Let's start this with a disclaimer - we're not high-rolling investors or employed as financial analysts. So when we talk about investors and share prices, we're looking in with our own perspective and trying to make sense of how the market's working and why it's behaving in certain ways. We're curious and it matters because it's important to Nintendo as a business, with happy investors leading to increased company value and security. With those things in place the big N can make more games and fun things for us all to enjoy.
Of course, the company announced a major change on 14th September - just over two weeks ago - by naming Tatsumi Kimishima as the new President of Nintendo following the interim leadership of Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda. A company veteran with extensive experience outside of the company and within, including a number of years as President of The Pokémon Company and then Nintendo of America, Kimisihima-san is experienced at the highest level of corporate management, understands the games industry and knows the Western markets well, which is important when trying to secure global success.
We outlined Kimishima-san's credentials following his announcement and argued that he represents a safe pair of hands, and he has also arrived with a change of company structure. Satoru Iwata's leadership style was very much that of the lead policy maker and visionary, driving forward key decisions across the breadth of the company. Yet under the new President both Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda have moved up the ladder to become 'Fellows' in their respective fields, with the role to provide "advice and guidance regarding organizational operations in a specialized area". This seems like a notable move in terms of these figures working closely with Kimishima-san in their particular areas, with the new Nintendo President's background being in corporate management as opposed to being a video game industry innovator. Kimishima-san even spelled it out clearly, saying that "we thought it's better that Takeda and Miyamoto manage hardware and software, and I control administration".

Beyond that Kimishima-san has stated that he'll be implementing Satoru Iwata's plans for smart devices and IP usage, while key teams and departments have been merged together into new groups, with game-related development in one camp and business development in another. A positive way to look at that is to consider that as a result Nintendo could be leaner and more efficient in these areas, bringing its talent closer together to produce the finest results.
Statements from Kimishima-san on continuing Iwata-san's vision, the company restructuring and 'promotion' of Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda, the streamlining of teams - all of this has been designed to reassure nervous onlookers and, more importantly, to give Nintendo a new stability and focus moving forward under new leadership. Creative figureheads are in place to ensure Nintendo retains its innovative spark, teams are being modernised and there's a leader that knows how to manage a corporation and has direct experience not only of Japan's market but also that of North America. What's not to like?
Evidently, all of this is to no avail. We've been keeping an eye on Nintendo's stock value since Kimishima-san was appointed, just for fun times and giggles, and there's been a double digit percentage decline since 14th September. To be clear Nintendo's value is still much higher than it was prior to the DeNA smart-device deal what prompted a surge in value, but nevertheless there's been a notable increase.
Below is the evidence, which reflects the continual recent decline while also showing the peaks and troughs that have come over the Summer.

So why is this? In one case - and as quoted at the time by Bloomberg - we have Mitsushige Akino, executive officer at Ichiyoshi Asset Management Co, who clarified one reason why share prices immediately started to drop upon the announcement.
It's a very orthodox choice, which sends a message that the company is choosing to stay the course. Investors expecting growth would have preferred to see some bigger changes. Someone with a direct experience in designing games would have been better.
This does seem, to an extent, the consequence of the vagaries of the investor market. We live in a world where corporations buy companies for billions of dollars before a product has been fully launched, in which potential alone is enough. Some of those very corporations are valued in the billions of dollars before they even generate a profit. Cold, hard cash matters in the real world, yes, but it's also spent and invested off the back of what might be in the future. Tatsumi Kimishima, it seems, doesn't have the spark and dash of excitement that some trading in shares desire.

We've seen these erratic trends in the markets over the past year with Nintendo. Financially relatively little has changed in the last 12 months, with the company returning some solid profit in consecutive returns - after a few years of losses. In fact, revenue and sales have been getting worse, yet shares spiked to their highest point in around four years when the DeNA partnership was announced earlier in the year. We don't even know what the first game from the relationship is yet, but the potential of Nintendo franchises on iOS and Android was enough to send shares jumping. The 'NX' was also announced around the same time, but the talk of investors focused on smart device profits.
