After all of the rumours and speculation, the brief reveal of Pokémon Sun and Moon for 3DS prompted plenty of excited chatter among fans. Though The Pokémon Company gave a five minute video presentation all we saw of the new games was some logos and artwork, with enthusiasts deconstructing brief snippets that appeared.
The game itself wasn't shown, but it seems that the wait may be coming to an end. Series director Junichi Masuda, battle director Shigeki Morimoto and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire game director Shigeru Ohmori are scheduled to appear in the 3rd April broadcast of official show 'Gathering at the Pokémon House' in Japan, and they'll be discussing the new games. Based on past history with appearances like this it's anticipated there'll be some game footage, but it could nevertheless be very brief. It's also entirely possible that a trailer with the footage could be shared online through YouTube etc around that time.
We'll see whether that transpires, and whether the show can even be viewed outside of Japan. In the meantime the videos below show some of the craziness that happens on the show on a weekly basis.
Comments 53
Are we getting this week's downloads today?
I hope the art style is different from XY/ORAS... there's nothing wrong with them but those games look identical. Give us something new!
Hopefully they optimise it for New 3DS, too. Give us some camera controls, or at least a stable framerate and some 3D!
That second commercial only reminds me that Digimon is better.
I'm having flashbacks of sitting up until early morning through sushi adverts and a weird hide and seek game for that tiny snippet from ORAS of Groudon and Kyogre using their abilities.
@GLA Tomorrow as today is a bank holiday.
Oh joy, this show again. Time for more creepy stuff like with before the very short ORAS snippet.
Didn't they promise something similar with ORAS, then just show us Groudon and Kyogre?
EDIT: It seems that they did.
It would have been much better if game footage was shown in the previous Pokemon Direct. I would much rather hear the new information from an English language Direct than reading fan translations of a Japanese program.
I'll definitely be looking forward to this.
I'm not expecting any major differences between Sun and Moon and the previous 3DS instalments. I imagine they will wait for the next handheld to launch before introducing a new engine and new gameplay mechanics etc.
I'm glad that CoroCoro doesn't get to hog all the glory with their Sun and Moon reveal next month.
Will we see Pokemon amiibo cards though? We all know it's going to happen at some point.
Finally wait is that a Sunday🤔
I cannot wait. Also that people dressed as Machamp in the second video is both really funny and also horrifying.
lots of japanese game news but not a peep of north american my nintendo or miitomo.
Thank God I have this to look forward to. With pokemon go crapping all over pokemon basics like catching and battling. It's nice to know the main installments are still around
I am OVER THE MOON for Pokémon Moon. (Pun Alert)
I will still enjoy Pokémon Sun just as much however.
Hopefully it's something more impressive than the brief Groudon/Kyogre footage from last time, but I won't hold my breath.
@Jamotello They already said it was coming this month, so both should be released in the following days. They aren't going to keep repeating it every single day.
"I told you"; the first details, gameplay will come from a official source, well, in this case, by key people of Game Freak!
Well, now, to wait this April 3.
Hoping the footage is more similar to the X and Y trailer than that short ORAS clip of Groudon and Kyogre.
Will there be a live stream on NL? I kind of doubt it, as it looks unlikely that an 'official' live stream will exist, but in that case, is there anywhere we can find a... less official live stream?
Hoping for gameplay and starters, expecting nothing lol
I just hope it will be worth buying, unlike ORAS. Also, I would love some special features like in Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Like Pokemon waling behind you, and two regions!
@MrGawain It mosy likely won't actually
@Clownshoes Why are you complaining, you have zero clue as to what they're gonna show so stop complaining.
And yet Zelda Wii U is basically just a folktale at this point.
Can't wait to see 10 seconds of the game.
Wasn't expecting this so soon, maybe they'll have a lot more to show us by the time E3 comes and I'm hoping Nintendo are going to smash E3 this year.
I choose the moon version! Don't know why but its the one I'll get.
If it's anything like the first oras footage then don't except very much.
@Maxz There is always a way. I doubt Nlife will post to such streams though. I always find a popular search engine is quite good for finding stuff.
@Megumi I know, right? A clip of an average day time elapsed making it look like it only happened in 10 begins with the sun rising, and then ends with the moon in the night sky! What more could you ask for?
@NotAUsernameHere ...Wat? lol
"Gathering at the Pokemon House" is a thing of surreal beauty.
@Churchy "What happens in The Pokemon House, stays in The Pokemon House"
...Except for all the parts we broadcast on TV.
@Maxz I'd certainly prefer it over Big Brother any day.
Pokémon Praise the Sun Edition [T]/
Been kind of consistently disappointed with 3DS Pokémons though, so I'll wait and see if it is actually worth it.
@Megumi I don't know either! But still, why have a fake trailer when you have 10 SECONDS of fake footage!
Real talk tho, most likely not gonna even bother if viewable outside of Japan because it'll most likely just be 10 seconds of footage again along with some insane commercials and the show itself. I really hope I'm wrong, but sadly that's how it looks, going by past events.
@3dsgeek333 I knew I didn't dream that!
More than likely we'll get info on the starters as well as some new pokemon.
Needs post game content, something like the Battle Frontier or B2W2 Black City/White Forest.
XY and ORAS were disappointing with the scam the Battle Maison is.
@DrkBndr they're running low of them 'following days'.
Really looking forward to this, New mons, New world to explore!
@Gridatttack why is the battle maison a scam?
@InfernapeKing97 Which would be already HUGE since we don't know anything about the mascots.
@Interneto Yeah I know.
@adamatsu it's designed so on later battles the team the opponent has is specifically designed to counter yours. When I got the 50 battle streak thing. Halfway, I battled the same team 15 times, and it was a team designed to specifically counter mine. I would have lost if I didn't had move tutors from past gens to get more coverage in order to beat them.
IDR if the battle tower from the past gens were like this, but I didn't played them because the other facilities were more fun.
@InfernapeKing97 Then don't act as if it would be a bad thing lol
@Interneto I wasn't lol.
@Gridatttack Oh really, I only had one go on it..that is v. interesting, thank you.
@InfernapeKing97 Sure, buddy.
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