The news that Pokémon Red, Yellow and Blue are finally headed to the 3DS Virtual Console caused quite a bit of excitement when it was announced during last week's Nintendo Direct. The games which launched the phenomenally successful franchise, these monochrome masterpieces are sure to sell well - and it would appear that Nintendo is aware of this fact, as it could be hiking the price up to $9.99 in North America.
That's way above the typical price for Game Boy titles on the 3DS Virtual Console, but Nintendo has done this kind of thing in the past - EarthBound on the Wii U Virtual Console was sold at a slightly higher price than other SNES titles on the service. Nintendo could well claim that the additional work required to replicate the link cable transfer on the 3DS is the reason for the increased cost, but we're not sure that particular argument justifies such a big leap in pricing.
The source of this news is Amazon, which now sells digital codes for many eShop games, and therefore should be pretty reliable when it comes to pricing.
The trio of titles launches on February 27th next year, so there's a good chance that this could well be a placeholder price and the actual value may be different. Would you be willing to pay $9.99 per game? Let us know by posting a comment.
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[source nintendoworldreport.com, via amazon.com]
Comments 118
$10?? What??? This is going to be more like $12-$13 CAD. Well, there goes my purchases. GG Nintendo. I was going to buy Blue and Yellow, now I am not buying any. I am not paying $15 after taxes for either version.
Considering the size of the games in question that's probably the top end of what they could charge. Any more would be outrageous, but $10 is just rageous.
For $10 more you can get the actual game!
And for a little more I can buy used copies of fire red or leaf green. Not that I need to.
This comes as no surprise as the fans will lap it up regardless. I hope this doesn't mean that the games will cost $15 each in Australia, because that may be a deal breaker.
Due to the fact that the three games are virtually identical, Nintendo really should offer a discount for those who buy all three with the same Nintendo Network ID.
Ha. Called it.
Ten bucks is a bit steep, especially considering we could all download it for free if we really wanted to. They should charge, imo, about £1 for Gameboy VC games - which is still more expensive than most smartphone games.
It'll be nice not having to worry about the battery in the cartridge dying though...
What's $10 in £? £7? They really need to be consistent with their pricing.
It could be two reasons for this. One, greed cause they know it would sell. Or two, it did probably take considerable time to get the software to work on the 3DS to trade Pokemon back and forth. Either way, yeah, 10 bucks is steep.
I could see, 7 bucks or so, but 10 does seem like a push.
For 10 euros per version, I won't buy the games again.
€10,- is just too expensive even with the added wireless multiplayer.
This may be for a boxed version though, a la the Japanese release.
@Moon : Most smartphone games aren't even worth downloading for free let alone for a dollar. I'm happy to pay a sensible price for Game Boy games, but Nintendo should also be sensible in their pricing.
If there is a lot of work involved, I guess $10 isn't terrible. I'd prefer $7.99 or something like that though, seems like more people would take the plunge at that price.
It'll also be interesting to see if they do discounts for buying 2 or all 3. I'd also love to see Pokemon green on there, although that's never happen.
Either way, glad that they are finally available. I want new players to see these older games and get a chance to enjoy them like I did back in the late 90s.
@sillygostly As far as I know Japan gets a package with download code for bundle of all the games in which they get manual, a magnet and map. Did something new appeared on the net?
Edit: According to Serebii: "It's also confirmed that Japan will receive Pokémon Red, Green, Blue and Yellow and will also be released in a special bundle which comes with the download code, magnet of the cartridge, manual and a map for 1,389¥"
i honestly don't see Nintendo charging this much for these games. and just because amazon says it doesn't make it true. I am going to wait until these games coming out to decide whether to get them or not.
@SebTheGuy Nope, not at all http://videogames.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy/pokemon-red
Pokemon games hold their value over nearly every other game series. Everyone complaining about price should see what they actually go for.
I am/was pretty excited by this but at $10 I think I'd only buy it if I could trade online (ie. not local multiplayer only) as I won't have anybody to trade with locally so I might as well stick to the cart I already have.
It's also worth pointing out that the Virtual Console release will be T-rated, rather than the original E-rating.
This is likely due to the Game Corner and the Gambler class of trainers.
£30 for a triple pack of three of the most iconic videogames ever sounds pretty fair to me!!
@Moon if people want free and $1 smartphone games, they are more than welcome to buy flappy bird or whappy penguin. If they want a 30 hour RPG with hundreds of characters, that they STILL enjoy 20 years later, they might want to put down...the cost of a cheesesteak sub.