The latest drop, as of the close of markets on 29th September, brought Nintendo's share value to its lowest point since early April, when the steady increases were still inconsistent. Of course there are external factors beyond perceptions around Nintendo with Kimishima-san at the helm - beyond mere market forces there are normal reactions to Nintendo's latest business moves, which may include the delay beyond Christmas of Star Fox Zero. Perhaps of bigger note is that we're heading into the final quarter of 2015 with no idea, as yet, of the smart device game that's coming before the year is done. Perhaps some jitters are present.
In the end, what'll matter for Nintendo's President and the company will be the long term picture. It's nevertheless intriguing, and slightly puzzling, that a new permanent successor in the top role and a restructuring process to give figureheads such as Shigeru Miyamoto even more vital influence was greeting with an initial and then steady lack of enthusiasm from investors. Stability and a steady hand clearly don't play well in the thrill-seeking investor market.
Comments 74
They have announced next to nothing worth announcing since Iwata passed away.
Maybe the stocks dropping has to do with Tatsumi Kimishima not being as well known? He isn't as famous as, say, Miyamoto. Stockholders are probably waiting for him to do something substantial to give them faith in the new leadership.
@Zach777 I wouldn't say it is that bad, but it is true that it is a bit dry now in terms of big news ;^^.
Still the Smash Ballot should be unveiled soon and we will get to hear who will be included in Smash :+). Zelda U and Nintendo's mobile announcement still has to be fully explained so I do think there are a fair amount of information/news Nintendo can give us ;+).
As for my opinion in terms of Kimishima, I am looking forward to see what he can do for Nintendo :+).
I hope I'm reading this well:but "... nevertheless there's been a notable increase."
Isn't that supposed to be "decrease"?
I'm not sure you read this sentence: "To be clear Nintendo's value is still much higher than it was prior to the DeNA smart-device deal what prompted a surge in value, but nevertheless there's been a notable increase.
Well as of right now we are in a lull period. We just had a new game, we arent in the holiday season and there are no major announcements right now so I'm not sure if it is so much an issue with Kimishima so much as its quiet so investors are looking for greener pastures. They will come back during the holidays when more games are being released. I do think a direct needs to happen soon to give the press some positive morsels to talk about.
Agreed investors have lost confidence since Kimishida-san took over. If I was an investor I would have lost confidence as well. However it's not because of Kimishida-san. It's because there has been no announcements, along with the delay of Star Fox, since Iwata's passing. Overall Nintendo's stock has fallen over the past few years so I wouldn't worry too much about investor confidence. If I was an investor I'd wait until the day that Nintendo announces the NX and sell that day (it will probably be at the highest value for a while at that point, depending on how the NX is perceived of course.). I don't really see Nintendo stock prices rising until then. Then again I'm not a financial expert.
Well, not too many games out right now besides Mario Maker...
But I hate public investors. I mean, I get how it works in terms of profit for the company, but I think it's stupid that speculation can affect a company so much with public shares. How can anyone lead a company with confidence when you have a bunch of share-holders that know nothing about your business yelling at you for not making the profits they desire.
There isn't much to be positive about right now with Nintendo. Add that to new leadership, and you get dipping confidence.
I would have got lost if I were a Nintendo investor after E3.
@Zach777 the silence is deafening isn't it? I hope they have something big to announce soon.
They should have just went nuts and said that Donkey Kong is the new president. Kept everything the same behind the scenes but always publicly insist that it was DK running the show.
I wouldn't place too much stock in the Smash Ballot. Did they really say it would effect the Wii U/3DS era it was it for a future game they had in mind? Either way I don't think new characters for Smash is going to change the tide when the Wii U is losing major games due to delays left and right. Fox and Link are more than likely headed for the NX at this point.
Totes deafening. I mean honestly... What has really been announced that has been a wow factor since e3?
Edited: Oh wait I guess there was that Pokken game with 7 different formes of Pikachu fighters.
I'm still very interested in the Club Nintendo successor! I think this president could actually bridge a big gap between Japan and the west that's sorely needed in the company. This safe bet might be the best bet that can play right now and it could really turn out well for them.
Nintendo is in a show me state. Until investors have an idea as to what they're doing in the future, the stock will go sideways to down. Investors want a jolt, yet nothing has come. I invest a ton, including in different video game makers in the past, but I wouldn't invest in Nintendo right now. There's zero catalyst for earnings growth & zero certainty as to when that might change.
Simply put, considering there's literally millions of investment options in the world, why invest with Nintendo currently? NX is an unknown quantity & cell phone games aren't out yet.
