On the Nintendo 64, games such as Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Donkey Kong 64 redefined what could be done with the platforming genre with another dimension tossed in. But now, it seems like the good old days of the adventure-style 3D platformers have all but gone away, with very few notable releases in recent times. Yooka-Laylee is arguably the most anticipated 3D platformer in this style to be coming to Wii U, but it was just recently announced that a similar title has been also cleared for release on the platform.
The new game is called FreezeME, and for now it will be releasing in North America sometime in the near future. FreezeME already released on Steam, and follows the adventures of a girl with a special camera that allows her to freeze objects she photographs. This will be expanded upon slightly in the Wii U release, which will allow players to freeze objects by tapping them on the GamePad. As for Europe, the game is still waiting on a rating, but it'll be submitted to NOE as soon as that's cleared up. Here's the announcement trailer:
What do you think? Will you be interested in picking this up? PC players, what did you think of this? Share your thoughts in the section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 49
Err... not sure how I feel about this game. Something about it looks, well, not too good. But I will keep an open mind and wait for a review. Like to support indies when I can.
I supported the Kickstarter and it looks better now, so I'll stick with my judgment and give it a chance. If I turn out to be wrong so be it; there are worse things than supporting indie devs.
Wow this looks pretty damn good!!
i see so nintendo of america is the problem thats the reason we didnt get a physical release on Fatal frame ¬¬ well hope in this we do get at least a physical one!! seen the videos even before and glad they approved this one!! im all for the classic platformers!!!
The world looks great, but I can't see myself feeling any type of attachment to that main character. It just seems a little generic, but I'll probably give the game a try.
Looks pretty interesting... will keep my out for this game
It looks pretty good. The only thing that I didn't like was the sound that played when jumping but that's a minor complaint. I really love 3D platformers so I think I'll give this a try when it comes out.
So happy to see this getting a proper release. I was a supporter of the original kickstarter, which is an extremely rare occurrence for me, and so it's really satisfying to see FreezeMe get a chance despite failing to reach the kick starter goal. Kudos to the developer for pulling through where many others throw in the towel even when crossing that threshold.
@ACK Actually one of the devs said in an interview that their primary purpose for the Kickstarter was promotion and not funding and that failing never put the project at risk. I was very happy when I learned that, because nothing is worse (in the gaming world, not the real one; let's have some perspective) than interesting projects not getting funding, and only slightly less bad is projects getting insufficient funding to be fully realized.
Graphically it wasn't quite up there w/ Jett Rocket or Monsteca Corral on Wiiware but I did watch the entire video.
Fortuantley all those open world N64 games gave way to Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper. I think I'm going to go pre-order R&C and I don't even own a PS4 yet. (Only $32 w/ Amazon Prime.)
Looking forward to Yooka Laylee, but don't expect me to type it correctly.
.........And that's what happens when you play Super Mario.....that everything else that you play besides Mario is a Super Mario rip off.......
I'm sorry, I can't help it. This looks a lot like Super Mario even if it isn't trying to.
The first minute of that trailer was a bit rough but it got going after that.Looking forward to see how this turns out.
It looks good to me but the tap is a pretty lazy implementation that looks clunky to me. If I get it, I'll be using the traditional control method.
I'm game. Looks solid - apart from the obvious influences, some looked very Klonoa too.
It looks cool but I wish they had more money to improve the graphics. I will keep an eye on this.
Ehh .. it doesn't look too interesting but I'll probably check it out when it releases.
It looks like a low-budget (and awfully generic) version of Super Mario 3D World. Hell, I can't not think of 3D World when watching the trailer as the similarities are so striking. If anything, this will only serve to the game's detriment as I will constantly be reminded of a far more refined and undoubtedly superior experience. I don't wish to poo-poo indies here, but I'd rather not waste my time on a poor man's version of a far superior game.
Why could they not have created a more distinctive style of gameplay and aesthetic instead of borrowing so heavily from the masters?
I may be tempted if the price is right, but it will be hard to justify paying a premium with 3D World on the platform.
I'm waiting for Yooka-Laylee and Hat in Time. I'll wait for the review for this one.
@sillygostly In what way is this similar to 3D World? 3D World isn't full 3D design, or even a game that displays from the character's view. And FWIW, indies and Nintendo 1st party games never compete in the same price range.
This is a game that competes with Mario 64 on the Wii U VC.
Looks very well made, certainly takes a lot of inspiration from Mario 64. I'm sure i'll be picking this up. I remember when the KS launched and it seems to have come out well in the end.
