The rumour mill continues to produce fresh, and in this case bitter nuggets of potential news. If you've been kept behind by other commitments, you've nothing to fear any longer, Nintendo Life Weekly has all the biggest news from the past week, just like every week.
This week we're looking at the damning rumours surrounding poor choices to Star Fox Zero's controls, the launch of the Nintendo Selects range in North America, the brand new overhauled site which you're currently using, as well as the usual cacophony of releases and reviews.
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Comments 90
Alright, I can deal with this. I'm not so upset like Mighty Number 9, I know the wait will be worth it, just like skyward sword. I know that game got delayed once, I can't remember if it was twice, either way it was a masterpiece.Take your time Nintendo, I have plenty of games to hold me over. I just hope everyone else can handle it. We haven't had a new star fox in about 6 years(excluding 64 3D). What I really want is a remake of StarFox Adventures! That game was dope.
Oh come on
Isn't this like the second delay? Must be some development hell going down at Platinum.
The title was misleading. I thought that the article was all about the Star Fox Zero delay, which was evidenced by "rumors, Nintendo selects, and more," and I thought " why are the Nintendo selects evidence of a Star Fox Zero delay?" It's not easy to see the Nintendolife Weekly tag anymore since the redesign.
Depends on why its delayed.
If they are still improving it, take all the time you need. A good game is worth the wait.
If nothing will change and its just marketing shenanigans, your digging your own hole here.
Lets be honest, judging by many peoples first reactions, it was a really smart move to say "well, scrap the release plans, weve got work to do". What i would like is some sort of "look, thats the progress weve made so far" info.
It would both, reasure customers about the product and it would be a really clever PR move. It could be marketed as "We listened to your complaints and acted accordingly".
And after the recent Fire Emblem debacle, they really need a healthy dose of good PR. I know more people canceling their FE preorders and flatout refusing to buy the game than i know people defending and liking it.
And as much as i like Nintendo as a whole, i hope sales figures wake them up a little.
Spin. Spin. Spin. There is no delay, the game, for some reason is being held back. As is Zelda.
I don't gamble but I bet the NX has something to do with it, and soon we will get news of another cube game getting a makeover as a consolation prize.
But I am not a Starfox fan so I'm not sad.
@Einherjar I agree.
@Einherjar That's pretty much what I've been saying about Zelda U - just give us a name so we have something to look forward b/c it's your flagship Wii U title but we haven't really seen or heard about it since December 2014. I don't think saying it will support the TP HD amiibo is a huge selling point.
But alas Nintendo is Nintendo, and their marketing depth has always only ever been able to support 1 game per system at a time - SSB, Splatoon, SMM. Right now they are promoting TP HD, and after that probably Pokken Tournament, and then after that releases mid-March they'll start talking up SFZ on Treehouse, Twitter, and Nintendo Minute, whether it releases in April or May 27th as your shenanigans alluded to.
My money would be on May 27th to keep that string of last Friday in May releases alive, but I think they'll want to hit April so they can unveil NX in May ahead of E3. I have no idea when we'll hear about Zelda U again, either at E3 if it's a 2016 release or before E3 if they delay it to 2017, which I think is likely.
@Zoda_Fett good points! And I agree, Star Fox Adventures is fantastic!
@zool No...Zelda was delayed, and Starfox Zero MIGHT be delayed (not believing it just yet, since it's a rumor. Before you say that Liam is reliable, Shovel Knight in Smash. That is all.). They weren't held back for or the NX or anything. You're just making stuff up, like the whole "Starfox Zero was held back because of amiibos" thing.
@Einherjar Agreed.
@Zoda_Fett I really liked Starfox Adventures too. Played it recently though and I did notice there was lots of times where you had to go back and forth between the same old areas and did find that a bit boring. Must say the graphics (particularly the water effects and the details in Foxs' fur) still impress me now.
If the rumours are true about the controls for Star Fox Zero being the big issue then please don't mess up Nintendo. I'd much rather have normal controls rather than them forcing us to use the 'innovative' features of the gamepad - they don't impress me, I'm not sure the ever did as I use the pro controller as much as possible.
Please don't get me started on Star Fox Command!
Wow, I really love those arts on the wall- particularly the Pikmin 3 one.