Because investors are stupid and usually know nothing about the material they invest in? I'm just guessing but it woulnd't surprise me if this were true.
After all, our word is full of incompetence in places where competence is needed the most.
Nintendo has basically doing nothing as a of late (is it just me or the Nintendo news has been slower than normal just lately?) has all sorts of negative going on since E3 2015. Nobody wants anything to do with Nintendo until they show something noteworthy or something that's has to do with their future. Even as a Nintendo fan, I wouldn't even think about investing in Nintendo esspecially at their currently crappy statue with the 3DS money train coming to a stop the Wii U currently being deader than ever that it's getting to the point of making me want to buy a Vita.
Iwata was one of a kind. There are very few people like him. Sorry, investors...Kimishima-san is the only other worthy choice.
I mean seriously...Kimishima predicted the failure of the Wii U before the platform even launched. Shouldn't that make him at least somewhat more unorthodox than the rest of the Nintendo's upper management?? He had enough foresight to express doubt and concern, which to me sounds like a key quality of a good leader.
@Mr_Zurkon I know, right? At least introduce the public to the new prez or something...
@Zach777 I wouldn't even say they've announced anything worth announcing since the DeNA merger.
Nintendo's simply on a course that not a lot of people are happy with, and Kimishima needs to prove that he can change Nintendo's perception if they want more confidence from investors (and consumers for that matter). Sticking with Iwata's plan isn't going to do that, at least not until we see what that plan actually is.
"Why Does Investor Confidence in Nintendo Continue to Dip Under Tatsumi Kimishima?"
The investors first have to see what he will bring to the table. He only has become the new president recently. However, choosing for such a old person isn't a sign they want to drastically change. And what's with the DENA deal?! Investors wanted Nintendo on mobile. Nintendo had plans to go mobile. Gamers know they are screwed when Nintendo goes mobile. But it has become VERY quite. Maybe Nintendo finally realized that teaming up with a mobile company (DENA) is a very bad thing! Hopefully they make up their minds, and ditch the project. After all DENA talked about sales hundreds of times, but they never mentioned the goal to deliver good games. If Nintendo would ditch the project it would annoy the investors no doubt, but many gamers (including myself) would be very happy!
On a side-note: As a gamer I am not interested in the investors, because they always want things I don't want (like the mobile nonsense)!
This reads like an American political news article. It's been about 2 minutes since he came into this position and is still dealing with the leftovers from the last administration and already everyone is extremely unhappy even though nothing at all has happened yet.
Why? Take your pick from:-
1) A dead home console and a handheld nearing the end of its life
2) The worst Nintendo Christmas line up of games ever
3) Big games delayed
4) The interesting new move into mobile gaming is still nothing more than an announcement
5) No real idea what NX is
6) He's an unknown quantity yet to demonstrate his competence
Uh, has anyone been watching the rest of the Nikkei 225 as of late?
If you own Nintendo stock, you're really lucky it rebounded sharply to prior to the correction, and the stock is merely tracking down to match the rest of the market.
Well, not like that's going to do anything considering N225 is crashing into October.
There hasn't been much in the way of new games or announcements recently, so it makes sense that a lack of buzz would cause stock prices to dip a bit. However, it should bounce up again once there's more announcements or games along the way.
They need to realise that people need news. Nintendo has been silent on new releases, new plans, and the new user reward platform ever since Iwata-san passed. As much as we'll all miss him dearly, Nintendo has to get their stuff together and get down to business already.
@electrolite77 Yeah, the holiday lineup is non-existent for sure. Not having Zelda or Star Fox this year left a gaping hole and they have nothing to fill it.
Did everyone just completely forget about xenoblade chronicles X, and yoshis wooly world? I mean since when has X just been a "eh" thing, that, Mario Maker, and yoshi are fine with me.
Yoshi'a Wooly World and Xenoblade Chronicles X are the only thing the Wii U has left in America for redeeming graces this winter season. I feel like Ninty is done for... In my mind anyway they seem to be.
@Zach777 I hope they spend some money advertising Yoshi.
