It's not particularly difficult to figure out one of the week's most passionate talking points - rumours of Super Smash Bros. being planned as an NX launch title sparked a lot of debate and conversation. It was particularly interesting due to the respected source, and his own uncertainty over the form of this rumoured title kept the chat flowing - our money would be on a 'definitive' version incorporating all of the content and DLC from the Wii U and 3DS versions.
It got us thinking, however, about launch line-ups. It's a notoriously tricky thing for Nintendo and its hardware rivals to get right - third-parties will have likely had limited time to produce launch games, while development teams (first- and third-party) are still getting to grips with the hardware. The challenge is to show the system in its best light, attract early adopters with enticing day one games and to balance the line-up so all publishers can get a slice of the pie. It's not easy, and launch line-ups can feel very thin - such as with the 3DS in 2011, arguably - or are overloaded with ports and releases that sell hardly any copies and burn valuable partners.

From Nintendo's perspective it's tough; the narrative with the 3DS at launch was that it perhaps lacked a 'killer app', while so many Wii U day one players were happy enough with Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U that even the heavily promoted and - at the time - exclusive ZombiU failed to meet Ubisoft's expectations.
We'll be writing about the challenges and perils of launch line-ups (including consideration of what we saw with Xbox One and PS4) over the weekend, but first we want to know what you hope to see from Nintendo when the NX hardware launches. Which first-party franchises do you want? If you could choose any three franchises to kick off the new hardware, what would they be? Forget about the Smash Bros. rumour too, if you wish, this is all about wish fulfilment.
We're limiting you to three Nintendo franchises, though - if we were being strict and looking at past launch patterns we'd stop at two, but let's be generous. You can be entirely unrealistic and pick three fan favourites or realistic and throw in a minigame / concept title - your call. For reference we've put 'NX' in front of some generic family / party franchises, but as we know the system won't actually be called the NX.
So, click some buttons and let us know what you hope to play when NX launches this year or in 2017.
Naturally we'll have missed some, but we've tried to cover plenty of bases. Which franchises would bring a perfect NX launch, in your opinion?
Comments 271
3D Mario, 3D Zelda, Pokémon main series
Metroid, F-Zero, or Animal Crossing would put a smile on my face. But I'm sure it will be Smash, Pikmin, and Pokemon stuff....stuff that doesn't appeal to me....I'm just sure of it.
I dunno...don't even know what the thing is, I still say it's an iPad. lol
Is it Nintendo? Super Mario.
It should definitely launch with a sports/racing game, something like Wave Race or F-Zero. I also want the Wario Land series to make a comeback.
i'd rather have a new IP
I predict it's gonna be another 2D Mario, some really great franchises that will be inevitability delayed, and miniparty games...
... Oh wait, that was the Wii u
They NEED a game to push those handheld sales. Pokemon would be my recommendation, generation 7 of Pokemon would be perfect. Or XY/XZ/YZ/X2/Y2/Z (whichever way they go with it) would work, too.
I think we'll see :
-Smash bros 4 (this is a masterpiece and the next one should be in a loooongtime, so I guess the rumor is true.)
And of course a port for the new Zelda
Somewhat of a tricky question b/c we don't really know if it's 1 console or 2, w/ games better made for tv - photorealstic graphics and 5.1 surround sound and fully viced acting like Kid Icarus Uprising and XCX or handhelds w/ an emphasis on short game play sessions.
Obvious answers by format:
Handheld - Pokemon Z, MH5, Yokai Watch
Home - Metroid 4, Zelda NX, Pikmin 4, Paper Mario
I am really looking forward to every game being able to be played on the go or on tv, even if they do manage to come up w/ a game that works better with both, like they did w/ FF:CC on Gamecube and GB. Nintneod did a better job integrating 2 consoles using wires 10 years ago then they can today w/ wireless Wii U and 3DS.
Although it'd be cool to see something new, given the incredible risk of introducing a new IP at a system launch, I'd like to see a new Pilotwings game. They seem to make perfect launch titles. Light on content, but show off the system's features.
For third party, I basically hope sports games (well, specifically football/soccer titles) become a thing at all again?
Absolutely Metroid.
No option for Xenoblade? I wouldn't be shocked to see a new Monolith Soft game show up on the NX, though admittedly probably not immediately after launch.
Metroid, Donkey Kong 2D and Luigi's Mansion.
Just imagine Animal Crossing and F-Zero in HD... Oh my gosh please
I voted for Animal Crossing, Pikmin, and Zelda, but I don't expect a new Animal Crossing at launch. Because Zelda is coming this year, I expect it to be on the NX (as well as the Wii U), if the NX comes this year. The same goes for Pikmin 4, which is apparently close to completion. I could see an Animal Crossing coming by the end of the first year (possibly only in Japan at first), but at launch I think a new Mario would be more likely, along with a new IP and a surprise or two.
There has to be a pick-up and play element to a launch game IMHO. So I'd love to see Metroid on the NX, just not at launch.
Mario Kart would be an ideal launch title. Everyone loves MK.
No Fire Emblem...
I voted for a new, main series Animal Crossing game. If this is a handheld/home console hybrid, I think this would be a great franchise to showcase what it can do.
Kid Icarus, F-Zero and Wave Race. Boom.
Erm... Why was Kirby forgotten? I'm hoping the next Kirby game will allow custom Kirby characters with online capabilities and awesome adventures together!
Went with 3D Mario (love EAD Tokyo), Excitetrucks/Bots (a cool underdog like Punch Out) and Splatoon. I would love to play splitscreen (splatscreen?) co op and taking other pairs online.
@LUIGITORNADO Only problem is that Mario Kart 8 is not even two years old. But Nintendo could get around that problem by putting out a Mario kart 8 Special Edition with both DLC packs included.
Like what is rumored with Smash Bros for Wii U.
I think its too soon for Mario Kart 9. There is generally a 3 to 4 year gap between Mario Kart games.
Metroid. That's all. An all out, high end, holy crap I can't believe game, Metroid. With a good new game plus to boot. Anything more is icing...
Let's have an SNES-style launch:
Super Mario Bros
F-Zero, and Pilotwings!
(Note: SMB would be a 3D entry, and Pilotwings wouldn't suck.)
@Rhydas I think it's just because Kirby is usually the exact opposite of a launch title and come right at the end. Nintendo likes to end a console's lifespan on a high note, I guess!
Animal Crossing, i need another animal crossing!
Metroid (a new Prime perhaps), F-Zero (about darn time), and Kid Icarus!
Pokemon Main Series of course, After 20 years Pokemon deserves a super graphic main game. They have been growing a lot about Lore, now we need Graphic Powah!
lol at Steel Diver in the poll options.
F ZERO....sigh F only
Well I voted wave race, metroid and Luigi's mansion as they are games I would want to launch the nx. I'm most excited by the idea of pikmin 4 but I want that as a Wii u swan song as it suited the hardware so well overall! I'd love a more 'open world' 3d Mario but I'm kind of sick of Mario games right now so I'd need something to rev me up for that.
I believe that the console will NEED an adult game near to launch to be taken seriously by the market and please let fifa/madden/assassins creed/cod etc at least be confirmed as incoming at some point!!
Fire Emblem too!
You know, I'd be happy if there was a good metroid game at all.
A little bit of trolling on Nintendo LIfe's party.
I like how you put - "Mario RPG (The 2 bad ones"
But didn't put - "Mario RPG (sequel to 7 stars, you know, the best one).
Voted Mario 3D, Pokemon, Zelda. Those are what sell systems.
I dream of Nintendo just going all out and finally giving us want we want (console pokemon, hd metroid) but at this point I'm not counting on it. There will be Mario, and probably Animal Crossing. The only way there will be a Zelda title is a spinoff or a port of the Wii U version.
I expect that it will launch alongside the news that the NX is a "dead console" and the launch is the "final nail in the coffin".
A mind-blowing 3D Mario, an even more mind-blowing Metroid, and a Pokemon spinoff were my (somewhat-realistic) votes.
Why a Pokemon spinoff? I would love to see something awesome like a sequel or remake of Coliseum/XD. I also wouldn't mind seeing another Pokemon Snap. Heck, I'll even take Pokemon Stadium if it isn't anything like the mess of Battle Revolution.
From a fan perspective, I want to see 3D Mario, Zelda, and Kid Icarus. From a business perspective, I realize that games like Metroid and F-Zero are not games you launch a system with; they're games you release later on to diversify your lineup and please existing owners.
What I believe will happen is this:
3D Mario, Pikmin 4, Smash Bros for Wii U port, Zelda U port, and a Pokemon spinoff in Pokken Tournament.
Isn't this poll really just a popularity contest for Nintendo IPs?
Well, if the NX is going to be divided in two platforms, as the last rumours say, it depends A LOT which platform we are talking about XD. I'd wait at least to know exactly what NX is before answering that poll...
