Fun Fact: Pixels was a short, two minute film released in 2010 that briefly depicted a world overrun by an array of characters from old school arcade games. Not So Fun Fact: This short film would go on to be adapted into a feature length film of the same name five years later, starring none other than Adam Sandler. If that doesn't sound like a bad idea to you, that probably means you are one of the envious few who really enjoyed this shambling mess of a film.
Pixels is one of those movies that you'll go see because the ads looked cool, but you'll walk out only to realize that two precious hours of your short life have been sucked away from you, never to be seen again. While the special effects of Pixels are on point, the predictable (and occasionally nonsensical) plot, one dimensional characters, and shoddy script drag down the overall experience and prove that not every short film translates well into a full length one.

The premise of the story is intriguing, but never really capitalizes on any potential that it may hold. Footage of the 1982 Video Game World Championships was sent out into space on a Voyager-like probe and an advanced alien civilization took it as a declaration of war. That's all well and good, but for some reason that the writers never bother to explain, these aliens choose to attack and invade Earth by assuming the forms of the various video game characters.
The plot's passable if you don't think about it too much; but when you're watching Tetris blocks meticulously destroying a building by clearing out rows just like in the real game, one must wonder why an advanced civilization would resort to such inefficient and roundabout tactics to wage war. This is made all the more evident by the fact that each side has three "lives"; if the humans win, the invaders will leave, but if the aliens win, they'll destroy the Earth. If this alien civilization was actually at war, why would they deliberately pull punches to play games with the humans they hate? It doesn't add up, and while the plot is obviously just used as a vehicle to showcase various arcade games in real life, it would've been nice if there was a bit more depth to it.
Additionally, the characters are mostly bland and uninteresting, each one filling an archetype or cliché that'll just have you cringing with each line of cheesy dialogue. You have Sam Brenner (Adam Sandler), the unlikely hero who turns out to be the only one who can save the day; Violet Van Patten (Michelle Monaghan), the love interest who against all odds falls for Sam throughout the course of the movie; Ludlow Lamonsoff (Josh Gad), the socially inept conspiracy theorist and geek who acts as the comic relief; Eddie Plant (Peter Dinklage), the self righteous rival with a planet-sized ego; and Will Cooper (Kevin James), the bumbling idiot and best friend.
None of these characters grow in a meaningful or dynamic way and many elements of their personalities feel shoehorned in. For example, Will is the President of the United States (just because), but nowhere does he remotely demonstrate any sort of leadership qualities that would justify Americans voting him into office. While this is used as something of a running gag, it adds next to nothing to the story or the character and just feels like a gimmick. Additionally, the personalities of characters can be a bit heavy-handed and corny, such as how Eddie still has a mullet, uses '80s slang regularly, and remains obsessively fixated on his big "win" at the '82 World Championships. Simply put, it feels like the writers went out of their way to create the most unexceptional and cliché characters possible.

Fortunately, the video game influences do manage to infuse a modicum of entertainment into this otherwise useless film. All of the video game characters are brightly coloured and well animated, and it's no stretch to say that they completely steal the show in every scene they appear in. It's just a shame that they aren't given much screen time, especially given that they're the main selling point of the whole thing. For example, the fight scene with Pac-Man on the streets of New York City is memorable and entertaining, but it's over just about as quickly as it starts and nothing interesting really happens for the next half hour.
Of course, how could we not mention the fight against Donkey Kong that has doubtless coaxed many curious Nintendo-loving individuals into paying money to see this film? Unfortunately, it isn't nearly as entertaining or exciting as it's built up to be and it only serves to further add to the ongoing problem of the video game characters not getting a fair amount of screen time. Donkey Kong's appearance properly pays homage to the classic look from his eponymous debut and the iconic "25m" stage is recreated well with girders, ladders, and hammers, but we're only given the barest glimpse of this interpretation of a piece of gaming history before it ends rather abruptly.