Could you tell me if those art prints are custom made, or if you guys purchased them somewhere? I would really love to get ahold of that Pikmin 3 print if possible...
Star Fox Zero... Chance of ever being released.
As long as the game will be good, I'm fine with delays. After all, I have lots of games to play on my Wii U. There is also some older games I need to get.
Currently I'm waiting for Twilight Princess HD and Wii U's own Zelda, but I'm interested in Star Fox Zero too.
Hopefully they'll use the extra time to polish the graphics? Wii U hardware can do more...
I seriously think they should do a mode thing for the controls. Because from what I've seen, the way to shoot certain enemies seems exclusive to the gamepad.
So long as it comes out before the summer and the delay is to work on the game some more, I got no prob with this.
@rjejr Focusing on a single project is, all in all, not all that bad. Other than their competitors Microsoft and Sony, they need to sell games and systems.
Sony and Microsoft made systems and banks on others to carry it.
So a focused approach to get as much exposure and attention both benefits the game in question and your system, which also benefits every other game in the long run.
Then again, there is really nothing going on regarding Star Fox and Zelda. For Star Fox, is was the sad situation that it was pretty much ready but scrapped, because it wasnt all that good. With Zelda...we know next to nothing other than a short clip of a barren overworld.
No title, no estimated timeframe, not even a genre (in terms of open world adventure, inear adventure, RPG elements etc).
Letting word of mouth do your marketing has become a viable strategy. Just look at how many companys just create a few meme worthy ads and let their audience do the rest. And it works.
You cant even do that with Zelda, as everything you, as a cosnumer, would advocate, could turn out to be false. And you know how well "false expectations" sell.
If you ask me (*personal opinion) there are several flaws going on with Nintendo at the moment.
They are in an overall bad position. Not horrible, but not all that great. So, whats currently happening ?
Fire Emblem Fates draws in huge amounts of criticism, disappointment and mistrust due to its poor localisation and translation.
NoAs Social Media Manager on Twitter (@alisonrapp) further enhances that issue by slandering consumers while hiding behind a blockbot.
Hype for current flagship titles like Super Mario Maker and Splatoon are slowly running out without anything to take over the flag.
Several announced high profile titles (Zelda, Star Fox) are either delayed until further notice or are simply this, just announced without any further infos or marketing material.
NX rumors are making last minute WiiU customers uncertain as to jump on the wagon. Many even believe that the obove mentioned titles could end up being pulled and released on NX, since "it sounds like the system is out in such a short time"
To sum this all up: A lot of misinformation, silence, missing hype, no holdovers between flagships and consumer alienation.
Not a very good mixture if you ask me.
Ok, the new post formating sucks !
@Einherjar #6 Agree and you've also got the situation where FE Fates has a year long release window in Europe. Nothing's particularly looking positive for after Zelda month (TP HD and HWL)..
I hope this isn't going to be a mainstay for these weekly articles. This is the first time you have put something exclusively in them instead of it being a sum up video of the week's news. Not everyone wants to watch them vs reading about it instead!
On the subject of the delay though, I would not be surprised if it happens. From what we have been shown of the game it still needs quite a bit of polishing. xD
Let's not.
@Grumblevolcano I totally forgot about those two actually. Which probably shows how prominent and important they actually are.
TP HD is, well, another remake. Much like Wind Waker it will be mighty fine, but nothing that can keep a system afloat for more than its release window + a month or two.
As for Hyrule Warriors Legends...let me say this:
When it comes to Koeis Warriors series, im 110% biasd.
I bought a freakin Vita and PS4 for these games (and still regret it btw). But from what ive heard, the game doesnt run well.
I played the "Warriors Orochi 2" Xbox 360 port (initial PS2 game) which ran in slow motion (about 10fps). But i know that the majority of people wont take it that lightly.
If this doesnt magically improve, this thing will be labeled a failure and further enhances Nintendos "doomed" reputation.
@Einherjar Basically it works very well on New 3DS but horribly on normal 3DS. What I take from that is Koei Tecmo wanted it to be New 3DS exclusive but Nintendo forced it to be for 3DS too.
@Grumblevolcano Thats what i heard too, which also falls under "misinformation" in my book.