And no one was surprised.
Yeah, no. I'll just play with the cartridge or emulate it myself.
You can get eShop and Amazon $10 codes for $5-8 pretty much every month. I've already purchased enough since it was announced to make each game about $4-5. I'm picking up 4-5 of them for friends and family.
Wanted to pickup Yellow. Now i just skip it.
I already own Blue and Red and my old Hardware still runs just fine.
Again, if Wifi battles are indeed a thing, the cost is justified. If not, well, I already own all three. I'll continue playing my physical, Stadium-compatible games...
@sillygostly It's says "Digital" right on the site... this is not a boxed version. Also, just because a game is on a smart phone, doesn't always mean it is garbage and not worth anything. If you think Flappy Bird and those kinds of crappy games are the only things on smart phones now, you need to do some new research. Overall, $10 for a 20 year old game with no improvements is too much especially when you can buy games that are new and have just as much, if not more than a pokemon game. Like take a look at Final Fantasy, They remade the graphics and added some things into it and it is only $15.99 CAD for a smart phone which is only a few dollars (I am guessing these will be $12.99 CAD) more than what these are going to be.
I wasn't expecting anything less due to the popularity of the franchise and the extra functionality through over the air trading. The physical games also command a his price on the secondary market so all in all justified in my opinion
It wouldn't be Nintendo if it wasn't being sold at a premium! $10 is a nice, round, pump ya for the bucks kind of number.
If it's in black and white then I'm not interested. One thing I hate about 3DS Gameboy games is you don't have the option to turn it to Gameboy Colour mode and have some colour added, it makes all the difference to me.
@sillygostly I agree with you. On the whole though, I would say even the standard price of £3.50 (or whatever it is) for a Gameboy game is way higher than most people are willing to spend. I, for one, would take a chance on [ancient] games I've not yet tried if they were, say, 99p or whatever.
@russellohh Yes, we all know smartphone gaming sucks. Is it really $10 for a sandwich over there? Darn, that's pricey.
@Moon I mean a crappy mcdonalds burger that tastes like garbage is $2-4, but a delicious 5 guys burger is $5, and a foot long fully loaded cheesesteak is $9.80. With eShop card discount, Pokemon Yellow is costing me $4. That's the cost of a disgusting piece of fast food cardboard
I'll take the pricing with a bit of salt. But it would be interesting if the games can connect through internet or with the Pokemon Bank.
It's been like that for a while. In fact, I imported Pocket Monsters Red from Japan for about $12. So I really wonder how much your really saving by buying the game on the 3DS unless you don't own a Gamboy/Color/Advance, which even then are really cheap today.
I can see $10 being the price b/c there are 2 type of Pokemon gamers in the world, those who have played every Pokemon game, and those who have played every NEW Pokemon game but missed these. People who have paid $40 each for B/W. B2/W2, X/Y and OR/AS are going to get these b/c they always wanted to play them and $10 will look like a steal.
I do think though that at $10 each people would just buy Yellow. (At least Yellow seems to be the choice of the 3.) Maybe Nintendo felt the need to charge $10 bc/ they were afraid at any price people might only buy Yellow, but thye nedd to work on all 3, so they need to make their money back from the work on all 3 from people only buying Yellow?
Needs a B1G1 free offer, then Nintendo can make $20 for 20 year old games and people would be happier and complain less. That's 1 way to justify the $10 each price. Like when they made Mario vx DK $20 but told us it was B1G1 free on Wii U and 3DS. I bet that's 1 of the games that is 50% off for the holidays.
@andrew20 Cards never have tax as it is more like you're just changing the tender from one type to another, it's when you buy the game. If I get a $10 card, I am still charged the $1.50 when I go buy the product even on the eshop. Cards do not exempt you from taxes.
@russellohh Lucky you! Hopefully you won't have a coronary with all that flesh you're eating.
This makes a lot of sense. One, Nintendo said they would never release Pokemon games on VC, and yet here they come, two, these were never spoken about in a VC sort of way, since there are a few enhancements etc... So a higher price ticket makes sense, but I still think $9.99 is a lot, however, I still think it will sell at that price, regardless.
@ekreig Since they're too poor to afford a $5-10 30-100 hour RPG, i kinda think life is already laughing at them enough...
