Nintendo knows how to bury bad news. Not long before the Pokémon Direct and the reveal of Pokémon Sun and Moon, it announced cuts to its estimated profits and sales. Net sales could be the lowest in 15 years for the financial year and around a third was chopped off the estimated profits. Most notably some positive numbers for Wii U - with software estimated to beat the equivalent figures from last year - were brutally offset by grisly 3DS figures.
If you missed them, below are the revised 3DS estimates for the financial year, along with the figures for last year.
Estimated hardware sales for financial year (2015 / 2016) - 6.6 million (previously 7.6 million)
Hardware sales for previous financial year (2014 / 2015) - 8.73 million
Estimated software sales for financial year (2015 / 2016) - 47 million (previously 56 million)
Software sales for previous financial year (2014 / 2015) - 62.74 million
It's worth acknowledging that the previous predictions, and even the 2014 / 2015 figures, weren't exactly great numbers. They represented a rapid decline for the family of systems, but the updated figures are even more concerning. They're still comfortably above the Wii U figures we're touting as positive (3.4 million system sales for the financial year), but it's all relative - the 3DS has been Nintendo's banker, its key hardware that has helped keep the company on the level during the Wii U's struggles.
Nintendo still likes to cite the 3DS as a long-term system, and company President Tatsumi Kimishima has talked about the young and female demographics as being vital to its future. That may be, but big moves will be needed to prevent that from being little but corporate hot air. The New 3DS - with so little support so far to make it a must-have for buyers on the fence - will likely be integral to this. Well, and the 2DS...
It's hardly soothsaying to say that Pokémon Sun and Moon will be massive for the portable this year. The moment those logos leaked a day before the Direct it was clear that Game Freak wasn't finished with the 3DS, eager to make use - perhaps for the final time - of that 3D engine that began life in Pokémon X & Y. Wording in press releases has been vague, with a sub-heading referencing a new generation and other press releases playing safe with references to a 'new adventure', but regardless of the intricacies of whether this is the start of Generation VII, it's a title that can still take the series on a big step forward. There'll no doubt be integral in-game advances to deliver the equivalent of the Mega Evolution (and more) additions in X & Y, but there are also money-spinning ways to take the series onto yet another level.
We mentioned it in our live blog while waiting for the Direct, and it's been on our mind for some time (even coming up in our E3 2015 video chat) - Pokémon amiibo cards. When the Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer range emerged it seemed a smart idea - which has proven particularly successful in Japan - but also a useful trial run. The production, marketing and distribution of the cards was an opportunity to test out the concept, to learn key lessons behind the scenes and to put processes in place.
If Pokémon amiibo cards happen the scale would be on another level, making the Animal Crossing range and its lessons invaluable. It seems like an absolute no-brainer - the Pokémon brand already has a long-established and popular base in the market with the Trading Card Game, so The Pokémon Company is more than experienced in the sector. Produce a card range integrated with the games, with the card's features encouraging trading and collecting, and you have an idea that could make the publishers richer and fans a little bit poorer (but perhaps happier).
What a Pokémon amiibo range, driven by cards, could also do is place the New 3DS front and centre. Of course, the NFC portal exists to use amiibo on older 3DS and 2DS models, but bundling Sun and Moon with the New models - promoting the integrated amiibo support in the process - could give the underutilised models a kickstart.
Of course, while Pokémon main series games practically sell themselves, hardware - especially iterations on existing systems - do not. With previous 3DS releases in the series there were bundles to promote models, in particular the budget 2DS. The New 3DS, however, quite rightly occupies the price points that were formally held by their clamshell predecessors. The sales haven't stacked up, though, and so it's only logical that a price cut will come later this year, possibly in the Fall or Holiday season. With the old models pushed to the background, it seems feasible that the New 3DS models and 2DS will be the poster-children of the portable family.
For North America, this will hopefully mean a full roll-out of the smaller models, perhaps timed with a lower price range for those and the New XL. The recent Virtual Console bundle in the region was the second special edition with the smaller iteration, but plentiful stock and standard non-bundle editions will surely roll out before the year is finished. Yes, bundles of the new Pokémon games with New XLs may also do the job, but the smaller systems could be ideal for targeting younger or less invested gamers that don't want a 2DS and separate amiibo scanner.