Basically, consumers are going to pay full price for a game that isnt optimised for the device they use.
Making it N3DS exclusive would not only get rid of this issue (game runs like sh*t, no it doesnt, yes it does) but it would also give the system another reason to exist in the first place.
@Einherjar I completely agree! Not a good mixture indeed.
To be honest, it doesn't look like we're missing much. Sure the game improved visually in the last trailer but that wasn't hard. The gameplay looks slow and simplistic. I hope the extra time helped but then you hear the development team from MK8's multiplayer is in charge of the same mode in this title, that there's issues with the control method, Miyamoto determined to find a meaningful use of the gamepad, that he helped design, before it sinks without without trace. This game is ****ed on a fundamental level. I would love nothing more than to be proved wrong but my record of predictions regarding Nintendo for the last 5 years at least is pretty much a home run. I hope they can rescue it from the fire, for everyone involved.
Platinum Games are a talented studio who should be given more time, Star Fox is a franchise on the verge of extinction and Miyamoto, yes he's a legend but he's living on past glories and has been fooling around with side projects for the past few years. Those "Project" games are muck. It's late and I've been drinking so I most likely haven't conveyed this as accurately as I'd like.
@Sligeach Nintendo seems so averse to just making a great Star Fox game like the SNES original or Star Fox 64. It's what every fan of the series wants. Nothing more, nothing less. No gimmicky controls. Amazing graphics. Smooth online multiplayer. What's so hard about that?
It's the same frustrating reasoning they use for not making F-Zero games. At least they try making new Star Fox games. But that's not saying much.
the site may have changed, but at least Alex's videos havent
@NTELLIGENTMAN Come on now, this isn't Mighty No. 9
@Einherjar Honestly, at this point both Microsoft and Nintendo are just going through the motions until their next platforms release, with Nintendo being in the actual transition period, as their platform in NX will most likely release this year.
The Xbox One most likely peaked in 2015 sales wise. I believe that we'll start to hear rumblings late next year about a next gen Xbox for release in 2018.
Just rename it Star Fox Forever, already.
Haha, yeah.
Delayed for NX launch title.
There is no "Fire Emblem debacle". There is just a tiny and very vocal minority whining about the loss of a stupid petting game that most people are glad to have gotten rid of. The overwhelming majority of Fire Emblem fans never wanted to pet their characters in the first place, and Fates is going to sell through the roof. Wait until first week sales figures come out, and you will see how much of a "debacle" this wasn't.
@IceClimbers The difference is, both Microsoft and Sony are "just" subdivisions. Should their gaming branch sink, its a colossal loss, but not the end.
For Nintendo, it is.
This is all doomsday rambling of course and something of that magnitude wont happen overnight. But weve seen it with the WiiU, they are loosing and loosing fast.
They hit a high note with the Wii and pretty much rested on their lorels. And that is the biggest issue here. They are nor learning.
They had massive backlash over their "too childish" stigma, wanted to broaden their consumer base by accepting more adult games and now...they are censoring them again.
They saw the 3DSs abyssmal launch window due to software not being ready, repeated the same issue with the WiiU.
The Wii VC went strong until they completely forgot about it, same with the 3DS and WiiU.
They heard that holdover titles like Tipping stars and co could actually cause quite some noise...never done that again.
Strictly against announcing games with uncertain release windows. Do it still and dont deliver constant info about it, wich worked wonders in the past if you look at the hype mashine that was the smash bros dojo website.
History is repeating itself and Nintendo is doing the same mistakes over and over again. I find that far more problematic than them not "stepping in others footprints"
@JasmineDragon You simply didnt get the point.
Youre right, no one really cares about that minigame in particular, what people do care about is a sub par translation and censorship in general.
Costumes were cut, content was cut, dialogue was "kiddyfied".
The problem isnt about what was altered but that it was altered in such a quantity.
@Einherjar None of that has anything to do with what I just said. All I said is that this generation is over - Sony won (well, except in handhelds). Microsoft and Nintendo are riding the rest of the generation out. Period.
As for what you said, the Wii U's abysmal launch window was NOT a repeat of the same mistake - it was a double whammy effect of the mistakes made with the 3DS's launch. They made that mistake once, and the Wii U had to suffer (and arguably sacrificed) to fix the 3DS's situation.
