We all knew that this day would be coming, but it's still a bittersweet time. The end of the free Splatoon weapon updates has come, and it will be marked by the launch of the final weapon: Custom Hydra Splatling.
The Custom Hydra Splatling is, erm, a custom Hydra Splatling, with the main difference here being that it uses the Sprinkler and Bubbler instead of the Splat Bomb and Echolocator. Though no official time was given, it's likely that this will be made available at the same time previous weapons have, around 6 PM PST or 2 AM in the UK. Here's the relevant tweets:
What do you think? Have you used all 74 weapons in Splatoon? Are you disappointed that the constant flow of new weapons has finally ceased? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 33
Hi. So, I just got Splatoon and I'm stupid. How do I get any of these downloadable weapons? And which ones are the best ones so I can cut through the crap? I haven't spent much time with this game yet.
@CHET_SWINGLINE I've had the game since it launched so I'm not sure how it unlocks the new weapons to you when your just starting out but you'll gain more gear and weapons as your level increases and by checking the stores daily.Single player mode also unlocks some gear too.You're probably best starting with the Splattershot or the roller then take it from there.Find what subs and gear suit you and experiment with the weapons in Recon.There's no best weapon and gear really as it all depends on your play style.Good luck and enjoy
Too bad, but there's a ton of content in the game now, so kudos to Nintendo.
i am stupidly loyal to my bucket.
@CHET_SWINGLINE I think they're already in the game, you'll be able to buy them once you reach a certain level.
I mainly stick to the Krak-On Splat Roller, Slosher, N-ZAP '89 and Aerospray MG, mostly depending on what kind of stages are up at the moment. Sometimes I do use Dual Squelchers, Gold Dynamo Roller and Heavy Splatling, too, though. I did try all of the weapons at least once, though, I think. But I avoid Chargers. I just can't play with them.
Unrelated to this article, but Microsoft had some God-tier levels of PR spin for NPD for 2015 as a whole.
On topic: Well, we knew this was coming eventually. Sad to see it end, but I'm beyond happy with the finished product. I believe there's just one more map and Splatoon content will cease other than balancing updates and Splatfests.
Personally I only ever use the N-ZAP 89. I've tried every other base weapon (since most of these 79 are actually just variants with different loadouts), and none of them have been as effective.
That said i understand wanting some gameplay variance if you play this day in and day out. Personally I've only played enough to unlock all the base weapon types.
@CHET_SWINGLINE Certain weapons can only be obtained by finding scrolls in the single player levels (27 altogether but there are plenty of videos if you have any trouble finding them. You theb give them to Sheldon who makes weapons from them). Others unlock as you level up while free dlc is automatically updated when you switch the game on next time. Enjoy!
For those just getting in on the game, the key thing is weapons in Splatoon are more playstyle dependent than anything. Choose a favorite, choose the right clothes and gear to compliment, maybe adjust those for the map rotation, and have fun. I'm lazy to change up weapons for the rotation, so I use slightly different tactics instead based on the map and mode. That seems to work best for me. In the beginning I was more roller than splattershot. Then I had that Aerospray phase like a bunch of folks at the time. But soon I went all exclusively ranked battles and never looked back (except for Splatfests). Aerospray wasn't cutting it for me versus Japanese players in ranked (I can only play at late night, so guess who the online population consists of, lol). I turned to the standard/custom Blasters for their one-shot and around-the-corner capabilities. Then I jumped on the Slosher because it was unique and crazy, and I figured out how its physics worked fairly quickly. Inking for traversal is actually really fast and it delivers splats over walls. I give up the one-shot, but whatever, I'm more versatile now. And now I'm on the Sloshing Machine, which is like a combination of the Blaster and Slosher, which will probably be where I'll stay until I'm done with the game.
I haven't played this in months since I lent it to a friend, guess I've got allot of gear to try out when I fire it up again!!