The idea behind Pixels is a genuinely good concept and it's something that - if nothing else - is a refreshing new idea among the slew of superhero movies and sequels that permeate Hollywood. The problem is that the execution completely misses the mark when the film focuses on the wrong things. Pixels could've been something really special if it focused less on stale jokes and a predictable plot and more on the fascinating real world interpretations of 8-bit video game characters. We'd suggest you pass this one up; it's not worth the time or money, and all but a very select few - hardcore Sandler fans, presumably - will likely leave disappointed.
Don't forget to check out our other Movie Reviews so far, to see how other gaming subjects have translated to the big — or small — screen.
Comments 143
Hahaha! So its a unintentional comedy??? I'll watch it for how bad it is!
And the movie seems to be about voxels instead of pixels. So even the title is wrong.
@Dakt +1
It really only proves they're doing it wrong. Wreck-it Ralph was a pretty good movie (or does animation not count as film?).
@ToniK lol yeah
More like Adam Sandler and Film do not make good bedfellows.
This review is so pompous it almost makes me want to go see the movie instead of just watching it on Netflicks when it shows up.
@Bytec true. i really dislike that guy. can't remember a single good movie from him
There's one thing I don't understand about this review: 'hardcore Sandler fans'...does he seriously have fans? Are they really 'hardcore'?
No, I'm sorry...my apologies...I meant no disrespect towards this well respected and serious thespian!
So Happy Gilmore remains as Sandler's only good movie. Seriously, how can one guy be in so many films and have a near 100% fail rate?
Up through the '90s, video games were only advertised to boys, and advertisers treated them like grubby, immature, sexist punks. The public culture still hasn't moved on from thinking that's the kind of person who plays video games. This movie is yet more proof of that.
Nobody should watch this movie, not even out of spite. Since day 1 we all knew that this was gonna suck hard, without of shadow of a doubt.
Is there any reason to be angry about it? No. Like I said, we knew what we were getting and anybody going to the theater only to come out angry afterwards is just looking for something to be angry at.
Just don't give this movie the time of day.
Spoiler Alert: They ruined Q*bert.
Such a shame that the trailer was better.
My gut tells me to hate this movie
Just watch the 2 minute mini-short film. I found it rather entertaining and I'm sure it's much better than the Hollywood movie.
Wreck it ralph and Scott Pilgrim VTW (kind of video games, but also other references) are the only good examples i can think of
Think I'll stick with Wreck-it-Ralph
Went to see this with my cousin on the weekend, and that's only because I didn't want to be rude. Just as expected, it was a terrible movie, I pity anyone who thought it was good. Like my cousin, who gave it 10/10 (he's 17 btw). Just... So, so terrible, this review can't say "it's terrible" enough
The Pacman clip in the trailer with Iwatani, which I think happens to be one of the longer clips in the trailer, that looked like the most amusing scene and all I needed to see of this film
I'll stick to Wreck-It Ralph. That movie handled video games with the class and respect it needed in movies.
What a shame. Good thing I wasn't fooled into seeing it yet.
The concept is cool (as is the 2-minute short I saw a while back) but the execution the movie did sounds terrible. A shame, as the potential is there but it sounds like I've already seen the best Pixels has to offer from the trailers while the whole movie is all over the place...
@Dakt I was, uh... Umm... Yeah, what you said!
@Ouch ... Did you forget wedding Singer or 50 first Dates? If you're gonna mention Gilmore why not Billy Madison or the Waterboy while you're at it? Those movies had an actual following.
Let's stop pretending like this was a good movie or that it could have been a good movie even with ads, when we all know that every video game movie ever made has been crap or "meh" at best. The resident evil movies suck. Some people like them but I think they are crap. Max Payne was stupid. Silent Hill.... crap. There's a long list of them, but must we not forget what they did to us with Mario?!!!! They F'up Mario. Games and movies don't mix.
Watched it online - the pirate's life saved me some precious dublons on this trash!
Adam Sandler is just way past his prime... Almost 15 years past his prime... His box office numbers are starting to show that with waning returns. This is why I expect that deal with Netflix was a god-send for him. He's very lucky to strike that deal.
My wife and I recently re-watched The Waterboy and Happy Gillmore, which we haven't seen in years, and you know what? They weren't funny. They were hysterical when I was an immature teenager, but now, they're just terrible.
I simply say no to anything Adam Sandler does. It's just bottom barrel every time. I can make a better use of my money.