@IceClimbers It has to do with how they start into their respective next gens. If they tarnish their rep at the end of one cycle, starting a new one wont be all that easy. Thats the point i was trying to make, and Microsoft, as a whole, has a far better overall standing than Nintendo does.
And it was not ? Slow game releases, slow firmware updates to get it into its "intended" form. bad marketing, bad communication. It was pretty much the exact same thing.
I think what @JasmineDragon meant, and I was going to say something similar, is that the whole fire emblem thing isn't as big a deal as some people think. A small but vocal percentage is upset, but it will not really affect Nintendo as a company, or even the game's sales, in any major way. I would agree with him on that (if that's not what you meant JazmineDragon, then I apolagize).
I just want to know if they're delaying it to incorporate a game mechanic no one would care about. Sometimes Nintendo has a nack to shoehorn in something no one cares about.
@Einherjar Microsoft has a better overall standing yes, but a far better standing? No.
Nintendo home consoles are irrelevant. Microsoft's consoles are borderline irrelevant.
The way the industry is going right now, there will be a Sony home console and a Nintendo handheld.
Nintendo has to try to rebound from the corner they're in, but if that doesn't work and push comes to shove, they'll be an IP focused software company.
As for Microsoft, Xbox will most likely become a service, rather than a piece of hardware.
@Einherjar Yeah, I totally agree with your thoughts on Nintendo's position right now. I do, however, believe that people are way overreacting about FE Fates. It still looks like an awesome game, and there's no reason to not buy it if the core game is still there. There hasn't been a Nintendo Direct in a while though, so I think/hope that more Zelda U info will be released soon. But... we'll just have to see!
If the reports of an optional, "classic" thumb stick control scheme were true, then I don't see why it should be delayed unless the motion controls/cockpit view are breaking the game.
Yes, delaying the game for improved graphics, performance, or perfected multiplayer and online modes is understandable, but withholding the game for the NX would be unforgivable.
Believe it or not, I bought the Wii U for SF0 and Zelda. I'm one of the few that thinks Nintendo should continue releasing games on the Wii U to bridge the gap between it and the NX. I would never support Nintendo again if they canceled either of those in favor of an NX release. I suspect I wouldn't be the only one.
@IceClimbers Youre seeing glimpses of it right now with Microsofts "Buy a game and recieve both the Xone and PC version" campaign which is said to be their new standard.
If youre cynical, you could say they are slowly training their console audience to become PC gamers.
What i meant with their "overall standing" is, that Microsoft and Sony are more than just their gaming branches, although these are arguably one if not the most profitable.
If Microsofts consoles tank, they still have their OS and they can very well pull some exclusive contracks out of their dark regions and revive Games For Windows LIVE.
Sony could survive with their mobile branches, music, movies and their general hardware department.
Nintendo on the other hand lives and dies with their gaming equipment, they dont have a mother company on their backs. So in a sense, its far more important for them to make and keep customers.
@LegendOfPokemon What ive seen from the translation so far hasnt been all that great to be honest.
People are already comparing the writing style to 4kids...and thats pretty bad.
The thing about "overreacting"...sure, what happened here is, in and of itself, not a huge deal.
But its one in a series of recent censorship cases.
Capcom censored Street Fighter, Xenoblade X was censored, DoA Xtreme3 didnt even reach the west. And all because of "potential, maybe, sorta sexism...i guess" cases.
People arent rallying against stuff like that, because they want their "Pixels in Bikinis" back, but because they feel like they are being treated like children with insecurity issues.
@Einherjar Agreed there. I think Nintendo's increased focus on their IPs - amiibo, the DeNA mobile deal, the Universal theme park deal, more merchandising deals, possible movies and anime, etc. is them trying to reignite interest in their IP in an attempt to rebound out of the corner they're in with their dedicated hardware, but at the same time make enough profit that if they need to quit making hardware, they can more comfortably make that transition.
@IceClimbers And i sure hope that all works out for them. So far, we havent seen a lot from these new ideas.
But at least they seem to have noticed that they are missing a life line somewhere.
