis we're talking about here! :/
It's probably Apple's policy or something, to make people buy a later model.
@Moon 4S is different to 4, clearly. 4S also has the latest iOS version.
Besides, They don't mention 4S, so it probably does work.
@Moon No, no. You just have to register before the end of April.
"To claim the download, users must link their new Nintendo Account to the Nintendo Network ID they use on their Nintendo 3DS family system, then use the download option on the Flipnote Studio 3D gamepage on the official Nintendo website between March 31st and April 30th."
@Captain_Gonru "A quick straw poll of my Facebook friends"
Yeah, but how many of your FB friends are teenage girls? Wait, better not answer that. All my female FB friends and I have spent the last 3 days discussing hanging out in the 80's, you should ask your FB friends KIDS if they know about this, they're the market, not us old man.
Though this being Nintneod, they probbaly don't know about Miitomo either. As I've said from the beginning, this is preaching to the choir. Unless you are already a big Ntinedo fan you probably don't know what a Mii is. You certainly don't know what Tomogotchi Life is. They should have at least called it "Nintendo Mii's" and populated the place w/ Miis of Mario, DK, Samus, Starfox, et al and then your Mii could join them.
This could catch on in the west, but only after Ntineod makes it's presence felt on mobile w/ some real games, this is putting the cart before the horse. But maybe Nitneod knows this hence the silent roll-out? Yeah, Ill give them credit for not wasting money promoting this loser. Maybe for once they do know what they are doing.
My Nintendo in Sweden on day one? Cool, and surprising.
@Nintendian This isn't made for 3DS, it's basically a watered down Tomodachi Life which IS on the 3DS, so get that...
@Nintendian Considering it's using Tomodachi Life as it's base, there's no real reason for it, also the whole point of it is mobile, so...
@Wouwter Thanks dude.
March, but only just
@rjejr I'd argue that there are well over 100million people who do know what a "mii" is.
Also again, much like the Wii, Nintendo isn't focusing on a specific crowd, granted those who know about it now are people who follow Nintendo, and it will be interesting to see how Nintendo breaks from the core to promote this.
Most mobile games/apps don't have a lot of marketing $ (some weird ones have tons), but by word of mouth & getting it onto the charts, that usually sells itself. We'll have to wait and see, but so far it's working very well in Japan.
Im looking forward to this!
@Moon FlipNote Studio 3D will be made available at the launch of the service or afterwards. I contacted NoE earlier this month and that's what I was told.
@roz061 hey. ..its my birthday too on 31st ☺
@Sakura yeah they are cutting it pretty close. it says afternoon of the 31st so they might just go with the country in the world whose time zone hits afternoon last and then release it at 5:59pm there on the 59th second.
Portugal is included greeeeaaaaaaat. All aboard the hype train =)
@KTT Different tastes. I personally adore Tomodachi Life.
I'll try it for the account points, but I'm expecting to be underwhelmed.
@BaffleBlend Well, I like it too.
@Peace-Boy Haha, looks like my now ancient 3GS definitely won't be supported then
Maybe it will be a surprise hit, but without the rewards program launching with it, would even the diehards be interested.
Where's Asia?
Also, can I get the game if I'm not anywhere around those places?
@Nego Thanks for that. I hear it's actually available from the 31st (two days away) up until the end of April. You have to claim your download on the Flipnote page on Ninty's official website.
Anyone got it early? I do, but ill reinstall it after it comes out? Not good if you don't have any friends on it. If you do have it early and want to play follow me on twitter tiffrogers1234
@Moon No prob Bob.
@Moon For me it's pretty pointless anyway with all the communication features removed.
This seems to have some of an Everybody Votes feel to it. I'm looking forward to it.
Sigh, no support for Amazon Fire systems. Oh well, I can always download the .apk files for my Fire tablet. I don't feel like playing Miitomo on my phone for some reason...
@Socar Depends on where you are, for me it's in the east.
@Jamotello Haha, could be. Nintendo usually updates the eshop at about 2PMish, so I'd guess that that's probably about the time My Nintendo will activate, but Nintendo does like to both surprise and baffle so anything is possible. I wonder if any servers will get overloaded during the launch. Hope they have that covered.
Glad to see that Finland is part of My Nintendo. It's not surprising since they said before how they want to bring it to wider audience. I missed so many cool things because there were no Club Nintendo for Finland.
I'll finally be able to buy Hyrule Warriors Legends and a few VC games I've been holding off on getting...
And yeah, no Windows Phone support. Not that it's surprising...
@manu0 Saves me from buying Art Academy or something. I just want to doodle sometimes...
Thursdayton is almost here! I can't sleep. Hype train is dragging me along.
