When it comes to early game leaks, Amazon France is certainly on the shortlist as one of the most prolific sources. That seems to be the case once again, with a listing for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD spilling the beans on some new features in the HD remaster. Some of the details have since been removed, but Epona's already bolted.
The key information - since removed - referenced the use of the Wolf Link amiibo, and it's proven to be divisive over on NeoGAF, where this was seemingly spotted first. It'll apparently unlock a dungeon called "The Cave of Twilight / The Twilight Cave" (Cave du Crépuscule), and will utilise the read/write feature of the amiibo; in other words it'll save data to the figure. Quite how this dungeon will work is still a mystery, while other standard Legend of Zelda amiibo - from the Smash Bros. range - will give the player extra resources like hearts and arrows.
Beyond that the listing confirms a Hero Mode, which is absolutely no surprise, and pleasingly it should be available right from the start. For veterans of the game that should offer some welcome challenge.
Finally, also rather like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, the GamePad touchscreen will offer inventory management; this has been the norm in Wind Waker HD and the 3DS remasters, and will be nice to have once again.
Hero Mode and GamePad usage aren't a surprise (and those details have been retained in the listing), but the prospect of a dungeon-like area being unlocked by the Wolf Link amiibo is a little unexpected, and has since been removed by Amazon France on its page. As is always the case with these listings they can't be treated as 100% accurate, but the rapid removal of the amiibo details suggests that Amazon management or Nintendo were aware the information shouldn't have been online.
Do you like the sound of these features? Let us know below.
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[source neogaf.com, via perfectly-nintendo.com, amazon.fr]
Comments 158
Called it
Get your popcorn ready!
Awwww yeah, new stuff!!!
I can't see this being a problem as this eextra extra content for an very old game.
However ever any meaningful Amiibo based additions will always cause outrage among certain sections of the fanbase.
I get the sparks will really fly bases on what this Amiibo dose on Zelda U.
Well, it looks like it's time to pre-order it now! I was just going to get it whenever but any new dungeon is welcomed!
Going to be honest. Was not gonna buy this as I can play a much, much, MUCH prettier fan-made HD modification of this game on my PC (With my own legally purchased copy of Twilight Princess, I will clarify), but Hero Mode may just change my mind. 3D Zeldas are just too easy nowdays.
Kind of a shame I'll have to pick it up used if they're going to lock something as important as an entire dungeon behind a plastic toy that will likely be scalped to high heaven. Can't be directly supporting anti-consumer bollocks like that.
Maybe they'll make it an unlockable in-game as it should be though. Nintendo seem to be getting more ballsy with Amiibo, and it is concerning me.
@arrjayjee I wish more developers paid more attention to doffculty, too often "hard mode" is just damage absorbing enemies.
This sounds awesome! The fact that they are adding a whole new dungeon to the game means they are probably adding more things as well as fixing up some small problems. I personally hope they shorten the opening of the game, make the over world more interesting and not tell me when Ive found a ruppe for the first time since loading the game.
Also really curious about how the wolf link amiibo is going to work in the dungeon, and how the transferred data will work in Zelda U.
Completely agree with that statement.
Also hoping the Wolf Link Amiibo will also link in with Hyrule Warriors
I'm confused on why people are upset with the Amiibo unlocking a dungeon? Doesn't every copy of the game come with the Amiibo? It's not like its being sold separately, causing scalpers to raise the price when it's hard to find.
@Jamester0722 Only the more expensive Special Edition has the amiibo with it.
@Bunkerneath I think it'll do the same as regular and Toon Link and unlock the spinner.
The Amiibo's coding allows different versions of the same character to have different or same effects depending on the game. I suspect Wolf Link could even work on Smash as regular Link. Think all depends on just 'who' this Amiibo thinks it is lol
@RainbowGazelle @Jamester0722 just had a look online, in the UK its currently impossible to get the game without the Amiibo. Only Amazon has an standard edition but it doesn't have an date or the ability to pre order.
I struggle to imagine them making a wholly unique dungeon for the game, as they didn't for Wind Waker. However, I'm thinking it might be like the Great Fairy cave with the trials in it. My hope is that it'd be something that's procedurally generated, with random enemies or obstacles and that we could use the amiibo to save our place in it, perhaps? Maybe something like The Binding of Isaac, but inside of a Zelda game in a single offset dungeon that could either go on indefinitely, or always presents new trials and rooms to clear at random?
Dont get me wrong, I'd be all for an entirely new dungeon, but I'm skeptical. I just hope it's not just one of those small dark caves that have a couple rupees and a heart piece in them and everyone's getting worked up for nothing.
"Come buy Link's Awakening DX! Don't for get to buy our poorly ma- I mean great quality Link amiibo to get an extra Color dungeon exclusive to this amiibo!"
Makes sense. Now I wonder what carries over to Zelda U that'll be on that dungeon.
Will i be able to play this without god awful motion controls?
@Splatburst a friend of mine is claiming there will be an item/weapon/costume in the dungeon and that once you have it, the amiibo will unlock it for Zelda U.
He has no ties to Nintendo so I have no idea where is pulling this info from.
@nesvc yes its a "new version" its not based on either the GC or Wii port
Though I suspect it be far closer to GC
Get it on Amazon DE, ES, FR, or IT. I think European Limited Edition Nintendo games have the same packaging and box art. I've bought some LEs from different sites and they have all these standard boxarts which contains all languages. (Usually English on the artbooks if not multilanguage)
@Grumblevolcano OK, I'm convinced now, we need to get our popcorn ready for a new ND. Between this and the Olympic game on Wii U Nintendo got some splainin to do.
Twilight Cave to me sounds less like a dungeon and more like a 100 floor battle arena or a place to refight bosses, I don't think they would build an entire large new dungeon and lock it behind the amiibo. They didn't even put the extra dungeon in WW HD which they supposedly cut from the first game. So I agree the amiibo will unlock something, but not an entirely new area, more like a small cave with a portal in the midfle. Maybe the portal let's Link transfer or at will, or change between realms. I'm not expecting much.
I am more concerned about amiibo in Zelda U. This is just a remaster, people don't like it, pop the Wii disc in your Wii U. But Zelda U should not be tainted by amiibo.
Twilight Princess will be much better with a hero mode. Also, I hope the amiibo will be possible to buy afterwards.