Lets be honest here investors pretty much know nothing about gaming in general. Considering Kimishima's age there is a liklihood he could be a placeholder until they find someone younger. Also remember big change simply doesn't happen overnight. Iwata was likely in the midst of implementing his plan for the next generation when he passed so its understandable the new president is busy adjusting to his new role while forumlating his future plans
From a business perspective, you have to consider what TheWPCTraveler said about the Nikkei, plus the global scenario - it is not a good time for business with so much uncertainty flying around (China's slow growth, crisis in Europe, US with the Fed rate, etc...). And finance theory always begins from the idea that stockholders and investors don't like change or uncertainty. Even if Kimishima had the best credentials (which I don't doubt), he is not well know and he's not accepting pressures to move faster to mobile development, a la Square-Enix, which is what Japanese stockholders feel is the right path to follow in the videogame industry.
This is a good topic for my international finance class homework, thanks NL!
This really doesn't mean too much. Most of it is due to stuff that's larger than them.
All I can really say with specific regards to Nintendo is that the company is in a major period of transition, and the leadership and structural changes only added to it.
As far as the information lull, the tipping point for that was really the launch week of Super Mario Maker. In that week alone we had Pikmin 4 and Pokemon GO announcements, Super Mario Maker's launch and the franchise's 30th anniversary, and new Zygarde formes, with Kimishima being named President and the restructure coming soon after as well as the SMM stage for Smash being announced.
So there actually hasn't been that much of an info lull recently, or at least in comparison to pre-SMM launch week. The news was just front loaded. The news lull seems worse than it actually is because we know there's more coming super soon, particularly with the Smash Ballot ending on Saturday, combined with the lack of a Direct.
The guy is tha right man for the job.
I have no doubt he'll guide Nintendo well
"It's a very orthodox choice, which sends a message that the company is choosing to stay the course. Investors expecting growth would have preferred to see some bigger changes. Someone with a direct experience in designing games would have been better."
This seems like a rather strange statement. Don't business oriented types (such as boards of investors) tend to favor rule by other business types, instead of creative worker-oriented types? Isn't it often argued amongst business types to stick with the orthodox more often than not, and take the safe bets over risky/creative/unusual shakeups? Saying now that investors want exactly the opposite of what they usually clamor for just seems off. (Or perhaps they want another Iwata... good luck with that...)
I would posit that the crazy upward growth from the Wii/DS years was unsustainable- there's no such thing as infinite economic growth. Everything in this world has limits, including the economy. Expecting otherwise is a (final?) fantasy.
We'll see how Mr. Kimishima pans out, for now. At least he is wise enough to share the leadership roles, rather than trying to take everything over. I can only hope he won't allow the DeNA capital alliance to steer Nintendo's workers away from their roots.
Why Does Investor Confidence in Nintendo Continue to Dip Under Tatsumi Kimishima?
People don't really know who he is. He's made a few statements about his beliefs but he has yet to make any bold commanding decisions to stand out or make people confident in him.
That said if we are just talking investors they don't usually understand what's good for business anyway. If Nintendo did a Konami and said they were abandoning all console games and becoming a smartphone game focused company because it's "the future" Nintendo's stock would skyrocket. Not because that's actually a good decision, but because of the limited understanding these investors have of "games", they know the smartphone game industry is doing very well.
@Zach777 (Sorry, but I need my sleep ;^^).
I didn't mean that the Smash Ballot would be that big of thing, but something that make the Nintendo community happy in the sense that it is something interesting :+).
I don't think Star Fox will come to the NX or at least not without being cross-gen-ed. As far as Zelda U goes I will say that I wouldn't be 100% surprised if Zelda U comes to the NX, I think Zelda U has to be on both Wii U and maybe NX as Nintendo has promised us fans that Zelda U will be on the Wii U.
I think there are many things that Nintendo can wow us with that we don't know about yet :+). (Or at least just me trying to be positive).
@TheWPCTraveler this. It's just market dynamics, nothing to do with much else.
And @LilC - you're so right. We've got games to play, not graphs to watch.
Funny enough, I actually am an investment analyst for my own firm (shameless pat on the back). I'm 25, so not some stodgy balding old-school investor that is completely out-of-touch. That being said, investor sentiment on NTDOY is actually very high. The downturn is coinciding with a market-wide reaction to less-than-stellar economic news out of China. When the world's largest exporter is reporting declining numbers across a wide range of economic data it's a barometer your institutional investors generally overreact to by huge selloffs, which unfortunately include companies that have little-to-nothing to do with the data in the first place.