@LegendOfPokemon This is what i mean about the overall translation. These are just a few screencaps i stumbled upon:
@Of_Folsense No, you pretty much got it. As far as I can see, the vast majority of fans don't have any problem with the localization, and this will not hurt sales at all, any more than covering Tharja's bikini did for Awakening.
This isn't a big deal. There are a ton of other fun games to play and I'm more than happy to wait for a polished Star Fox. Let's move on.
Maybe Star Fox Zero will also be an NX launch title, perhaps with simultaneous Wii U release? You know... these delays might not be so bad, after all. It's not going to sell well on Wii U, anyways. Why go to all that hard work to sell... maybe a hundred thousand if they're lucky on Wii U, when they can bank on their new console?
@Einherjar About the FE Fates translation... Where did you hear/see that information? If it's accurate, then importing will be a must. I'm sure as hell not spending $80+ on a product with shoddy writing and censored scenes/behavior.
@JasmineDragon I'd like to wait and see for the real verdict on the localization and translation. If it really does have shoddy writing, then that is a serious enough blunder to make importing a must.
Cheese and whine party again, as usual.
@Einherjar Indeed. Some of the stuff will take a while to materialize, especially the Universal deal. That one in particular isn't entirely in their control - a lot of behind the scenes logistics there. That's just for one park too.
As for that translation for Fates, it looks like the Treehouse team took some liberties there. That type of dialogue looks more like something from Kid Icarus Uprising, which is a game where they had pretty much complete creative freedom in the "translation" if I recall correctly. A lot more appropriate in Uprising than in Fates though.
It's more than a small minority complaining about FE Fates despite what the fanboys say. I see it causes huge amount of debate everywhere. This story isn't about Fates and yet it's crept in here too. It's a teen game but Nintendo treat their customers like kids. This is another major problem Nintendo have and one that shows no sign of changing. If I owned a 3DS I wouldn't support this kind of needless censorship.
@IceClimbers Thats the thing though. Uprising was meant to be cartoony, goofy and overly "meme-tastic"
Fire Emblem wasnt completely bitter or humorless, but it has always been way more mature, hence themes like incest, homophobia, racism etc. Which were super common in western middle ages, which the series is leaning towards.
@PlywoodStick Various sources really. Several forums, twitter, friends. The screenshot i uploaded on imgur were from twitter, since i could find them on a whim.
But ive heard it from several people that the general translation is pretty poor and overly "kiddyfied".
EDIT: The retranslations are from the fan-translation project that was made for the japanese release.
@Sligeach Exactly this. And its ironic that the people who try to defend it are also the one trying to make it about the lewd stuff.
Thats not the issue, the issue is being treated like a dumb child.
Told that you cant handle "pixels in bikinis", that you cant handle adult topics and themes, that you cant handle mature writing.
@Einherjar That begs the question though - what did the original dialogue in Uprising actually translate to? Was it as lighthearted as the English dialogue? It's quite possible there was a change in tone, or at least more emphasis on the lightheartedness. If Smash is any indication, the English dialogue's tone was favored if there was such a change.
Nothing like an idle rumour to get the hyperbole and doom-mongering flowing!
@IceClimbers Since i dont speak japanese myself and dont have acces to the fan translation, i can only go by what people told me.
The overall japanese tone was "mundane". Characters didnt have over-the-top personalities or expressions like that.
They all talked rather neutral, "normal" to each other.
No "Raaagh raghhh" or "super dupity dangerous" situations there.
Also, from what ive gathered, "problematic" themes like the incest story were dodged by 4kids-esque excuses, like a characters suddenly having a letter that states the character in question isnt actually this persons daughter and so on.
It isnt so much that the dialogue was made palletable for a western audience, but that it was "toned down" to young child friendly levels. I even heard several people call it "stupified".
There are several games out there that are proove that "overly japanese games" can thrive on the western market, without being completely watered down.
Take the Persona series for instance. It deals with several adult themes, like suicide, homo / transsexuality, murder etc, without ever making a big deal out of it.
It still has talking teddybears and all sorts of goofy stuff, but never assumed its audience consists of insecure children.
@Einherjar I assume the first paragraph is referring to Kid Icarus Uprising, and the second and third paragraphs are referring to FE Fates, correct?
@IceClimbers Actually, its all about FE, as i misread your post pefore it. I blame not having slept for roughly two days now.