An extra dungeon wouldn't surprise me, to be entirely honest. They worked with textures, lighting, sailing, item management (like Wind Waker and OoT, TP's biggest selling point on Wii U is Gamepad inventory management) and even simplified the 'end quest.
I too would hope that particular amiibo isn't necessary to unlock it. The Shovel Knight case I'll give a pass, seeing as they're a pretty small studio. But this should be included, or at the least, be unlockable with every Zelda amiibo.
Speaking of Zelda amiibo, can we start speculating on the figures' functionality in Zelda U / NX yet?
Cause my dream would be a Hyrule Warriors like deal, where you command an army (in a not so essential side quest) against opposing armies of moblins and the sort. And the amiibos would be used to summon warriors to fight while you continued the story.
Kind of like Bravely Default, but a bit more fleshed out. Would be a great excuse to craft new and better weapons (until endgame came and presented you with ultimate equips).
Open world games have so many cool little, entirely optional, minigames and adventures. And Zelda is usually chock full of secrets and collectibles. I guess I want this and that to take full advantage of the advancement those games have made since Skyward Sword.
ALBW HD would be a pretty awesome 20$ Wii U game to release between now and the NeXt Zelda.
Can't wait
@Splatburst not 100% sure what your responding to lol, I was pointing out in UK can't get TPHD without the Amiibo... I am confused lol
I wonder if the new dungeon will have a new boss to fight?
Unlocking features with amiibo is great as long as there are absolutely no shortages of said amiibo. I absolutely refuse to pay higher than the asking price for something that should be readily available. I think I picked up Link for Hyrule Warriors for around $10 and honestly, as much as I like Nintendo characters, I still won't pay much more than that. $15 at the most and that's only if it were a very significant character used for great features across multiple games.
LOL I got confused. Ignore my comment.
@abe_hikura Yeah sure. You buy the same game you bought years ago, with the same low polygon count and nothing new except a higher difficulty and up-scaling that doesn't make the game look any better. Then you only get something that's actually new if you buy something extra. Because upscaling is worth 40-60 dollars when you can already play the old game on your Wii U.
I'm not upset about the amiibo myself, but this game...I don't see why anyone would want it unless they never played the game before since the used version is kind of expensive. Also the amiibo won't always come with the game. You can be sure of that. I just don't get these Zelda remakes. They're not at all worthwhile.
Alright, looks like I'll be going to that dungeon, since I managed to pre-order the game with the amiibo.
@evosteevo agreed. Though it appears at least in the UK you can only get the game with the amiibo.
I can see this easily being a problem as amiibo as a whole are now being used to unlock actual game content, not just some small feature. Even more so that a lot of these amiibo, especially this one being a special edition are limited meaning some may never get those feature. amiibo is turning into a rotten way of DLC, far worse than any company thus far.
I was going to preorder this but the price in Canada is a hundred bucks, unless bestbuy picked te worst place holder price they could.
I'm okay with the amiibo unlocking a new dungeon, but I realize that's only applied to me because I love the Wolf Link amiibo and want to buy it. I understand people who are upset at having a dungeon on-disc locked behind the amiibo, especially those who go digital-only. Hopefully Nintendo has this figured out and somehow offers the new content to non-amiibo owners also, but I'm not optimistic - look at how Nintendo handled the Splatoon amiibo content. People who want the game and not the amiibo should have some form of access to the extra content also.
All that said, I'm still pre-ordering this game, and I can't wait to play it and get a new amiibo for the shelf.
It would be awesome if the amiibo unlocked a playable demo for Zelda Wii U! Now there's an idea! (Never gonna happen lol)
@ikki5 honestly in my opinion I prefer Amiibo locked content to EA, Sony and MS' current idea of microtransactions in full priced titles. In the same why I prefer physical to Digital, in the end when the game has been finished I have something left.
Not saying I'm all for this as practice going forward but as an lesser evil sort of deal.
@ThomasBW84 Amazon has removed the part about the amiibo cave.
Okay. The Amiibo is being sold with it not separately. Nintendo has been balancing out their stock so that its no longer a Scalper's Paradise.
It's probably just an optional Dungeon.
I don't like the fact that you buy to unlock levels either so I get where your coming from. It irritated me to no end with Skylanders and Dishonored.
@mjharper the only solution I can think of that won't piss off every side but it requires enough series of figures out first.
Say during the NX era when a game has Amiibo content that doesn't require a new one it should be offered as DLC. That way Amiibo supports get the contents for free with their figures and those against it get it for price. This way the Amiibo act as franchisecharacter season passes
Obviously games that use the figures differently (like smash) and not unlocking content won't apply to this idea
@Spoony_Tech Which retailer gives you a Soundtrack CD as a pre-order bonus?
Link's Awakening DX had added content when played on a GBC and GBA that the original Link's Awakening didn't have.
Those who owned a Gameboy printer and a GBC and/or GBA, had access to even more content.
So the joke's on you.
Anyways Twilight Princess HD comes with the Amiibo bundled in NA.
Those who preorder also get the soundtrack too (that's why I preordered).
Amiibo content, is no different than exclusive preorder content, exclusive collector's edition content, content that only activates on new hardware, and/or version exclusive content.
The only difference is you get a physical piece of content like my CE editions do.
I didn't see anyone have a fit when Bethesda gave exclusive content away with CE editions of Fall Out 4
It's supposed to be all NA retailers.
Also everyone seems to forget how badly many people were upset over Windwaker HD, Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D lack of new content.
Who cares about that? Wiimote controls?
@abe_hikura Really? i am sorry but I would much rather paying transactions for stuff rather being offered a limited toy that unlocks something. I was one of the lucky ones you can say since I got it on pre-order (though for some reason, it costs $100 here in Canada) but there are potentially thousands, 10s of thousands to maybe hundreds of thousands of people that will never get to experience this content even though they may wish it. No only is it an expensive content (In Canada anyway) but a limited content, something far worse to those games where it is "pre-order" exclusive and such because now it all comes down to if you got lucky that it hasn't sold out where you are yet.
It's the catch-22 that's been plaguing the Amiibo concept from the start: Lock a lot of content behind the toys, and Nintendo will be accused of greediness. However, if they only unlock some meagre thing, then they don't present any value.
Of course, many wouldn't mind Amiibo going the way of the dodo - but it's just not going to happen anytime soon. I'm not particularly obsessed by them (though I do have a fair few), but I do recognise that Nintendo will push them as long as there's money to be made - and as such, they have an unenviable task of providing just the right amount of content in order to keep both sides balanced.