Not too surprising if they did give us link cable functionality - you know how ninety hates doing that kind of stuff. The price could also be a placeholder too, if they're selling preorders. Amazon does do that sometimes and then adjusts the price when they get the real $$$.
These games are absolutely worth the price of admission! I still have my original Blue, Yellow and Crystal cartridges, and am excited to be able to play one of my childhood favorites again on the go! I also really hope they bring back Gen. 2!
Not shocked in the least.
They know that they can get it out of people. They'll probably get it out of me for Blue.
Not surprised at all, the people who will buy this will pay just about anything for it.
Glad I'm not one of them.
...although the yellow version may tempt me for nostalgia, but not right now, anyway.
I'd buy, if it came bundled with something, say... Super Star Wars...?
As much as I love Pokémon, this reconfirms the point that Pokémon is just a cash cow now. First they pump out a bunch of f2p Pokémon games like Pokémon Shuffle and stuff, and now this. I hope this price is a placeholder.
The regular price point for GB games at €4 would've been perfect. However, I understand that the added Link Cable functionality took a little extra work, and if they raised the price to €5, or even €6, I would've accepted that. I get that Pokémon can make you a lot of money, but €10 is just ridiculous. As excited as I was for this, I think I may not buy it if it's priced that high.
Truth is, Nintendo plays off our nostalgia and its fan base. Always has and always will. Nintendo always finds a way to "limit stock" of certain products (amiibo, Pokemon Trading Cards) and make things look "ultra rare" or "super special" (Earthbound games, limited edition products) to jack up the prices, and sadly Nintendo fans (such as myself) fall for it everytime and gobble it up!
$10 is better than $30+ sold used on Ebay and such. That's not taking account that cartridge batteries die with use so I won't hesitate to buy $10 each.
... which is not much different from the PSOne Classics on the PlayStation Store: a Crash Bandicoot game, a Spyro game, a Tomb Raider game, or even a Disney Licensed Game from the nineties, will cost you five bucks/euros; Metal Gear Solid or any PS1 Final Fantasy game, on the other hand? That'll be a ten.
Still, it's not surprising. The most wanted GB games, and the ones they (perhaps intentionally?) got us waiting for the longest time... yep, ten bucks it is. Makes sense.
Except it really doesn't, again, on a hardware standpoint, considering the rather unfavourable comparison with the PS1 games, which charge players the same money Nintendo asks for a NES game. I know this seems rather harsh, coming from a (mostly) Nintendo fan, but alas, these are the facts.
Yeah, I am that kinda guy who really doesn't care how much a game costs. When I want it, I buy it. So while I get your problem, I personally think the prize is totally justified considering that they make it so you can trade Pokémon with other people.
So while I'd still rather have a 3DS remake, I am actually really looking forward to these games. Because I never played them personally. I've had my dad play them for me because the whole concept of "training and leveling up" was hard to grasp for a 4-years old.
Three of the best games on Gameboy that have been fixed to allow for wireless trade so that I can once again truly Catch Em All? $10 a pop isn't a bad deal. I'll gladly pay that.
While R/B/Y are the ones I was really looking forward to, I wouldn't mind seeing Gold and Silver given the same treatment at some point. I guess it all depends on how well these releases do.
Honestly, especially given at how much Pokemon games usually cost, 10 USD is still very cheap.
@Moon : So would I. In fact, I'd buy ALL VC games if the pricing was more sensible, but I can't justify spending over $10 each for SNES games that I'm only going to play a couple of times, or $6 each for Game Boy games. Super Mario Land for $6? No problem. Great game. Happy to pay. The same price for some of the crappier games in the Game Boy library? No thanks.
@skarmachild : There are HUNDREDS of thousands of them. And yes, the overwhelming majority will be crap, because most of those games will have been made cheaply in order to gouge a few bucks from undiscerning customers. And if I recall correctly, the GTA games were never $1 (and are cheaply produced ports of more successful games; NO developer will make a fresh GTA game exclusively for mobile platforms).
@ikki5 : My comment was aimed at whoever suggested that Game Boy games should cost $1, which is ludicrous. Yes, these games may be ancient, but they're certainly worth a lot more than the average smartphone game. I have never denied that there are quality games available on the platform (the overwhelming majority of the best mobile games appear to be console ports anyway, like the Final Fantasy game you've mentioned), but the classic Pokémon games, as old and primitive as they are today, are still leaps and bounds ahead of the crap that is being churned out for mobile devices, and I would argue is worth a little more than $1.