Of course, there'll be more to the 3DS than just Pokémon - who knows whether games like Metroid Prime: Federation Force will defy online fury to provide some success. Pokémon Sun and Moon, though, are the big ticket items on the horizon, and if the venerable Pocket Monster franchise is combined with money-spinning amiibo ideas, it could be an expensive year for fans.
The time of the 3DS as Nintendo's banker, its guaranteed success and source of 10 million hardware sales a year, is fading. It could have one last hurrah in 2016, though, before becoming a charming and inexpensive last-gen system.
Comments 87
i like to know wat type of new pokemon and legendarys are coming for sun and moon
They better do some sort of Amiibo thing for Sun & Moon. It doesn't have to be world shattering but some kind of inclusion would be nice.
I don't think Amiibo should really count to help 3ds, besides Smash Bros they haven't really done much gamewise.
@Dankykong All I hope is that they don't use it as disguised DLC like most other games that use Amiibo.
Pokemon already has cards, and if some special cards have Amiibo NFC chips in them that would be cool. What could be even cooler is that they could also be used for the Pokemon TCG, which could get a lot more people into it.
I think they're pretty much done with the 3DS. It has a great line-up in 2016, but pretty much everything is a game that came out a year or more ago in Japan and is now getting translated to make up for the fact they're not actually developing any new 3DS games. Of course there's Pokemon, but Gamefreak have shown over and over they'd rather release on older systems and give the new ones a few years to build up an install base.
The New 3DS probably didn't have much longterm thinking behind it. They knew a big chunk of people would go and rebuy the system, and they did. I doubt the had plans to make very many exclusives games on it. It was just a quick cash grab while they rode out the generation.
Pokémon Sun and Moon will probably be the last big games for 3ds if it turns out the NX is a portable as well. If it isn't then they really should drop all support for the older 3ds models and take advantage of the new 3ds power to continue the 3ds family on a more powerful path! Still hopefully Nintendo has a couple more games up their sleeve but for now I'm enjoying smash Bros until fates comes to Europe!
I can't see these things being a big boost for the 3DS. There's already 4 main series pokemon games on the 3DS as well as multiple spin-offs, so I doubt more pokemon games would sell many new consoles. Pokemon S&M will likely sell very well though.
As for Pokemon Amiibo, I cannot think of any good way to use Pokemon amiibo cards in a main series Pokemon game. It's very unlikely they'll do this, but if amiibo is required to obtain certain Pokemon, then I'd expect a large negative backlash.
@DoctorOverbuild i still think nx will be a home console while the controller could be portable but were 4 months away til e3 so its up in the air till then
The money generated from Pokemon Amiibo cards would be huge. it is a no brainer. Weather it fits the game seems irrelevant if it makes Nintendo a profit. Game Freak however is not Nintendo so they may have some say.
Even so being able to save your Pokemon to amiibo cards and then bring them into some Pokemon Stadium type game for NX seems a good fit. Train them in that game (I dont play Pokemon but I know you can train them in some way) and then move them back to the handheld version.
Either way I think that the way the game links with home console, smart phones etc will be what makes it different from X and Y. despite the narrative.
Oh come on man, this is at least the second article about the New 3DS and it's "potential". It's time to let it go. Like @Peach64 said, it was never meant to be anything more than a stopgap.
I'm probably on my own here among talk of the NX, but I think as a device the 3DS still has years in it.
To give some context I'm... ahem... an older gamer. Old enough to remember the excitement when the table top arcade Donkey Kong at the pub my parents used to take me to as a small child got replaced with Donkey Kong Jr.
I came back to Nintendo late, when my girlfriend (now wife) had a DS.
I'm not that bothered about graphics or processor power; I dropped out that race long ago. But what does matter to me is games.
Currently playing Bravely Second, 600 hours sunk in Animal Crossing - DOA blew me away after Street Fighter on the Amiga (ask your parents). I shied away from Zelda because I had a prejudice that it was 'childish' until I played Ocarina. I was very wrong. Resident Evil Revelations? 'mazin.