Can I do a Write-in?
I didn't vote for it, but Pilotwings would have been my 4th choice. Good standby and is always the game they pick to show off what the thing can do. Or some sort of plane game.
Mario, Zelda and Metroid.
3 answers isn't enough!
an unprecedented relationship with Sega/Atlus that launches the following all new Stand alone games.
Ristar 2 : The Shooting Star Returns
Dynamite Heady 2
Decapattack 2: Chuck D In Da House Ya'll
Kid Chameleon 2: Sponsored by Silver Shamrock Corporation
Alex Kidd's New Enchanted Castle
Alex Kidd BMX Trials 2 (uses Sega brand Amiibos)
Streets of Rage IV: The New Order
Vectorman 3
Chakan: The Whenever Man
My Hero: The Uncalled For Sequel
Phantasy Star X Shining Force
Three Dirty Dwarves Strike Back
Clockwork Knight 3
Tempo 2
Panzer Dragoon NX
Golden Axe V: till DeathAdder do We Part
Outrun Online Championship Edition Turbo
Space Harrier X Tremors
Nights into Nightmares
Sonic the Hedgehog
I don't really care, just so long as they're good games. Obviously I want a Metroid and F-Zero since its been so long, but I LOVED Pikmin 3 so Pikmin 4 and Zelda U, along with 1 other (possibly Smash Wii U + DLC) would be pretty darn good. I mean, that would certainly blow the Wii U launch out of the water...
I think I'll just go with all of the above. Why not if we are dreaming?
I just want to know what the thing is.
No question a 3D Mario. Not something linear like 3D Land and World, and not a sequel to Galaxy, but something in the mould of 64 and Galaxy would be amazing. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a new Metroid and F-Zero as it's been so long, but SM64 and Galaxy are both up there in my favourite games of all time.
My #1 series I'd love to see wasn't on the list: Golden Sun. But I'd love to see an actual Paper Mario game (like n64 or TTYD, not the other two) and a Pokemon spinoff (a new Pokemon Colosseum game please!).
If the NX has a handheld component as well then I would definitely love a Golden Sun. I wouldn't mind it on the home console as well. What's wrong with dreaming?
Otherwise from the poll, Metroid, Kid Icarus and F-Zero A Mario game will probably be there anyway so no need to vote that.
So true. A new Golden Sun please Nintendo! And preferably on an upcoming console (like the original games) rather than a dying one. Another reason why Dark Dawn underperformed was how late it came in the DS's lifespan.
The two that I want the most would be a Donkey Kong 64 sequel and a new Earthbound/Mother. If we're staying realistic, though, and if we assume the NX is a hybrid, I'll go ahead and say mainseries Pokemon. It would be pretty much a killer app right there.
As my two main picks aren't options, I ended up voting Pokemon, 2D Donkey Kong and Luigi's Mansion (I want to play the new Zelda on the Wii U if at all possible).
Basically a spread of the heavies. Assuming the new system is going to be hybrid thing pretty much everything is on the table.
Kid Icarus, F-Zero, Excite Truck with elements of Bots and Wave Race.
I'm doomed to complete and utter disappointment. Oh well, I'll still enjoy almost everything on that list and I only didn't pick games like Splatoon because I feel it could come out around the NX's 1st May or holiday as a shot in the arm. Alternatively, it could launch with the home console if that device is indeed is a separate release. I would not be even surprised if the next Splatoon is only playable on the home console and requires the handheld. Think about it.
I know we are dreaming, but I'm going to try to be realistic. IfNintendo can launch three first party games then I have to think those might be, 3D Mario, Metroid, and the Zelda U simultaneous launch whatever they call it.
I think the 3D Mario team having a game ready is a must have. These guys build levels better than anyone. They can get the most out of the system day one, and it would be huge as a pack in game.
Metroid in any form could work. A Prime FPS would be welcomed, but i think considering a 3D Mario, Nintendo could talke it back to its 2D roots and be okay. If they went the 2D route, I would consider handing this to Yacht Club. If you let them run with it, you might be able to get another game into the lineup at launch. I know this is impossible because Yacht Club would have already needed to be working on it, and they have a lot on their plate this year.
I think Zelda is kind of a no brainier. I think Nintendo looks back and wishes they could have done something like they did with Twilight Princess with Skyward Sword. I think this scenario is doable.
Let's not forget that Pikmin is almost finished for NX or Wii U. Pokemon is do a new generation. How great would it be to play that on a new system. Animal Crossing is due a new full game. Wow! The possibilities are endless.
I went with Wave Race.
Lol pretty good evidence this site is not representative of the general audience. No way would Metroid sell more than Mario.
Wow, why is Mario Kart so slow?
What about Kirby?! I want Kirby Air Ride 2!
I've put the most time into Xenoblade Chronicles X. I can't believe the franchise isn't on the list =(
Metroid, Donkey Kong, Mario 3D or 2D.
How about a 2d Mario that isn't a new super mario bros title?
Either that or Kirby which is mysteriously absent from here.
Come on people. How can you have a vote like this and still plump for a 3D Mario and zelda!!!??? Those will come anyway!
There won't be a zelda unless it's an NX version of zelda wii u, (which is obviously happening anyway)
This was one of those occasions to show there is an undying love to bring in a new metroid! A new fzero!
A new and main series Pokemon to home/portable/cross console would be HUGE and literally sell millions of consoles.
Nintendo gamers get a chance to show their diverse taste, then they still say mario and zelda please, then wonder why that is all they get and third parties can't be bothered and moan that there is no support or diversity and just keep getting given Mario/Kirby/yoshi games.
NX is Nintendo's chance to try and break the stigma of a console for babies. Slapping it with repeated staple titles of high colour and nothing else will guarantee it flops hard, the market doesn't want just that anymore.
@Dezzy The reason people are voting more for Metroid has nothing to do with sales. I'll buy Mario every time but Metroid is wanted more due to the fact a mainline game hasn't been released since like 2010. I voted for both but Metroid was #1 on my list, if i had to choose one it would have been Metroid but it doesn't mean i wouldn't buy Mario.
3D Platformer
Racing game other than MK(F-Zero, 1080, Excite, Wave Race)
Third Person Metroid(or like Other M, but made by Nintendo)
How about a new IP?
@Dess-M-8 I don't care about what the "market" wants, i care about what i want. I'm a Nintendo fan because they do something different, because they value art and creativity. Nintendo is still largely profitable, they aren't going anywhere. Also why can't they do both? I want Nintendo games the day they stop making those is the day Nintendo is no longer #1 in my books.
F-Zero please...
I respect everyone's opinion on this topic but the correct answer is Metroid
Just to make a list of franchises and say pick three, is missing what a new console is all about.
I remember walking into 'Currys' to buy a Ps1 with Tomb Raider. An hour later I walked out with an N64 and Super Mario 64. The game playing in the shop did it.
Those who are going to get the NX will get it with a game or two from what is on offer. But Nintendo has to attract millions of gamers back to them and one game from any of those franchises won't do it.
It has to be something eye popping. A new Mario 64 will do it, or a Waverace with water spraying across the screen, sunsets in the background showing the best graphics of any console and state of the art water tracks.
If its just Wii U games that can be player on a handheld device, on the move. That won't sell, other than to the few million dedicated Nintendo gamers.
@MikeW good lad!!!!
I voted for "'NX' Music" but I suppose only one vote rounds down to 0%... Glad to see it represented here, joke or not. Wii Music was a very misunderstood and underappreciated game.
But Pilotwings (or Wave Race) and F-ZERO would be awesome, too.
@Kevlar44 unfortunately for you, the market is bigger than you. The market doesn't get on board with this, that ultimately results in less games to choose from NX for you. It's that simple.
I'm not saying no to mario, and I'm not saying no to Nintendo. Nintendo has never stopped being number 1 in this industry. But you want to attract a bigger instal base than just fans like yourself, you need to appeal to more people and have something to offer them.
Nintendo gets one chance to shout at the world "buy an NX!" Before a response of "no way, it's for babies again!" Is given or not. If they go all fund blazing with Mario, zelda and Kirby? Seriously; nobody will care or listen and you'll own a very very expensive Wii U 2
Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Wave Race plz 😇
@LetsGoChamp sonic, panzer, NiGHTS and streets of rage(done with same okay mechanics as Arkham Knight) would be AWESOME and is buy all day one, minute one.
Will never happen though as sega has had a whole host of idiots steering it's sinking ship since 1998 and most have never even heard of these intellectual properties.
i think there were two major omissions from this list. fire emblem and new IP.
Pikmin, 1080 Snowboarding and Splatoon.