I am interested in downloading miitomo but I am looking forward to My Nintendo even more. I held off on downloading Hyrule Warriors Legends and Pokken Tournament (even when I had a chance to price match the physical copy for $40 in store) just to take advantage of the Gold Coins.
@RoomB31 So may points I disagree w/ you on, not sure I have time to cover them all, but here goes.
1. Yes, apps do advertise. Watch any tv channel for 3 hours and I can almost guarantee you will see more commercials for apps than for proper Nintnedo games. The well endowed blonde (Clash of Clans maybe?) and Arnold Schwanegger for some app war game.
2. Yes, everybody knows what Mii's are, they are that old fad from the Wii days, like chia pets and pet rocks, oh so adorable in their time, but their time is long passed. If Miis were "must have" 100m Wii sales would not have dropped 88% to 12m Wii U Sales. It's as if Sony's first mobile game would have been "PS Home" instead of Knack. Not that Knack was good, but at least they tried.
3. Working in Japan is different from working in the West. Very different culture and smaller more homogeneous market to start.
4. If they really want it to spread, hopefully they gave PewDiePie a copy. This vid is 12 minutes long but it's worth a watch.
I'll be sure to try it out!
Aw, I just realized something: I bought and downloaded Shantae: Risky's Revenge yesterday... should've waited a little longer so I could get points for it on my Nintendo Account! XD Oh well...
@Moon Ah! Thanks for that! I had no idea how we were supposed to get the app.
Finally. Maybe I'll download more of those SNES games after it launches.
The 31st can't come fast enough!
@Peace-Boy Welcome to the not supported party.
Finally,I'll check it out
@rjejr good good, a healthy discussion,
I said "most" mobile games/apps don't but some do (and the ones that do have huge budgets). Also I haven't had cable since 2004 so...
So you don't think Mii's are popular because the Wii U didn't sell?
Mii's are also on 3DS, and I believe that people still use their Wii's, it might not be at the forefront, but it's doubtful they are forgotten as you so believe.
Clearly Japan and the West have differences, but that doesn't mean Japanese-like things are lost to people in the west. I was merely stating a fact that it has done well, and that's a good start.
If pewdiepie wants it, he can download it for free like everyone else.
I've been waiting to make all my digital purchases until this hits so I can earn those gold coins!
Glad this will be coming before the end of the Sega 3D Classics sale.
Anyone know what the minimum Andriod OS is to run Miitomo? I think mine might be a bit dated to download this from the Playstore.
Wait, didn't Nintendo effectively shut down operations in Brazil because they didn't want to manufacture their consoles in the country? I know there are still Nintendo fans there and the above happened a while ago so things could have changed since.
@Seacliff https://miitomo.com/en-gb/faq/
Here's the FAQ, everyone.
"This application is supported on Android 4.1 or newer.
Note: Some devices may not be supported."
Just as I thought. Excited, otherwise
@RoomB31 "If pewdiepie wants it, he can download it for free like everyone else."
I think you summed up Nitneod's problem right there, Wii and DS sold so well they think peopel will just rush to anything they put out so that they don't need to make an effort. But in a world of 24/7 news and social media you have to make an effort, thing do NOT sell themselves, you have to market, nobody is going to do it for you.
Oh, and I think there is some kind of beef/riff between PDP and Nintnedo, and I'm not sure what it is, but I don't think he'll be promoting any of their stuff. Though I could be wrong, I only know about this stuff b/c my kids tell me. I'm old, I just quadrupled my number of cable channels from about 50 to 200. Lets go Mets.
@rjejr I agree, I guess my point is that Nintendo doesn't have to give him a copy because it's a freemium app, and I doubt the guy behind flappy bird supplied a copy to PDP (again because the game is/was free. I like the idea of PDP, but the bigger you get the more bs you become, when you take on sponsors and promote things, instead of doing your own thing, it just loses its meaning (even if he does both).
The riff I think is because Nintendo's stance and crackdown on IP use on youtube especially.
@rjejr Actually, most mobile games get popular due to word of mouth, not from advertising on TV. They DO sell themselves. Angry Birds, Temple Run, Flappy Bird, Candy Crush, Words with Friends, etc. all got extremely popular via word of mouth. The mobile market is a fad based market.
Perhaps Nintendo Life can do an article on what Phone and Tab models will run Miitomo, for those of us not very up to date with phones and whatnot?
@IceClimbers "The mobile market is a fad based market."
Yes, but how do you promote "Miitomo" thru word of mouth? It's practically indescribable. "Mario Run", "Kirby Jump", "Yoshi Eat", those I can see spreading like wildfire via word of mouth. But Miitomo is hard just to get out of a mouth, much less spread.