On a handheld. Fitting into a busy life perfectly - my Playstaion(s) gather dust but the 3DS is never far away. Because it's convenient, because the games are brilliantly immersive and different (Zero Escape). Yes, it isn' t powerful graphically or processor wise but it's about the games.
I do get why third party support isn't there, and Ninty seem to shoot themselves in the foot regularly, but the 3DS is a wonderful little box.
I just wish we had more Castlevania, more RE: revelations (a unique 3DS Tomb Raider using that game engine, anyone?) and that Nintendo were more aggressive in pushing their strengths and differences.
@Mii_duck im currently playing fire emblem fates conquest and birthright
@Tops I'm in the same boat. I've been waiting until the regular sized black New 3DS comes out in North America to jump on the 3DS bandwagon. I had a New 3DS XL for a month or so when it first came out, but it was way too heavy for the carpal tunnel in my left hand to deal with so that got returned and I've just been waiting for the smaller black one to be released since then. I'll buy it on day 1 if it's ever released on this side of the pond.
Nintendo - great games, not-so-great decisions.
President Tatsumi Kimishima has talked about the young and female demographics as being vital to its future.
Pokémon IS for children, just look at the Direct video showing very young children playing Pokemon. As for female game players; what sort of games should they be playing. Obviously not Mario, Mario Kart, Kirby, Yoshi, Chibi, Smash Bros, Tennis or Golf and God forbid if we caught a female playing Fire Emblem.
Do they need more cat, dog, pony and cooking games?
And while he is designing games for children and females what about old folk which a lot of gamers here think is over 30.
Hey, as long as Pokémon Sun and Moon aren't New 3DS exclusive, then I'll be fine and dandy. If they are, then they'll unfortunately be the first Pokémon games I've missed buying. But I doubt that will happen... right?
I think when the NX releases this holiday season (and it will) all new software will switch over to that, at least internally. Zelda NX will be the Wii U swansong, but the face of new life with the NX port.
3DS will stick around for another year or so, mainly due to 3rd party games (I'm sure Capcom will capitalize off Monster Hunter X, for example, and it may see a number of Japanese ports).
But for all intents and purposes, this is the last year for both systems. Not sure if you heard about the leak from Geno (who has been right multiple times) but he says it's a handheld/mobile unit with a wireless HDMI dongle that's seated flush with the back, and the user can pull it out and plug into any TV or device with an HDMI port. Says it uses an "evolved version of the Wii U streaming tech" to wirelessly transmit 1080p with near-zero latency. So it's a handheld and console in one (which matches up with previous leaks and rumors).
Also says it's roughly as powerful as an Xbox One (which is phenomenal for a handheld), and reportedly the easiest device developers have ever ported to, and I quote "we just compile the code and it works!".
Suddenly those Final Fantasy XV NX rumors seem much more plausible if that's true, and would also mean the birth of AAA on handheld. Surely that will be enough for most to forget the 3DS rather quickly.
***Recommend everyone read this
@JaxonH nx is not confirm to release this year thats a rumor 2017 sounds more reasonable and i doubt they release it in the same year wen they reveal it in 4 months from now around e3
It always seems (in my opinion) that pokemon usually the series that alerts the end of a life span of the portable console.
It's not confirmed, but not only does it make sense, it's been leaked at least twice now from reliable sources that it will indeed release this year. I'm inclined to believe sources that have proven right in the past, especially when it makes this much sense.
E3 to holidays is half a year. That's plenty, and just a few months notice shy of what Sony/MS gave for their consoles.
There's really no point in waiting past Nov 2016. Wii U BARELY has a lineup this year, can't imagine how horrible it would be next year if they held off on NX. It would just be time wasted without any console revenue. And they need to get that system out the door asap, because PS4/X1 already will have a 3 year head start. If they wait 4 years, people will just hold off again to see what's next from the competition.
As for amiibo as cards i think they could include one in every booster pack of the tcg to take out two birds with one stones.
@JaxonH those leaks are not even legit cause nintendo is keeping a tight lid on any details on nx till e3 or directs at that time frame
You say "not legit" yet the source has been 100% legit with past leaks. What makes you think this is any different? NX is not immune to leaks- nothing is. People talk, and with dev kits floating around, people are bound to flap their traps...
