Xenoblade Chronicles X is only a couple weeks away from release in the West now, and most JRPG fans couldn't be happier. The follow up to 2011's excellent Xenoblade Chronicles promises to feature a world significantly bigger and more complex than the already staggering world of its predecessor, with seemingly hundreds of hours of content to dive into.
Tetsuya Takahashi and Norihiro Takami – the Executive Director and Art Director, respectively – recently sat down with GameSpot to engage in a discussion about the much anticipated release. One of the topics covered was the complexity of the game's various subsystems. Essentially, the studio aimed to make a game as complex as possible, as it aimed to produce a game that would stand as an evolution of JRPGs.
Takahashi: There's quite a lot to do on such a large map. With elements and lots of different categories like this, we need to figure out how to present all of that information to the player in a way that they can understand. Given that there are so many different elements to track in the game, and we're trying to do it all with someone who's using one controller as an input device, and presenting all of this information in a UI that they can follow, I feel like we did quite well. I feel like we came away with something that isn't too hard to understand.
Since we're aiming for the next evolution in JRPGs, I have to admit that our original goal was not to aim for simplicity. We were looking for new directions and so that means adding new elements to an existing structure that people might have an innate understanding of. As such, I have to be honest, there is going to be some complexity that comes in, but I feel that we've created a really compelling experience from that.
Moving on, it was revealed that the "Xeno" in the title is merely a calling card of sorts that signals to potential players the kind of game they'll be getting into.
Takahashi: I guess for me, the idea of Xeno doesn't necessarily carry one deep meaning that is consistent throughout all of these titles, but rather, they are a helpful way of communicating to people that these are all games that we here at Monolith have worked on. I will say that the Xeno that you would find on each of these titles might refer to something different in each of these games each time. That's something that I really want players to discover.
For more details on the game, check out the full interview here.
What do you think? Have you played any previous Xeno games? Are you glad that they didn't create an "accessible" game in order to cater to fans? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 55
I've played one Xeno title. For 217 hours. So I'm kinda excited for this one.
I've never played a Xeno game before, but I am looking forward to getting it, given how sprawling the environments are going to be. I like the way the game looks so far, except for the people, It'll take me some time to adjust
only played 2 Xeno games. already pre-ordered this one
Their attitude towards the 'Xeno' name seems similar to how the 'Final Fantasy' games work. How aside from the obvious direct sequels/spinoffs like X-2 or Crisis Core, they're all separate standalone games in their own right but still obviously very much part of the same series.
I don't mind this. It's a good formula alerting me that I should like the game based on previous titles, but I can expect it to be an entirely new adventure a conventional sequel wouldn't necessarily bring.
I played Xenogears on PS1 or PS2 (I can't remember which system that was made for). That was a fun game. It had a really good story, from what I recall.
was xenogears a related game? if so, i thoroughly enjoyed it back in the day but haven't played anything else xeno since... until now. looking forward to xenoblade for wii U. picked up the 3DS game but will have to get back to that at some point, I have quite the backlog of rpgs for 3DS at this point.
Glad to see Nintendo let go of our hand for a little bit so we can get away from amiibo festival and ultra smash and cross the street to get to xenoblade lol
As far as I can see, it's a Xeno game because it has giant robots.
They may have let go our hands but they're still keeping a close eye on us from afar,making sure we're not getting up to no mischief like messing around with boob sliders and slaying dinosaurs while wearing lingerie.
Good. I relish the intricacies and complexities. Like a pig rolling around in mud.
Heres to hoping the Xeno franchise becomes the next final fantasy!
I have Xenosaga, have yet to play it. I have yet to finish Xenoblade Chronicles. Amazing game... Xenoblade X is already preordered and my body is ready.
I've played all the Xeno games. And it's the only JRPG series I feel hasn't sold its soul through nostalgia pandering. Sure, they slap the Xeno of everything...but the gameplay, plot, music, and characters are always changing in smart ways.
I feel like they're making an amazing, original game, without watered down content. Monolith should sit on Squaresoft's old throne...too bad most people are still too busy worshiping the inbred son which is Sqaure Enix to realize the true succesor to king of JRPGs.
