An official awards show for video games is something that still has yet to really stick in a notable way. Movies have Oscars, TV shows have Emmys, and Music has the Grammys, but there still has yet to become an accepted equivalent in gaming. Spike TV hosted a video game awards ceremony for a few years before a new show emerged last year called The Game Awards and it's starting to seem like this will be the leading awards show.
The Game Awards was recently confirmed to be taking place on 3rd December of this year. The show will be held in the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles and it's expected that around 4,000 people will attend and over two million will watch on the livestream. It'll be interesting to see if any announcements are made, as well, remember that Nintendo released new footage of the upcoming Legend of Zelda at last year's show.
What do you think? Will you be tuning in for this? What do you think will win the coveted "Game of the Year" award? Drop us a comment in the section below.
Comments 48
Why at the Microsoft Theater? I smell something shady going on, I have a feeling that Sony and Nintendo won't fare well at these awards.
Enjoyed the show last year(from what I saw at least). Splatoon and MarioMaker should definetly win a award.
@Order2Chaos Agreed.
GOTY? It's going to either Fallout 4 or The Witcher 3.
Anyways, this is probably where we'll see Zelda.
Anyways, much respect to Geoff Keighley for putting in the work to make a true awards show for games happen.
To be fair i can't remember any good enought AAA exclusive PS4 titles released this year to get awards but propably they still get something. Ratched & Clank was delayed to 2016 so Nintendo has all best platformers this year.
Praise Dorito Pope!
@whodatninja We luv dorito pope
anyways, I think they'll show us a new trailer for Zelda....
now coming in 2017
The past few Game Awards shows from Spike TV have been a joke, and I expect nothing different this year.
For being an awards show they aren't very awards focused, only some of the awards given are even mentioned on their program. The rest just get shoved off to their website.
@IceClimbers Somehow personally I'm not sure Nintendo will do that again. I just don't know if after last year that's a good move. I can see them holding off until some point next year.
@RupeeClock This isn't from Spike TV, but made by Geoff Keightley himself. Imho last year (which was the first show) was very good.
I don't recall exactly being stoked about him either.
@RupeeClock last year was an actual award show if i recall.
I got to go to the show last year, in Vegas, before going to Playstation Experience. I'll definitely watch online this year. There were some good announcements last year and hopefully we will get some more this year.
Wait, the 3rd? A Thursday? Looks like I'll be watching it later on, seeing as I need to be up on Friday ready to receive my copy of Xenoblade X.
@IceClimbers Yup, no question. I think The Witcher 3 will win because it's been out longer (and it's fantasy RPG)
Why do games need to ape things in other mediums that were always a bit silly to begin with? No offence Pope Geoff the 1st.
Well let's hope this year's game awards is just as good as last year. 2013 was terrible
Cool. Hopefully we'll get some cool rewards and stuff.
Best new IP and community creation tools for sure.
Will be watching to see what big Nintendo games will be announced as coming out in 2016 on Wii U so I can look forward to them coming out on NX in 2017.
Seriously, I get maybe messing up one game in December not coming out the following year, but 2, that's a major problem.
And not only was Zelda U shown at last year's awards, it was the LAST TIME anything from Zelda U has beenshown. They've now gone 11 months without showing us anything from a game that was supposed to be out this year. I know Nintendo isn't the only Co pay with delays this gen, Shine said Fast Racing Neo was supposed to be out in 2014, yes 2014, so was Rainbow Skies (Rainbow Moon sequel), and they've been showing No Man's Sky for almost 3 years now, and Uncharted 4 and Ratchet and Clank have both been delayed from 2015 into 2016, but those companies keeping show g off those games to build up hype and anticipation. To say Zelda U was coming out in 2015 and then not even post as much as a screen shot for 12 entire mobths?
So yes, I'll be watching the awards to see what Nintendo screws up next year. At least it's something I can count on. Delaydo
What channel are they showing it on?!
The one thing I don't like about these award shows is that only high profile releases are acknowledged.
Mario Maker will surely pick up best platformer but Splatoon will never win against the likes of Halo 5 and Call of Duty Black Ops 3. And, maybe it shouldn't. Those games are fantastastic after all. But I still think it should be acknowledged as a legitimate competitor.
Xenoblade X releases that very midnight so it's out of the running. Pretty much, only win for Nintendo will be Mario Maker. It's a shame Yoshi's Wooly World won't win anything.
For other platforms, my favorite games this year have been Tales of Zesteria, MGSV, Witcher 3 and Halo 5. Rare Replay as well.
Rise of the Tomb Raider and Fallout 4 are on the way in the mail. I'm sure those will be great too.
@JaxonH Oh come on. Don't act like those people with crystal balls. Let's just see what happens.
Personally, I think Splatoon's gonna win something. Like best new IP or something.