That being said I am a huge fan of Nintendolife, I read it every day after checking Bloomberg.com (If you do nothing else, skim through that for 15 minutes a day. You'll be much more well-informed than your friends). Unfortunately the headline and the article is a case of smoke where there is no fire, and merely coincidence. Investors (institutional and individual) are very bullish on Nintendo right now. If nothing else this presents a great buying opportunity for those with a bit of cash to spare. This is a strong company, flush with cash, that's looking to make a huge rebound with its dive into mobile. Nintendo's management as a whole is looked at as very strong, and while Iwata san was nothing short of a huge loss Nintendo's upper-level management team as a whole is arguably the most well-built to weather such a loss.
All I have to say is that I'm loosing faith in Nintendo and the "NX"will be the LAST Nintendo console I will ever buy if I get as burned as I got with the Wii U... which was the the sad result of god awful planning, marketing, and support. It sucks when you buy into something early, pay full price for it... only to see the promised "launch window" games get continuously pushed back. Yoshi's Wolly World was announced back in 2013, over two years later, we are still waiting for it. Same can be said for Xenoblade. Or how about Zelda Wii U? A game that was PROMISED repeatedly for a 2015 release, got pushed back to a vague 2016 launch. Hell, according to rumors, Wii U owners might not even get the game on their console... we also lost the one big first party holiday game for the year, Starfox Zero, which also got pushed back to some vague "early" 2016 launch... then there was the mishandling of third party support, eventually leaving the console barren to anything outside of first party and a handful of indies... to the screwed up handling of backwards Wii compatibility... which is mixed with Nintendo's dated approach to digital sales. It's laughable how, in 2015, Nintendo still lacks cross buy and still have our digital purchases to the hardware, not the user... I'm getting mighty tired of buying Super Mario Bros. over and over again so that I may enjoy the game on my current console or handheld. Speaking of which, I'm still waiting on the promised GameCube virtual console library support on the Wii U. You would think that Nintendo, having arguably the largest back-catalogue of blockbuster, classic games would leverage that advantage... instead they seems to almost ignore it. Trickle releasing random games, while flat out ignoring clearly better choices. They destroyed Club Nintendo, promising hardcore fans a better, more modern reward/appreciation program... we are still waiting on that one. They still don't understand online gaming and can't seem to build a true, dynamic online Nintendo community... Nintendo network and miiverse are sad, anemic and outrageously out of date when compared to MS and Sony's current offerings. Nintendo also still doesn't understand that in today's current market, if you're going to sell a $300 machine for the living room, you can't get away with it not being good for anything but games... the goal should be to try and make your box the one that get's used the most for entertainment, so it doesn't become an after thought and forgotten device that just collects dust... Seriously, for the love of god, add the ability to play movies already!!! There's a Bluray drive in there, there's no excuse anymore... let alone adding support for a variety of other, modern, app-driven media options. They could also get some proper marketing... start by firing whoever had the lame idea of calling it the Wii U... Nintendo needs to grow up and realize that it's not the 90's anymore. It's time to change the message... wacky, random commercials that often ignore the gameplay in favor of some gimmicky slapstick just doesn't cut it anymore... they need to pick a message, an identity, and stick with it.... they are in massive need of some cohesion. They also need to realize that by catering to just children is in effect cutting them off from a massive audience. They have become closed off and restrictive. Games aren't just toys anymore... they need to stop living in the past! Lastly, although I could go on and on... it is utterly mind boggling that a company that owns the dedicated mobile gaming market with the 3DS, doesn't exploit some sort of communication between their handheld and home consoles... it makes no sense. The 3DS and Wii U might as well come from two completely different companies considering how in this age of tight ecosystems and wireless communications, the two devices barely can speak to one another - a sorely missed opportunity and yet another example of how out of date Nintendo is.
Yes, to buy into something early solely based on my love, support and trust for Nintendo... only to see them handle everything so massively disappointing... it's hard. I still can't believe that, if rumors are true, that 2016 will see the release of the "NX".... but that will mean that the Wii U got a shelf life of less than four years. That would have been acceptable if it was a $100-200ish console... but to spend $350 on the thing with such MASSIVE promises that were made, only to see it never truly live up to that promised potential... it's hard. I also am running out of patience and excuses for Nintendo and their inability to leverage and innovate with the plethora of technologies in this modern age... yes, they look dated and out of touch... and I'm losing faith, trust and interest. /endrant
No offense, but this isn't really something worth talking about. Stock fluctuates constantly; that's par for the course in multibillion dollar companies.