Kimishima has said that he wants the figurines to do more, so maybe Nintendo could instead focus on making special games that really take advantage of Amiibo (like the rumoured F2P title), and keep their inclusion in more traditional software to a minimum.
@Fee "I just don't get these Zelda remakes."
There's your problem. Is it really that inconceivable that people simply enjoy playing them, and appreciate the extra lick of paint? Games get remade/remastered all the time; I don't see why Zelda is any different.
@ZAZX then don't get it used. The amiibo comes with the game
@Kage_88 why is it an issue when the amiibo comes with all copy's of the game
@ikki5 an amiibo comes with every game. That makes this a non issue.
The amiibo is also being sold separately too in each territory.
For fun as also pointed out on NeoGaf:
-You needed to buy a GBA link cable to 100% WW (the link cable was more expensive than the amiibo)
-Ages and Seasons needed each other for 100%
-The rumble pack item in OoT "locked" content behind a peripheral
-MM needed an expansion pack
@Pahvi Just delete your save file after dying. There's your permadeath mode.
@faint Only the Limited Edition comes with the amiibo. The stand-alone game comes with.. well.. nothing, just the game and no amiibo.
Actually in NA, you have two choices the retail copy with the Amiibo or the digital copy.
For now, you have to take the Amiibo with the physical copy, at least in NA.
There is no way to buy or order a physical copy with no Amiibo.
@Xenocity seemingly not in the UK. Amazon, game and other sites (play, shopto, zavvi) only have limited amiibo edition of TPHD. There is only place holders for standard edition and only smaller stores have place holders for the Amiibo.
I'm sure the standalone will come, I mean we've seen the box but at the moment here the only option is Amiibo+game
@ZAZX Except for at most GameStop locations you can still preorder the bundle with the game and amiibo that costs the same price as a new game. That might be your best way to go.
NA has no listings for a standalone game.
NOA said you could only buy it with an Amiibo if you wanted the physical release and if not buy digital.
I don't see the game receiving a huge print anyways, especially with all the negativity surrounding the original release.
People are just overreacting and probably be part of the millions who regularly buy the Sims DLC and EA Sports DLC packs.
Everyone cheers with the rest of the industry gives away exclusive content and yet always complain when Nintendo follows suit.
I'm surprised more people aren't up in arms over the soundtrack being a preorder bonus.
@Fee Honestly I don't see why you would care then. Just don't bother to pick it up. I'm getting it because I'd like to replay it and I don't own a Wii controller at this current time so it would be more expensive to pick up the game used on Wii and pick up a controller and a nunchuk.
I'll not be buying an amiibo to unlock extra features and I certainly wont be buying any new Nintendo consoles while this utter nonsense continues.
DLC should be reserved for extras, not an entire bloody dungeon.
If there was a way for people to get amiibo content after a certain timeframe, I would be ok with that...but I have neither the space nor the money to waste on these blasted models.
(Thou shall not swear~undead)
I suggest you stay away from PC, Sony and Microsoft consoles too.
Also you should stay away from mobile games too.
All of these platforms have exclusive content locked behind something, that only some can get.
Is it too late to add a new dungeon to Wind Waker HD with the Toon Link amiibo?
@ga3tr0n well it comes with every physical copy so I guess you will be going digital
@Octane not in America. Is that just a noe thing?
I want to buy the eShop version of the game. I guess I will import the standalone amiibo from somewhere.
@Xenocity that's some interesting info
Yeah, here's this full price port of a game over 9 years old. Oh by the way, the extra content is locked behind a toy. Just how low has Nintendo fallen?
I just hopped off the fence on purchasing this game. I hope those graphics get tweaked more but know it's unlikely.
@faint Apparently... I've seen the regular game up for pre-order at several stores already; if you can already pre-order the game that is. If they list the bundle, they also have the stand-alone version.
amiibo just aren't going to please everyone. From who I know, people will feel that the amiibo are under utilized and give no real incentive to own (other than as a neat figure) or they are bitterly acknowledged as add on content, like the developers kept material out of the game to sell the amiibo.
Personally, I want to have a reason to scan in an amiibo beyond minor in-game benefits. I want to feel rewarded and surprised to own an amiibo that works with my games, rather than feel obliged to own them (like AC: amiibo Festival). I don't mind Wolf Link's functionality, and I'm really curious about how this will play in Zelda Wii U. I also think it's fair that they will initially launch the amiibo with Twilight Princess HD, so people don't feel they have to spend that additional $13 for it. But that's just my two cents on it - cheers!
@the101 Considering the standalone game is €45 and the bundle is €60, you're definitely spending those additional costs on an amiibo.
@Mahe well it's a remaster with added content. Most of the industry does this.
While the Hero Mode and touch screen inventory management don't surprise me (in fact, I'm quite pleased), I'm still taking these rumors with a grain of salt.
Particularly where the amiibo are involved.
Sounds great to me! Already preordered the special edition a while back.
LADX Color Dungeon, anyone? Sounds like a fun extra, nothing to get upset over.
"Beyond that the listing confirms a Hero Mode, which is absolutely no surprise, and pleasingly it should be available right from the start. For veterans of the game that should offer some welcome challenge."
For anyone with a pulse, you mean. TP's difficulty in the original release was nonexistent.
The gamepad usage is what we expected which is brill and Amiibo features are sounding pretty cool so far if true.
I don't want the amiibo, since I don't want them taking up space. It would be great if the dungeon eventually became available as normal, paid for it DLC
Look at it this way- the content was specifically created FOR amiibo customers. Are amiibo customers not entitled to content when that is what was promised?
You're getting your full game and not a rupee less. But this dungeon is for those paying consumers who spend their hard earned money on amiibo and rightfully deserve content in return.
You don't pay for that extra content (via amiibo) you won't get that extra content.
I think you may want to re-evaluate your stance, otherwise you won't have any games left to play.
Ya, Nintendo creates extra content and sells it via amiibo. Sure. And every other developed out there from A to Z created extra content and sells to preorder customers, specific retailer customers, or just chops off 1/3 of the game and sells as an expansion pass for $30-40.
You can't escape it- you can't avoid it. At least with Nintendo the content is actually EXTRA and offers reasonable value in a $13 amiibo.