@JaxonH you know perfectly well nintendo has the lock and key to any details on the nx especially the release date
Kind of how they had "lock and key" with regard to the Pokemon Sun and Moon announcement which was leaked days before from SuperMetalDave? And how they had lock and key for Twilight Princess HD announcement? Ya. Nintendo isn't God. They do try, but this stuff is unavoidable sometimes, no matter how hard they try.
You should actually go read the article. Of course there's never any 100% guarantees with leaks, but you can't deny it's plausibility, especially given the credible source. Not only that, but that part about "it looks like 2DS and Samsung has a baby... NintendOS is extremely powerful with many modern mobile features... [Nintendo] is being extremely careful showing it for fear people will assume it's running Android"
If you recall about 6 months ago a rumor broke that Nintendo NX would run Android and "definitely wasn't competing with PS4/X1". Well, this new leak would explain that perfectly. Someone probably caught a glimpse and made the false assumption it was running Android, and also had no knowledge of its ability to wirelessly stream to a TV so assumed it wasn't competing with home consoles.
It just makes too much sense.
If it were some crazy NeoGaf rumor, that's one thing, but coming from a proven, reliable and credible source? You can't discount that. One must at least consider the possibility.
@JaxonH wen it comes to consoles they tend to keep any information on it classified till around e3 and the android rumor was never proven either and the developers that got the kits of nx alrdy said its more powerful then ps4 and xbox one
Eh, that's not what he says. He claims its closest in power to an Xbox One, at most. And I believe it. No way it's more powerful than PS4 as a compact, handheld unit that streams.
Arg... Part of me actually hopes not. It seems like Nintendo now is all Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon! It's almost embarrassing reading this website at work! (just kidding... sorta..). I never got the Pokemon thing (but i'm old, real old) so whatever.
On that note, I almost picked up that skylanders racing game for wii u today at gamestop used, it was like 23 bux... Question, do you need to toys to unlock most of it? No intest in collecting the toys, but would love an arcade racer for the WiiU that is similar to Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed, which is kinda sorta looks like? Is it a full racing game? If so, I will definitely pick it up.
@JaxonH several developers said that its was more powerful then ps4 and xbox one and who said it was a handheld that was just a rumor and reggie said its going to be a home console
@JaxonH Hey, as long as the NX can produce something more visually cohesive than the 3DS can with its ugly resolution, then I'll buy the system day one.
@Camilla I don't recall Reggie saying it's a home console, source? I've heard the rumours about more powerful than PS4 but not that.
It is a console though. And it's a handheld. [Allegedly] it is a handheld close to being on par with current gen consoles that streams HDMI wirelessly to any TV or device with an HDMI input.
So you see, it's both (which once again, makes sense given previous "hybrid" rumors)
And Geno, right now, is saying its a handheld (and console via wireless HDMI) and he is the most credible and reliable source of info we have on the machine to date.
@JaxonH the controller could be a handheld but the system it self will play discs/dont think it will be discless but still they re not that stupid to replace wii u with a handheld alone
I don't think you're listening. It's not a handheld alone. It's a handheld that streams to TV and is on par with current gen consoles. Therefore, it is a home console. And a handheld. It's both.
And yet again, recall the rumors of a "disc-less hardware" patent? Well, as a handheld it most likely will use cartridges, and it doesn't need discs for the console portion because it streams to a dongle.
You are free to believe whatever you wish. Nothing either of us says is going to change anything.
But come E3, if this does indeed prove true, do remember you heard it beforehand.
@JaxonH the only way to know wat the nx looks like and actual release date is too wait for e3 which is 4 months away but still alot of these rumors about nx releasing this year hasnt been confirm by nintendo
Right, which is why I'm still reserving all of my hype and excitement for the official confirmation.
With that said, I do personally think this is highly plausible, and if even half of those things he listed become true, this is gonna be one heck of an awesome platform!
Now, little sis, let's go find Corrin
@JaxonH agree which i try to avoid any article that as any rumors about nx till e3 rolls around to get actual information on it
@JaxonH didn't you discuss this with me and conclude that the NX is a hybrid console with the handheld component coming first a while back? Seems you've backtracked a little bit.