It's just natural. Right now Nintendo stock is a huge gamble because nobody knows what this guy's goals are. Stock traders don't really like to deal with gambles, so people are selling stock. It's not really a sign that people don't like him. I'm sure once they give us the details of that first mobile game they'll shoot up again and probably remain high once that whole project is up and running and making mega money.
@LilC you are talking purely from an american stand point. I have for example already beaten yoshi and xcx has been out a long time in japan. And even so, not everyone want those games. They are both pretty niche. It is a pretty abysmal holiday season for the wii u.
Nintendo has Splatoon, Mario Maker, Yoshi's Woolly World, Fatal Frame, Mario Tennis, Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival, Xenoblade, and Devils Third going into the holidays but half of you guys on here are saying Nintendo doesn't have anything for the holidays? I know some people are pissed about the star fox and zelda delays but saying Nintendo has nothing for the holidays is hilarious. Complain all you want kiddos while i enjoy a bunch of Nintendo goodness in the coming months.
Splatooon has been out for months, as has Yoshi in Europe and Japan and Xenoblade in Japan. So that leaves Mario Maker (released early September), Fatal Frame, Mario Tennis, Animal Crossing (only interesting if you're into Amiibo) and the dreadful Devils Third (actually released in August).
It's the weakest they've ever had.
@capitalism And Rodea the Sky Soldier.
@mritchy @erv @Luna_110 @FLUX_CAPACITOR
I like how 7974 (Nintendo stock ticker on ^N225) staged a ~4% rally today, so has investor confidence returned?
A few notes:
I mean, I'm sure they must at least look at the detailed breakdown of shipments, right?
They do realize that mobile won't instantly pull off some ¥10 billion in revenues instantly, right?
@Thomas - You have:
"but nevertheless there's been a notable increase".
I think you meant decrease
Maybe it won't increase revenue so much, but investors don't really care about the industry or games. They had a positive reaction when Nintendo signed the deal with DeNA and we know that there has been a lot of pressure for them to move in that way. Plus, unfortunately, other big compaies have seen increased revenue from mobile development, like Square with its ports to iOS. Aslong as there is a chance that mobile will increase revenue, stockholders will continue claiming for it.
Dark clouds around Nintendo for sure. E3 was a tough time for them, Iwata passed away at such a young age (could have been CEO another decade!) and several key titles have been delayed (Zelda, Star Fox). I'd like to see a Direct before Xmas but it seems like Nintendo is in survival mode until after the holidays. With all of that being said, I think the company will turn it around soon and 2016 is going to be a big year for them. I love the big N and I believe they have the right people to get back on track. In 2016, they will launch their first mobile games, release lots of big name games like Zelda, Star Fox, Fire Emblem and they will introduce us to the NX system. Right now though, revenue streams can't be great and investors can't always be satisfied with tomorrow, they want to be paid today.
@TheWPCTraveler It's only sad that it took until post #30 for somebody to state the obvious, which should have been more than briefly hinted at in the article. DOW is down from 18,200 to 16,000 over the past 2 months, pretty much mirroring the rest of the worlds markets. If Nintendo is up 4% today my first guess is the Nikki is up 4% as well.
That said, Nintendo is a pathetic excuse of a company right now, no reason to invest.
Sony just said they are getting out of hand held b/c of its 80m PSP sale decline to 5m Vita. Well Wii 100m dropped to 10m Wii U. Who knows what NX is or how it well sell.
Nintendo Directs are few and far between these days, no communication to the fans, who knows what's going on.
Club Nintendo successor has had ZERO news, yet NA closed months ago, EU today.
Both Zelda U and StarFox Zero delayed, proving once again Nintendo is incapable of producing HD quality games, only Mario Tennis and 2D sidescrollers, and even Yoshi took over 2 1/2 long freaking years to release in the US since it's aouncement. And that's made on 1 console, their own hardware, doesn't bode well for their ability to code to a multitude of iOS and Android devices.
amiibo stock issues. I bet investors would like to see store shelves filled with them, and a game like Skylanders or Lego D to really push sales, not skins in SMM.