Ever play the telephone game?
Friend 1 - "Hey go try out Miitomo"
Friend 2 - "Hey try out "Miya Moto"
Friend 3 - "Hey try out Moto Miimii"
Still 50/50 on Miitomo but looking forward too My Nintendo tho.
Typical Nintendo. Always waiting until the last second to release their games. I bet Zelda U will be released December 31st, XXXX!
Well at least I now know when I will finally be able to give it a try! They sure did wait until the last possible day though!
I'll see you in Miitomo-land.
Will be interested to see if lots of people are still using this by April 30. I mean how many social media apps does one person need in their life?
@rjejr That's true. Social media should help here.
@XCWarrior I imagine a lot of people asked the same question when Snapchat first launched.
Unfortunately, I have to miss out on Miitomo for the time being. As for the Nintendo Account, I've already registered, but don't know how much use I'll get out of the service if it's still tied to digital-only.
@IceClimbers People using Snapchat probably stopped using something. A year ago I remember people talking about Pinteerest... that one seems more quiet now.
I use Facebook and Twitter. and if I didn't have to use Facebook for work, I probably wouldn't use it either.
@Seacliff I don`t know what version of Android you are using. If Nintendo have used their brains properly (sighhh), I should think it will work on devices running KitKat or later.
@akaDv8R Miitomo seems to run on 4.1 or later (I think that's Ice Cream Sandwich), which I think it's fair, but it doesn't seem like mine will run it.
To be fair, what I use is barely an android. I used a rooted Kindle Fire 5th gen... so I think it's an equivalent to roughly Android 2 or something, never bothered to compare.
Impossible for me to pre-register for Miitomo since I live in Sweden and we will get the My Nintendo on March 31st EARLIEST. Why Nintendo? Why?
@roz061 @Toadsfriend .. HappMii Birthday!..
Cfgk24 LIKES Miitomo!
Cool, pretty soon I can start buying stuff from the eShop again. Basically only bought a few things that went on sale over the last year, waiting for the new rewards program to go live. Miitomo looks like rubbish though: won't even play it for the rewards.
Since I live in Kuwait ... And Nintendo never cared about Middle East ... I don't think sells are great here at all comparing to ps4 and Xbox ... They are kinda dead but there is few hard core fanboys here lol including me ... Is it okay to download it and use proxy to run it out ? Help please ... Thanks
In all honesty I think Miitomo looks dull and cynical and the new My Nintendo system seems like a mess.
Pokemon GO however I'm interested in.
So I'm trying to link my Norwegian 3DS NNID but it says the following:
"This Nintendo Network ID cannot currently
be used due to its country setting."
Even though Miitomo isn't planned for Norway, it should still allow registration for My Nintendo Account. Would be grateful if someone could assist me. Thank you.
Wow I guess this was going to be delayed but they fixed a couple of things just in time so try could release it in March which is why the release sticker is back up on the website, hopefully they didn't add a language filter! Still I'm glad friends can add friends of friends should mean once a few of us add each other here it will be a lot easier for us all to add each other and claim those rewards!
@MMSK786 Don't do it! Wait until the official release. Just play with miitomo for now, maybe add your Twitter or Facebook, but please don't link your NNID until the region stuff is officially OK.
@XCWarrior Last year I think I used Meerkat for 2 weeks and Periscope for a week. Might have been the other way around.
If Nintendo wants this to have legs it needs to be set up as a dating app. Put up some mock profiles for Samus and Cereza and see who can get lucky.
@rjejr I've heard of Periscope, never heard of the animal you tried for a couple of weeks, lol.
No way Nintendo will make it a dating app. Do you remember why we lost Swapnote? My guess is Japanese people are already somehow using it to meet up for underage "wrongdoing," but Nintendo hasn't caught wind of it yet.
Yeah I will be able to buy stuff again as apparently morons make a lot of big decisions at Nintendo. Why give retro purchase points for digital purchases between the closure of club nintendo and opening of MyNintendo on a system that already ties to your game console which then can be easily linked to a My Nintendo account? That would make sense, screw that!
Better late the ever🤔
@toxibunny Erm... why? I mean I can't even register in the first place (though I could use Miitomo through an apk on my Android), I'm just concerned if I could be considered eligible for the programmes/rewards that My Nintendo offers.
@MMSK786 I'm not exactly sure, but there was something in the Nintendo Account terms&conditions where if you link something and then unlink it, or link something and then delete something, it might delete all your eshop purchase records. It's got me paranoid so I'm not linking any NNIDs or Nintendo Account whatnots until the regions are confirmed, official and legit! And I recommend you do the same...
Why only few countries. Just release it everywhere
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