You're getting angry over Nintendo selling extra content (the nerve, right?). Seems a bit silly to me- shouldn't matter if you pay $5 on the eShop 3 times for 3 games or pay $13 for an amiibo that works with 10-15 games. The only difference is the means of purchase.
DLC exclusive to only a certain amount of people would be ripped apart if it was anyone else. But since it's Nintendo, it's alright. That's what i've learned reading comments on various sites today
Glad I preordered this.
@Xenocity Maybe I will. Since becoming a father, gaming has lost its appeal a bit, as I don't have the time to sit down and "waste" a few hours; my gaming is done on the 3DS, whilst pretending to have constipation in the bog.
Between being in a band, writing a book and MTG I've got enough hobbies as it is.
Thank you for your suggestions: even though they are fairly obvious ones that I had already obviously considered, it was nice to think that you wanted to take time out of your day to advise me, oh wise one.
Maybe You guys are too young enough to know;
Or didnt do your research but,
At one time. We had a Zelda Dungeon that was given via Wireless Singal ? Remember?
It was a special Legend of Zelda: Link to The Past sorta thing. The Dungeon would only be available for 24Hours or 188 something. And it used Radio Waves to broadcast the single / data.
Maybe this "Amiibo Dungeon" (excuse my gamar / spiel-line errors lol )
But , Maybe this "Amiibo Dungeon" works similar to this ?
Where like The Cave of Twilight
Or " Twilight Cavern " or something; is actually like. This ever-changing Dungeon with many, MANY floors, like the Fairy Dungeon in Twilight/WindWaker. Or maybe even one floor with hard or even very simple creatures lurking within.
The point is. You clear the area. Advance. Reach the end. And gain a prize.
Either like, a New Item early like ( MasterSword from the Beginning LOL ) Or maybe something else.
They said the Wallet Increaed.
What if you needed more Cash because; Link can become upgradable to More
" OP " Things. Like Either the HawkEye Lens and Magic Armor are really expensive ; or there is a way to Buy Super Amazing Buffs/Potions for your Character.
More Tunics? People did like/miss the Old Green/Red/Blue Tunics; Very . . . Tri-Fore-y lol (With the whole symbolism of Din/Naryu/Florre or Wisdom/Courage/Power exuse the order, I'm just typing but I hope you understand. )
Or maybe you can grab the SinkingLure (that omni fish thing)? Faster ?
( New/Excusive Bugs in the Dungeons )
I don't know.
Its a mystery.
It'll have to wait.
Maybe its not like this at all.
Or even something far worse /
Or even Excitingly Better.
WE dont know. . .
And untill NintendO.Gs. (Pronounced Nintend-aw-guhs) or (Nintend-Oh-Gee-s) [ this is plural by the way]
Untill the company/org. Give this O.K. Sakurai/Miyamoto Freaking Legend of Zelda #MasterClass " My Body Is Regiee " Seal. Were gonna have to wait.
And wait.
And wait.
But here is a message directly to Nintendo.
We are your fans.
Support / Money is not a problem.
You will get them by the numbers.
We are your fans.
Don't. Disappoint. Us.
This is a relationship Nintendo.
And your sorry excuse
Of corporal management
And Understanding
Of economics
Has gravely hurted
The trust you had and fans.
And yes
Your better then other companies
( S.E.G.A ; Sony. Microsoft. I'm looking at you ).
You are Not Perfect.
And We Are Not Asking.
To be Perfect.
We Just Want.
To Have Fun.
With or WithOut.
Because There are
And Individuals.
Who Would Stick Out.
They're Neck.
To Defend.
Your Franchise.
Do Not.
Like This.
We Might.
Go Back.
I hope.
A Guy Who Wants to "Have Fun" ; A Zelda-Finatic ; A PokéMon Trainer ; A MarioMaker, a SmashBattler ; An F-Zero Racer ; A Bounty Hunter ; And All Other Franchismal Leads In Between.
But Most Of All.
A Human Being.
Never forget ;
What a Human Being.
Can Do.
Never FORGET The Love
People Give.
And The Love
People Can Hide.
And Never Give Back.
Night Folks.
I hope your satisfied.
With my comment.
Thank You for Understanding
Good Luck.
& Best Wishes
Towards Your 2016.
See You Later. . ..
( P.S. Went to go back and edit 1/17/2016: Didn't even touch the Grammar ) LOL XD [ my bad guys..I go shame myself now....]
@JaxonH At least make the argument that Nintendo should sell the amiibo content digitally, so that everyone has access to it. This exclusivity thing is just stupid; It is when Nintendo does it and it is when other companies do it. Doesn't make a difference. Saying that Nintendo is the lesser evil of them all isn't a reason to accept it. Especially if you're not interested in amiibo, it's very expensice DLC.
Hero Mode... Thank goodness. Easily the worst part of the game was the My First Zelda difficulty...
I ment "every-changing"
An ever-constant dungeon would be boring; wouldn't you agree?
Sorry folks if I disturbed your chatting evenings.
I feel very.
Passionate about understandment and the relationship between a Dismal-Corporation and the "Plebians" we all are; or even may not appear to be. Were tiny. No matter the amount of assets. Were tiny. So. If we organize. Maybe; just maybe. . . Things could change.
Everything runs on supply&demand right.
Lets change the demand. Then.
The supply.
Would change too.
Thank you for understanding.
Hmm this gots me thinking. If the wolf link amiibo adds a new dungeon to the game, then what other changes to the world will we see? The Majoras Mask 3d had its world change drasticaly from both the atmosphere like the purple sky, to the added side mission and new fishing spot. Even Windwaker HD had some changes to its world, although not as big. But mabey this HD remake is a chance for Shigeru Miyamoto to finnaly create the world he originaly imagined. The main reason TP was delayed in the first place, their were other reason as well like porting it to the Wii. Its a slim chance But no doubt their not just gonna reskin the game and call it good. I don't know what his plan is, but I have faith it will be worth it
"and will utilise the read/write feature of the amiibo; in other words it'll save data to the figure"
Well I know I already pre-ordered it but this info put a smile to my face. Makes the amiibo more utilized.
Just change the demand dude.
Change the demand.
Dudes!; Gals!
What ever gender pronoun!
Your missing the bigger picture !
Or maybe I am ?
Some one reply to me
Or at least start of conversation with me.
I dont know if the way in addressing
My concerns.