Hard to believe that it is almost time to delve into another game from the creators of Xenoblade Chronicles, which was most likely the best JRPG of last generation. After I played and enjoyed the heck out of the first one I have been waiting for this moment, and for me at least it feels like ages since we first heard about this game. It looks like all of our patience is about to pay off!
Is it December 4th yet?
X looks great but is a too complex RPG for me. I'll stick to easier games like Citizens of Earth.
Xenoblade Chronicles X is everything I ever wanted Final Fantasy to be as a kid. So this definitely excites me even though I haven't played a JRPG in a long long time. This might just kick start it for me. Already Pre-Ordered it, You should too. This was my most awaited game from Nintendo this year (Along with Mario Marker) not much to wait now
That picture is amazing, did play some xeno in the past, i think i will buy this title also. I have to say, it looks very much like Final Fantasy. Wich aint a bad thing, only there are a lot of simularities^^
Loved Xenogears, back in 1999. It was a weird mixture of brilliance and deep flaws. The story was good sci-fi for a video game, the anime cut-scenes were great for the weabo in me, but the pacing was all over the place.
Now I can say I'm excited for this new game, but I'm afraid I can't commit to long games on a home console. I can only really play long games on handheld, strangely enough.
I've only played Xenogears and that's not going to change
It sounds cool, but an odd business decision: Let's take a game that wasn't a massive seller and make it even more complex to appeal to a smaller group of fans.
So an open question to everyone.
I haven't played a JRPG before and am a little daunted by the complexity of it, but this game looks really good. My wii u is currently lacking a game that I can get really lost in so I'd like to give it a try. As a noob is this going to be a difficult place to start?
I have the collector's edition on pre-order and I am counting down the days until its release. I am super hyped for this game since there are hardly any good jrpgs being released on the Wii U these days, and to be honest the Xenoblade games are some of the only jrpgs these days that can hold my attention all the way through. Can't wait to begine my hundred or more hour journey.
Never even heard of the Xeno series until Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii. I completely adored that game, and I am so pumped for XCX.
Thanks for that, it does look really good, and I do feel as Nintendo fans we need to get behind these games and buy them.
I need to pick up XBC1 before I pick this up. They should have given a free copy of the first one with X, then I would buy it on launch, or probably when I'm done with Fallout 4 (although NX could be out by then... nearly 60 hours and I feel I've barely scratched the surface).
That artwork is gorgeous. Can't wait for this one.
I'm nearly finished with Xenoblade Chronicles and I'm trying to wrap it up in the next two weeks so I can start this one right out of the gate. Amazing games.
December 4th can't come soon enough. Maybe The Hut will send me the game a day early...that'd be sweet, I'm off work that day
@OorWullie You can still kill dinosaurs in lingerie =p just not with 13 year olds with the bodies of 18 year olds.
@MekkaGodzilla I am the complete opposite. I feel epic games lose a lot of the epic on handheld, so i prefer bite sized rpg's....and yeah 30 hours is bite sized to me =p
@Christoff It will be complex, but if you have screwed around with complex games in other genres, one would assume you would be fine. If you want to play a jrpg before X gets released and don't mind old, snag Golden Sun in the gameboy advance games on wii u. It isn't the same kind of rpg as X but it does have a number of mechanics that you can play around with besides just run around, kill stuff, level up, repeat.
Xenogears and Xenoblade Chronciles are the only two so far, but it seems that like Final Fantasy there are certain themes that appear in most Xeno games. So far I can see mech being involved somehow and usually a theme that speaks of mankind and the gods.
@Darknyht You forgot the Xenosaga games & there were 3 of those too.
Looking forward to this one! I'm glad each installment is stand-alone, because I've never played a previous one, and I won't be doing that any time soon. This will be where I start!
You know, I loved the first Xenoblade so much that I really should look into their other games like Xenogears and Xenosaga.
EDIT: PlayStation exclusives?! Aw, man! There is a DS remake/compilation of "Xenosaga I & II" as well as a DS RPG called "Soma Bringer," but they haven't been localized.
Wait...what? Hundreds of hours of content? Good God, some of us have a wife and kids we need to occasionally acknowledge, you know.