Still kinda sad that the local multiplayer has been left completely untouched since release. Especially since it's been universally panned by everyone.....=(
Slight variations on the same weapons, what a way to fool people into thinking you actually have content. Bravo Nintendo, you've drastically lowered everyone's standards and made them thinkna sub-par shooter is innovative.
@ULTRA-64 Well, the local multiplayer isn't terrible by any means, but... It's just nothing special at all.
All of those weapons, and I still find Spalttershot Jr. to be the best XD
@Lizuka Me too. Splattershot Jr.
Sad to see that this is the last weapon, but 74 weapons in total is amazing! I'm not a fan of the Hydra Splatling, so I'll keep using my trusty Slosher.
I've yet to try anything other than the roller 😄 Still got single player to complete and the Amiibo challenges are really tuff for me so got that to do as well. Best game of 2015 and I bet most played WiiU game of 2016 for me 🤗
Not a fan of the Splatlings, but players who have learned how to use them effectively have my respect as they're usually tough outs. I'll stick with my Aerospray RG.
... Why would they stop at 74? 75 is such a nice, solid number you can take to the bank. I wanted one more Splash-o-matic with seekers and bubbler. Fairfetched, maybe, but it would've been my perfect weapon.
Well, I guess this is it...I should really get back to this game.
There are weapons I've never tried, but I wish there was a way to sort what you have. Since it shifts around based on use (I think) it can be hard to find things.
So that's 40-something weapons added as free DLC total. And although many are just variants, some categories like the brushes only merged as DLC. My personal favorite is the Zapper-85 because of its fire rate and sprinklers.
Good to see Nintendo doing online games justice.
I'll probably try this out since it does seem more appealing than the previous set as you can throw in sprinklers at random spots to build up your special or even as a shield if you know what you're doing.
@CHET_SWINGLINE just use whatever suits you. I started off with the Aerospray MG, before moving on to the .52 Gal Deco, Splattershot Pro, and now, Mini Splatling. There are quite a few helpful stuff on youtube regarding weapons and tactics, but don't take any if it as gospel. Try to think about a weapon's strengths and weaknesses, and the subs that it has/abilities you can equip to counteract it. But - biggest tip I can give - you have sub weapons for a reason. USE THEM!! Just because its an ink mine or sprinkler or squid beacon - especially squid beacon - doesn't mean you don't have to press R! Unless you're against me, in which case...
@Mr_Diabolical I kind of thought the same until I bought it for Christmas, can't put it down. Very addictive!
My Splatoon life started with the Splattershot Jr. and when/if the time comes; it will end with the Splattershot Jr. I do use other weapons; Carbon Roller, N-Zaps, Sploosh-o-matics and the Splash-o-matic are more or less my secondary go-to weapons.
So many weapons. Kind of overwhelming to use them all if you just started out recently compared to the first month of release.
Well my favorite weapon will always be the .96 Gal. I use most of the others weapons but that one compliments my play style in most situations.
What ever happened to the Bloblobber from that list of leaked weapons a while back? Cut possibly...
@Mr_Diabolical Not sure if you're just trolling, not having even played the game or if you're expressing an opinion based on having played it? If the latter I can respect your entitlement to your own opinion, even if I and a lot of other gamers would disagree with it. Personally I've never found another online game that's kept me so engaged and entertained... Splatoon is in my opinion one of the freshest and best games in years and I'd love to see what the development team has up its sleeves for future games
@Mr_Diabolical Based on your comment, I'm assuming you've never played this game and probably haven't played any other shooters, either. But I'm hoping you're just trolling and aren't actually as big of a moron as you seem.
Custom E-liter 3K for me all the way. I've tried out maybe 3 weapons that aren't chargers in this game and it's really just not how I play. I've always preferred being a support character rather than being in the thick of it anyway. (On the down side though, that means I can never survive more than a few seconds with the rainmaker, so I never pick it up anymore)
@Zup As long as you're supporting those that do, I don't think anyone would hold it against you
@Mr_Diabolical Edgy hipster alert! ...Too cool for Splatoon ...No one understands but you!
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