@Spoony_Tech I'm still waiting for somebody to take 15 minutes out of their lunch break and write an English translation for Splatoon.net. How freaking hard can that be, we're already in the system, all we need is an English front end, like 5 pages of tranlation, 10-20 words per page, for 1 of their biggest games in America, yet they can't even manage that. Club Nintendo should have not have been closed until 2 or 3 months AFTER the new one launched, not before. Stupid all around.
-No positive news or announcements
-Games getting delayed
-The holiday lineup is a joke.
-Kimishima isn't very welll known
-Due to his age they can tell he's a stopgap
Mr. Kimishima ran Nintendo of America between when Mr. Arakawa returned to Japan and when Reggie took over. It was not considered a very dynamic time. He seems to be a nice fellow, but certainly not a visionary or leader that will return Nintendo to the top of the heap. Investors have seen what Mr. Kimishima could do at NOA and realize that NOJ isn't going anywhere until they find a permanent, dynamic replacement.
@DarthNocturnal @Henmii They can't simply "ditch" DeNA.... Nintendo now owns 10% of DeNA, they are investing in the company, even if Nintendo decided to sell the 10%, just to get rid of them, they'll still having dealings with DeNA as DeNA owns 1% of Nintendo. DeNA would be stupid to sell it's 1%. Whether you like it or not, this is a long-term deal.
As long as their mobile games don't distract from making console and handheld games, I'm fine with it, it will simply allow Nintendo to put more money into developing their games.
Tatsumi Kimishima didn't understand the game industry in the GameCube era. Why would he understand it now?
Nintendo has been in a decline since forever with the exception of the one time Wii anomaly. With these sales patterns the NX is going to be a failure. Nintendo is aging and more out of touch with each generation.
NES 67m Sales
SNES 49m Sales
N64 32m Sales
GC 22m Sales
Wii 101m Sales
WiiU 10m Sales
@TheWPCTraveler You are correct, however the visceral reaction to a platform that has already been established as their worst performing in quite some time is far outweighed by the company's potential on its shifting stance regarding the mobile bridge. Many investors who take long positions on their equities (i.e., aren't really concerned with how a stock is valued a week after purchase) are very optimistic about the future of Nintendo. In all reality their pre-DeNA announcement price of $14-$15/share was a reflection of investor sentiment you speak of, which was adjusted post-announcement.
This is just paranoia over change. Once Kimishima actually does something as president we'll see some actual movement.
It could have to do with broader market conditions...... How many stocks are doing that well? How is Nintendo performing compared to the rest of the market, or even those in the entertainment sector?
Didn't read everything, but the article seems oblivious to the fact that there is a global crisis in the stockmarket following China's devaluation of its currency. It affected all the stocks, Nintendo is just following the same trend. Nothing to do with Nintendo.
If it wasn't for the general market problems, I imagine Nintendo would have continued to do well. Their mobile announcement is excellent. Their amiibo handling is great - it brings huge profit to them. They have crazy hits like Splatoon and Super Mario Maker. Everything is really good with Nintendo right now, it is just the general market sucking.
All those games will be new in North America which is Nintendo's biggest market so the fact that some of the games released earlier in other regions doesn't mean much in regards to sales. And lets not forget 3DS that has Tri Force Heroes and Happy Home Designer out for the Holidays which I'm predicting both will sell very well. Just because Nintendo doesn't have Zelda or Starfox doesn't mean their holiday line up is weak. Super Mario Maker is being underestimated and I believe it's going to sell boatloads and will be Nintendo's selling point and cash cow this holiday season. Don't forget all the awesome indie games coming out too.
It's truly a transition period within Nintendo. These are very uncertain times for the company, so I can see investors being incredibly cautious and/or withdrawing a bit...
@Zach777 Star Fox Zero is going to be released before the NX is going to be announced.
@Chaoz The Vita has half of the Wii U's sales and was released a year earlier, and is a handheld, which generally have higher sales. The Wii U isn't dead, as it's making a profit. The Vita, however, is definitely dead.
