We've had another corker of a week in terms of Nintendo happenings; so much so that we couldn't blame anyone for not being able to keep up with everything. As we usually do, we've compiled all you need to know in one handy little video for your entertainment.
This week we look at the incredible SNES Playstation prototype that has now been shown in working condition, the censorship in Xenoblade Chronicles X that has divided some opinions, the rising popularity in YO-KAI Watch, and of course the usual bout of releases, reviews, and the video of the week.
Remember to potter over and subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven't already. We're sure you have, this is just for everyone else.
Comments 34
I'm pretty sure this has been the most boring week in NoDoz history in the 10 years Nintendo Life has been in existence. Just look at that headline.
Still holding out hope for an ND Wed or Friday so next weeks recap can have a better title. Or at least an NoA tweet saying the Wii U bundle w/ SSBU and Spaltoon is officially $279.
On the bright side AC:aF appeared in 2 flyers today, front page Target, last page Toys R Us, so that's something. Maybe that gets the ball rolling for Nintendo w/ Mario Tennis and XCX to follow. Lots of social media coverage for everyone.
I'm cautiously optimistic for the coming weeks..
No tiny revealing bikinis for 13 year old video game characters?! Nooo0o0o0o0O!
@deKay Tell me about it. I freaking hate "sness" for SNES pronunciation. It's absolutely annoying.
@chemical Snez is just about acceptable, but the only correct pronunciation is Super Nez. ESS EN E ESS is just totally wrong. Might as well call it an Atari.
Although I'm pleased to hear franchises making moderate to benevolent success in their life, I do not believe that YO-KAI Watch will match the same fortitude Pokémon has been standing on; at least, not until the older generation disappears.
Frankly speaking, the videos I have watched and pictures I have seen place YO-KAI to have similar graphic designing to the 3DS titled Pokémon games.
That said though, having similar ascetic appeal does not mean you could board the hype train. Perhaps a memorial story or abstract/distinct dialogue will separate YO-KAI from the pack; thus, sealing itself as a momentous franchise.
Young adolescent in revealing swimwear; yes, it's okay to remove the content in the North American Content. It's just not well-received in North America.
As for the Super Nintendo Play Station (SNPS); it's cool such a device exists and is fully functioning. I can't wait to see type of hodgepodge's people will invent anytime soon.
Do I hear GameCube + PlayStation anyone?
No? Just an idea but, what two consoles would you forge together?
@rejejr why do you need Nintendo to advertise certain products or make a lower bundle? Are you planning on purchasing a System or a game and are grossly unaware when it comes out. Gamers know when games come out and retailers work to increase foot and online traffic of games that work for their demographic of customers. Everyone knows when cod and ac and fallout 4 is coming out because they are gamers not because of a tv ad. Ads just get gamers giddy and excited for unexplainable reasons.
Editing your own work is not censorship, it's editing.
The Yo-Kai Watch demo was pretty gorgeous and fun for 30 minutes - in fact after I saw the first search area in a lawn and caught my first bug skittering about in a lovely stereoscopic close up - I thought it could be a must-buy. Unfortunately, by the end I was board and have decided the game designers have squandered Yo-Kai Watch's potential by underdeveloping its great ideas, presumably in service to accessibility. I then saw a post from someone on here pleading with us not to make a decision over the "lackluster demo" so I did a little more research. Sadly, bottom-line, Whisper's voice is intolerable and characters like Squeakcheaks or whatever are just too Japanese Ren & Stimpy for me. Still, I'd like to know: is there any more depth to the battles in the full game?
I bet if I were to fly to Japan and go to Nintendo headquarters I would just find a giant empty plot of dirt. Im seriously doubting they even exist anymore with how quiet its been.
@Captain_Gonru NES has always been "Nez", "SNES" has always been "Super Nez".
You don't say EN AY ESS AY instead of Nassa for NASA, do you?
@deKay That's the difference between an abbreviation and an acronym. I've pronounced it every which way but loose and someone always complains that it's incorrect so I just go with whatever I feel like these days. At the end of the day everyone know what I'm talking about and it's not like these pronunciations are unheard of, so it's not really an issue.