As for Uprising, i actually have no idea how close the translation was to the original. And thats a good point actually.
The thing is, the game never triggered any controversy, so people didnt look into it so deeply.
Do we have a japanese speaker around that might be able to help out here ?
I might wait for the game, if Nintendo should make up for it by releasing Star Fox 64 on Wii U VC. I want that Rumble Pak feeling that we once had. Maybe they can improve their emulation and release the original Star Fox. I already have the SNES game in physical format, a Digital won't make any difference.
It would be sad to see another WiiU title get delayed, but hey, as long as they announce the EU release date of Fire Emblem Fates I will be a happy man. Let's just hope that there is a Nintendo Direct around the corner to enlighten us.
After every delay and then a view, we've been getting a more beautiful and interesting version of SF0. It'll be worth.
sounds like forcing the gamepad use was a TERRIBLE idea. not only has it severely gimped the graphics but it wasn't even a good idea in the first place.
@Rockmin Well, how do we know if they WERE held back for the NX? Also, you replied to me with the same comment 7 times. You might wanna delete one or two of them.
@Nicolai I thought the exact same thing.
@YoshiAngemon I can't stop thinking how freaking amazing the SNES Star Fox would be as a 3D Classic on 3DS.
If its gonna make the better then I don't mind the delay.
Just drop the motion controls! Give us online with voice chat!
Start cussing again and you'll be receiving a ban
Delayed again? This is why third party games are crucial
How long does it take to make an N64 game these days? Only kidding (mostly), I remember a time when Nintendo were quite smug and telling us all that both this and Zelda would be released last year. Yet here we are months later with Nintendo seemingly trying to implement proper controls for those of us who don't want to wave controllers about. Whilst Zelda has disappeared without a trace and Nintendo trying to distract us with a 10 year old one instead.
Lets hope the delay will keep going on till we see the NX console and see a proper release of that game instead dumbed down version because of the limitation. I'm sure they might have faced a few troubles not able to deliver
since NL says theres a delay it must be true!
Miyamoto liked the controls and everyone who played it at E3 grew to like it. It's BS.
Will Nintendo ever release another game?
@Einherjar Fire Emblem debacle? Hopefully we aren't talking about the pet my waifu mode that was taken out? If anyone cancelled their preorder based on that they weren't interested in playing the game in the first place. Also, a few loud internet complainers does not a debacle make. From every press preview it looks like the game is going to be a critical homerun and will likely repeat or improve upon Awakening's success.
@MailOrderNinja First of all, how about reading previous posts ?
Pretty much all of this was answered above.
But im glad were talking about "no true scotsman", that a person not wanting to support butchered western releases "was never interested in the first place".
Also, you guys are making it about this freakin minigame, no one else cares about it. Its about the principle of things.
Dont hack apart western releases under the pretense of making it "palletable" for the west, when its always about digital pixel womans wardrobe and adult / mature story themes.
If you want this to evolve back to Nintendos "seal of censorship" days back again, do as you please. I sure as heck hoped they would keep their promise to "also target a mature audience".
Also, to cite the game itself: Rrraaaggghhh rrrraghh rrraaaaaaghhh. Thats dragon for "Im not buying stuff like that"
@Einherjar I stand by my previous statement. The minigame and the terrible subplot that were cut is what people were upset about. The kind of person who would really say I'm not playing this game because I can't pet my digital characters while they coo at me didn't want to play Fire Emblem. FE is a strategy game, not a dating sim, so that's a very weird place to draw a line in the sand. That is why it's such a nontroversy. If we had a situation where it was a hardcore Mature game and that revolves around violence and they cut out all blood I could see people being upset about this. If this was dating SIM and they removed that part I could see people getting upset. This though? Really? It never belonged in the game in the first place and it's very good they took it out. We are getting a better version of this game because of its removal.
@MailOrderNinja You are entitled to you own opinion, but you simply dont speak for everyone around.
Again, and i already sound like a parrot, if it "belonged in the game" or not is not the point.
The point is, that it was drastically altered in the first place. And not to be understandable, but to be "politically correct" ,whatever <current year> dictates it to be.
Also, again, its not about what was cut, but that it was done. If you personally like it or not is not important whatsoever.