@zool is right. Wave Race could demonstrate NX's graphics card, particles, lighting, and physics engine, Zelda could show off NX's memory, effects, and distance drawing, and a new 3D Mario could take all of that and cram it in one. To an extent. Another plus, you don't exactly think of Wave Race and Zelda as "kiddy" either, so it would be mostly balanced out, too. Of course, it would all have to have graphics at least twice the Wii U's capability's, to be at least on par with the One and PS4. Might be a good strategy. Either that, or I'm thinking too 5th/6th gen.
Let's remember this is the NX "launch line-up", guys... A console that will be released this year, or the next one at the latest. We're not talking about which games do you most want to see from Nintendo in the next years. It's not about the popularity of the franchises. It's pointless to say that you want another Starfox or Xenoblade, when they are so recent...
It should be something that will attract people. Something like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, or a new and cool IP like Wii Sports or Splatoon. Or even a Metroid like Prime, to show that it's not a "just for kids" thing, and how powerful the machine is.
Metroid and Kid Icarus!
Release a new monster hunter or am G/U upgrade to X on exclusively on NX and it'll sell out in Japan and then more devs will come to it. The Wii U needed more RPGS and an early lead in Japan will help that... Also we get another monster hunter so win win
How about a Metroid game accompanied by Metroid, Mother Brain, Kraid, Ridley, Samus's ship, and Chozo amiibos.
@XCWarrior That's because one of the directors of Super Mario RPG (the other one working at the same company, by the way) doesn't want to do one in the short term:
I chose Star Fox, F Zero, and Wave Race. Problem is, I don't want any of the other games listed at launch. For me personally, I need to see Eternal Darkness return from whatever depths Nintendo threw that franchise down to. I would love to see the return of Super Monkey Ball. And I hope for a renewed VC, and Nintendo finding some way to bring back third party games from previous generations. But the biggest and most important thing deciding my purchase are new franchises. I can only do so much of Zelda, Mario, etc. I love the characters but this generation has relied on the old standbys too much.
No kirby? Particularly kirby air ride sequel?
3 opitions were not enough! I would like a new Animal Crossing and an NX Fit along with the options I voted for; Metroid, Zelda, and Star Fox. Wouldn't mind a Smash Bros. port either.
No love for Startropics, obviously
Nothing final yet on NX - all pure speculation. This poll doesn't make sense. I vote crazy commets 😃
The three I'd like to see the most are Pokemon, Splatoon and Kid Icarus. More realistically, I'd be very surprised if there isn't a Mario platformer.
I'd want games I could get the most play time from: Wario Kart, Animal Crossing and Pokemon.
Don't expect any of those.
@bezerker99 That's how I feel. During that last direct, after Twilight Princess, I was like "Ok, when are they going to talk about another game that I'll buy?" It was just Pokemon title, after RPG, after Pokemon, after RPG.
Metroid and F-Zero at launch would put Nintendo back on the map, reminding everyone that Nintendo is more than just Mario and Zelda. And a main series Pokemon game would be a serious system seller. So I voted for those.
I'm afraid the reality will be more like "Mario remake, Zelda remake, Smash 4 Ultimate Edition." Which I would probably enjoy too, but it's not the stuff that would get me excited for a brand new console.
In order of preference:
Metroid (preferably Prime 4, but I'll also accept a Classic 2D style game)
3D Mario that's more like 64/Sunshine/Galaxy than 3D Land/3D World
Main series Pokemon
Mario Kart
I can't possibly choose just 3. Sorry. There is just far too much love in that list.
Super Mario, Mario Kart, Metroid, Pokémon, and F-Zero.
I voted Metroid but any new "eye popping" IP would be the best choice. No more carbon copy games from the past at launch. It needs to clearly show that is running on a brand new powerful console.
Reading that list was very disappointing for me, thinking how many great franchises skipped the wiiu and would have been a great matvh for it: Kid Icarus, Metroid, F Zero, Fire Emblem (there is no strategic game on wiiU, the console with the most strategic friendly controls ever)
I expect Zelda & Pikmin (as rumors heat up of the NX, it's becoming obvious to me that since it is "nearly complete", it would've been announced for the Wii U or 3DS by now). It's probably a given that we'll see Mario in some form (likely a 2D game, but slight chance of a 3D one). Assuming the rumors are true, I also think Smash is coming in an enhanced port. Finally, I think Animal Crossing is nearby too, especially if the NX is some sort of handheld.
I really want W102 and Bayonetta 3. They are sort of Ninty exclusives....
Metriod (Prime series game), 3D Mario and F-Zero. I think that would be a good balance of games but I doubt they would release them all at launch. I'm hoping Nintendo will gain some more third party support for the NX and I hope the Wii U hasn't done too much damage in this respect.
YES, go Metroid, FLY!
Don't usually agree with zool but Nintendo need to get nx into peoples hands and allow the differences to be felt. Marketing is ninty weakest suit.
I want pilot wings, f zero, wave race
You guys really have a thing for giving NLers a heart attack with all those mock-up pictures. Metroid Prime IV is bound to make several users skip some heart beats.
I voted the first three answers, although I want to make it clear that Nintendo MUST include a (unlockable, if they want) Maker-like editor in the next "New" 2D Mario for it to sell. I mean, sure, it would sell anyway, but having a portable Maker would help the new system a fair deal.
Metroid isn't going to happen for launch but would be my personal ideal. A first person one though, kinda burnt out on the 2D after the WiiU's library.
F-Zero needs to be a launch or early title to sell well enough I think. At the very least it needs to happen before Mario Kart is announced or people will wait for that. And it needs to return.
I also voted Splatoon but I think maybe it's too soon for a sequel and that'd be a good one to hold for maintaining sales figures later. So actually I think Animal Crossing would be the ideal. It's hugely popular and family friendly, plus it keeps you coming back for a long time. That hook would help with any software lulls early on.
And some new IP would be great. Let Platinum loose to do their own thing again or take one of the eShop titles like Dillon or Hana Samurai and expand that into a full experience. Show you learned from Splatoon's success.
From the list I'd pick Metroid, Zelda and Pokemon main series. Seriously Game Freak, just make a Pokemon MMO on a home console, and possibly do a Dark Souls system of online/offline option and invading other people's games for battle.
But to be honest, I'd lose my s**t if a new Advance Wars were announced, and I'd love to see a new IP from younger designers.
But then, there's always Chegger's Party Quiz 2.
Where is Fire Emblem?
The Legend of Zelda, a 3D Super Mario and Smash Bros. would make the NX very tempting (price will be a very big deciding factor as well). I don't ever expect to see another game in the series, but Wave Race would be awesome. Wave Race 64 is still in my top 5 all-time favorite racing games.
A new Splatoon with playable Octolings and a couple years of content updates would be a great idea. Even if it only launched with a few maps, it would still really help the NX. Systems usually have a lull in software right after launch so that would keep people coming back and keep the console in the news.
I also want the new Zelda to come to it with better graphics. 720p on Wii U and 1080p 60fps on NX with better draw distance, lighting, shadows and particle effects would be great.
I didn't pick what I thought would be a launch game, I picked what I would like to be a launch game. I picked Metroid, Splatoon, and Kart. Although they could swap Kart for F-Zero and I would be okay with it.
The game I can't wait to play in the future, is the Splatoon sequel. I can't wait to see what Nintendo does next with the series and there seems like a lot of room for it to grow as a series.
I think it's likely that we see Pikmin as a launch game. It's weird how they mentioned that it's done but we've seen/heard nothing about it. I also think the dual console release of The Legend of Zelda will happen as well, plus the complete HD Ultimate Mega Smash edition.
Metroid (it's about time). With Other M / Team Ninja character models. Less dialoguee
Kid Icarus. Bayonetta ish style, with regulra controls
Wave Race. Bring back the weather effects of Blue Storm and for god's sake, and option to remove the thingys you have to pass left or right. Maybe as an e-shop release
**selects like 8 answers**
**scrolls down to see "You can select up to 3 answers."**
Metroid, Zelda and... Kid Icarus, if they make it as good as I think they can.
A Mario Party Collection with all boards and mini-games, but they can leave out 9 and 10...
I want a Ice Climbers 3rd Person Shooter.
I was okay with the 3DS launch lineup; I just couldn't get one due to grad school/starting a business. Piltowings Resort, Steeldivers, and Dead or Alive Dimensions had me very interested.
I'd like Pilotwings, some sort of racing game, a Splation with more single player and local co-op, a Fire Emblem anthology, and some 3rd party like a new SSX, a Ratchet and Clank/Sunset Overdrive kind of game, a Warriors title like Samurai Warriors 4 Empires, and both Monster Hunter and Toukiden. I'd start saving up today for that kind of launch.
Edit: forgot Bayonetta 3. And something with the open wonder of Infinite Space.
Another vote for Xenoblade, wich is excluded on the list for some reason?