Are clear.
Not professional; I know what I wrote could be just mere anger or psycho-babble.
Does it make sense.
Can you see what I am seeing.
And could you understand ?
So basically, the new dungeon is locked into physical DRM that not everyone will be able to access, due to limited stock and Amiibo hassles. Yep, that clinches it for certain, I'll just play TP HD on Dolphin instead.
@CalcNite Yes.
I could verily understand.
If only I would
Or could
Make poems properly
Haiku's even better
Yes... Yes? Yes.
Man, I am reading some hate speech on behalf of the Big N. Look, the fact of the matter is simple: Amiibo is Nintendos DLC. Like it or not, it is. Did you ever ONCE consider that you can buy the Wolf/Midna, try out/beat the dungeon, and then sell the amiibo? Its almost like free DLC!! But seriously, saying that amiibo dlc isn't available to everyone is just ignorant. You can decline a feature or 2 because you don't want a toy, but thats somehow Nintendos fault? Its Amiibo-exclusive content. Why should it be available digitally? Think of it as the CE of TP, and all the arguments become non-existant. And don't give me that "it's $45 without the amiibo" nonsense. THat's just Nintendo being nice. When is a digital version of a game ever different from it's physical counterpart? Oh. yeah...When the physical copy comes with exclusives. Could be a shirt. Could be a Pin, or a patch. This time, its a toy. A toy representing the franchise you all claim to love, and it just so happens to unlock some pretty cool stuff.
Dude you can't yet.
And the Only other thing doing a TwiHD thing is a modder who toils ( I believe its a group run by a he) their days away !
That's gonna take YEARS!
And there are mods ; Yeah.
And even in years or months
Or days; There won't BE a reason.
The next new thing would be out already.
And its just like Apple Inc. All over again !
Understand ?
P.S. Its not poetry. I can only write likt hsi cause I'm on my phone, and I can't see / scroll between sentences that well. Si o I hult enter alot and sometimes I can't see if I spelled something incorrectly. so my bad.
Hmm this definitely makes my interest in the game go up a bit though the visual upgrade still doesn't feel like it is quite enough to warrant a purchase, especially since I don't know if I even want the amiibo. Hero mode is certainly welcome for the extra challenge though I have already played this game through dang near 100% so the real question is whether I want to stick to my gamecube version.
@CalcNite If I visit an insane slug
Or maybe a victorious rose
I can already see pretty colors in the twilight
Or if I wait patiently for the Coon of Toe, Moe, and Yeah
By next year I may see the twilight in it's twilight
As a thing of beauty, not of scorn
Plastic wolf taking a wizz on their own integrity
Deep dungeon is actually a sewer
Smells bad
I only eat apples from the farm
Not the farmer in the dell though
That's kinda gross
Phone-fu is with us though
@Aeruon So you think Mario Tennis, Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, and Smash Bros,to name a few, were created for Amiibo?! No game(Well, maybe ACAF) was created for Amiibo. Nintendo created the amiibo to add a little something extra Its an add-on! It takes an existing game, and unlocks a few things you wouldn't get otherwise. MY problem is the opposite; I want them to do even more. My $40 Yoshi does the same thing as the $14 one. People woul've freaked if Nintendo locked, say, an entire new level behind that Mega Amiibo, but they'd be forgetting we paid $40 for that level! Amiibo should unlock rewards. I want Cloud, but I've leveled enough of SSBU for one lifetime.
@Chaoz LMAO that was the first thing that came to my mind! This is like if Link's Awakening DX forced you to buy a little thing that could be IR scanned just to access it's color dungeon. Madness.
Corps aren't "nice". Not saying that companies give gifts or can't be nice. Or do nice things. But companies are a conglomerate of users/buyers/stock-market Brokers, CampaignErs, Creators, Staff Members of All Kind, and ultimately the internet. Why the internet? Cause its the internet. And like Music ; You can't touch the internet but the internet can tough you.
Now. About the Amiibo; Your right. Its in there jurisdiction as a company, supplier and even a good 'ol fashion " family entertainment" company.
But remember ! The amiibo thing is "speculation" and even NintendoLife was like "It came from the France page? Forget it! Probably a fake leak! (no harm on Amazon or French people ; forgive me. But try to see the meanin those words that you haven't been posting great / accurate content recently about Nintendo Products; and even take things down. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm right. Doesn't matter. )
That said.
I dont hate "TheBig-N"
As we peeps say
"My body is Reggie"
But can you agree that there performance and maalnaging of news/customer service or even the simple fact of communicating constantly or even properly is satisfactory ? Even the late Iwata tried to get on air as best as he could.
And yes. It is unfortunate of his passing. Who knows how many smiles and eyes wept that day; and ever more. He seemed like a truly amazing guy (never met him; but I don't need to see his character / impact ).
That's said.
With unfornateness.
You need to be ready.
At the ready to debrief and discuss.
That doesn't mean talk casually or openly about matters. But give a message.
On how things are doing.
And Hey. At the end of the day.
They dont have to.
I'm just thing of this like a relationship (friendly or sexual).
That you need to communicate when something is wrong.
Or if things are going steady/ well say that.
We both know people would donate to Nintendo in like a heart-beat if they knew what was up.
That said.
They're a unique independent company.
And if revenue is what matters to them.
If that's they're priority / agenda.
Then they are doing.
Great. Keep it up.
I'm not a hater; I've bought many MANY things that are BigN related.
I bought so much, that In return.
I didnt ask or got anything.
Club Nintendo was a problem for me.
And when I called to complain.
Even when things were straight in my side ( like no lateness or tardy ; and if there was an expression I would call before it about issues and if it was passed a deadline/expression I would explain my situation )
But nothing.
Nothing changed that .
And I don't really mind (I do but its besides the point).
The point is.
If they're gonna do it right.
Do it right.
And if they messed up.
They messed up.
Dont cover it; or make any personal sentiment or long-speech (unless you truly feel like you do #SegaSonic ).
And even then.
Dont worry!
If people buy the franchise now; they would buy it then! Especially if your honest. Right?
Its like food.
Your willing to buy something
When you know.
In it.
Thanks for reading.
I don't care about them locking a dungeon behind an amiibo, they added a dungeon to link's awakening DX and it was just to help out. I do, however, hope the amiibo is easy to find.
