Bandai Namco's free to play Wii U eShop offering Lost Reavers - once upon a time known as Project Treasure - is coming to the west this year, it has been confirmed.
An open beta for the game will launch on April 14th, with the full release happening on April 28th. These release dates apply for both North America and Europe.
The title is based around online play, with teams of players working through hostile environments packed with undead monsters to achieve objectives and find loot.
A new trailer - shown below - has also been released.
Comments 34
Games looks pretty meh like a worse verison of borderlands! Still I believe this is the first official game to have a "beta" on Wii U Splatoon almost did but it wasn't called a beta!
I'm curious about the game, so I'll definitely give it a try when it's beta releases.
The concept and overall look of the game seem pretty fun, but as to whether it'll appeal to me when I get around to playing it, that I'm unsure of. I shall remain optimistic though, and look forward to trying this game out, and hopefully enjoying it a great deal.
I'm very unsure about this. It might be very fun, or it might be boring. Rim up for trying the open beta.
I'll bite on this one too.
@Yorumi I'm watching this again now with my kid, and yeah, it's a slideshow.
Still, free means we'll try it, could be fun.
i'm sold. count me in. i never thought i'd play, let alone enjoy a multiplayer co-op game with no single player until i played splatoon. this might justh ave the same magic.
Looks good, definitely for a free to play. Depending on how big the game is, I'll download it and try it, but I don't have a hdd so if it's big, it will unfortunately be a pass.
I thought it looks good. Why do people dislike it?
This trailer left me skeptical. That combat looks stiff and a bit iffy in my opinion. Free to start makes me even more skeptical. It's probably essentially a demo until you pay money. I'd rather just pay outright and be done with it.
Also @DoctorOverbuilder, I gotta say this game looks nothing like Borderlands to me. Where are you seeing similarities?
Not sure what to make if the game seeing as it is free to play and all that. Need to know how the game will be affected by adopting this model.
I'll give it a try even though it's rushed and extremely low budget, but Black Desert is sucking up all my time for the forseeable future.
Not sure how well made this is, but considering the lack of anything PSO-related on Wii U, this looks amazing.
I didn't like borderlands (mostly the humor and art design). But I love the idea of playing 4 player co-op with friends so I'm looking forward to this.
Can't beat $Free.99!!! The game DOES look very outdated and choppy BUT that's not to say the game can't be fun....i think it has a very cool concept. Really wouldn't hurt to give it a try!!!
Looks alright, I will give it a shot. It's free, so I can't go wrong with that.
It's free, I'll try it out with my friends.
This will be a Pay to win game, like many of the mobile games.
If you want to enjoy the game or get anywhere you'll have to pump £,€,$ into it. Let me guess a chest of gold will cost £79.99!
I'm suspicious of any 'Free to play' as you get nothing for free in this world.
@DrDingus It's the 4 player co-op and treasure hunting that does it for me
@Laxeybobby I don't know about that. I just checked and I put 377 hours into Pokemon Shuffle and only spent 1$. That was by choice and I certainly didn't need to.
"Beta" sound like the wrong word with the release so close and estabilished, if anything it will be a beta for the servers (and being an online focused game exclusive for Wii U, they could have called it "Lost Reavers Global TestFire" XP).
Anyway I'll surely give it a try, if I'll play it more than once will depend on how good the game is and how the F2P concept is involved.
Looks ok despite the frame rate. Loot based games can be very addictive and it is a good welcome to WiiU.
Really gotta admit that I hope they put some work into this game to make it more worth playing. More modes or things to do in the game. Like everyone is mentioning too. The frame rate is pretty ehh.
I don't understand this modern obsession with framerates. It might just be me but I honestly never notice these things unless it's cripplingly obvious. Are people just mentioning it to sound like they know what they're talking about? This game looks like a lot of fun though
This game has NO VOICE CHAT and was the main flaw in the Japanese release, you can't get social and go on an adventure without chat. The text options just don't cut it!
Very poor reviews in Japan and very low Ai spawn rate and population. Watch the videos online and the game is just boring! Add chat and half the problems are solved!
@Yorumi @rjejr Might also be the fact that it's running through YouTube, who are still notoriously bad at displaying some videos as they were intended. Could be embedding issues, buffering, servers etc.
Which is why choose to download videos first before I watch them. So I downloaded the video, put it on a USB stick and ran it on my big TV and it really looks just fine, other than the character animation being somewhat wooden, but I don't think the overall frame rate is a slide show. So either it's YouTube or you guys are being really harsh on this trailer...
@Yorumi @TheRealThanos "being somewhat wooden"
Might have been a combination of the 2. Even 60fps is going to look like a slideshow w/ movement like this.
@Yorumi @rjejr I know you guys aren't THAT critical, but like some people have already noted, there is a LOT of focus on frame rate nowadays, to the point of it being more important than what games are supposed to be about. I'd say if you have the opportunity to do the same as I did, put the video on a USB stick and watch it on the TV, maybe your only niggle will then be the wooden character animation and the frame rate will indeed not seem so bad after all.
I've just watched it again to be sure and I truly can't see anything resembling a slide show.
@Yorumi Let me put it this way: I hope you would agree with me that if we let this focus on frame rate get out of hand, it will make enjoying almost ANY game come to a full stop, because there are so many games (also on Xbox One and PS4) with these issues, and then we would also have to make up our minds again about older games on older systems, because for the frame rate lovers, most of these will then be COMPLETELY unplayable. Say goodbye to retro gaming or taking a trip down memory lane...
So that is what I'm saying: what's more important? Gameplay and story or frame rate? It's almost the same as with games "needing" to have super HD graphics for some people: I wholeheartedly agree that it DEFINITELY adds to the experience, but it isn't the most important thing, that is the game itself.
Then again: what are we talking about if you weren't all that interested in this game in the first place...
This probably isn't a framerate problem, but online lag. It's running online only, with multiple players around the world after all.
@Yorumi To that I can only agree.
Frame rate does matter. I couldn't play Ocarina of Time until the 3DS version came out because the N64 version is so choppy. And it's not promising that the best footage they had of this game was running like that.
Its still free to play right? I'll try it, but not the beta. I don't want any crashing!
This game looks fun, and that is what matters to me. Also being free and all.
Is there still an Egyptian theme? Footage I just seen had a modern grimy industrial look fighting zombies. Much prefer the original brighter colourful temple style. Seen enough grim post apocalypse settings. Guess I've got to play some demo's then delete to make some space and download it.
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