Of all the IP's that are presented in there, I chose Metroid, F-Zero, and Wave Race. Why these three? Various reasons, of course.
1. Metroid - I chose this one because Metroid footba--, er I mean Metroid Prime Federation Force doesn't count as a real main Metroid, let alone part of the Prime universe. If Nintendo had the decency of going back to its roots by making a REAL Metroid game, platformer or Prime, and appeasing the masses. God knows if Retro (which they have been awfully quiet for a long time) is working on a new Metroid (Prime) game.
2. F-Zero- Another almost forgotten series that Nintendo hasn't even paid attention. Even though Shin'en has filled the hole for a new F-Zero game with their IP NEO Fast Racing for the Wii U, it wouldn't be a bad idea for Nintendo to give the F-Zero IP to them, so they can develope a brand new F-Zero game for the NX.
3. Wave Race - From what I've seen, this is a fun series that also needs to make a comeback on the NX, especially since Nintendo loves to implement their Mii's and amiibo technology in their games nowadays. It would be financially stupid to let this franchise pass.
BONUS: I would also love for Nintendo to make an open-world skating game, just like the first Tony Hawk games that were made for the Playstation 1 (Tony Hawk Pro Skater), and the Playstation 2 (Tony Hawk Underground).
I wouldn't mind a new IP with how much I enjoyed Splatoon, I'm eager to see more new games fro Ninty.
I'm very impressed with Nintendo land. I really loved that game and hope to see more of that with the next system.
Wario World 2
3D Mario. That is all.
....and maybe a Kirby game. a real one, none of this rainbow curse stuff. or make that like a level in the game.
Mostly I want F-Zero and Metroid, for the third place I'd like a new Splatoon as I feel it's a game that should turn into a series although perhaps it's too soon after the first one... I'd very happily replace Splatoon with an obscure Nintendo franchise remade from the ground up (Ice Climbers, Mario Bros, Devil World, 1080, Rhythm Heaven, Star Tropics, Captain Rainbow, Mother, Kururin etc etc)
Splatoon 2 now thats something I wanna see
animal crossing
Likely NX launch titles
I think the poll is quite unfair to group Mario Party with Nintendo Land. I would love a real, full sequel to Nintendo Land, with fulfilling games based around Nintendo IP played with Mii's wearing Nintendo costumes — and with DLC support to add new franchises over time as new games are released... Games based on Fire Emblem, Splatoon, etc!
On the other hand, games like Mario Party and Wii Party or Wii Play, I'd be happy to be filler later own but not treat like key anticipated titles...
And separately, titles like Fortune Street or Amiibo Party, would also be ones I would be happy to see later on but not treat as key launch titles...
I'd love for the next major Animal Crossing to be a launch title. That plus Super Smash Bros Definitive Edition, and a new Pokemon game for the system this fall for the series big anniversary year would be a fantastic way to kick off the new system's launch!
For the handheld, a main Pokemon game will be all I need. Anything else is icing though I'd like to see another revival or return of a dormant franchise like F-Zero, Ice Climbers, or Advance Wars.
For the home console: Animal Crossing, Metroid, and a new IP to show off what the system can do. Definitive editions of Smash and MK8 would effortlessly pad the launch window with whatever 3rd parties they manage to get on board. And not necessarily for launch, but I'd really like to see a new Duck Hunt game as an eshop title.
I personally think their best bet would to have a new 3D Mario game to appeal to the everyone, Metriod Prime 4, all along with a new IP.
Of course, I have a feeling well see none of that on the launch lineup.
Normally I would not bother with Nintendogs. But if Pandas are involved then that changes it.
Really I wouldn't be disappointed in any of these as launch titles. If NX is a home console my choices would be Mario Kart, some 3D Mario, and Pilotwings. These are just the franchises I would like to see. Mario Kart is probably my biggest hope as a launch title. Pilotwings would be very unlikely but would be reminiscent of several Nintendo system launches as a showcase of that system's capabilities; SNES (mode 7), N64 (true 3D sim), and 3DS (actual 3D sim). It's unlikely, but maybe not as unlikely as we would think.
@PiplupJ So maybe "Nintendogs and Cats... and Pandas". Has a nice ring to it.
@westman98 I agree that based on what we have seen and heard so far these are the three most likely games we will see at or near launch.
I was surprised Fire Emblem wasn't an option. My top 3 if its a console would be 1. Fire Emblem. 2. Metroid Prime. 3. Kid Icarus.
Looking through the comments I'm surprised how many people seem to have kid icarus and metroid together in the same list. Seems like the two franchise's have a common fan base. I'm including myself in that group.
Because it feels like we just got most of these games it makes it hard to pick. I'd like to see them do maybe a 1080 NX with picture perfect scenery, a Metroid that promoted exploration almost on the scale of Xenoblade, and Super Mario NX which would be a follow up to SM64 for the cartoon style gameplay everyone's game.
Mario 3D, Zelda, Smash Bros port and a racing game is what they should go for. Either a Excite series or F-Zero sure would be dandy. That's a lot of star power so I bet mario probably would come a little later and Pikmin 4 would take it's place.
I selected the three of the most likely:
There are honestly too many games I want Nintendo to release for the NX that I cannot narrow it down to just 3. Here are games I think are LIKELY to be launch titles.
This would be a really solid launch lineup. Let's hope that it's just as good, if not better, than this!
I voted for F-Zero, Kid Icarus and Stat Fox as they don't have as many games in their series. The games they do have, have done well. Lylat Wars was also a brilliant launch title on the N64.
I want a big revival of an old, abandoned series. Like Duck Hunt or Ice Climber, but ESPECIALLY Mole Mania.
1. Wave Race. One of the most impressive and original Nintendo franchises, with a forgettable GB release and awesome N64 and GC releases. I'm dying for an HD Wave Race game.
2. Super Mario 2D / 3D. Forget about diluted "New" and "3D-Land-World" and bring back long lost glory, last seen in Super Mario World and Super Mario Sunshine.
3. Metroid Prime 4. Nintendo platforms usually lack shooters and first person adventures, which is what Retro Studios can do.
4. F-Zero. The Mario Kart 8 F-Zero circuits were a great start.
5. Star Fox. Take Zero and give it a boost.
6. Pokemon. Not the biggest fan, but it works wonderfully.
7. Splatoon. Not a great fan either, but you can make a better sequel on NX, can't you?
8. The Legend of Zelda. Oh, you are bringing the Wii U entry to NX, aren't you? Hard to resist.
9. Pikmin 4. Another dual-release?
10. Project Zero/Fatal Frame. One of my favourite franchises ever, I was planning learning Japanese and buying a Japanese Wii U before Maiden of Black Water was confirmed to come to Europe. Don't let this franchise die, Nintendo, you better not.
11. Oh, yeah, Mario Kart 9. Challenging as Double Dash!! and with its great battle mode, too!
I think it's almost guaranteed Zelda Wii U will have a port available for the NX at launch like Nintendo did for Twilight Princess and the Wii.
But my favorite Nintendo IP is Pokemon so I want Pokemon games.
God, please no mini game compilations, please none.
F Zero, Metroid, and an open world Pokemon RPG please. Maybe a new console Fire Emblem
Mario Galaxy 3
Splatoon must be NX playable
Luigi Mansion 3
Jeez, I would love a dark moon hd version for the Wii u ...
Animal Crossing is definitely at the top of the list for me because that one alone could tide me over until more games begin to come out. No way Metroid will be there at launch as I still feel it is too soon based on the comments from some of Nintendo's higher ups though if I turn out to be wrong you certainly won't hear me complain. A return of a classic franchise like F-Zero is what I and I think most fans would want because who wouldn't be excited to be able to experience a new sci fi racer from Nintendo? Probably won't happen though.
@able_to_think That makes two of us with the same philosophies. Good things to think about. Really though, I'm dying for a new Wave Race. Just imagine the graphics! Imagine the SpaceWorld 2000 movie for Blue Storm, X 10,000! It would be incredible! Zelda's cool too, though.
I made my own option of a new Mother/Earthbound game as well. I can't afford a new console but a new Metroid game could sway me to sell everything I own lol
@DESS-M-8 That's not my point. Like i said why can't they do both. ME as my own person wants to see Nintendo make certain games, i don't vote or buy things in order to appeal to a demographic other than myself. Individualism and Capitalism doesn't work like that. If Nintendo wants to/should make games to appeal to another demographic that's their own perogative, but it certainly isn't indicative of mine. Asking people to vote or voice an opinion for something other than what they want is foolhardy. I think we largely agree on the matter but at a surface level i couldn't disagree more with the idea that i as an individual ought to champion the development of something they don't care for.