@ZAZX amiibo actually have goof stocks so there will be no scalping problem especially for a Zelda game. The game is bundled with the amiibo too
Amiibo aren't sold on the premise of amiibo-only games, they are sold on the premise of unlocking content in all games, especially those not designed specifically for amiibo.
You ask why substantial content should be exclusive to amiibo customers? Because that's the whole premise of amiibo- collectible figures that interact with games and unlock content. So that's why- because that's the whole point of amiibo.
Nowhere is there a written rule stating Nintendo is obligated to make all content available to every person in the manner they prefer- if they want to develop additional content for their games and sell it as a collectible figure, they have every right to do so.
People are just so used to getting what they want, how they want it, when they want it, they something make the mistake of thinking Nintendo "owes" them this content, or is obligated to sell it on the eShop. But they are not obligated to do anything, and no one is entitled to buy this extra content in any manner other than how Nintendo prescribes.
@Chaoz Amiibo actually have pretty nice quality...
I'm sorry if i seemed harsh or degrading.
I didn't mean that, I was just voicing my opinion.
I know some folks who wouldn't Dare because. We're scared ? Or like afraid of BigN haters/likers bashing at the words and no there meaning. Or even just the company "suing" us. Again. My bad.
But please dont make fun of my situation with a Hiaku. To be honest, I took it as an insult. And an insult to injury because. That simply isn't a good haiku; or the norm of a haiku at all.
But if you didnt mean to be insultive. Cool.
Lets just start all over or even better yet. Just try to understand each other more.
Okay? My bad.
I didnt mean any mal-intensions. And if you don't wish to understand me.
That's fine too.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Good Luck
& BestWishes towards
My bad guys
And to anyone else I might have hurt.
My bad.
I understand why some people are a little pissed off by this if the rumor of a "new" dungeon is true and it's only available by Amiibo. Myself on the other hand would love this cause I would like my amiibo to actually do something other than give costumes or rupees. I can see if it is a "new" dungeon then they will probly offer it as DLC at a later date.
Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. You wanna buy the game, buy the game. And in return for your money you will receive a full game.
The extra dungeon is a bonus for those who so desire to buy an amiibo. There is no "forcing" going on. If you are so OCD you feel compelled to purchase an amiibo just to get one extra piece of content, perhaps it's the OCD that's the issue rather than the content.
It's like saying, Call of Duty is FORCING you to pay $50 for the season pass just to have all the maps. Or saying Witcher 3 is FORCING you to pay $25 on the expansion pass just to get the full game.
It's no different. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Extra content is made, extra content is sold, and if you so choose you can purchase it.
Okay, so what then for those of us who buy the eshop download? Any provision in getting to the content?
See, at least with a toys-to-life specific game series you know what you gotta do to experience all the content. But with Nintendo now, even a remake from 2006 could suddenly mean you have to get into that TOY DLC GARBAGE!
@Fee You ignored every positive change just to prove your point and even then we don't know everychange.
@Fee You ignored every positive change just to prove your point and even then we don't know everychange.
@Operative But anyone can get an amiibo stupid
@ga3tr0n So if it was just an eshop purchase you would get it but since it comes with a cool figure you wont?
@Mahe One peice of extra content. Don't get it twisted.
@CalcNite Wow, that..uh, sure was...illuminating? But if I could draw your attention to one thing: You said " If they're gonna do it right.Do it right.
And if they messed up." How, exactly? They set out to sell a toy that adds extra stuff to your game. They've done costumes, weapons, extra lives, and powerups. Those add to the game, I'm sure we can agree. So if we disregard this Dungeon level leak, which your response told me to do, how, with the existing amiibo, and the benefits within, did they mess up?
@DreamOn Yes, a 2006 remake releasing in 2016 will have amiibo content. If you think it won't, well..read your name.
@Totaldude911 Did Link's Awakening DX force you to pay more money for a card or something to IR scan, just to access it's new dungeon? No, it came with the game automatically, because it was part of the assumed value of rereleasing an old (but still popular) game with a facelift, while utilizing the new hardware to create a new gameplay mechanic. Why can't that be done here?
@CalcNite No offense taken, no offense meant. I actually thought it was fun to write like that, I got a kick out of it. I appreciate your comments.
I really hope Nintendo is not forcing us to buy not only the game but a special edition with an amiibo to get the extra dungeon of a GameCube remaster which obviously is not going to be any cheaper than The Wind Waker HD (€60) or Twilight Princess HD without the amiibo. That would be miserable.
The issue is that the locked content on the game will always be sitting there waiting to be accessed by an amiibo. But will there always be an amiibo sitting on the store shelf waiting if I choose to get it? Sometimes not even the day after release in my town because enough weren't distributed.
People fret over SERVERS SHUTTING DOWN and killing off a game's value, but amiibo are doing that MUCH, much sooner. Can I buy a Metaknight amiibo anywhere for Rainbow's Curse? Nope. No more Metaknight Amiibo's officially for sale. Content gone if I don't want to hunt down a reseller who can't garauntee officia retailer customer service policies.
@Aeureon You said "it feels unfair, to me, to shoehorn it in a Nintendo game that isn't made for Amiibo specifically." What I'm telling you, is that since the inception of amiibo, they have been added to Nintendo games. Not all of them. But a lot of them. I do not view any game as created for amiibo, except, as I and you now have said, ACAF. But they gave you 2 figures of the bat, at no extra cost. So I think thats a pretty fair deal for a game if you HAVE to have amiibo as a prerequisite to play the game.
Thing is, all games are now designed for amiibo by virtue of amiibo being designed for all games.
It is a new, permanent pillar of their business model. Phrasing it in ways such as "locking content" is unfair because all content is locked. Games are locked behind a $60 paywall. DLC is locked behind $10, $30, even $200 paywalls. Amiibo content is locked behind a $13 paywall. Everything is locked because there's no such thing as a free lunch- you get what you pay for.
So yes, of course content you haven't yet purchased is going to be locked to you.
At least with other games with DLC that aren't specifically toys-to-life games, a credit card purchase at any time will always be an option to get the content. Amiibo's are worse than having to enter credit card information.
@JaxonH You sir, get it. If there is any arguing past this point, people just wanna argue.
@JaxonH You hit the nail on the head that I'm a bit OCD. Everything else offered here is good, I just prefer how the color dungeon in Link's Awakening DX was handled.