@Vee_Flames that sloth scene that you re avatar is based on that new movie looked hilarious
Pokemon amiibo cards would be the end of me. My wallet belongs to Nintendo at that point.
Well if anything can give the 3ds a few more years it is pokemon. Pokemon is only 20 years old but EVERYBODY has played it or heard of it. If TPC really kicks out this anniversary year this could bring back pokefever...which means more consoles (both wiiu and 3ds) being sold.
@JaxonH And people give me a hard time for hijacking threads. And I agree with all of that, whoever Geno is.
Watched the Pokémon Hoopa movie last night and those Legendary Pokémon deserve toy amiibo, not cards.
That New 3DS is too expensive though at $199. The 3DS is 4 years old, even the New one shouldn't be $169 anymore. But given that it is $169 - $10 each for the 2 games, $10 for the faceplates. That's too much for a 4 year old system and 20 year old games. It will sell, it's Pojemon, but it won't make anyone else care about the 3DS.
@seb5049 Its kind of a slippery slope imo, I can see why people don't want DLC locked behind the Amiibo. But if they do it often, and do it with them a lot, then buying one figure, will "pay" for lots of future DLC for you instead of buying bits here and there. In case I'm not clear, I mean if you put lots of DLC behind tapping a Mario amiibo over various games, then it becomes more worth it than buying it all separate. Buuuuut the problem there is that it takes time to make this happen. If that's even something they've considered. They already kind of do this, but just with little goodies, not full blown (or even half blown?) dlc.
free to play 3Ds version of the Pokémon Trading Card Game with online play + Amiibo powered Pokémon Trading Cards = money!
EDIT: The cards would unlock mon in the game but also be able to be used like "traditional" cards, perhaps even adding a level up feature in the 3DS version stored on the cards.
If there's a new 3ds feature I hope Sun and Moon will use, it would probably be better framerate. It makes battles pretty distracting when you can see obvious frame drops happen occasionally.
Indeed I have, as new information has come to light. We draw our best conclusions from the info we have at the time. But as new info is learned, we can form more accurate conclusions.
I think most of us assumed they would release separate units, so when we heard "hybrid" that's how it was interpreted.
I don't think too many of us saw this coming. I had contemplated the possibility of a single platform but I dismissed the notion because I couldn't rationalize how a handheld unit could function as a console without a separate piece of hardware.
But the wireless HDMI streaming solves that problem, and I definitely did NOT see that coming. But it's genius if you think about it. And ironically, assuming this is accurate, it means the Wii U will have proven more value in death than it ever did in life, if only for the development of the near-zero latency streaming technology.
@JaxonH The info in that link sounds promising. First time I've felt truly positive about what the NX might turn out to be. Will wait for the official info before becoming too hyped, but I've been reminded that it's only 4 months away from E3 now and surely there has to be something announced there.
If Sun And Moon don't have amiibo cards, I might think that Nintendo is moving away from the concept. Only one card with Pokken, though. Wonder if that will change.
"And people give me a hard time for hijacking threads"
Lol these are the topics people want to talk about, and should talk about, but NintendoLife refuses to report on any rumors now it seems, regardless of how reliable the sources are or whether it's proven accurate.
That previous leak was basically proven true when Nintendo announced Sun and Moon with assets named "Niji A" and "Niji B", which is the exact name of the Pokemon 20th anniversary game leaked. It translated as "Rainbow" so many assumed that would be the name, but the real leak was Niji, aka Sun and Moon. Yet still no article on it despite this overwhelming evidence, not to mention Disney Art Academy was spotted on retailer website not 24 hours later, and then confirmed.
I still haven't bought a New 3DS. If they release a standard size bundle with Sun/Moon, I'll get one of those.
I hope that if they do make Pokémon amiibo that they won't be limited to cards only. I'd enjoy nice amiibo figurines of legendary or mythical Pokémon among others.
Bring on the Pokémon products, I've got the money to burn.
I'm really worried about this amiibo card. I don't understand if it will always be available with a new copy of pokken or will it be a pre order bonus at GameStop?
