Super Mario Maker has made its début in Japan and has claimed the top spot in this week's Media Create Sales charts. The DIY platformer has sold 138,242 copies in its first week on sale.
In second place is Capcom's 3DS exclusive Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX, which is also a new title this week. That managed to clear 59,456 copies.
More 3DS titles can be found at fourth (Dragon Quest VIII) and fifth (Yo-kai Watch Busters). Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer in is seventh place with 20,733, while Rhythm Heaven: The Best+ rounds out the top ten with 7,079 units sold.
Splatoon is the only other Wii U game in the top 10, and is holding on at eight with 17,490 sales. That game has now shifted well over half a million units in its homeland, which is remarkable considering the Japanese apathy towards online, team-based shooters.
- [Wii U] Super Mario Maker (Nintendo, 09/10/15) – 138,242
- [3DS] Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX (Capcom, 09/10/15) – 59,456
- [PS4] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Konami, 09/02/15) – 42,788 (336,440)
- [3DS] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (Square Enix, 08/27/15) – 42,577 (734,116)
- [3DS] Yo-kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad (Nintendo, 07/11/15) – 39,949 (1,490,292)
- [PS3] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Konami, 09/02/15) – 22,639 (140,186)
- [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (Nintendo, 07/30/15) – 20,733 (1,010,621)
- [Wii U] Splatoon (Nintendo, 05/28/15) – 17,490 (643,987)
- [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition (SCE, 03/19/15) – 7,379 (324,420)
- [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best+ (Nintendo, 06/11/15) – 7,079 (462,363)
- [Wii U] Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo, 05/29/14) – 4,923 (1,122,317)
- [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire (Pokemon, 11/21/14) – 2,948 (2,695,861)
- [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo, 11/08/12) – 2,875 (4,041,326)
- [3DS] Famicom Remix: Best Choice (Nintendo, 08/27/15) – 2,835 (21,437)
- [PS4] Dragon's Dogma Online Limited Edition (Capcom, 08/27/15) – 2,726 (35,702)
- [PSV] Infinite Stratos 2: Love and Purge (5pb., 09/03/15) – 2,094 (9,737)
- [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright / Conquest (Nintendo, 06/25/15) – 1,910 (417,060)
- [PSV] Taiko Drum Master: V Version (Bandai Namco, 07/09/15) – 1,818 (94,811)
- [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Best Price!) (Capcom, 07/30/15) – 1,781 (15,778)
- [Wii U] Yoshi's Woolly World (Nintendo, 07/16/15) – 1,737 (70,619)
In the hardware charts the New 3DS LL continues to dominate, with 21,504 units shifted - a slight drop from last week's total of 26,976. The arrival of Super Mario Maker caused Wii U sales to double to 20,891 units, compared to last week's 10,232.
- New 3DS LL – 21,504 (26,976)
- Wii U – 20,891 (10,232)
- PlayStation 4 – 18,555 (54,494)
- PlayStation Vita – 9,018 (11,099)
- New 3DS – 4,214 (5,179)
- PlayStation 3 – 2,628 (2,817)
- 3DS – 1,275 (1,692)
- 3DS LL – 836 (909)
- PlayStation Vita TV – 462 (609)
- Xbox One – 207 (180)
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 91
Super Mario Maker should haven been a launch titile. Wii U would have better reputation than it does.
Bloody hell! The PS4 took a huge hit, but at least the Xbox One saw a rise in sales... cough
Wonder if Mario Maker will have Splatoon like life in the charts?
Nintendo games have legs like a centipede super model
I'm glad Mario Maker is doing so well. One game making console sales double is pretty amazing. I'm also happy to see Splatoon still in the top ten. Both games are awesome!
@Mr_Rawky That's what MGSV does to your sales figures
Seems kind of low to me for a 2D Mario. It's less than Splatoon's launch week, and way below Smash Bros.
Splatoon will more than likely pass Mario Kart 8 in Japanese sales next week which is brilliant.
@Peach64 I thought the same thing. I was expecting closer to 250k tbh. If it has legs like Splatoon it will do alright but that's kinda pathetic if you ask me.
Also Mario Kart 8 is almost double Splatoon sales. Not sure what you're looking at.
@BinaryFragger Problem is we over here in the West don't appreciate those 3rd party games enough. Over 2/3rds of my games for both the 3ds and Wii U are 3rd party.
Good, not great SMM sales. Wii U did amazing though.
2D Platforming Lives!!!!!
Does this include eshop sales? A lot of people probably had it pre-loaded.
I expected higher sales.