I would say that Witcher 3 goes above and beyond what many other games offer, free DLC and season pass/expansion -wise, though. It's a shining beacon in an ocean of bad behavior. It's barely comparable to how greedily things like Call of Duty are handled.
Also, it's stretching the definition of "paywall" to ridiculous levels to apply the term to all price tags. A "paywall" is something that is not necessary to keep the game creators afloat, and is arbitrarily imposed for the sake of profit, rather than as simply something which covers wages, office space payments, transportation of media, research, production costs, and company insurance.
@PlywoodStick No, but it did force you to buy a Game Boy Color to gain access to that Color Dungeon. Rather expensive paywall there. What if you didn't want to buy a GBC? No access to that content.
The amiibo stuff is nowhere near as bad as that.
I hope someone at Nintendo is reading how disappointed their fans are now.
@IceClimbers WHOA!! You had to buy a GBC to play a GBC game?! Man, reminds me of the time I wanted to play Mario Sunshine, but had to buy a whole Gamecube and $50 game just to unlock it.
If Amiibo have anything of value locked behind them it's an outrage. If they don't, "what's the point?" people cry.
Worst part is both sides are kind of valid. Nintendo really needs to do some of these extras as DLC that came be bought or unlocked free with an Amiibo.
Or a Disney Infinity style game that uses and mashes up all the figures. So every new figure can add something substantial enough to that and some silly fluff nonsense to the game it's made for/comes with.
Not fussed about this one though. I liked TP but I don't need another Zelda game until the new one. Nothing against remasters or HD versions, just wish it was another franchise. It's not like there aren't enough others people want to see return and not like there isn't a new Zelda coming anyway.
@Zombo If every copy were bundled with the Amiibo... For $60, what's the point of that? Either don't bother with Amiibo at all, or sell it separately, while instead making it unlock fun but not game changing additions. Let everyone experience the new dungeon, without arbitrary barriers. That's what Nintendo used to do.
@Unkie_G_Luffy Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Link's Awakening DX was one of the GBC games playable on the original GB. Or was that exclusive to Pokemon Gold/Silver? Even then, there's still the original Link's Awakening, though you lose out on the color.
@IceClimbers It's not the same thing. The Link's Awakening DX color dungeon could not be completed without random trial and error if it could be accessed properly on a regular GB, though a Super Game Boy could have handled it. It was basically a demo of new things that could be possible on newer hardware, that were not user friendly or simply impossible to accomplish on the older hardware.
The way that the TP HD dungeon is accessed through this Amiibo thing is just a physical form of DRM, and the dungeon itself probably would not have been unwieldly or impossible to pull off on the older release's hardware. (Unless they make it have some unique GamePad or motion control mechanics, and of course data storage would have been tight on Gamecube discs, so it would have been a Wii version exclusive.)
It's a bit silly to say newer hardware itself is simply a "paywall lock", that's really stretching the definition. I wouldn't consider the Wii U console itself as a form of DRM or some sort of arbitrary lock for TP HD, it's just newer technology that is needed to play the updated version. Unlike Link's Awakening DX's color dungeon being unaccessible (without glitches) on a regular GB, there's no technological barriers preventing the new TP HD dungeon from being included on the disc or download, no Amiibo needed.
@Zombo Cool figure? Dude, I'm 34. If it was sold in its entirety either in a physical copy or as a download, I'd get it. I just don't personally want to support Nintendo in their pursuit of amiibo-related revenue. Don't be sad that my opinion is different from yours.
Oh... Why won't they stop gating core content with amiibo. Zelda has had plenty of openings for nice extras you wouldn't miss but would be cool to unlock. The tingle tuner, the stone of agony, side stuff like that.
All of what I say assumes that it's a full size dungeon that can only be unlocked with the amiibo. If it ends up being something unusual or different then I'll give a different reply once details emerge:
I was halfway through writing a rant complaining that it's an outrageous ÂŁ11-ÂŁ15 paywall to access the extra dungeon that would be better suited as a cheaper DLC option, similar to Splatoon extra single player levels and Shovel Knight multiplayer.
However, I double checked the costs and saw that the preorder of the game and amiibo and soundtrack bundle was ÂŁ45, compared to the base game at ÂŁ40. If they sold an extra DLC dungeon on the eshop for ÂŁ5, then I'd think it was a reasonable price. Having the extra dungeon, amiibo and soundtrack for ÂŁ5 is exceptionally great value.
"I think you may want to re-evaluate your stance, otherwise you won't have any games left to play."
Simply not true. In my collection only Code Name: S.T.E.A.M has overt amiibo support. It is only being added to Shovel Knight now. I will continue to buy games as long as there are games that I want to play.
"Ya, Nintendo creates extra content and sells it via amiibo. Sure. And every other developed out there from A to Z created extra content and sells to preorder customers, specific retailer customers, or just chops off â…“ of the game and sells as an expansion pass for $30-40."
Nope. I don't think that is a true statement.
"You can't escape it- you can't avoid it."
So I have to buy the games? Surely I could simply just...not buy them?
"At least with Nintendo the content is actually EXTRA and offers reasonable value in a $13 amiibo."
I'm a 34-year-old father of two small boys - all the toys in the house belong to them (except the 3DS, 360 and the Wii). I don't want an amiibo. Better DLC (I did buy the GP/EXP DLC for FE Awakening, as I just don't have time to grind) than a figure that holds absolutely no interest.
"You're getting angry over Nintendo selling extra content (the nerve, right?). Seems a bit silly to me- shouldn't matter if you pay $5 on the eShop 3 times for 3 games or pay $13 for an amiibo that works with 10-15 games. The only difference is the means of purchase."
It only seems silly to you because you're a plonker...really, taking umbrage at someone having a different point of view? I smell fanboy.
@faint I guess so. Although unless there is a way to get the full game without having to buy a figure I don't want, I will just do without.
No, it really does strike me as petty and trivial to allow the sale of extra content to rustle your feathers to the point of actively avoiding games.
I can appreciate the fact you have no interest in amiibo- not everyone will (although I'm 31 and have no problem buying amiibo). And that's fine. But there's a difference between not buying amiibo out of lack of interest and boycotting any game that sells content beyond that which is pressed on the disc.
When I say you can't escape it, what I mean is the sale of DLC is everywhere. Sure, of course you can "simply not buy them", but my point is you're going to "simply not be buying the vast majority of games out there" because almost every game sells content beyond that of the retail release.