@JaxonH If this does indeed turn out to be the case, that the NX is essentially a handheld that can stream to the TV, then I have to ask how will couch co-op and multiplayer work, something that Nintendo is known for in their games?
Idk, but I imagine they'll sell controllers that sync with the unit that can be used for a Player 2/3/4 just like Wii U Pro Controller is used for additional players on Wii U
@JaxonH Yeah I can see that. But there's something about the whole thing that doesn't feel right to me, should the rumour turn out to be true.
I feel for this to be achievable with a performance close to if not matching the Xbox One/PS4 then Nintendo will need to take a big hit in order to sell this at a low enough price and I can't see that happening. This tech is still too new especially in handheld form. And I worry about the battery life end up being extremely short.
@Camilla I would personally prefer it if we kept to the new 3ds unless the portable aspect of the NX truly is portable!
Yeah, Pokemon and Amiibo could sell a lot of 3DS. But I think the main reason why the 3DS isn't selling is the fact that Pokemon and Amiibo are pretty much all you can get for the 3DS... this year.
We need more games.
I mean, the crowd that likes Pokemon likely already have 3DS. Why not make Splatoon 3D, or a new IP, or ask Rockstar for Chinatown Wars 2 or something.
The lineup for this year isn't really exciting me, and I'm a die hard 3DS fan.
A fair point, but the way I see it is this.
X1 bundles (with a game) are already being sold for around $275. That includes HDMI cable, disc drive, etc.
Assuming NX is a little under an X1, heck lets even say on par with for argument's sake, how much would it cost? Well, prices have dropped significantly since the X1 release. If they can sell the whole console bundle with extra costs such as HDMI cable/disc drive for less than $300, surely NX could be manufactured for close to the same. It is smaller and more compact, but even many mobile devices are close to matching current gen console power.
There is of course the screen, but that can counter the added cost of components in X1. Even so, let's say it costs an extra $175 to manufacture than an X1, that puts costs around $400-450 tops. Sell for $399.99 and take a loss if needed.
It seems feasible
@Zoda_Fett Any copy bought in the first run of the game, regardless of preorder or retailer, will have the card. The only thing that will prevent you from getting it is if you go to a store day 1 and all their copies are already preordered
Pokémon Sun?
Pokémon Moon?
The game Mario Party 6 was based on the sun and moon.
Pokémon: amiibo Festival confirmed!
If the NX truly has an portable component to it, then prolonging the life cycle of the 3DS seems pretty strange. Hence the Holiday release of Sun/Moon seems off.
Though, maybe Nintendo gives the 3DS good price cuts and aim to make it a budget alternative to the more premium NX Handheld?
The 3DS has been a fantastic system and while it certainly is my favorite handheld ever made its time in the spotlight is definitely over. Out with the old, in with the new as they say. I hope the new Pokemon games make use of the New 3DS' improved power to let us play the games in full 3D since the previous games just weren't capable of that due to the system's power. For those playing on the old system just have it run like the previous games if they can't make it work on there too.
@JaxonH I really hope all of that turns out to be true! Almost seems like TOO good of a deal but I will remain optimistic until the curtains are pulled back on the new hardware.
I'll say this.
If it ISN'T true, Nintendo needs to hire whoever thought this stuff up... ASAP
@zool well what you said is not exactly right. I actually know more female friends owning 3DS than male friends. And all of them have Mario, Smash, and Fire Emblem. Some of them are not very good at gaming, but they learn rather quick. And some of them are actually unbeatable in Smash. Our college Smash Tournament champion was a girl last year. She's from Japan but she actually never played (or knew) Smash until she came to the US. And six weeks later she beat 150+ people and won the tournament lol. So I know what Nintendo means by saying they want to attract more female players.
I know more guys that are into home consoles and games like Fallout or CoD. 3DS somehow doesn't interest them due to the lack of FPS and 3rd party games.
@Dankykong Ugh...just no, I'm not a kid and I have neither the space nor the time or money to collect every Amiibo, plus if you lock too much $#!% behind them suddenly the average price of a game + all DLC could reach the $100's or even the $1,000's. No offense, but most of us don't poop out money like a pez dispenser.