@AlexOlney I'm not really that precious about it
@Captain_Gonru There's a difference between acronym and abbreviation (or initialism): an acronym is basically pronounceable as a word, but abbreviations are not necessarily so. Acronyms are a subset of abbreviations.
I say NES as "NEZ" rather than "NESS" simply because it's a single S. Not everyone here in the UK says NEZ, but it's certainly one of the most frequent pronunciations over here. Back in the 80s it was mainly just said as "Nintendo"
"SNEZ" is frequent, but I find it clumsy. "Super NEZ" sounds better.
Oh, and of course we all say "Megadrive" here
@Captain_Gonru I don't think that NES comment was addressed at me, but in my head - I've never owed either mind you - it's always been N-E-S and Super-N-E-S. Anybody under 30 should be forced to call them "Nintendo Entertainment System" and "Super Nintneod Entertainment System". young whippe rsnapprs think they know everything.
And no, we don't call it N-A-S-A b/c it's Nassa, it's where Major Nelson worked, but it is the N-S-A, and I dare anyone to prove me different on that.
@Tsurii I don't think they aren't advertising XCX b/c of Fallout 4, but just b/c they never really advertise anything more than 2 weeks before it comes out. Occasionally you'll get a game like SSBB that has weekly updates in the dojo, but for most games they wait until release or shortly before. XCX is still 4 weeks away, so no chance of them advertising that. But at least it is up in the eShop, has a pic adn a webpage w/ all the details. That's a lo tmor ethan AC:aF has which is out in 4 days.
I think they are putting their very few marketing $ into Mario Tennis as the big family game this holiday. It has 4 player and amiibo support. And online!! CAn you beleive it, it has online. I'm nearly spsechless. So while I think Mario Tennis was going to be a smaller marketed game like Mario SPorts Mix the delay of Starfox has them ramping up Mario Tennis to 11. Well 11 for Ntnedo marketing, which is like a 1 for Sony and Microsoft.
I do think after MArio Tennis they'll start doing osmething w/ XCX. Black Friday is a HUG Ehopping weeken di th US, and XCX releases the week after that, so Nintnedo might b thinking - "no point in markerting a game that isn't going to be out while everyone is shopping". I personally think they should, after just finishing up XC a few months ago, XCX might be reason enough for people to buy a $279 Wii U w/ SSB and Spaltoon, but I'm not Ntineodo.
Mario Tennis official website - I happen to like colorful fun graphics
@CalcNite yokai watch is full of japanese culture, the battling system is like nothing else. They are two completely different experiences. IMHO
@Mainsaile the boss battles are difficult. I had to try twice the first boss, and three times the next one. Pokemon seems like a cakewalk in comparison. With so many abilities, the team arrangements seem infinite. The yokai are ranked by class, so if your fav is a low class, you might have to keep them out of your rotation (haven't gotten far enough for evolution/combination yet, so I can't give advice there).
Find a video on boss battles, they're intense. There also fishing, but I am just starting that storyline, so I can't say how it is. Terror time seems like a good concept as well.
@Captain_Gonru I'm not expecting XCX to get much "advertising" per say. I know Reggie only spends the loose change he finds in his sofa on marketing, and that's all going to family friendly Mario Tennis this holiday - heck AC;aF is out in 4 days and it's still a ghost even w/ amiibo and amiibo card support. And I can't disagree too much w/ pushing Mario Tennis - it's online, 4 player family, uses amiibo the best I've ever seen, and it has Mario in the title. Wii U once again is the family system. Anybody interested in XCX - which I believe would be a lot of people based on all the coverage and excitement FF always generates - but all those people who want XCX are going to be playing Star Wars Battlefront or Fallout 4 on X1 and PS4. Nobody is going to pass up a PS4 and FFXV and the FF7 remake for XCX on $299 Wii U. I think a $199 version of the Japanese XCX bundle could sell, but that isn't going to happen. Not at any price.