@MoonKnight7 LOL! I was being sarcastic, I need to start prefacing things as such... but seriously, he did a good job in 50 first dates and the wedding singer... Other than that, I'm hard pressed to find anything I like him in.
The only good thing from this movie was the Duck Hunt Duo appearance.
I liked the short that this was based off of and that's about as far as I'd want to take it. Who wants to see campy crap for 90 minutes. Everyone is there for the retro game IP.
@Dakt Pixels (I mean THE pixels, not the movie) and arcades are not that old come on! 50-something is a stretch, I'm in my 20-something and I have a fond memory of pixels and arcades, and some of those historical games were still around and working too when I was a kid (althought I admit the popularity of arcades was starting to decline right in that period). Anyway, age-knighting apart, I totally agree with you.
Me and my family went to see it past Friday... There were so many people. And everyone was laughing! I mean it. For me, it was so boring, so predictable and so dissapointing, those things I enjoyed were those precious two seconds when Duck Hunt Duck showed up and both scenes of Pac-Man and DK. But everyone in the movie theater, rest assured, were having a great time... It disturbes me.
Sounds like an unintentional Sharknado, which is pretty bad to say the least.
Wrong. It could've been good. It was a good idea with a horrible execution and production company behind it (Adam Sandler's company).
In fact, just see Wreck it Ralph instead!
I personally have nothing against the likes of Adam Sandler or Kevin James, but when I saw that they were at the helm of this "videogame" movie, I knew right away that the writers were not truly trying to make this a videogame movie/homage/etc of the ages, which is very unfortunate. Another great concept that didn't become a great movie. I will still see it for the videogame references, Adam Sandler and Kevin James, but I guess it'll join the ranks of Super Mario Bros., Streetfighter, and Double Dragon when it's all said and done I guess...
I was interested in this until I saw it was by Adam Sandler. But like others have said, it's not video games and movies, it's sandler and movies. There have been good video game movies as other commenters have mentioned. Sure there are few of the many out there but there are some good ones.
If I end up liking the movie, then I'm going to personally send a nuke to Nintendo Life's HQ.
Without spoiling myself, it sounds like people are not taking it for what it is. Talking about negatives is fine, but I'm sure the highlights are going to see Pac-Man, DK, a fricking Smurf etc. I seriously doubt this is going to be the worse film ever.
Plus I'm bored with these Adam Sandler jokes.
Meh... so harsh... You're taking the movie too seriously.
I saw this movie last week. Let me start by saying that I had free passes, and I have two young sons. From the first moment I saw the trailer, I had no interest in seeing this movie, but we treated my sons to a movie and this is what they picked, surprisingly over Minions, Ant-man, and Inside Out. Anyways, I had very very low expectations but I have to be honest. It wasn't the worst film ever in my opinion. It's not going to win an Oscar....everyone knows that! But it wasn't the worst movie ever like everyone is saying it is. It's unrealistic even beyond the obvious unrealistic story line and stuff doesn't always make sense but it's good as a brainless fun watch.....like watching some cartoons on TV. This seems like a movie that is easy for everyone to trash but everyone will watch when it comes out on DVD or to movie streaming services.
@RaphaBoss I agree.
Here's a tip:
See Ant-Man or Inside Out instead. Both are phenomenal movies.
90% of Hollywood movies today aren't worth the time and money. Rather watch old movies instead.
I think the issue is not that the reviewer took the movie too seriously. The issue is that it's not even particularly good at the somewhat lame thing that it's trying to be. 80s references are not inherently funny just because they are references. If the whole point was the cool special effects and video game imagery, then there wasn't even enough of that to make it worthwhile.
That's just what I got from the review. Don't plan on seeing it myself, since something about the trailer told me I had already seen everything good about the movie. It's too bad, because the concept had promise.
I liked this movie, also its an Adam Sandler movie, so if you didn't have a few drinks before you won't like it
@ManateeBlubber Agreed. Not regretting my decision to see Ant Man instead in the slightest.
Haha, I was not directing anything at you, it was merely a coincidence. I actually didn't even read your post until now, lol. I'm not one of those that talks about others and while making the claim of "forgetting" to click reply. I always make sure to do things properly while discussing with others.