Not really impressive numbers to be honest. I was expecting at least double for both software and hardware sales, considering how here everyone looks crazy for Mario Maker (videogame sites included). PS4 did 54k units when metal gear solid launched, and its fall was predictable, since MGSV is there already since two weeks and there was no other big releases for the platform.
But I want it to be higher so I can feel good about myself! BOEEEHHH
I'm so insecure! crying real tears
Well Xbone sold 27 more units than last week, so it's not just the Wii U that's flying off shelves!
@BinaryFragger Any console could sell more successfully if their top games were launch titles. It takes time to make a good game you know.
Why the spin here, NL? These numbers are rather pedestrian.
It smells good!
@SaKo Well sure. But I think in regards to Mario Maker specifically, it is to the GamePad what Super Mario 64 was to the analog stick. I personally know people that had no idea Wii U was a thing, heard about Mario Maker (yay Nintendo finally marketing something) and sought out a Wii U to buy one and play it.
Absolutely astounding this wasn't put into motion at launch with all the bright minds at Nintendo, instead settling for an HD uprezzed NSMB installment that was pretty much mailed in.
@gatorboi352 Nintendoland shows off the gamepad's functionality better than Super Mario Maker in my opinion. It actually uses the motion controls and camera while SMM only uses the touchscreen and buttons.
Well, it's seemingly shows these big AAA releases lack the long legs of Nintendo releases, but also this might be a warning that the PS4 price drop is too little too late. Next week will tell. It's not flying on back-catalog alone.
@Peach64 it already did on famitsu, which counts the digital cards (where MC does not).
@VanillaLake Yup.
Games like Super Mario Maker and Art Academy: Atelier should have been ready day one.
Nintendo's biggest failure by far with Wii U, imo, was making a machine with a potentially great gimmick but then not really releasing any software that genuinely showed off that gimmick in all its glory. So, without that, there was basically no truly compelling reason to buy a Wii U, unless you really were a bit of a fanboy.
The only reason Wii was a massive success, despite its many shortcomings, was because Nintendo did release a piece of software that perfectly demonstrated its gimmick right out the gate, Wii Sports, arguably better than any motion controlled game that has come since.
I REALLY hope Nintendo has properly learned from both those extreme examples and when it releases NX it has at least one game that basically blows people away, shows off the gimmick brilliantly, and sells the system right out the gate.
Also, i'm a bit surprised with marimake sales. Didnt saw much hype for it, unlike with splatoon that everyone was talking about in japan and i couldnt even find a copy. Both of the games got a pretty big push though.
@Goemonmaru What planet have you been on?
Super Mario Maker has been hyped out the wahooza—and deservedly so.
Japan has responded to the release of Mario Maker and Splatoon lol
Glad to see it doing good. Wonder if it'll be able to keep going like Splatoon.
@Mahemoth (gives out tissues)
I wonder how many of those sales were of the game bundle? Releasing a new game is nice, but releasing a console bundle w/ that new game - rather than say releasing a MK8 bundle when SSBB releases - probably helps the console sales a bit. Japan got 2 SMM bundles, w/ and w/o the amibo. (That's what I've read anyway, I wasn't actually in Japan last week.)
Now about that PS4 price cut...
Love all the x-bone comments. As if it's any surprise that the XB brand still sell's like crap in JP.
@rjejr I'm now really holding off on that PS4 purchase. I cant see an EU price cut sadly. SCEE hates us XD
True, I love Nintendo, but at least as it pertains to myself, I bought a Wii U because I'm a gamer first and foremost and I like to have everything on offer from all platforms. Also I saw the potential in the Gamepad, (too bad the potential is being shown too late)... And obviously I can't play Nintendo games elsewhere so there's that.
I'm also hoping whatever the NX turns out to be, that it'll have it's version of Wii Sports. More importantly, follow through. The killer apps that further justify whatever hook the NX will have vs the other two platforms.
@Kirk not in Japan. Not at all. Dont know if in the west its being hyped though, but in JP you cant even compare splatoon with this one. Dont believe it will have long legs either.
I've been seeing this a lot but I don't know how a debut at No. 1 and doubling Wii U hardware sales can be considered anything less than great. Not as great as in the past maybe but the Japanese market, like every market, is vastly different now than it used to be. The good news for Nintendo is this game will obviously keep selling well for months and years and with some other big games should have Wii U hardware at 18K to 25K consistently the rest of the year with holiday sales spikes taking it to around 45K to 55K some weeks.
Oh, I expected SMM to be higher... but I guess with Mario, the legs is more important than first week sales as it'll sell for a long time. Nice Wii U boost there, hope it can help pushing the baseline number a bit now that we have both SMM and Splatoon.