Nintendo usually don't advertise their products enough and each time, and by each time I mean only during holiday seasons, they advertise their products, it's all about Mario, Pokemon, or Link, and sometimes Splatoon. People can get bored and think there are no other games on Nintendo devices. I personally never see a commercial about Bravely Default, Fire Emblem, Ace Attorney, or other amazing titles. If I want to get any info on the upcoming games, I have to go to Amazon or gaming websites like NintendoLife.
I mean, I go to these websites bc I'm already a Nintendo fan and I already own a Wii U and 3DS. But for someone that is a newcomer with limited sources, who will spend that much time to search something that they are not sure if they want or not?
I'm not sure I like the idea of Amiibo Cards for the next Pokemon main game. Those cards are expensive. I just wonder if there would be a push back from customers.
I wouldn't call Amiibo a boost for the 3DS, more like just Nintendo's wallet. Many people buy Amiibo because they want a high quality figurine of their favorite Nintendo character (or series) on their shelf. If it has use in their games, great, but that's not always the main reason they bought it in the first place.
If Pokemon Sun and Moon are going to use cards like Animal Crossing HHD did, then they had better use the concept in a similar manner, where the cards enable you to do something in game earlier then if you played through the game normally. Ex. being able to catch a Pokemon that is not seen in the wild until the Routes between the 5th and 6th gyms. Simply scan the card, and suddenly "a wild ____ has appeared!" though you haven't beaten the first gym yet.
I was so tempted to get those New 3DS's but tbh I have zero interest in the VC release of Red, Blue or Yellow. Main reason I haven't upgraded is my XL is the red and black model, which I am in love with, and the colors in NA for N3DS XL are bland and uninteresting. I'm also not that blown away by the 'white' system with the Pokemon faceplates.
Just release a REAL red/black N3DS/XL and let me trade up for $75 and I'll play this little game, Nintendo.
@Neko_Ichigofan See you're just assuming that it means they're going to hide all this huge exclusive stuff behind one single amiibo and you need to collect 250 of them to get what you want. That'd be a terrible way to conduct business with them. Currently they only do small things, tidbits that don't mean anything for anyone but the one tapping the Amiibo. If they do what they're doing now only in a larger form its better. You don't need to buy them all now as it is? Why would that have to change? You have a large Smash line, or Mario Party line, or a handful for Splatoon, and then you only need 1 from each series, IF THAT, because they are universal, to make what I'm saying work. You buy 1 Mario and that's all you need. Not 20. Think if you tap say Link to Hyrule Warriors, it would unlock one DLC map, then maybe if you tap it to HW Legends, it will do the same once, maybe tapping it to Smash could unlock the buyable Zelda related stages. But if you didnt have the Amiibo, you'd have to pay for each of those things separately. If it did what I'm suggesting, you'd have to be really cheap to think paying for one figure that would unlock many DLC is too expensive. It would be hard to do though, they'd make hardly any money, they don't have bottomless coffers like Disney. Amiibo are probably stuck where they are for a while in the grand scheme of things.
I really love this pokeman game
The problem for me is that why would I spend 200$ on a new 3ds when my regular 3ds is just fine. Also it doesn't help that 3ds games are quite expensive. 40-50$ for a new title is definitely a lot in my view. Maybe I have been spoiled by steam sales.
LOVE the Wii U and LOVE the N3DS, but both are criminally underutilized. Come E3...Im hoping Ninty has a good explanation for this and can blow us away with some amazing reveals.
@Dankykong Or someone like me who's dirt poor and only has like 250 square feet of living space with just two 2' x 5' closets. Not to mention the fact that my Wii U gamepad has a faulty NFC reader so I can't even use the few Amiibo that I actually own.
I know this doesn't really have anything to do with the article but I thought of something awesome. What if Pokemon sun/moon were brand new games and all that BUT as post game content you get to go back to kalos (like gold and silver with Kanto) except it's completely changed (new story, focused on zygarde etc) and is more like a sequel. In other words what if they attached a Pokemon Z to Pokemon Sun/Moon. I think this would be awesome, and I know it's not likely to happen but I would love it to
@Neko_Ichigofan LOL Im scared to admit that I think I beat you in terms of smaller living space, and I'm kinda poor too, but I've accumulated a decent amount thanks to my job with a store discount omg I don't recommend this at all. I need to go to rehab. But it's not a competition Booo faulty NFC. I'd say fix it, but it's probably an expensive fix. :/
@Dankykong Link unlocks a weapon in Hyrule Warriors (the Spinner from Twilight Princess), judging from the trailers for Legends it'll be an Adventure mode unlockable instead in Legends.