But back to the topic, both of those are decent films (never saw 50 First Dates, but I heard it was OK, nothing more) but the Wedding Singer merely had Sandler as an actor, his production company either didn't exist yet, or they weren't involved.
Happy Madison Productions has a poor track record, and Pixels is just the latest in a string of horrible bottom barrel movies. I feel like he's just not even trying anymore. I hope that Netflix deal helps him with quality control; unless Netflix gets cold feet and pulls out, that is. If that would happen, I can't say that I blame them.
How the hell did they mess up Q*bert? Q*bert for gods sake! They gave him a stupid english voice,they made him piss himself! Oh this movie you ever saw Q*bert be treated like that in Wreck It Ralph.
Am I the only one who enjoyed this movie?
Didn't get to see Ant-Man yet. I assume by your comment it was pretty good? Just curious, since Edgar Wright left the project.
@Fazzie_Bear I enjoyed it.
Yeahhh, a friend wanted to go see this the other day, we went and two out of three of us left severely disappointed. Or I guess it's more accurate to say predictably underwhelmed, because due to bad reviews and other factors we both were expecting as much.
The NL review does a good job of summing up the movie's biggest problems and the few, very underused highlights, so I won't repeat it again.
@Fazzie_Bear Yes.
But I thought Adam Sandler movies were awesome D:
Yeah I'm still gonna watch it out of boredom, I'll cringe at most of it though, guaranteed.
Not surprised, anything Sandler and James are in nowadays is trash.
Hmmmm... seems I'm the only one here, who actually found the movie quite funny. Maybe because I was a teenager in the 80's.
@TwilightAngel I didn't know about the english voice, but I saw the clip of him pi$$ing himself in a review...screw you, Sandler.
Shia LaBeouf should star in a Captain N movie.
Am I the only one who'd watch it for Qbert? Love that dude.
Yeah... I don't think one person in this entire comment section has said something positive about this movie.
The conspiracy theorist guy "does it" with Q*bert so... Yup. Can I say anything more than "does it" in the comment section?
The only thing this was missing was Nick Cage, Shia Lebouf, and Micheal Bay. Then it would be so bad that it's incredible.
I was never going to pay to watch this anyway, the trailer looked naff and knowing Sandler this had a 99% chance of being garbage.
Pixels isn't nearly as bad as most critics would have you believe. This is definitely a nostalgia film though so if you're not old enough to remember the 80s arcade scene you're not going to 'get it'.
@MoonKnight7 I thought it was pretty good.
There's an error in the title. It says "video games" where it should say "Adam Sandler".
Video Game movies are possible, it is just that the industry handed the responsibility of doing so have very little interest in the subject matter. All you have to do is look at the phenomenon that is Pokemon to see that it is possible to do media and gaming.
@-Godot I wasn't referring to anyone in the comments, but more at Hollywood for thinkin this movie was a good idea. And more so at Nintendo for giving their character rights to this movie in general.
@Dakt I can understand your point, since I grew up in the 90s
To me, the arcade means Street Fighter II, Daytona USA, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Gauntlet Legends, Final Fight, Konami's licensed games like Simpsons and X-men, the VS games from Capcom, and Virtua Fighter.
Its almost like these movie producers seem to think that arcades only existed in the early 80s and anything beyond that is not worth putting into a movie like this.
Wreck-it-Ralph got it right with their cameos. They included characters from more eras then the early 80s, and even tossed in a few suprises like Neff from Altered Beast.
Which was a very popular arcade game during the mid 80's.
I know Pac-Man, Galaga, and Donkey Kong are cool and all, and I'm not disputing their success.
But it would be nice to see the 90's era arcade get some nods once in a while. Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, Daytona USA are some of the most successful arcade games of that time.
My parents remember the 80's golden age at the arcades while I remember the 90's golden age that Street Fighter II jumpstarted.
As an actor Adam Sandlers lifetime box office totals is over $4 Billion.
Love him or hate him, the man makes money. He isn't going anywhere.
Yeah, I avoided this thing like the plague. I hate Adam Sandler as an actor anyway.