The fact remains that Nintendo is starting to censor their published games again. And if you want to defend that, do as you may, i wont.
@Einherjar If this stuff wasn't removed the backlash to it would be far greater than any upset fans about the content removed. The original is still out there, this is simply localization. Some stuff that flies in Japan just doesn't here, dating SIM content simply isn't popular and that homophobic anime trope cutscene would play terribly to the media. Neither of them were needed and don't have any real impact to the game.
You keep saying we don't need to look at what is cut, but that simply isn't true. In order to gauge a reaction we need to know what a person is reacting to in the first place. This stuff doesn't exist in a void and I think it's fair to say that this is a case where the outrage over what is removed is far exaggerated when you consider what was removed.
Just like with Xenoblade people were upset because they took out some outfits for a scantily clad underage character. This is something that is no big deal in Japan. Here it would be considered perverse and taboo by a large majority. The boob slider being removed was odd, but again it's such a small thing it's like being upset that not all the hair options made it over here.
The loud minority that is upset about this are exactly that: a minority. My original point was there was no debacle surrounding FE, certainly nothing they need to recover from.
@MailOrderNinja All i see are excuses.
"If this stuff wasn't removed the backlash to it would be far greater"
Yes, from the "vocal minotity" that is the rampant PC police which lead several devs to even consider not releasing in the west anymore, because they are sick and tired of having to censor their stuff (Idea Factory for instance said it out loud, others are pondering)
Again, if you like this trend to continue, more power to you.
It saves me a lot of money, since im surely not supporting this trend.
Remember Operation Rainfall ? The thing that brought us Xenoblade, The Last Story and Pandoras Tower ?
Now there is Operation Torrential Downpour.
People writing open letters to devs, petitioning against censorship by default for western releases, advocating purchase of the japanese release to set a sign.
Why has no one heard of it ? Because unlike OP Rainfall, TD isnt covered by gaming media. Heaven forbid games are released "politically incorrect and could maybe potentially invoke isms and ists".
Like i said, more power to you. Buy what you want, play what you want. I dont swing that way. I like japanese games because they are quirky, "out there" and sometimes even in slightly bad taste.
We live in a world, where Bikinis in a beach volleyball game are deemed offensive and misogynistic content.
And ill do my darnest to prevent this stigma from becomming the standard.
@Einherjar Fair enough. We can agree to disagree. For the record I don't think bikinis are over the top in a volleyball game and I'm far from easily offended. I watch and enjoy anime so I've seen all the panty shots, heaving breasts, and uncomfortably sexed up young looking girls you can shake a stick at. The petting minigame would have been utterly pointless, but I thought it was far more dumb than offensive.
Either way thanks for the polite and well worded debate. You are a clearly an intelligent individual and I enjoyed speaking with you.
@MailOrderNinja The same goes to you. Proper debates are getting rare and i really appreciate it
@MailOrderNinja Not to stir up another convo chain, but that was the stuff i meant:
Thats basically the aftermath of PC culture becomming the mainstream norm.
But again, please dont see it as some sort of "jab", just as an addendum i just stumbled upon ^^
@Einherjar "Ok, the new post formating sucks !"
If it makes you feel any better, it looked much better in the email version I just read. Yeah, I know 5 days late, kids are off from school this week, cuts into my me time. As it should.
Agree w/ everything you said, hope you finally got some sleep.
@rjejr I wanted to do a nice, litte "-" List. The old formatting system automatically seperated collums with a "-" in front. The new system just bulks them together into one block and makes it "fat".
I then edited it all, removes the formating pre/suffixes, seperated it in normal collums and must have missed something, as it just doubled everything i wrote.
Two edits later i got it
As for your kids, yup, thats the way to go ^^ Good parenthood at work there
And no, sleep is...lets say complicated. Hypersomnia due to depression and, ironically, immunity to sleeping pills (even high grade narcotics, my metabolism just turns em into smarties).
So yeah, call me the Nightwatch
@Einherjar With all the problems I'm slowly starting to develop as I turn older, being awake is probably never going to be one of them, it's 10:00 and I'm ready for bed. Good luck.
Just rumour thought,please dont be like mighty no.9 it's 1 years delayed no released ever to public
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