Not worth it. I'll wait for a sale (if ever).
Really hoping Amazon is wrong....
Considering that using VBA-Link with TGB Dual are capable of emulating the trading experience of RBY or GSC... Yeaaah, no, I'll stick with my cartridges. At least there's some tangible level of ownership involved there, even if they're sold for around $10-30 used, depending on the battery. I don't mind replacing and resoldering the battery, either.
This just further highlights Nintendo's need to learn how to emulate classic game bundle sales from the likes of GOG, Humble Bundle, Desura, etc. They can't bank on using the Wii's outdated style of Virtual Console utilization forever. (Which both Wii U and 3DS continued.) Imagine a bundle of all 3 versions, RBY, for $15... Which can all be downloaded to separate devices from one account. During special sales, that bundle price could be reduced to $10. Bam, easy money and a solid reputation boost.
I'm glad that these games are finally coming to the eshop, but this price is ridiculous. With Earthbound, it was just a $2 increase, a mere 25% up from the typical SNES price. With these games, we're talking about a whopping 150% increase in price compared to other Game Boy games. I would have been okay with an extra couple bucks, since they added wireless, but more than doubling the price is just too much, especially since most people probably won't even use the updated feature (myself included). Unless I fall into some hype/nostalgia, I won't be getting any of these games at those prices. I could just play Fire Red on my DS, or the original on my GBA (if the save still works in the cartridge).
Was hoping to snag Blue and Yellow, as I already own Red and it still plays fine. Now maybe just Yellow, if at all. That feels like a rip off.
I don't know if I can believe Amazon with this. At this price though, it's still saving me from a few dollars to pay. My local trading post has the original games at 25$, and that's without knowing if the battery is good and also a questionable condition. I don't know if I'll be getting it right away. But I do wonder if Amazon's price is official.
So how much were they originally? $40? So if they are selling at 25% of original price SNK can sell NeoGeo Vc games at $50 and avoid bankruptcy
Does it have multiplayer so I can trade and battle people? Thats what would make me fork over $10
@BinaryFragger @coolvw93 @Moon Batteries can be easily replaced in these cartridges.
I picked up a copy of Pokemon Blue and a Game Boy Pocket a while back for £20, and play it using the GB Tower feature on Pokemon Stadium.
I'd absolutely love if they put Pokemon Stadium on the Wii U and let you connect your 3DS game to it in the same way.
10 bucks isn't a problem as far as I'm concerned.
@MikeDanger Yeah, they said they would update the game to use the wireless instead of the link cable for battling and trading
You are either in parts of Alaska or have yours set to a location where there is no tax for there to be no tax added in on the cost when you go through the order summary on your 3DS when purchasing.
Nintendo's VC pricing always confuses me. Surely this can't be more than £5.39 in the UK? They can't price them any higher than Ages/Seasons right??
I'll likely get blue since I had red as a kid. Not really miffed about the price. 10 bucks is not going to ruin my budget.
I was going to maybe get all versions, but assuming this is true, I'm not going to now. I'll probably only get Yellow in this case. Besides, I already have physical copies of the remakes, which are far superior, and Link Cable Trading/Battling has been possible over the Internet for a long time on the emulated PC/Smartphone versions.
Not surprised at all, in fact I remember claiming it would happen prior to the direct if Nintendo ever put them on the VC. Creating wireless multiplayer for these games required work, which required an employee to be paid. That's where the price hike comes from. The problem is that VC games are ridiculously overpriced to begin with, and so now we have an absolutely absurd price of $10.
@ikki5 That might be the case, but, who can be bothered to keep changing batteries in these carts? Besides, it inevitable that it will die again, and you will lose all your Pokemon. At least on VC it could potentially last a lot longer. Maybe it's worth ten bucks just for that? ...
Oh great it costs just a tiny bit more than the other GB games because they had to tweak it for trading. I'm not buying it anymore. Screw it. Pikachu frown 7.8/10 costs too much another clickbait article Awww nooooo dont want it.
I could see Yellow maybe reasonably going for that price, just due to it being in full color and being the deluxe version of the three.
If I were to realistically price it though. I'd make red and blue $4.99 and Yellow $6.99. But 10 bucks is a little crazy. I was really excited when this was announced but now I'm really not.
Its probably taken Ninty six months of intense coding to get this to work, if only they'd outsourced the work to some teenager it'd have been done in minutes...