In the other hand, Vita number seems to be in worrying state now. PS4 number is still as good as ever though.
I'd say it has more to do with the fact that Europe actually likes the PS4 so why not ride the high for as long as possible? A price drop could help the PS4 pretty much control that market but it's already pretty well ahead and companies never do things until forced to. Even then, they sometimes don't react, Wii U should've had a significant price drop in NA a year ago.
@Gamer83 Well its a case of now we know they are willing to drop the price, will they?
Thing is, I don't feel as though I can get the value for money with the way the PS4 lineup is forming, according to my own tastes. Again, different strokes for different folks. A price drop would, in theory, push me to that point. I'd feel more confident in my purchase.
Of course, this is Sony. Specifically Sony EU. Their track record is like NoA. Plus, being a student these finances matter. So if I see they are going to be willing to drop the price elsewhere, I'm going to wait.
I get all that, and certainly understand from a financial standpoint as a student. I'm just saying I think this really is more reacting to, frankly terrible, Japanese sales than anything else. With the console selling well in EU and SCEE being the way it is, there probably won't be a price drop for a while. Heck, if I had to guess I think SCEA is happy enough with NA sales that it will concede second to MS this holiday and for months after as long as its a close second.
@Gamer83 It's rare to hear people address just how....I'll say it, BAD, SCEE is, namely with the PSone on PS3 stuff (Thanks for the blatent BS) and their...lovely...soon to increase PS+ prices. Makes me wonder where that money is going.
Might just have to bite for full price. Sad to see the PS4 has had /small/ price moements here, but nothing in the way of the Wii U or Xbone cuts. Hell, its the most expensive console here by some margin.
@Mr_Rawky Xbox has never been popular in Japan but Xbox One has sold more units than Wii U worldwide even though the Wii U is one year older.
Given how the console is selling outside Japan is doesn't surprise me. Doesn't mean I agree with the strategy. I've always been one to say when you have your foot on the throat of the competition step down, don't let up. MS let up here in the U.S. at the end of last gen, start of this one, and we've seen how it's had to react to some of those blunders.
@Gamer83 They'll find without a price drop to compensate for this holiday season, they might lose a bit to Microsoft. The market can and will react like that, it's happened before. It's the weakness of Sony unfortunately, and it showed with the start of the PS3, and sadly to this day with anything NOT PS4 related. They think they word PlayStation sells stuff and no...it doesn't.
@Kirk Funny that Nintendo said they learnt from 3DS launch and then do the same with the Wii U. Hopefully Nintendo NX's launch software is better. Wii U was the only Nintendo home console I didn't buy at launch, actually, even though I've always been a Nintendo fan since my parents gave that SNES to me.
@VanillaLake No one would have been confused about the GamePad and what it does, had that been the case.
All companies are guilty of that kind of arrogance. If brand name alone mattered we'd all still be playing Atari systems. It's a vicious cycle but every company eventually lets overconfidence seep in and it really shouldn't happen.
Good news for Nintendo. It's not surprising that Mario Maker is a system seller, too bad it didn't come out sooner in the Wii U's life cycle though.
@Genesaur When I got the Wii U I was quite excited about the GamePad because I didn't have a TV at that moment (I just moved) but now I barely use it because for playing it's just better using the pro controller, although some games don't support it at all, many times without a justified reason. The GamePad is great for Internet browsing but most people use their phones or tablets instead. The reason why the GamePad exists is games that have come much later in Wii U's life span, like Art Academy and, most importantly, Super Mario Maker. In some other games its use is ridiculous like opening doors in Super Mario 3D World. The way the GamePad was forced to be used without making sense is the main reason why Wii U did not success, and Nintendo even made shy few steps backwards like supporting the pro controller after launch title New Super Mario Bros. U update. The GamePad is not a great controller, but at least its use makes sense when you would need a pen or a mouse instead (Mario Paint was bundled with a mouse which I still own).
@Gamer83 Very true.
I didnt expect another system seller after MK8 or SSB4.. great news!!
@Sonic4life We got Splatoon as well, and soon Xenoblade!
@whodatninja I hope those 2 to do it well!! but I dont think they will move enought consoles by their own to consider them system sellers (sadly..)
@VanillaLake Disagree. I think the gamepad is an awesome controller. In fact, I sometimes don't like games that require both b/c I like the experience so much on the gamepad. It's like getting the power of a console on a handheld. I don't think Nintendo communicated the value of the gamepad. How often do families want to watch TV, while kids are wanting to play video games? Or watch cartoons while parents want to watch something else? Problem solved.