Man, I really want that poster. Not into music on a thumbdrive.
But we should still see some XCX coverage. Some more Treehosue Live events. A tweet here or there. An ND explaining how the online is going to work. B/c honestly I doubt we even get it. Or have to pay for it. Nintendo will screw it up somehow. I just hope I get my collectors edition from Amazon. I think it very odd Mario Tennis is "currently unavailable" yet it releses next Friday. Whats up w/ that?
@Captain_Gonru Actually 'color' is a more traditional way of spelling the word and it's the same with a lot of words which have 'u's in British English and not America English.
The British added the 'u' to many of these words because for a period during the French Revolution French culture was very fashionable in England, and so many people would use French words and add superfluous characters to English words (often ones that were derived from French long before). It's just a quirk of English that's still hanging around.
@Captain_Gonru XCX deserves better. As did XC and it's stupid Gmaetsop exclusivity. Exclusivity is not the way to build a franchise. And it came out fairly late in the Wii's life in the US. But it was an awesome JRPG. One of my favorites. And XCX looks even better. I don't think any JRPG fan should skip it. Well unless they are diehard old school turn based, but that's their own fault.
I have no delusions about this game being as good as XC, but it will be good and fun and make good use of the Gamepad. Nintendo should be marketing it. And releasing XC as a download. Did EU get it? XC on 3DS instead of HD remaster on Wii U was the wrong way to go I think. But at least it go tit out there. XCX looks great, not just compared to Starfox, but I'd say against anythign out there today.
But Nintendo didn't really market it's 1-2 punch of good exclusives last year when it had Bayonetta 2 and Hyrule Warriors either. Those were 2 exclusive games that gamers could have gotten behind. 2 games released close together to justify a gamer purchase of Wii U, and then you can play SSBU and MK8 as well.
So no, Ninnteod doesn't market anything. Wii U has enough good games that it should have sold more than 10mil by now - MK8, SSBU, Pikmin 3, HW, Bayonetta, SM3DW, W101, ZombiU, Splatoon. But the marketing isn't there adn th eprice at $299 is too high to justify the pruchase, b/c it has all thos egood games, but it doesn't have Madden, FIFA, Destiny or COD and Ninnteod needs to acknowledge that fact of limited 3rd party support by offering the system at a lower price, like th e$250 Wii compared ot $500 PS3 and Xbox360. It's a 2nd system for Nintendo exclusives, Just dance, and toy-to-life. It needs to be cheaper and advertised more. And the games need to be cheaper as well. LoZ:WW HD is a 13 year old port, that is now 2 years old, and still sells for $50. That's insane.
So my sympathies to all the people at Monolith, they deserve better. XC was much much much better than FFXIII. I don't know if XCX will be nearly as good as FFXV, but it still deserves some effort on Nitnedos part.
@Captain_Gonru "a million copies each."
Well, I did pre-order the collectors edition for $85 back in August, and you probably know what a seriously cheap gamer I am, so that shows what I think of this game. So I guess you need to buy 1,999,999 copies.
Considering how litle Nintneod has done for this in the west, releasing it after BF is about as boneheaded as it gets, I think the game will sell ok in the US. Better than Nintendo deserves anyway.
Forgot about XC being New 3DS XL only. US finally getting New 3DS in a HHD bundle. Man what a year. Couple more years of decisions like this and Virtual Boy and Power Glove will start looking like the company highlight reel.
@rjejr yeah with XC and the original release of the game for Wii I hate the fact that some gamestops even took the plastic off the game and resold it for 90$ and claimed that the game was pre-owned which was the dumbest thing that a retailer could do. XC is one of the greatest RPG game I could've played.....now moving on to XCX.... In my opinion on XCX and for the entire plot , story , the name of the game itself .....Why call it Xenoblade "CHRONICLES" X When it has nothing to do with XC??? The story and atmosphere is nothing like XC...... (what was the name of the new Xenblade again?). Why did they remove their amazing characters like shulk ( WHERE IS THE MONADO) Dunban ,sharla etc. THE BIONIS?.....overall I will enjoy the game but It will make me want to miss the old story and the amazing characters.......and the...Monado. deep sighs
@simonthomas6 I think they should make the Shulk amiibo unlock the Monado, even if it looks completly out f place.