It's like being a rock fan and liking say Nickelback simply for the reason of wanting a Rock band to be a bigger act than say any Pop music singer, like a Taylor Swift. I don't have to like either and i won't. I don't care if it means Rock music will be less popular, i can only value my own perspective and tastes. That's the inherent value i have to offer the world, the thing that makes me me. No point trying to cater to popular perception unless you want to be a poser and fail, there's certain fanboys Nintendo will never win over unless they bastardize themselves and it has nothing/very little to do woth the content they produce.
I'd like a new 3D Super Mario, Mario Kart, or Splatoon.
Ideally, the NX should have a launch title from Nintendo that is obviously beyond the capacities of the Wii U. You know, like F-Zero, Super Mario 64 and Wii Sports. Games like 2D Super Mario titles are always solid (even the New series), but don't blow minds.
So what series does Nintendo have that can really shine on more powerful and advanced hardware? Well, there are a few, including Metroid, F-Zero, Super Smash Bros, and Zelda. But I feel that Metroid and F-Zero could easily end up being too niche to really WOW people, seeing how these two series have never been huge. And with SSB4 being recent and Zelda coming to the Wii U, I feel those series should wait a while. Super Smash Bros in particular benefits from a latter release since it draws from games released in the meantime.
I would love a new 3D Super Mario myself, but making a strong online game early on would likely benefit Nintendo more. And their best bets for that are Mario Kart and Splatoon.
Splatoon as a launch title on the new NX handheld this christmas please! Running on the same servers as the wii u, of course.
Zelda U Deluxe would be a good launch title for the NX home next year, of course, but my hope is that Metroid Prime will return too. I honestly think it's just a pipe dream, but Metroid Prime 1 had a big effect on me way back in the day, and I'd like a modern sequel. Being that it's a solitary experience, I reckon Nintendo will wait until they do VR until we get a proper sequel like that though. Stuff's more mukltiplayer nowadays...
Animal Crossing
Metroid and Wave race
F-Zero without a doubt. It's more deserving for a new game then any other on this list. I love Zelda games, but it is getting over saturated.
The Mario sport games aren't on that list.
All I really want is a new Mario Golf game.
@Mister_Wu It's a wish list fantasy poll. If we were going off of only realistic options, Metroid would never be on there. Or Pilotwings... or well 3/4 of the list. So my choice stands, a GOOD Mario RPG.
How about a 3D super open world platformer that takes a long time plus some ideas for Mario maker and kart
Super Mario galaxy please! And a Pokémon spin off the mains series games belong on a handheld as it's perfect for the go! Unless the NX is a handheld console hybrid then if the handheld aspect truly is handheld then go for it Nintendo
I want to say Super Smash Bros, but only to have better Single Player and have both Single Player and Multiplayer balanced together. I love Smash 3DS and Wii U, but good lord, its single player content is a dry wasteland, in my opinion.
As much as I want a 3D Mario, the chances of a title in which Mario regains his Fighter-Style Melee Attacks from 64 is pretty much in Wario's laundry. I love 3D Mario games, but I just don't even care about what the next 3D Mario would be anymore.
I guess my picks would be...
Mario RPG (A Paper Mario RPG, a non-gimmicky and less minigamey Mario & Luigi game, or a sequel to Super Mario RPG)
Animal Crossing (The NX would be a hybrid handheld and console, right? I could see this series blending to this feature to please both worlds of players)
Nintendo Land 2 (Please, I need a Nintendo Land 2, plus online play)
I'm going to be really sad and say I'd like the StreetPass Mii Plaza to be transferable to the NX, whatever it turns out to be. It's not a game, but I've spent so much darn time collecting those hits and puzzle panels that if it wasn't supported I'd feel I'd wasted my life...yeah, I know I've done that already, but still...
Otherwise, as long as the quality is where it should be, Animal Crossing, Pikmin and something so amazing we'd never guess at it. Hoping it is truly hybrid too. I still play my 3DS way more than the WiiU despite there being no reason I can identify.
I'm still waiting for Nintendo to make cross genre versions of their own games!
Where's my zelda-like Mario action-RPG, and where is my mario-like Zelda 3D platformer??
Pikmin, Pioltwings, and Waverace... All would be fantastic launch titles with Pikmin being the meat and the other two being Potatoes.
A Zelda game would likely be smart in getting more early adopters to the system because many foolish people always say, "I'll buy one when a Zelda game comes out for it." (referring to Wii U)
Mario is so beat to death (as well as Kart) that I'm ok not seeing one of those again for a long time unless it's Galaxy 3.
@Vriess I'd go for a new IP. Splatoon is a hit. I would love to see what that group could come up with. See if they could top there last IP.
Killer apps, which may or may not include 'main series games'.
I picked Zelda, because they dropped the ball with Wii U and it deserves to succeed.
NX Sports, but only because it was a killer app. I don't want NX Sports, I want a game that Day 1 says to people: 'You need an NX.' And for people to buy one.
And F-Zero. Racing games are essential. Absolutely. I hate 'em. The XB1's focus on racing titles pushed me to a PS4.
But I still bought Project Cars and I own Rocket League and have rented both NFS games. Not because I like racing games. Because racing games showcase a system like few other genres (FPS is another one that is essential, Black Ops 3 is proof of this).
Do I have other games I'd want more? Clearly. But I don't want to rely on Nintendo for NX games. This is the true optimist in me. The guy that says, yes the NX can get 3rd party support and yes gamers will buy it.
My wishlist would likely include a modern reworking of the first Mario RPG, with all the Nintendo characters. Call it Smash Quest or whatever, but that's a dream.
A fully open world Mario in the vein of 64.
And a DKC in the same spirit as Mario 3D World, but harder, faster and with better boss battles.
I'd like to see a REAL Metroid game, and not another Call of Duty: Planet Zebes FPS. Yes, yes, yes - I know the great advances that Metroid Prime pushed the genre towards, but I just don't want to play an FPS. I've not enjoyed a Metroid game since Zero Mission.
Gamecube, Dreamcast VC titles at launch
Smash, Splatoon, and MK8, ports
Fire Emblem, Xenoblade 3DS ports
Zelda U/ NX
Pokemon series
KidIcarus Launch window
Dragon Quest 11 Launch window
3rd parties is the problem. What 3rd parties are coming? We have all spewed out games we hope will be at launch, but without some third parties and fans supporting them what will happen? If they are marketing it as a portable it might work. I am a huge Nintendo fan but I have so many systems. I'm content with the WiiU and 3DS this year. I know I'm going to purchase NX in the future, but I'm not sure if I will jump on in the beginning. We need more info.
Nintendo Consoles always release with a core Mario game, but the New 2d Super Mario series has become about as stale as it can get. Along with the release of Mario Maker giving fans an unlimited 2d fix, I hope Nintendo can see this is not the right path.. Sure some type of 3d World NX could be fun, but I think the real potential sits with a Galaxy or Sunshine sequel!
The more I think about it the more a Galaxy 3 sounds like the perfect way to kick off the system. The series has laid dormant for half a decade and could play off a hint of nostalgia. Pulling back all the fans who skipped the Wii U but loved their original Wii.
As for the other games, if the NX is released within the next year or so, I'd love a Twilight princess esq event. And out of pure speculation and with zero game design/coding knowledge, it seems like a very real possibility with how long the new zelda has been pushed back with zero updates on its whereabouts. I'd just hope a cross over zelda wouldn't hinder its potential on the NX while initially being developed for the Wii U if this comes to light.
As for the 3rd game I'd imagine they would want to stagger their blockbuster games through out the year. This leaves room for an F-zero/Wave Race/Luigis Mansion type game. All of which I would love to see reach the NX.
I don't know anymore though. It seems the potential is there to come out strong with the NX. But my expectations have been cut short so often over the past 2 years with Nintendo, I can't help but be a bit cynical about it all. Cheers to hoping they prove all the nay sayers wrong!
Why is no 3D Donkey Kong on the list?
@ikki5 3D Donkey included one game made by a studio that is no longer with Nintendo, and 3D collect-a-thons don't seem to have a place in the market anymore (unfortunately).
No Xenoblade or Fire Emblem in the list? What about a Last Story sequel? Or The Wonderful 101 (albeit not likely as the sales were bad)? Or Kirby? It is a wish list so everything so most Nintendo IPs should be available to choose from.
Not really sure any of these would really tempt me into buying one at this point. If Metroid means "Metroid Prime"-esque, and not 2D Metroid-esque, then maybe ... if it is up to snuff, and no, I don't just mean the standart set by the series as such, but by the broader industry as well, including stuff like visuals, maybe even online multiplayer and such.
A really current-gen Wave Race game would also be tempting, again though, that would include all the aformentioned aspects.
What I really want is a main-series FE game on the system, on the scale of FE:A or apparently Fates, but with the looks of games like ... dunno Tales of Vesperia or such at the very least. Maybe a main-series MegaTen game? SMTVI? Those would be a surefire buy for me.