@rockodoodle I think getting the console to appeal to children vs their parents is the way to go. Solid advertising and knowing what appeals to today's youth.
I usually watch all the Newcomers videos from the vault in SSB4 with my little daughter (year and a halft), she REALLY enjoys them!! (Specially Pac-man & Rosalina ones) but there's a point when my wifes start arguing about how many time we have seen them.. so I change the Tv and continue in the pad, inmediately my daughter comes runnig at me to share that little screen.. for me at least that gamepad its the pinnacle of confort for my gammings routines (very usefull for people with real life)
I usually watch all the Newcomers videos from the vault in SSB4 with my little daughter (year and a halft), she REALLY enjoys them!! (Specially Pac-man & Rosalina ones) but there's a point when my wifes start arguing about how many time we have seen them.. so I change the Tv and continue in the pad, inmediately my daughter comes runnig at me to share that little screen.. for me at least that gamepad its the pinnacle of confort for my gammings routines (very usefull for people with real life)
Wii U an Super Mario Maker sold okay. 20,000 is what the Wii U sold the week Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, and Splatoon were released.
mmm nothing smells better than GLORIOUS NINTENDO MASTERRACE xD
Lovely. Wii U back to where it belongs on the charts and of course regular 3D(s)omination.
I think MarioMaker is going to do very well when it hits North America. I'm actually not all that interested myself. I think it's going to sell great. It will also sell a few systems.
Wow! Great news! I can't say I'm surprised Mario Maker is doing this well!
LOL. I guess there always has to be a fly or flies in the ointment around here.
Good sales, I expected a bit more software but really surprised at the hardware boost. I didn't expect it to match MK8 or Splatoon spike levels.
I believe this game will be the Wii U's last major success in Japan.
@VanillaLake Everyone on says "The Wii U wouldn't of been a failure if it was released with (Names every Wii U game released so far and planned in the future)"
Remember when people said in spring "The Wii U is done selling. If a person wanted a Wii U they would of got one 3 years ago. Splatoon and Mario Maker will only sell in the current fanbase and won't push one console sale,"
@VanillaLake I think the GamePad is a fine controller, and I love using it, sometimes over the Pro Controller, as I don't need my glasses to see the TV or anything. The only bad thing about it in particular is the pathetic battery life.
I hate being that guy again..
But 140k is good in anyone's book?
The fact Nintendo put out 2 bundles and created 2 amiibo for this, the supposed celebration of 30 years of Mario and anyone is happy with 140k sales?
The hardware is even more pathetic.
20k systems sold and people are jumping for joy?
55k for the PS4 last week and there's people with straight faces that are actually happy about this??
I'm sorry, but this was a terrible week for sales in Japan (probably 60% lower than anticipated) and you need look no further than a new MH game (spin-off or not) selling less than 60k copies on a portable.
If this is the best the Wii U is going to do, you might as well kill it off now.
If your 2nd biggest game of the year can't help boost hardware to number 1, there's not much point to it anymore, is there?
Devil's Third flopped, Xenoblade Chronicles was dismal at best and did nothing for hardware, Fatal Frame flopped, Splatoon has been pretty good and now SMM has come in well below expectations (and if not, Nintendo needs to re-evaluate their business model, 'cause with Mario, 140k is a flop).
Stick a fork in 2015, Nintendo's done.
Bad week, can't be, right?
Those of us who are just 'flies in the ointment' are totally off base, yeah?
2 weeks ago, Dragon Quest 8 launches on the 3DS.
That week, the top 3 hardware units combined for 69k sales.
The top 5 software units combined for 732k sales.
Last week, MGS:V launches on the PS3 and PS4.
That week, top 3 hardware was at 92k sales.
Top 5 software was at 595k sales.
This week, Super Mario Maker launches for the Wii U.
The top 3 hardware are at 61k sales (just below the top 3 during DQVIII's launch).
Top 5 software is at 320k, or 275k short of last week and 412k short of 2 weeks ago.
To reiterate, having the best numbers in the lowest point over the last month isn't really something to brag about. Particularly when other software launches on other platforms and outsells your top performers 2, 3 and 4 to one.
(For reference and clarity)
Good. Maybe we'll get some DLC since it's doing so well.
Gotta keep that gravy train running down the tracks!
Disappointing to see one of the greatest games ever made pushed from the top spot, two weeks after release, in favor of some no-effort "game".
@SahashraLA ? Fatal frame sales were on par with the usual for the series and the game wasn't even released this year. Also, no one knows how much Devil's third sold since it never sold at retail in Japan at all.