@macmilk Most video games are toys. Unless it's are something like a high-tech military training simulator, it's a toy. If it's used for your enjoyment, it's a toy. Xenoblade Chronicles X is going to be their main holiday game. Also North America will be getting Devil's Third, which I suspect will heavily patched before release, as I think that's why it was delayed for NA. Nintendo already confirmed it's coming for Wii U, whether it's coming to the NX or not is the question, which I do not think is true.
@rjejr All Zelda games have be delayed. It's nothing new. They are also not coding mobile games, DENA is.
@amiiboacid The Wii U is dead, as if the recent digital event, sudden NX announcement, and and there being no Christmas titles besides Xenoblade Chronicles X (not saying it's not going to end up taking Xenoblade Chronicles's crown of being one of my favoritest games of all time) wasn't a big enough hint enough. The Vita has a lot more games than I want than the Wii U like Gravity Rush and most of the JRPGs on it, so I don't care if it dead.
@Chaoz How does the Digital Event make it dead. I watched knowing that Zelda U wasn't going to be showcased and only games coming in the near future will be showcased. My only complaint was that Devil's Third wasn't showcased. The NX was mentioned just to clarify that Nintendo is still making consoles. If they didn't mention the NX every one would of said Nintendo is out of the console business and probably even more Wii U is dead claims. It would of damaged them either option they took, and yet there are still claims of the NX not being a console. The NX is going to be announced next year and will be released the year after that, like how Nintendo always releases consoles.
Yes, their holiday line-up for the Wii U is rather weak. But 2016 is going to be one hell of a year for a Wii U owner. The games that were going to be the biggest this year will release next year. Pikmin 4 will probably release, plus their are still AAA games we don't know about that are going to be released, like what retro is working on. Nintendo does announce many of their games beyond E3.
The Wii U is making profit. It is by no means a success, but not exactly dead. If the Wii U really is 'dead', the Vita is fully decomposed by now.
It's pretty simple really, the holiday releases are very meager (StarFox delayed, for the little good it would have done), so WiiU and 3DS are on life-support to stretch their lifetime until the mysterious NX... device comes out, so there's not much concrete to look forward to either.
No wonder Nintendo stock isn't doing too well, under those circumstances.
@amiiboacid The Digital Event was a big hit since their was barely any major Wii U titles announced beside Star Fox Zero, a game don't nobody including Nintendo fans don't care about, and #FE, a game that barely appeals to anybody but gigantic weebs like me. Don't quote Reggie dumb quote because I'm not stupid enough to think NOA will suddenly make E3 about the near future when their last E3 was about the opposite, it's just a dumb excuse Reggie came up with the fool people false hope to thinking the Wii U is still alive. When the hell did anybody say before the NX announcement "Nintendo is going out of the console business," besides a few people? That's not even in most people's mind when talking about the Wii U. What could possibly make anybody think that just because Nintendo haven't said anything about a new console? And the year with only 3 to 4 game announced for it is going to be a "hell of a year", because that sounds like a pretty crappy year for Nintendo fans instead of good.
@Chaoz If they didn't mention the Nx, the amount of people saying that nintendo is giving up on home consoles would of skyrocketed. There are still games in production. Nintendo always has studios working on games non-stop. Many of the last Wii U games are now in their final stages of development and will release next year and the year after that. Nintendo said they will be supporting the Wii U even after the Nx launch. Their are still mystery projects yet to be revealed, and next year the games releasing next year will be some of the best on the system. The last Wii U games will have began to move into the latter stages of the technological section as Nx games will be moving into the early stages of creative section and will be releasing in 2017.
Personally i think nintendo should allready aim for a good new console wich can actualy compete with the ps4, the diffrence in quality is to big these days.
But, though i love my wiiu, i can see why it fail.
1) wiiu is a bad name, it confuse people. They think its an upgrade over wii, not a new console.
2) promoting the wiiu with zelda while there is even after years no sign of a new zelda game, is wrong... People in my neighbourhood complain about this.
3) Worst advertising of all companys? Nintendo seems to be the worst advertisers in the world.
4) wiiu is weak in online games.
And now the move to the mobile phone buissiness, ive read so many times that nintendo would never move to the mobile phones, but now they get wet feet, they seem to rush to the mobilephone boat, where they will sell crappy games with a mario head above all characters.
I love you nintendo, you dare to be arrogant. innovative. A company with balls, though moving to the mobile phones is in my opinion , selling your soul to the devil. ^^
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