Other than that ... just surprise me. I think the staples as presented in this poll, must be part of the library eventually, at least a significant part of it, but honestly, I want stuff I didn't know I wanted
Having said that, a new Diddy Kong racing would be just as compelling as a grand new Metroid Prime or Waverace
How about Punchout???
Fire Emblem???
Star Tropics???
Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, and Mario Kart. Wouldn't mind a sequel to Splatoon either.
3D Mario like Mario 64, none of that globe stuff like the Galaxy games, not a fan of that. Another 3rd person Metroid, no Prime stuff. Obviously a Zelda game is already being made for Wii U so that will just be ported, so lastly either a Luigi's Mansion game or a Wave Race. All the other stuff I'd be somewhat interested in could wait. If this happens to even be a console....
Why not Pilot Wings? With modern HD graphics, a quirky Nintendo flight simulator would be AWESOME.
@Octoling Collectathons have a place in the market, they sold decently in the past. It's just that no one wants to make them.
At any rate, I don't think collectathon is the right direction for a 3D Donkey Kong game to go in. What I'd like to see is a hybrid beat em up/platformer, like God of War or the Werehog in Sonic Unleashed. But once again it comes down to who's making the game. Retro has interest in doing a 3D game, but since they also make the 2D games, it might be hard for them to juggle both.
Who's making what is a big problem with Nintendo as a whole really, they have too many IPs and too few devs to work on them. We're either going to see an increase in dev teams, or they're going to have to make some tough choices on what to make. And sadly, the latter seems more likely.
A new 2D Donkey Kong Kreator would be tight...New 2.5D Metroid game would be totally excellent. Mega Man Legends 3?! And we need another F-Zero please
And DQ whatever-number-they're-on
Easy to choose. Pilotwings, Wave Race and Luigi's Mansion.
Why wasn't Endless Ocean on the list?
The ones I want to see is a 3D Mario (hopefully something different), a 3D metroid game that does something new but still has the same kid of feel, and f zero just because it is beyond over due to come back. I really do hope my jaw is on the floor when they show off the games.
A new 3D Mario, Kid Icarus, and maybe some new IP or old IP brought back that will catch us all off guard.
I can only vote for three? You meanies! And you didn't even put Fire Emblem in there.
Why do you have to include pandas? Now that makes the choice difficult!
Animal Crossing makes the most sense. It's all about real time, so having it come out on Day 1 of the system's life makes sense. Plus, generally, it'd just be a huge draw.
I do think Mario Kart and Smash would be smart too. They're popular. So, maybe not Day 1, but as soon as possible. They're the types of games you can release updates throughout the system's life. Not over the course of a year, like Smash U did. But literally adding new content over four to six years?
An out-there idea, but it'd be smart for Nintendo to do, MO: Go to an Western studio and have them reboot something like Wild Gunman or Hogan's Alley in the style of something like GTA. Rated T, maybe even M.
Why do I think this is smart? It gives Nintendo a ~mature game. One at launch, that clearly says, "WE'RE WILLING TO DO THIS TYPE OF THING NOW. WE'RE NOT THE SAME NINTENDO OF YESTERDAY." Not only that, but it's bringing back an old title, which is always fun, it's nostalgic. There hasn't been one of either in several decades now, so it makes people curious. So if they were to actually deliver a well-done, nostalgic mature game, it'd be very telling and might make a lot of people do a double take when it comes to the NX and Nintendo. And that's something Nintendo needs to do, IMO.
Disappointed with the lack of Waverace and Pilotwings voters
@VanillaLake took awhile but I found another Waverace fan, YES!
I am absolutely shocked that Smash Bros isnt blowing away everything. Im not a fan of Smash bros but I know there are alot of fans. Im more concerned about 3rd party devs. Is the NX going to break the Nintendo mold and get some help this time?
Metroid classic in 2d but Prime is fine as well
Metroid, Kid icarus and 3d mario
You need system sellers on Day 1. In my opinion it has to be: 3D Mario, Mario Kart or Legend of Zelda.
I guess third parties titles should be my choice. Nintendo can release their big titles a couple months later, because otherwise the 3rd parties can't compete with the first party Nintendo titles, whine about it, and then quit trying to port anything.
If I was in charge of the development team, I'd have 2 killer launch titles made in house. One would be an old faithful souped up beyond all expectation and the other one would be a total out of the blue surprise.
3D Mario, Metroid (Prime) and F-Zero plz. Don't really see a need for Zelda or Smash at launch since Zelda U is still coming out and Smash 4 is enough Smash for the next 8 years or so.
The lack of an other button is a rather big oversight. There are so many Nintendo franchises that it'd be near impossible to list them in a limited poll, and some rather noteworthy IPs are lacking from the poll as a result; Kirby being the main missing IP.
In any case, thinking of the launch line-up for the NX is pretty difficult for me. For starters, we still don't know what the NX is or when it will come out. As the questions seem to be based on a personal desire though, I shall just assume the NX to fit within my current predictions of a hybrid system for a 2017 release.
This still doesn't fix all my problems though, as when I think about it, I've never had too much of a problem with launch line-ups. Admittedly, I didn't want a 3DS until Dead or Alive Dimensions was on the horizon, but the Wii and Wii U were day one buys due to their being games I wanted at launch and within the launch window. Funny enough, for both the launch of the Wii and the Wii U, it was the 3rd party games of Red Steel and Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed that were my desired purchases (though Wonderful 101 was the game I was most excited for at the time of the Wii U's release). Still, I shall try to answer as best I can.
Q) Which first-party franchises do you want?
A) Once again, there are problems with trying to decide this, as the games can differ quite drastically within their respective listings. For instance, I love Super Mario 3D World, however I do not like the 64/Sunshine/Galaxy style of 3D Mario games. Both fit under the 3D Mario category. In an opposite instance, I enjoyed the first three Super Smash Bros games, but was not a fan of the most recent Wii U instalment.
An of course of important note, is that this poll is missing many of the IPs I would consider. I'd love for a Kirby game to be available at launch, and I'm all for obscurer Nintendo IPs getting the spotlight, so a new Another Code or Magical series or Panel De Pon game would be nice to see. Notably, these are not amongst the options.
For this poll... I guess I'll go with Splatoon, Pokémon (main series), and Donkey Kong (2D platformer). I did consider the Mario RPG (Mario & Luigi / Paper Mario) option, but I'm not a huge fan of the Mario & Luigi series and it's been a while since the last Paper Mario game I actually enjoyed. I shall vote for the three I mentioned, but honestly, knowing so little of the NX and given the limited choices available, my heart isn't really in the vote.
Now then, there are plenty of comments I'd like to reply to, hence the second comment. Furthermore, I missed the last question;
Q) Which franchises would bring a perfect NX launch, in your opinion?
A) This implies something different than I thought was being asked. A perfect NX launch wouldn't cater to just me, it'd cater to a wider demographic. It's hard to truly describe a perfect NX launch when we don't know what it is, so I'm once again considering this question on the basis that the NX is a 2017 releasing hybrid system.
For the launch line up, I'd have the NX release with a new 3D Mario in the style of the 64/Sunshine/Galaxy games (though not Galaxy 3, it needs to be something new), an NX Fit/exercise game, and a built in amiibo game. I would also mention a more 'hardcore appealing game' (for lack of a better term) such as Metroid, F-Zero, Eternal Darkness, or a new IP, but you did restrict it to just three games and a built in amiibo game would technically count. Furthermore, I feel it'd be good to give the 3rd parties some breathing room, and have this Metroid/F-Zero/other game be released within the launch window of the NX, but not at launch. Think of it as the Pikmin 3 of the NX, except intentionally done.
The main reason I suggest this is that a new 3D Mario would drown out most of the competition. Unfortunately, this would probably include the 3rd parties as well, particularly if the launch line-up was similar to the Wii U, but I don't see a way to get around this.
As noted, I did want to comment on other people's comments, but I'll have to save that for later.
I'd love to see Animal Crossing launch with it, but I think that would be a game that would launch the following year after the NX's sales are totaled and they have enough people in their networks. For me, a new Mario Adventure would get me hyped, or even Legend Of Zelda. They will definitely need something good though, the 3DS launched horribly, the Wii didn't really launch with a big title, the Wii U's mario title felt rushed to me and didn't feel as big as a normal mario adventure. I thought the Gamecube launched good with Luigi's Mansion and Wave Race, but it still lacked many good titles for it at launch (I was hoping for Eternal Darkness at launch).
Whatever it could be, I hope it's something that could really make it sell and get nintendo back on board!
Voted for NX Sports, Fit, and Music cause I felt bad for them.
Gotta be Mario, F-Zero and Metroid, we haven't had an F-Zero game in 2 generations now, Metroid has skipped this gen and all of those other options have been represented this gen via 3DS and Wii U bar Waverace. However I think a Nintendo system should always launch with Mario and they must have been working on something for a while.