And if you think that's not a true statement, I challenge you to buy a PS4 or Xbox One. It won't take long for you to discover what I and others already know- almost every single major release sections off content for specific retailers, for preorders, and for expansion passes and DLC.
You're free to your opinion, of course, but I'm also free to explain why I think it's an unreasonable one.
@crimsontadpoles Except if it turns out that way, anyone who didn't (or couldn't, due to limited stock) pay the ÂŁ5 extra at release would need to figure out a way to either find or pay someone to part with a Wolf Link/Midna Amiibo. Hawks, commence the scalping!
Hero Mode needs to be Mirrored.
Well it was only a matter of time before Nintendo started with these unsavoury business practices, locking part of the game behind amiibo. Makes me really concerned for the new Zelda and the future of NX, I had little interest in this game anyway due to the lack of work put into upgrading its looks but had I been on the fence this would have been the deal breaker. To think more people are moving to buy digital, now to play the full game you still have to go to the shop to buy something else to play locked content.
@ZAZX Do you have a powerful PC and a Wii disk drive for your PC? If not, don't get that version.
Sounds great! Can't wait.
Funny how some have to have what is probably just a variation on the maze of rooms with different monsters because it so valuable but won't pay for it because a toy comes with it too. Like someone else said, sell it. If you can't stand the sight of it, just get it and sell it.
Incidentally, I love little physical versions of things in games I play. What's the big deal about having a couple around. I mean if you enjoy the characters and creatures in the game is it shame or trying to hide what you enjoy? I just don't get why some adults build in this shame of expressing enjoyment of imaginary things as if having an imagination is somehow childish. It's fine and all. To each his own. Why limit yourself in this way is all I ask.
@Mahe Yeah, the Wii controls are never mentioned in these articles. I'm sure I've previously seen a copy of the box with the Wii controllers on somewhere but it's since disappeared. Nintendo wouldn't be losing out because every Wii U owner already has a gamepad.
Removed - inappropriate language
@ga3tr0n Calm down, ga3tr0n!
Sorry to cuss, but you're one hell of an annoying guy, @JaxonH
@Ichiban Before the original WW was released on Gamecube, Nintendo put out OOT: Master Quest, which included a demo of the new (cel-shaded) game. Notice any similarities?
@ThomasBW84 I just checked the listings you linked in the article, but I can't find anything about the new dungeon, or even about the hero mode or GamePad inventory management (used Google Chrome's translate function, just so you know) I know you're very reliable as a writer and as a source, so do you think Amazon France removed the information? Or you could direct me to where I can find the information. I thought it would be under Innovations, but there's only this: "A dark and exciting quest to dispel the darkness of the kingdom of Hyrule, renewed reworked HD graphics."
@Kage_88 :They're not different. The Last of Us and Tomb Raider remasters were pointless and dumb. The Final Fantasy VII remake looks good because they've changed enough to make it look new. The Zelda remakes are all barely improved at all. At first glance I didn't even notice the difference between OT3D and the N64 game. The Twilight Princess screens look exactly the same as the Wii Game, just upscaled. They didn't seem to improve the models or textures at all. I don't see why so many people want it if they've played it before.
@MailOrderNinja : I don't care, but I can understand why you want it at least.
@Zombo : I was wondering why you replied to the same post twice, but I guess you just pressed the button twice. I've made the same mistake but, you should be more careful next time.
Man, a lot of angry essays on here O_O.
I'm not a huge fan of remakes/remasters, but I'll admit hero mode + gamepad inventory are pretty cool...
I'll also admit I hate on-disc DLC, but I like Amiibos as fugures...
I'm obviously torn over whether to love or hate this game
Hmmm... I see. You derived all of that about me over a simple difference of opinion. Interesting.
Let me explain something to you- when you comment on an article and express that self-righteous opinion of yours, you are inviting debate and verbal feedback- some in agreement with similar opinions, others in disagreement with conflicting opinions. You seem to be upset with me for "daring" to challenge your own view and stance.
If you can't handle topical discussion in a civil manner without insults and name calling, perhaps it would be better to not comment at all. You want to get something off your chest, tell your pillow at night. But if you post here, expect feedback. And if you aren't prepared for your opinions to be challenged, don't share them where we have discussions. But if you do insist on venting here, at least defend your stance with dignity, without resorting to all of that name calling nonsense.
There really is no end to the whining and complaining on this site. Boohoo, a company wants to sell dlc and tie it to a toy, whaaaa. Barf.
Get over it.
amiibo only dungeon is the same as the colour dungeon in Link's Awakening DX, at least with this one you don't have to buy a new system to play the extra dungeon.
As much as I love both Nintendo and Zelda, I can't really get behind locking within an amiibo that not all people are gonna be able to get their hands on. I wouldn't take up nearly as much of an issue with this if I thought that Nintendo's supply will keep up with demand.
@JaxonH I apologise for the swears.
(Thou shall not swear and cause conflict~Undead)
No you're right, the way I said that did come off somewhat harshly. I definitely should have found a more neutral way of phrasing that. But know that it was not intentional to offend you.
Whereas you are very much intentional about your name calling and insults. Which only serve to make you look childish as someone who doesn't have a valid argument.
Really looked forward to this game. I never had interest in amiibo, and never will do. If I have to buy an amiibo to get full content for a game, I will pass. If the rumour is truth, I really dont get it why nintendo is pushing part of its fanbase away
I don't need an argument. I only wished to state that I wanted no part in Nintendo's grand amiibo scheme, which is entirely geared towards fleecing hapless sorts like yourself.
Good day sir.
Hurrah, a extra dungeon.
Oh, its Amiibo-locked: BOOOOOHHH!!!
On a side-note: Maybe this dungeon won't be that interesting. The extra levels from DKC Returns 3D weren't that special either. They where made with the same assets, and the levels where probably made by Monster Games (not Nintendo themselves). Thus no triple A quality! Same could happen with this dungeon, if its real.
What could perhaps be said the additional money from the Wolf Link Amiibo is what justifies designing a whole new dungeon, Aonuma has said that any incomplete dungeons(e.g. Wind Waker's) are just carried towards the next game so a new one to be made for a remake is quite rare.
It'd be a similar scenario to Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros 3 where the extra e-reader levels used seperately purchasable cards, the only reason this dungeon exists is because players are justifying it through the purchase of the Amiibo.
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