I never played Yellow and this price definitely isn't a deal breaker for me.
@Yorumi Fair play dude, I didn't know that. My little brother (who inherited my old Gameboy games) told me he had issues with my old Pokemon Gold & Silver. Thanks for clearing that up.
@RupeeClock Where did you find this? The Amazon listing still says that Red is rated E.
The only thing to make me pay this is the link cable work around. Otherwise I'd just download a rom and emulate it.
I'd be willing to pay $19.99! I'm getting Blue and Yellow, my Husband is getting Red and Yellow and I'm gonna get Green on my JPN 3DS
And I thought 4 € was slightly too expensive for old Game Boy games.
If you can't transfer to the newer games, what's the point?
In a world where NES Donkey Kong costs £4.50 (on 3DS) and nobody complains, we're getting Pokémon Blue which could possibly cost up to almost double that, people are losing their minds over it.
People are moaning and groaning about this price, but if they did a physical release with all 3 for $29.99 no one would be complaining. I would get that if they were smart enough to do it.
For 10$ a pop, Mew better be under that damn truck. just saying....
Whats all the fuss about, that seems perfectly reasonable considering how much you get out of a pokemon game.
For just $0 you can download an emulator and get all 3 roms without having to wait for shipping!
And then they complain about piracy. All VC games are $3-5. Why this is $10? Harder to port?
Emulation wins in the end. I have better games to spend $10 on.
I was expecting them to cost $15-$20 each. If they are really gonna cost $10 I might get two versions.
I was going to go as high as $7 a pop ($8 if the Mew glitch was still in). Ten is asking a bit too much.
@EverythingAmiibo You mean for three very slightly different game modes of a single game.
@rushiosan You know that VC IS emulation, right?
@Krisi I was obviously referring to homebrew emulators and no, VC isn't the same emulation like what you do in your PC or Phone... they don't simply throw a ROM and compile it in the VC engine they built, there is a long and tiresome process of manually setting everything up and debugging the games, according to Nintendo. Technically it is emulation but in other hand it isn't as simple as what we're used to call "emulating games".
@greengecko007 Well, it takes like two minutes, and costs almost nothing. Plus it's even good for at least 20 years. But even if you want your Pokémon after all that time, you could trade them over to something else while you change the battery again. Not to mention you can use the actual cartridge with Pokémon Stadium 1 and 2 (which, by the way is required to access the Pikachu surfing minigame in Yellow). and also with GSC. The VC version probably won't be able to do any of that.
@rushiosan Sure, they have to create e-manuals, look through the game to see if they can find anything that's worth censoring (but 99% of the time they won't change a bit), but it's still technically emulation. Also, I highly doubt that they do any bug fixes at all.
This game is for fans. nobody else. do you really think that the kid engaged with Minecraft will be attracted to a 20 year old black and white game?
@Krisi I remember when playing some newer GBC games on my DS flashcard such as Shantae, Bionic Commando (Color) and Super Mario Bros Deluxe, there were several graphical glitches and some noticeable slowdowns, while some games didn't even run at all. 90% of my game library (including all Pokémon games) ran just like VC did - smooth and perfectly.
I believe the mentioned games needed a special treatment (aka debugging) in the VC re-release, because some of the best PC emulators can't even run them properly. Specially Shantae and Bionic Commando (Color).
But I agree with you. They act like the games need some time to be released but in 99% of them no work at all is done.
@Krisi Yeah I'm sure the effort isn't not significant, but it's effort nonetheless. That's why I could understand if they wanted to raise the price slightly to cover that, but $10 is absurd. VC games from Nintendo in general are overpriced. Like someone else pointed out, they charge a much for NES arcade style games as Sony charges for some original PlayStation games. I'm also certain that you're right in that there will not be bug fixes of any kind, although that is to be expected.
@callmeking17 A physical release would mean Nintendo would be spending money on production and distribution. If anything, digital should cost less than physical.
@mjc0961 You do realise that pokemon is the most faked game around, if you think those $7 cartridges are real, good luck
If you took the time to actually go to eBay you will notice there is a stark price difference between the real and fake ones, real carts average higher.
I was really excited about Pokemon finally coming to the Virtual Console, but $10? Virtual Console games are already overpriced, I just think Pokemon would have been worth the high cost, but then they make it even higher. Probably going to pass on this now.