A 3d Mario, something more along the lines of 64 rather than 3d world which I found to be a bit of a step backwards and slightly disappointing.
Zelda which in reality would likely be Zelda U or whatever its called.
A full Animal Crossing sequel with added extras like mini games and more customisation with buildings and such.
If they bring out a 3D Mario, Zelda, and a good broad-appeal minigame collection at launch, they'd pretty much secure a sale to all of their core fans from the outset.
Then presentation and novelty might grab them a larger share of the public mind, but most of the old-timers would be set.
That said, Mario and Zelda side by side at launch has never happened, and I'm not counting on it to be a thing this time either.
My top wish for a handheld is ADVANCE WARS
My top wish for a home console would be a new 3D Mario like SM64 or Sunshine
0 chance to happen. The Metroid franchise will die with the flop of Federation Force. Which was an attempt to save the franchise after the flop of Other M. Which was an attempt to save the franchise after Prime 3. There is zero chance that Nintendo give a HD budget to that series. It's too niche.
3D Mario, Metroid and Pikmin.
It has been a long time since Metroid had a new release and I think a great big Mario that returns to the design ideals of Super Mario 64 would be a marvelous way to show off what new hardware can do.
Normally Zelda would be my hardware buying must-have as it is my favourite game series, but it is already coming out for the Wii U. This is why I didn't get the Wii at launch as I already had Twilight Princess on the Gamcube. Incidentally, Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime are the game I bought my Wii for.
3D Mario
Legend of Zelda Wii U port
Animal Crossing
Bayonetta 3 along with the Bayo 1&2 ports..
This is missing Mario sports series with a good entry.
i want Mario football or Mario Strikers with a good career/dynasty mode.
That would be awesome.
As Pokemon obsessed as I am, I don't want to see a Pokemon game at launch (which I believe is the question). It's just too soon. We still have Z coming, and that should be a 3DS title, so time in between that and the NX's launch if it does come in late 2016 is simply too little. Do I want to see Gen 7 on the NX though? Hell yeah. Just not at launch.
A spinoff is potentially viable but this and last year are already packed with spinoffs, I think Gamefreak will probably not be working on that many of those.
If I was to choose any game to be a launch title, it would definitely have to be the next Animal Crossing game. I want a game I can play endlessly, and a game that can't be completely in just a few days. I want something I can keep going back to while I'm waiting for each new release from Nintendo, because you know they are going to be released sparingly. Unless of course, they get true third party support for their next console. Still, I just want to see all of the animals' smiling faces in high definition glory. Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival doesn't count for me.
Wii u street with goggle!
I'd go for a few games which have a very long lifespan so like a main series Pokemon game (either new region or return to Orre) and Kid Icarus (but in the style of Uprising, not 2D) as well as a fan favourite franchise that has been ignored for over a decade, F-Zero.
I went with a main series Pokemon game and I'd like a Animal Crossing game, heck I even prefer a Wii or Gamecube remake if it's just a game in the original series instead of another spin-off like Amiibo Festival. I like those Amiibo much more then I like the game.
And I know it's probably never ever happening but I would like to a follow up on Skies of Arcadia on the NX. With SEGA (being mostly Sonic) and Nintendo collaborating on games I would love to see another Skies of Arcadia game.
The theme, the characters, I think the franchise really suits a Nintendo console. And another (exclusive) RPG on Nintendo's next console won't hurt them I think.
3D Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Animal Crossing
There's a missing option : a good Zelda side story and that doesn't use Link
Splatoon, Zelda, and 3D Mario!!!
@zool this is a new platform. Not a revision.
I have voted for:
@faint what??
Most of these titles wouldn't have a chance at this point, but nevertheless, I voted for F-Zero, Pilotwings, and Wave Race. Those games and their serieses were created in the past to really show off what their respective systems could do. I think they could serve the same purpose for NX. Obviously, we would otherwise have the obligatory Mario or Zelda flagship title to kick off NX, but that flagship needs some decent ambassadors, no? Pikmin 4 is likely on the way as an NX launch window title, too.
Everything else here isn't a launch title, they're mid life and early life titles. (With the exception of the "Mii" titles, which are lazy but potentially effective ways of replacing others... Until their fad dies. )
Ooh, a super beefed-up Melee-style sequel to splatoon at launch with much more content and actual local multilplayer wouldo do it for me.
@iphys A new Punch-Out was something I was hoping would come out on the Wii U, but with Next Level Games busy with Metroid Prime: Federation Force, that doesn't seem to likely now. For an NX release though (possibly even a launch title), that I'd love to see. Too bad it wasn't an option within the poll.
@DESS-M-8 In regards to people wanting a 3D Mario, this is likely due to the latest 3D Mario entry being rather different to the usual 3D Mario titles. Whilst I loved Super Mario 3D World, I recognise it is a different style of game to the 64/Sunshine/Galaxy mold, and fans of that mold want a new entry. I also reckon that people are combing hopes with expectations, and a new 3D Mario seems likely.
As for the second point, it is not obvious as to whether Zelda U will be ported to the NX, a device we still have no confirmation on what it is or when it will come out. Zelda U being ported to the NX is only likely if it comes out this year, and is either a hybrid or the console part of the device (it could be two separate units, who knows).
For me, I don't have much love for Metroid or F-Zero, though there are plenty of more obscure Nintendo franchises I'd loved to have voted for. Punch-Out, Another Code, Panel De Pon, The Legendary Starfy, Magical series, Balloon Fight; too bad there wasn't an Other option to vote for. Add onto that the reasoning of what would best for the NX launch line up, none of mine would probably be very effective for a launch line-up.
@geozeldadude Fire Emblem wasn't included in the poll? Well what do you know, it wasn't. I guess my mind was focused on the absence of Kirby from the poll more than any other IP.
As for new IP, I do believe that should have been included as an option. That said, the 3DS did launch with a new IP, Steel Diver, and it didn't help the 3DS' launch too much.
@MrGawain As far as I'm aware, Nintendo does actually own the Wonderful 101 IP, despite Platinum Games being the creator. That said, I'm not 100% sure on this. In either case, I imagine Platinum Games wouldn't mind making a Wonderful 101 sequel, though I imagine the number they'd use for it's title would be bigger than 102.
@Ogbert I agree that for an F-Zero game to have a chance at success, it needs to be released prior to a new Mario Kart. Sure, their demographics differ in key ways, but there is still overlap and overshadowing at risk. I also believe Miyamoto (or Takaya Imamura) want to be involved in the next F-Zero, at least that is the impression I've gotten, and both are busy with Star Fox Zero right now.
I'd love to see one of Nintendo's newer IPs like Dillon's Rolling Western get the spotlight. Dillon's Rolling Western is a title I think would be suited for such an expansion in particular, as I feel their is plenty to expand upon and I feel (if the NX is a hybrid or console) that the series would be more fitting on a console based system.
@davidevoid I'm always a fan of Nintendo's more obscure IPs getting recognised, particularly if it's a suggestion that they get given another chance of life. A lot of Nintendo's IPs are so obscure that many would believe them to be new IPs entirely if they were to have new entries made.
@Mr_Action I love the Animal Crossing idea. A Day One with the launch may pull a few people in who might not normally get the game. I know I would. Great idea!
If they were to launch the next generation of Pokemon on Day One, they'd sell out of as many pieces of hardware as they could make especially if this is the hybrid system that everyone seems to think it is.
Those two games and a Mario should leave enough room for third parties to get their stuff in there.
Of course, this is my third different scenario so I'm probably not someone to be listening to.
@Souldin Agree, if it weren't for Pit in Smash people wouldn't have been craving a new Kid Icarus game. I'm all about Nintendo making partnerships as well, what with Sony grabbing Kojima for a game it'd be cool if Nintendo helped more legendary creators realise their dreams... NX!!!
I would love a new Mario in 3D , something about a new Mario at launch just feels right ! I'm thinking a Mario Kart might make an appearance as well because they talked about more DLC then suddenly silence. Perhaps they switched gears and opted for the DLC to be new tracks in the next MK. I guess my picks would be a Mario 64/Galaxy type game, an F-Zero/MK race game... A new Metroid or Splatoon (both !) with epic story and visuals for Metroid and more Inkling customizations like "hair" styles, add pants/skirts to the gear configurations and make Octolings playable ! Perhaps more important to Nintendo though is if we could see some 3rd Party support from Square/Enix , Capcom, Activision ? I've said this before and I'll say it again, a Kingdom Hearts with a Nintendo world and story as a console exclusive would be awesome ! Sora, Mickey and Mario fighting side by side ? Count me in definatly !