Decent first week sales at best but I suspect that it'll sell reasonably for a while to give it good overall numbers. Not so good for the Wii U despite the headline, yes it's around double though let's face it there wasn't much to double in the first place. Nintendo really needs one of these games to give a real spike in sales. Then again maybe the Japanese console market truly is lost as even the PS4 can't gain any momentum
@Steel76 I think it's inaccurate to compare software sales like you do between Wii and Wii U. There's a huge difference in the install base.
Also, Mario Maker is a creation kit. It won't sell to everyone who wants a new 2D Mario.
That said, now that they've kinda summed up 2D Mario in a fantastic (imo) package, I hope are ready to make some bigger changes in the series going forward.
It's like all the popular reviewers sites love Nintendo games and give glowing reviews, but are never committed to buying the console or games for personal use. Everyone apparently loves Mario Maker but no one's actually buying it (ie, overwhelmingly).
Well, part of the problem is most people can only own one console, and if somebody who is in that situation needs more than just Nintendo exclusives, the unfortunate truth is the Wii U is not the console own.
@amiiboacid That's stupid generalization. It's very clear to most people and critics that Wii U launch was weak and it failed to show the GamePad capabilities. Those are things that Nintendo itself admitted - but not its diehard fans.
@Genesaur True, I could not even finish any of my Pikmin 3 sessions because of that pathetic battery life, because I didn't have a socket near the sofa. I had to invest in the high capacity battery that I only found online and not cheap. With Project Zero/Fatal Frame coming out in October the 30th, I'm ready now for full gaming sessions not fearing that the red light is blinking at any moment.
Well, with Wii U hardware sales up, and likely to stay up now that we are edging closer in to the Christmas season and there are still some great releases to come like Starfox, Mario Tennis and Xenoblade, I hope that the sales keep up this momentum from now on (perhaps even getting a little better when other big games release like Zelda), and that they milk the Wii U for everything it is worth. Obviously it will never bounce back to the point it thunders along at a PS4 pace, but it could strike it lucky with a small abundance of system sellers, a decent price, and then a fantastic back catalogue of games to play too that people can enjoy.
I am in the minority of course that really hopes they keep the Wii U alive as long as they possibly can before releasing the next console. To me, the longer the NX takes to release, the more Wii U's they sell, the bigger the final total of worldwide sales will be, and the longer I get with my Wii U and any upcoming games before they abandon it. I'd love it if the Wii U could reach 20 million units sold worldwide at the very least. I realise that 15 million is more realistic, but hence my reasoning for keeping it on the market for as long as possible. Oh wells, everything happens for a reason I guess, whatever card it is dealt
@VanillaLake Isn't that what everyone says about any hugely successful game? People said that about Smash, Mario Kart, Splatoon, 3D world, etc.
@carlos82 It already had. Wiiu is on course to have its best year in Japan thanks to splatoon and both wiiu and ps4 are the only platforms to show grow year on year.
And i don't think Mario lost it. I like mario and had no interest on this one and i guess most people also didnt. Either way, Mário 3d world first week was 100k and it ended up selling on the north of 600k in Japan and 4,3 million ww, so i think people should calm down
@ikki5 But what are the games that really show a unique use of the Gamepad? The ones you are mentioning (Super Smash Bros. 4, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World) or the ones that I am saying (Super Mario Maker, Art Academy and Project Zero 5/Fatal Frame V)?
@SaKo Nintendoland shows off why the Gamepad is such a terrible controller!
Bad game collection, bad controller. They go well together.
@VanillaLake That's why it's NOT funny.
Words come easy to all these companies, but if Nintendo had REALLY learned it could have turned the Wii U into a huge success—instead of a total flop.
@Goemonmaru Yeah, I'm not sure about the hype in Japan, but I expect this game will do pretty well in all territories to be honest.
If Nintendo does have any proper DLC planned for this then I could see it being one of its evergreen titles—and I'd personally have it bundled in with every new Wii U from now on, even ones that come as bundles with other big name games.
I would basically make Super Mario Maker like part of the Wii U's firmware in essence.
@Sir_JBizzle I hope for the same.
@Kirk That's why I mean, talking is cheap. If NX launches next year, we'll see if the launch software makes a difference then.
@VanillaLake Indeed.
@VanillaLake I've seen people in the comments section of other articles shout the Wii U would have been saved if games like Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles X were released at launch. I even saw one guy say Mario Maker should have been released as a launch title and should have been completely free.
@amiiboacid Okay, but that's not what I said and to compare my arguments to them is unfair.
Well it made buy a wii u boom! (though it was 2nd hand)
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