Hahahahaha! Yeah, right!
The New 3DS is a flop. Most people don't want it. Just accept it.
@mjc0961 so how do you really feel about amiibo? 😄
@RGnsd you have not read my response correctly, I am suggesting that females already play most of the games a male Nintendo fan would play and it is rather sexist to suggest that more female only games should be made.
Imagine girls playing Splatoon ...... That is a tongue in check comment. I know girls who play Splatoon.
@JaxonH I was looking for your name in today's new topic, thought you deserved some credit for it.
i wanted to get involved last night, seemed like you were taking on the entire board by yourself again, but I was in the middle of cooking Sunday family Italian dinner, I only took a peak while the water was boiling. And then for the first time ever I watched the Oscars. I'm a big Chris Rock fan, and he didn't disappoint. Then I played XCX for 3 hours, very tired today.
@mjc0961 You're an idiot that's not what I was saying at all. Way to go.
@Grumblevolcano No kidding. I meant if it tapped and unlocked more.
Totally agree with what you're saying. I fit half of the "young female" demographic, in that I'm female. But I'm old enough to get your name, so you can probably guess my age. Currently playing: Return to PopoloCrois, PSMD, AAI: Miles Edgeworth, Pokemon AS, still keeping my town together in AC:NL (970 hours in). Looking forward to: Yokai Watch, Zero Time Dilemma, Bravely Second (once I've got through Bravely Default). Love: Zelda, Professor Layton, Ghost Trick, Zero Escape, AA, Fantasy Life, even Spirit Camera, which was an interesting use of the hardware. I don't want or need more Cooking Mama or Style Boutique, tyvm - although my 6 year old daughter (who just caught her first shiny Pokemon yesterday) loves CM and would probably equally love SB.
I'm no good at racing or FPS games, so I don't play those - but I know plenty of women my age-ish who love to go hunting bad guys after a hard day in the office.
Really there are enough "young female" (ugh) franchises around on Nintendo systems already to get that demographic hooked - if indeed that's what they really want. Since I grew up with Attic Attack and, later on, stuff like Simon the Sorcerer and Beneath a Steel Sky, I can't really speak for today's 12 year olds. But I honestly doubt it's all they want.
Did that Nintendo Girls' Club that was so derided ever do anything? Does it even still exist?
Incidentally - you need to watch that Direct again. There are plenty of people shown playing Pokemon who wouldn't qualify as "kids", although none of them are as old as me.
@DizziParadise when Super Mario 64 first came out on the N64 I could never get down the Princess Slide, both my young daughters could complete it without seemingly trying. And they both used to beat me on Mario Kart and Golden Eye most of the time.
You've played a good selection of games and that's how it should be. We don't need labels.
The 3DS doesn't have that much steam left. With exception of Pokémon Sun/Moon, HW Legends, Mario & Sonic 2016, and Federation Force, the rest of the 2016 3DS lineup that we know of are localizations of Japanese games that have been released many months ago. While many of these localizations are pretty high profile (FE Fates, DQ VII + DQ VIII, Bravely 2nd etc.), they are still localizations. Nintendo has shifted the vast majority of their resources onto the NX.
If those Super Metal Dave rumors regarding the 3DS's lineup are true, then those aforementioned games, a few additional localizations, and a price cut should shift some units especially toward the holidays, but it is obvious that things are winding down. The 3DS is a great system, but it is old, aging (especially compared to a mobile device), and will be replaced soon. Hopefully, we'll be playing HD handheld games by early next year, because I'd be on board for that Day 1.
Stop trying to make the New 3DS something it's not. It's nothing more than a new iteration of essentially the same handheld gaming device. It's not going to take the world by storm and revolutionize gaming.
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