@greengecko007 I don't really think that games like Super Mario Bros. 3 or the Mega Man titles are overpriced at all: they are classics filled with endless fun and creativity, and they are well worth 5 bucks, but sure, stuff like Urban Champion or Donkey Kong Jr. Math are ridiculously overpriced.
@greengecko007 Of course digital distribution is cheaper than physical, but what I'm saying is people still love physical items, and especially when it comes to Pokémon, people eat it up. I don't buy any games digitally, and I know I'm losing out because there's a lot of indie games I want to play, but I can't put my money into something that's not physical.
It would be amazing if Nintendo finally brought Pokémon Stadium to the Wii U eShop and allowed communication between that and the GB VC releases somehow. Of course, it's unlikely to happen but with Pokémon being the monster franchise that it is (no pun intended), I can see Game Freak/Nintendo putting in the extra work to make it happen.
If they're gonna charge more, they could at least include Super Game Boy borders.
I can see a good movie for $10 and thats about 2 hours worth of fun. Pokemon for $10 = more hours of fun. Not a horrible price I don't think. Could be worse.
Does anyone know if it has a gameboy color option?
Remember when the Oracle games came out, and there was a deal? They were cheaper too I think...
Agreed. I was about to say something about that.
It's all about demand. They are the most in demand classic Game Boy games, no question. A premium price wouldn't be a shock. Good luck finding any of these games for $10. Seriously, not happening.
Please say more about Nintendo being greedy and being able to get it physically for the same price.
I'm getting whichever copy my friends don't get because, let's be honest, at $10 it is a good deal. Unless of course, you've got a GameBoy, a link cable, your original copy (or are willing to pay $20-$400 for a copy), and friends with the necessary equipment. If that's the case, then...yeah. Pass this.
However, in my case, I DO have a GBA and a copy of Silver (which was given to me), but no link cable and none of my friends still have their old systems. What we do have is 3DSs and $10 to spend on a classic.
Do I feel that $10 is a little high? Maybe, but I wouldn't expect it any lower than $7...and even then, it's not like the games aren't worth $10 for all the hours you can put into them.
If that's the case then I am already out! They never learn, do they? And don't forget that it will be without the connectivity features, just saying!
It should just be 4 or 5 Euro's, like all gb games on the e-shop!!
Meh. I was a never a fan of the first 4 games.
I started enjoying the games when G/S/C came out.
@Lizuka No they aren't. They're getting unique physical versions of each for 1365 Yen a piece, that's more than $10 and on the eShop it's 1111 Yen
@rushiosan Because a lot of work had to go into the development of the link cable emulation. Do the developers not deserve to be paid for their work?
For a gen 1 game at that price, I'll pass. If it were Gold or Silver, I would bite. That's where my nostalgia is strongest.
Was interested now I'm not. These are VC games no matter how you look at them to jack up the price to make some extra bucks! Well that's Nintendo and they wonder why they are losing a console war. It's people getting sick of this kind of crap from them. I was excited after watching the Nintendo Direct. Talk about an excitement killer. Prediction......these will still sell like hotcakes! Just not from me.
@Serebii Do you seriously think there is hard work involved into translating all the link cable features into wireless? Even VisualBoyAdvance had a similar feature a decade ago and didn't even require changing stuff in the ROM itself. It's something so simple that could be done in a couple hours. Worth extra $5? Hell no. To be honest all GBC games should have multiplayer functionality using 3DS wireless communications by default. That's the least they could do to offer something else than illegal emulation.
If there was a full online support for trades I'd definitely put over $10 on each port.
@rushiosan I think you underestimate the amount of work that needs to be done for it. For Link Cables, constant connections were necessary. A slight break would kill the connection. For Wireless, you need to allow for the dropping of packets transmitted and received.
@King_Boo where are you buying em from?
when D/P came out game stop sold them as the brand new price $34.99 or emerald for $39.99 without box...
maybe the hype for a used legit copy has died down by now. its been a while lol
@emiingham you mean green and yellow for jpn 3ds, theres differences between us yellow vs jpn yellow, same for jpn blue too.
@Uberchu Yeah I knew blue was different but I wasn't sure about yellow. Looks like I'm getting those too
Ten bucks? Kind of defeats the purpose of virtual console being cheap emulators to fight piracy and preserve classics. Multiplayer is great and all but they already have it for the 3DS SMB3 so I think I'll just play my old cart. for a little bit. Jeez, what a shame.
personally. i think amazon is lying when it come to prices
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