An dit' shard fo rm eto argue w/ the name, I've played every Final Fantasy except 11 and 14 - online multiplayer - so I can't really complain about games w/ the sam enam ehaving nothingto do w/ each other.
XCX does seem to have Nopon, so that's something connecting the 2. My kids an dI have been wondering if the land mass in XCX is from the end of XC, maybe 10,000 years later. Videogames like their 10,000 year timelines. Ihavn't tried to find out though b/c I relaly don't want any spoilers. But if there are Nopon it has to be connected somehow, right?
Well, I don't care, I just want to drive a transforming mech all over the place and fly around and explore in HD.
@Captain_Gonru If you were a real friend you'ld be talking your frind into buying a PS4 w/ Fallout 4 and the remastered Uncharted Trilogy for $349.
I like Nintneod and all, but fortune favors those who help themselves.
$349 at Gamestop online in the US - Uncharted bundle and the game, so not under $300 like BF, but it does sort of make the game free.
Best Buy for the same price, $349 PS4, Uchartered collection and Fallout 4.
Even Wii U at $279 w/ Splatoon and SSBU isn't as good of a deal as that.
@rjejr I personally am a very heavily type of person who deeply loves the original characters and the story ( depending on what the game is and how the story goes) and Nopon = a connection to XC ? mehhhhh ...I mean yes it is somewhat(keyword there is somewhat) of a connection to XC but not really...to me at least. XC just makes me want to have more attention to the characters and especially the Bionis. To me if this game was formed differently to be an HD Xenoblade chronicles 2 and to be about a story of mechon returning and how they would plan to destroy bionis and with an earth type land Land discoverd....with loads of mechon?! (the story could obviously be different im just imagining things) I would fricken love the appearance of this game. And who knows a true sequel would be amazing (at least to me)
Thanks Alex you summed it all up nicely. Funny bit at the end but would have been funnier it you fell of the chair completely and had stuff flying up from the ground.
@Captain_Gonru "they'll fill in 2-9."
With lots and lots of lens flare.
"Uncharted 1-3 on PS3"
Had I not played those oh so long ago, and hated 1, and 3 wasn't as good as 2. So I have no use for the trilogy. And man, seems like everybody I know on here has plans for all 3 Wii U, PS4 and X1. I hear Eddie Murphy singing in the background - "You have one console, you can't afford more, just a Wii U, it sucks to be you." Somday that PS4 will be mine. Still no use fo rX anything though. O ri anything. Gotta take my stands someplace.
So have I told you about my PC woes? New motherboard came today, but my old CPU won't fit, it's an 1155 i3 and the motherboard has a 1150 i3 socket. Stupid Intel.
@Captain_Gonru "censorship" of XCX
I'm all for putting clothes on 13 year old girls. I don't even see it as "Censorship" anyway. Is it censorship b/c we get an English trnalsation but Japan gets Japanese? Aeris = Aerith. America is full of prudes, Japan is full of both babes and the men who openly enjoy them.
Did you know that in the classic King Kong vs Godzilla film - and fortunately there is only that classic, somehow Hollywood hasn't remade it w/ CG yet - in the US version King Kong wins and in the Japanese version Godzilla wins.
Reggie wants to put some clothes on some girls and women in XCX and Fatal Frame, well maybe he has a daughter, I don't know.
I look at it it this way - is it better to get XCX w/ a dressed girl, or not get XCX, b/c if it wasn't for those "changes" then maybe we wouldn't get it. So I'm willing to put up w/ the Americanization of a game so I can get it.
Now if we're talking porn, then I'm not a big fan of black boxes and blurry pixels, that's meaningful censorship, it affects the relevance. Clothes don't matter to me in a JRPG. Though I will admit to being a tad annoyed about Cereza having her hair cut in Bayonetta 2 b/c her hair was her clothes. Not that I wanted to see a cartoon woman naked, but if her clothes are actually magical hair, and then you cut her hair off and give her clothes, you are actually changing the entire person. That's not just pasties, it's Superman wearing a Batsuit. Though I haven't played it yet so I'm still witholding judgement as to the outcome.