@DreamOn Didn't like Xenogears, or didn't like the successors to it?
@Darknyht Forgot the 3 Xenosaga games, my friend.
If it's gameplay related, why didn't they rename their Baten Kaitos games and Soma Bringer into a "Xeno" title? The explanation seems kinda odd to me.
I've loved JRPGs since the olden days. (See my avatar?) I've only played Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, and while I think the story is a little too off the wall and the voice acting is mediocre, I really like the gameplay and I absolutely love exploring the world. It doesn't feel particularly JRPG-ish to me, actually, just because there is so much AI involved in the party and the combat is so action-oriented. Any idea whether the new installment gives you more control over your party's AI?
I'll be watching the review of this one pretty closely, because a tighter story, better writing, and better voice acting (or no voice acting would be best!) will make this a Christmas must-have for me.
@Comboman77 No, I haven't played those... yet.
"Xeno" means foreign, strange, or outside of one's usual perspective. So yes, all of the titles in the series this far have demonstrated that aspect to a great extent thus far. The title is aptly named in each case.
I've played and finished Xenogears (still one of the most philosophically important games ever), played and not yet finished Xenosaga 1-3 (which has many religious references and critiques), and still in the middle of Xenoblade (which is not nearly as poignant as either of the previous two, but still presents an interesting message of existentialism).
@MekkaGodzilla Yeah, unfortunately, Square pilfered resources from the Xenogears project during the development of the 2nd half of the game to divert towards FF8. That's the big reason why the pacing and plot of Xenogears is a bit off.
@PlywoodStick If you ever go try out the Xenosaga series, I'll advise you to skip Xenosaga 2 completely and just look up a plot summary on the Internet. It's the only remotely bad game in the Xeno franchise and it just not fun.
I feel Xeno in this game is 'other' as they are on a different planet. Xeno in the last game referred to the teaming up of the different species.
And by "fans" they mean "ten year olds who need to be coddled and can't be allowed to see big boobs in video games" right?
And Xenogears is one of the most overrated JRPGs ever made. It's like the Evangelion of JRPGs; A whole lotta 2deep5me angsty nonsense that "90's kidz" remember with rose-tinted glasses because it was the first edgy work of fiction they experienced.
@Chaoz Already got it a while ago, but I've read about that. It seems you're right, it's the weakest link. I figured I may as well not say goodbye to it yet, though.
@MrRight Funny, I would attribute all of those things to FF7, myself.
It's overrated, needlessly angsty, superficially "deep" (actually just contrived and esoteric), attempts to be edgy in multiple ways and fails (for instance, it ripped off the Shin Megami Tensei 1 title theme for Sephiroth's theme), it was a lot of people's introduction to JRPG's (as Evangelion was an introduction to anime for many) so it was put on an artificial pedestal, and many people remember it fondly even though it was pretty blah overall compared to FF6, except for the excellent main overworld theme.
I'm about 95% thru xenoblade chronicles, hopefully i can get it done b4 the new one comes out. I'm a little frightened about the scope of X considering theres been times i've spent 4 hours in the menu just crafting gems/ sorting weapons/ organizing skill trees etc without moving forward in the game- but i suppose 4 hours spent there saves you 20 hours later on
I'm kinda freaking out about the size of this game...lucky all my uni sh%t is done for the year!!
If i were you I´ll start playing Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii, It is very expensive to get a retail copy these days but you can get it on the wii u eShop for €19,99. It is a bargain at that price.
In my book is one of the best JRPGs of all time. Amazing story, epic soundtrack and gameplay.
Xenobalde X expands on the mechanics of the wii version, better graphics, larger map and a new/independent story. But both games are like "brothers", Xenoblade X is the big brother
If you get to enjoy Xenoblade Wii and sink 100 hours in it then go ahead and get the new Xenoblade Chronicles X
I only got Xenoblade Chronicles earlier this year and I have yet to finish it, so I won't get the sequel at launch. Maybe some time next year though, I'm sure it will be great
@PlywoodStick Who said the same didn't apply to both games? Stop using strawman arguments, no one said anything about FFVII, and as far as I'm concerned yes. It's just as bad as Xenogears.
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