I enjoied watching last year's show (even if I did get tired and went to bed before it was over with.) I just wish advertisements during the breaks of the stream were family-appropriate. Like, I remember an ad for at least one game that said the f-word in the trailer. Personally, I'd rather not hear that.
@Sauron75 I think it's just a live stream, which NL will surely post a link to on the day of the event.
I'm more interested in the possible announcements than in seeing what wins what. I do hope the GOTY award goes to either Splatoon (as unlikely as that is) or The Witcher 3. The latter is the game that finally justified my PS4 purchase.
I know what WON'T win. Anything from Nintendo. Purely becuase all these gaming market 'experts' wouldn't touch the Big N with a bargepole for fears of being uncool.
looking forward, here hoping Splatoon wins this year, glad that Mario Kart 8 won last year's
I'm expecting nothing this year from Nintendo, last year had Reggie involved a lot and he seems to have just disappeared after that E3 mess involving Federation Force.
Don't really expect Nintendo to win much. Really, the only two games I can see being successful here are Splatoon and Mario Maker.
I never said I had a crystal ball.
But chances are, If history has taught us anything, I'm right.
Has it been a year already? Time is passing too quickly lately.
If Nintendo does win anything, I'll be surprised.
It seems like the usual winners for these things are one of the seven games that come out, like, a week before the awards show...which is stupid.
The GAME OF THE YEAR should be a game that's held its own throughout the year...not just a hype release that finally came out and gets the award while the hype's still flowing--and that goes for every developer.
@JaxonH Best Platformer wasn't a category last year. It might be this year though since they'll need to drop Best Fighter.
@GloverMist Last year Mario Kart 8 took home Best Sports/Racing Game and Best Family Game, Smash Bros Wii U took Best Fighter, and Nintendo took home Developer of the Year. Bayonetta 2 was also up for GOTY, and a lot of people thought it got robbed.
@IceClimbers Good point, actually. I completely forgot the rewards that Nintendo did win last year. But still, you know as well as I do what the general gaming community's thoughts on Nintendo are.
@rjejr Wow, you're totally right! I didn't even realize that we haven't see anything new related to Zelda since!
@MitchVogel I think its b/c they keep talking about it. First in March that it probably wouldn't be out this year. Then they kept talking about how it wasn't going to be at E3. Then at E3 explaining why it wasn't at E3 - they were only covering games coming out in the near future - then E3 was a bona fide disaster, then Iwata passed away, then Starfox got delayed even though it had an announced Nov 20th release date, then the DeNA game and Club Nitndo got delayed. Then Nintneod Directs keep getting talked about happening but not actually happening. And maybe they mentioned Zelda U a few times still being on Wii U. But they haven't shown it. And even if they were going to show it, that would have gotten delayed until next year as well.
Maybe in the ND. I still think well get one this week. I mean it has to happen eventually, right?
Splatoon is the game people will remember a decade from now. I also expect it to feel nearly as fresh then, too.
Splatoon definitely deserves accolades. So fresh, so new, so completely awesome. A non-violent shooter? Brilliant! It was my 2015 gaming year.
I don't know if Splatoon is best Shooter, but it's certainly best new IP. Mario Maker will also probably win something I'd imagine because the media fell in love with it. Nothing else for Nintendo though, which is there own fault because TBH they've not released much else of note this year, and Xenoblade X won't be out in time.
Fallout 4 has framerate issues on the console versions. The Xbox One version dips to 0 fps at times. Yes, you read that right, zero fps.
Last year's show was alright. Still a few awkward moments, but a whooooole lot better then the 2013 show and ones before.... :S
I expecting Mario Maker to be this year's the best Wii U game. Best 3DS game for me was Majora's Mask 3D. I'm saving myself a lot of disappointment by NOT expecting any Zelda U related news or announcements.
Either The Witcher III or Fallout 4 is going to be GOTY. A lot of people will say that it's too soon to say for FO4 but expected glitches and console version difficulties aside, that game is going to be awesome.
Best developer/publisher should definately be Projekt Red. They were the super productive in terms of patches and expansions for The Witcher III and their customer friendliness was absolutely fantastic.
I liked last year's show, but I'd like less announcements, and more actual awards. They had so many announcements last year, that only a few award winners were announced on stage (others were only touched upon by the host, inbetween announcements).
As for the catagories, this is what they had last year (I only mention this because some people mentioned potential Best New IP & Best Platformer, neither of which are categories. Also they don't do awards for individual platforms, like best PS4 game, Wii U game, etc).
There may have been some more technical awards, as well.
@EonCow When they 'announced' the delay for Zelda U, they said it might not release this year. So if they were unsure if it was going to release next year, it wouldn't be possible for it to release in 2017.
I'm expecting a Zelda U announcment for a release in May.
Has it been a year already? I really enjoyed it last year so I'll watch again.
@Grumblevolcano we don't see him as gamer anymore after watching him play Smash Bros like someone who has never played videogames. His body wasn't ready.
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