And speaking of gibberish, my head cold is getting better, but I'm calling it a night. Maybe tomorrow I'll sleep in all day after putting the chicken in the slow cooker - dinner cheating.
So, any chance any of that was on topic?
Good point. Still, I have NEVER heard anyone say anything other than EN EE ES and ES EN EE ES in the media or in my region while growing up or since. Then again, I hear that there is a whole segment of people in New York and possibly further north that call controllers "paddles".
@Captain_Gonru I would really like to be on topic more. I know I don't play my wife's 3DS much so some of that is lost on me, but the Wii U still has a few games coming out this year, and next year should be stellar w/ Starfox Zero, Zelda U, Pokken tournament, FEvs, Mario and Sonic back at the Olympics. And those are just the ones we know about. People keep saying there isn't enough for an ND, but I think theres enough for 2, 1 now for the holidays - Mario Tennis, XCX, AC:aF, plus bundles, and 3DS stuff. Then another in Dec for next year so people buy a Wii U this holiday to have when all those big games hit. It would be nice to have some actual game news to discuss. Nintendo Badge Arcade isn't selling a lot of 3DS consoles.
And even no ND they could still have daily updates on XCX like SSBB dojo. MAybe a new skell, new AC amiibo and a new Tennis reveal each day. There is stuff to be discussed I think, they just don't.
So w/ that said - my kids and I really want a Godzilla vs Gamera movie. We watched 7 original and 3 newer Gamera movies over the summer, and he needs to fight Godzilla. It's been like 50 years in the making.
Speaking of scantily clad 13 year olds, this is all my news on tv, radio and newspaper today:
Which begs the question - if a teen watches the video it's child porn and they get suspended, but who decides if it's child porn, woudln't an adult have to watch it to know? And if the principle watches the vid to see if it is child porn shouldn't the principle be both suspended and arrested? I don't see how this coudl posibly work, too many catch 22s.
And this is what it comes to when Nintendo keeps saying there will be more NDs this year but there aren't.
@Captain_Gonru "would be viewing it as part of an investigation"
Yeah, I'm sure that's the general line- "do as I say not as I do", but I've ben bombarded w/ the stuff all morning so my mind runs deeper. The school was suspending everybody who even might have seen it. So if a kid asks you - "do you think this is porn?" you're suspended. If another kid even said you saw it, but you didn't, suspended. So what if the kid flashes it at the kitchen wait staff or the lunchroom security guard - "hey, want to see something cool, look at this" that isn't part of any investigation, are they suspended? Sent to jail for viewing child pron? School district is 10 minutes from my house, my god daughter is in high school there. She has issues. If somebody show this to her on their phone and she gets suspended, it's just all too murky as you say. And the zero tolerance over reaction stuff. Oh, and the football team all saw it but none of them got suspended b/c they have a playoff game on Saturday. Have I ever mentioned I have issues w/ authority?
Ok, laundry is in the dryer, chicken is in the crock pot, returned my motherboard to Amazon, waiting on the new one, going back to bed. And when I wake up, on topic. Maybe Wii U can get a port of that PS3/4 Godzilla game?
Oh praise the lords hallelujah, hallelujah.
@Captain_Gonru.....that is a bit of a stretch I mean X being 9 games .....that doesn't make much sense. But they never even officially stated it was a a sequel or a prequel to Xenoblade chronicles.
@Captain_Gonru "Maybe Project Giant Robot is actually a Godzilla fighting game?"
Oh sure, get me all excited. Though Nintendo could get the big G in that tennis game, that would be hilarious, don't ya think?
Bonus points for knowing Xenosaga started as 9 games. I think they could have had all 9 out before Portal 3, Half Life 3, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Zelda U. 1 was good, 2 was terrible.
OK, next thread, and games games games.
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