If I'm picking three, a new Metroid, new F-Zero and 3D Mario would probably mean an instabuy. Realistically I'm expecting Zelda U, Smash Bros Complete, Pikmin 4 and maybe a niche surprise like Shin Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem to have been ported or a Kid Icarus Uprising remake/sequel, maybe a Mario Golf.
Complete/remastered editions of Bayo 2, Splatoon, MK8 and XCX won't be far behind
I'm surprised by the sheer no. of people who went for Pokémon main series rather than, say, Splatoon, which got hardly anything. Odd. I like Pokémon (see avatar) but don't know if it would work quite right on a home console.
If NX is presumably releasing in 2017, probably around the latter half of the year around the Christmas shopping season, and Zelda Wii U is releasing probably at the end of this year in November, why are there so many votes for Zelda. I love Zelda just like the next guy (look at my username) but too many games can kill or make a series stale.
Also the lack of votes for Kid Icarus makes my heart sad. Ever since I played Uprising on the 3DS, I've longed to see a home console KI in glorious HD and with a just-as-amazing soundtrack in surround sound.
You gotta have the holy trinity of Nintendo at launch on the NX that's a 3D Mario, Zelda game and Metroid game.
@Deanster101 Nice to meet you! I requested a new Wave Race game via Wave Race Miiverse community.
My wishes:
3D Mario in the vein of an N64 collect-a-thon rather than a Mario Galaxy or Super Mario 3D world - more than anything else, I want this.
Zelda, most certainly - let's go crazy and get a Link's awakening/Oracle style 2D Zelda maker, oh man, I might want that more than Mario 64 II.
F-Zero, closer to F-Zero X than GX, I thought GX went for pretty graphics over actual good racetracks and was not a fan.
Paper Mario, but good (an actual RPG instead of Super Paper Mario, multiple partners, no atrocious sticker mechanic or 'you didn't bring the right sticker to this boss you didn't even know was in this stage so now it's impossible to win', more story than 'Bowser kidnaps Peach')
Lesser wishes, but still would be psyched
Metroid, preferably 2D; I know people love Metroid Prime but I just didn't enjoy it.
Oh man, I totally forgot about Wii Music, I had so much fun with that game, yeah, let's get a new NX Music/Fit/Sports lineup going too.
Some non-Nintendo franchises I'd also like to see early on:
Let's bring Tales back to Nintendo systems please. Great series, Abyss is still the most played title on my 3DS, bought a PS3 solely for Tales games and the other two things on this list.
Any freaking licensed pro sports game, heck, pay Tecmo all of the money to re-do Super Tecmo Bowl (SNES version, not Tecmo Super Bowl) with all 32 NFL teams and I would pay $$$ for it.
Project Mirai (or I guess Diva with no creepy petting mechanic would be fine, also please include future style Rin)
@electrolite77 What about Wave Race??
@triforcepower73 The first thing I think of when you write KI is Killer Instinct.
@LetsGoChamp NOOOOO STOP IT! You're making me more hype for a Dreamcast 2 that will never come than NX!
@electrolite77 LOL but no Wave Race, even though Ryota is your avatar?
Aw gawd.. No more competition games, we need more adventure from N.
Except F-zero since it's been a while.
Sucks that people didn't like Metroid other M, because the mood, gameplay was extraordinary. Tbh, I don't want another prime, I wasn't a big fan of it's gameplay... But it'd sure look pretty with todays machines. And a Prime Hd, ugh.. Do people really want that? Doesn't Tp:Hd look disappointing enough.
Advance Wars
@PlywoodStick @VanillaLake
Ha ha. It doesn't have to be there at launch. Just the promise of some splashy racing action at some point will do me.....
Metroid, Metroid, METROID!!!!!!!!!
...and a little F-Zero wouldn't hurt.
@rjejr Metroid 4 is Metroid Fusion, says so in the intro just as it does in Super Metroid with Metroid 3.
No other option... Want to vote for Fire Emblem and Golden Sun...
@Rockmin No evidence, just a hunch. If there is no new handheld, then I will most likely get a N3DS. If there is a handheld NX component revealed, then I will have saved myself $200.
Mad times. It's weird to even think about it... The Wii U is only 3 years and 2 months young and we talk about launch titles for the next console. Zelda and Pikmin are in the works for Wii U, no need for a port, especially if the new console is, hopefully, and again, backwards compatible.
What should I say, a main series Animal Crossing, Metroid, a main series Pokémon, a new F-Zero, Wave Race, Excite Truck/Bike, Mario Sunshine 2, Luigi's Mansion, Kid Icarus, Prof. Layton, Paper Mario, more epic endless RPGs and this and that, and yeah of course that would make us happy, but I can't see why all these games shouldn't be on Wii U. It's the perfect console that could handle all these games beautifully! It's a console that, honestly, just needs more great sequels of great classics in full HD and with online multiplayer (for the Nintendo tech geeks), and with innovative, practical, useful, or funny uses of the GamePad (for the Nintendo gameplay geeks).
Plus a few surprises! (to add new audiences)
For me NX is a far away thing. Maybe at the end of the year, after Zelda and some NX facts I join the hypetrain. The only thing I say is, if it's a hybrid console it should mean a combination of 3DS and Wii U, and that means: more games! Something both Nintendo consoles need at the moment. And you don't need 2 Nintendo consoles anymore.
A warning for an too early NX release: as a hybrid console, with the power of at least a PS4 (what the dreamers expect here), it will be the most powerful handheld ever! That leads to very high energy consumption and very high production cost though. Wouldn't it be an expensive handheld/tablet/controller/laptop-thingy that only lasts one hour on the go? Why do so many wish for that? Give it time!
Until then, enjoy the Wii U! That's Nintendo's big console now.
Pokemon main series would be amazing on home console but just wont happen
@EarthboundBenjy a HD Sub Wars would be great though
Why do people want a main series Pokemon game on a console? It's just not right. I also think it would hurt more than help to be honest.
Believe it or not, I'm actually content with what we have right now. Aside from FE Fates, there's just no room in my life for other games. College and all.
I'd like to see Donkey Kong, F-Zero, and 3D Mario.
Metroid and F-Zero. Bet i sound like every whiny nintendo fan ever now
NX Sports, NX Fit and NX Music would make an unbelievably brilliant line-up, smashing Xbox and PlayStation out o' the gaming world.
Smash. There is no game I played in the last 5 years I played as much as smash (maybe thats because my smash bros, pun intended, come over every friday). That game is sooo much fun and if Metroid, The Legend of Zelda and Pokemon are coming with it or other awesome additions (3D Mario, Donkey Kong, ...), I will buy it day one.
Because I am still loving the Wii U I really hope the NX is the a hand held to take over from the 3DS, with Vita like graphics and ditching any gimmicks, giving me dual analogue's and a touch screen, and gyro use, and this time just a single screen.
Give me a strong line up, with MK, SSB, and maybe something like Paper Mario straight out the gate, and a stronger WiFi connection.
Also they need to set up some sort of trophy system, it add's so much more completionism (just made up a word) to a game.
There's always hunger for more 3D mario cos we always hope to recapture that M64 magic again,
Looks like people are dying for Metroid. I'd like to see Luigi's Mansion, or Pilotwings- even though didn't vote for it. And F-zero would be stupendous.
@SKTTR The Sega Saturn was barely 2 years after release in the West, when Bernie Stolar declared at E3 1997, "The Saturn is not in our (Sega's) future." It's not as if this sort of thing hasn't happened before, on a more extreme scale, even. It's not a sign of the times, it's a sign that Nintendo is not infallible either, and screwed up big time with the Wii U, regardless of the good games on the system. They need to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and try again with gusto for NX as soon as possible.
@PlywoodStick Agreed, and well said.
@Mr_Diabolical Metroid PRIME 4. Happy now?
I'd go back and edit it but this thread is so long and old I'm not even sure where it is. And probably most people knew what I meant, they manage to get through all my typos.
Fire emblem via sine fine facile eunt socii!!!
Mario Kart needs to be planed for at least a year after the console is out... so they can make the most of the hardware as they have done in previous versions... and yes its too soon after MK8 to even mention MK9
Actually I'm still gutted that MK8 does not support 5 player local split screen like Sonic Racing Transformed does
And Sonic Transformers is overall a better game of the two.
@electrolite77 The vision of an HD Wave Race game with a smooth frame rate is like a dream.
That's just watching clips of the originals playing on an emulator in HD
A new 3D Metroid, please! A new F-Zero wouldn't hurt either!
@electrolite77 Yeah! LOL
@PlywoodStick: How many Wii U games do you have?
@rjejr honestly, i think metroid would be a good fit for a handheld. I especially loved metroid prime hunters and although metroid federation force got a lot of hate, we really don't know all that much about. To me, that game looks like a fun multiplayer experience.
@LUIGITORNADO Yes, everyone does love Mortal Kombat.
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