Edit: Also just looked into it and the reviews on Steam are very good. Nice.
@allav866 Those two should be good as well. Is A Hat In Time confirmed for a Wii U release. I know it was previously up in the air. That games been in development for a looooooong time it feels.
Looks good. I miss when Nintendo made proper 3D platforms. The 2D ones are very good games, and the hybrid that is Mario 3D World is excellent, but I recently reminded myself of the good old days by replaying the ending of Mario Galaxy. That just destroys every platformer on the Wii U. As was mentioned in an earlier post, hats off to Sony for sticking with the genre with Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper. Both very different from each other and could hardly be accused of being Mario clones, though clearly a debt of gratitude is owed for the foundations which Nintendo laid.
Looking good, large open worlds, mix of 3D/2D, different environments (ice, underwater, dark, etc); if they get the controls right and manage to create a good story with likeable characters they might have a winner.
Looks a bit bonkers but decent, selling for £10 on Steam so will probably sell for £40 on the eshop.
Clearly some hard work has been done here.
Kind of feel like the character design has been greatly rushed.
Bland to say the least.
Not very original either, but it may play well.
I think I'll just wait for Nintendo Life's review before I give an opinion on this one. I mean, it looks pretty cool, but I'm going to need an informed opinion before I get excited.
This looks like a loving homage to 3D Mario games more than any other 3D platformer in the collectathon genre. Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy all rolled into one? Colour me interested.
Will definitely get this day one. I supported the failed Kickstarter, and I'm all for a new indie age of 3D platformers. Hopefully it delivers!
This is a maybe right now.
Looks like everybody's opinions is mixed between "I like it" and "I might get it" with "but I don't like X" and "Y is the only that bugs me". In other words, they like it, even though there are some tiny details that they don't like.
Of the 3D platformers I've seen pass through Kickstarter this is probably one of my least favourites.
A Hat in Time, Yooka-Laylee and Lobodestroyo look more impressive to me,
So much yes to this game. It reminds me of Mario and Blinx so thats always a win in my eyes.
Looks interesting I'll keep an eye on it.
This game looks pretty good
Looks good, not great. For an indie game, its pretty decent, would look better if the game was cell-shaded the look of Zelda Wind Waker HD. But I prefer Poi, which I wish was still coming to Wii U.
This game looks great, ah I love my Wii U! Wish had more time to play xenoblade, that game is so beautiful. I skim through my collectors guide often, hopefully this snow storm hits and I'll be able finally sit down and rock it
Did anyone notice how many things were copied directly from Mario Galaxy? It was kind of crazy.
The world looks great, the character so forgetable. I mean if you invest the time making a game like this, why not invest more time in making the main character more unique, more awesome. The name also screams "indie who is not looking to get bigger" all over. Its like a project code name, take "shovel Knight" for example, its a name that makes you wanna take a look, its odd, a knight with a shovel?? its unique.. wasted opportunity here, so sad!
Looks like a poor version of Super Mario Galaxy. I'm sure the freezing aspect will be cool, but you could already do that with a lot of stuff in SMG too.
Inspired by '90s platformers? More like a Mario Galaxy carbon copy. Seriously, you could've told me this was running on the Super Mario Galaxy game engine and I'd have believed it. From the almost identical graphical style down to the 2-player option with the second player freezing enemies with a Wiimote... It's uncanny.
Not that that's a bad thing though, it looks great fun, and and it seems like they really put effort into utilizing Wii U's features. :]
@CB85 X2
Mario Galaxy Clone, but i like. heheheheh
Looks nice, the wiimote control scheme looks like fun. I'll definitely keep and eye on this.
Interesting concept for a genre that needs more love. I'm just super not into the protagonist, they missed the mark. She's like Dora and Tina but with a camera. One major factor that made old 3D collect-a-thons fun was the unique protagonist, like Conker, Banjo, DK, even the new Hat Girl is interesting.
@rjejr Never really enjoyed those titles. I'll take Banjo Kazooie, Tooie and Conker 64 over those games anyday.
Might be cool...
@liveswired Never had an N64 so I have no nostalgia. And I like my games to be voice acted and story driven. Though I would play those games if given a chance.
So the freeze is basically the same mechanic that was used in Mario Galaxy 1 + 2, where a second player could grab (freeze) an opponent with the Wiimote pointer and by shaking the Remote, they could also stun and eventually kill enemies.
I'm not judging, I liked that mechanic and I might end up buying FreezeME if it's not too expensive.
Was interested by N64 platformer bit at first. Probably won't get this because it seems a little bland.
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