Wreck-it Ralph was good. Probably the only "video game movie" I've genuinely loved.
As if we need a review to tell us this movie was terrible. I was rolling my eyes back when I saw the first trailer for it...
@-Godot "The conspiracy theorist guy "does it" with Q*bert so... Yup."
...What? EEEWWWWWWW!!!!! Any tiny inclination I may have had to still go see this movie, despite my better judgement, has been completely and utterly destroyed!
Thanks for the warning. You're my new best friend.
Unlike the game industry Hollywood doesn't give two bones about the effort or quality they put into their films... just find a license, hire at least two pruduction companies with tons of cash at the ready, who then hire graphics and effects artists, a third rate hotshot director, and someone famous enough, and leave the scripting for last since they don't need it to look their worst on screen... voila, another movie set for release.
It's a bar set so low even Honey Boo Boo could direct a film at this rate.
@Ralizah Like finding a diamond if the rough, that's for sure... XDD
I went to see it, thinking maybe it could be a stupid-but-fun movie. I, who enjoy many a stupid film, whipped out my 3DS to play Donkey Kong 94 when the human characters dominated the screen because of how immensely bored I was. (I was the only one in the theater so no one cared.) Like the review says, the scenes with video game characters are enjoyable, the rest is hard to slog through.
looks terribad.
Since you guys are on the way to doing movies based on game reviews, why not review Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within and Advent Children Complete?
Or how about Silent Hill and SH: Revelations? How about Mortal Kombat and MK: Annihilation? Or maybe Dead or Alive? King of Fighters? House of the Dead? Doom? Bloodrayne? Tekken? What about Street Fighter? Legend of Chun-Li?
If you're gonna review one, why not review them all? I'm sure Uwe Boll's works will send you reeling (Pun intended).
I Would Give IT an 6 Out Of 10.....
No it's just Adam Sandler. My bf and his roommate went to see it after I rejected the invitation because I didn't want to see it, they said it was so bad in most aspects that even toward the end when there were pixels all over the place or something, that it was just giant foam blocks which looked so cheap. LOL If my bf's roommate hated it, then you know it's bad cause he liked Ted 2.
@JusticeColde "Is there any reason to be angry about it? No. Like I said, we knew what we were getting and anybody going to the theater only to come out angry afterwards is just looking for something to be angry at."
Agreed. The preview had told us that footage of '80s video games was send out into space for any potential aliens out there over 30 years ago (uh... why video games?), and then aliens responded by attacking earth with real-life versions of those games (and also that Adam Sandler was the main character). ... I don't understand how anyone could be righteously indignant over the fact that what they got was a stupid, silly 80s video games movie. I really don't.
@RalphaBoss "Meh... so harsh... You're taking the movie too seriously."
@dkxcalibur "It's unrealistic even beyond the obvious unrealistic story line and stuff doesn't always make sense but it's good as a brainless fun watch.....like watching some cartoons on TV."
Exactly. I'm 31, and I saw it on Saturday with my 39-year-old brother and 12-year-old niece. And we all loved it. Not like 'this should win an oscar' loved it. Just loved it 'cause it was exactly what we were expecting it to be, and thought it was funny. (And the 3D worked quite well with it--especially in the Centipede battle.)
@Fazzie_Bear @TRON
I enjoyed it too, for what it was and was obviously going to be.
His warning was somewhat incomplete. The guy gets together with "Lady Lisa" (his lifetime video game crush) after the "real" one left and then Q*bert mysteriously just morphed into her. And by the way, probably my favorite line in the movie followed that (and perfectly demonstrates the fact that the movie wasn't pretending to be some great box office hit, and knew that it was just a silly video game movie to go see if you wanted to), when Sandler's character said something like: 'Seriously, nobody else is weirded out by the fact that Q-bert just became Lady Lisa?'
Watched it, didn't hate it...
Maybe it's because I grew up playing video games in the 80's. Like most of Adam Sandler's movies, it's a nostalgic homage to the 80's. There are TV and musical personalities from the 80's that were involved in the film as well.
Personally, I think if you are not old enough, you won't get most of the 80's references. How many people actually remember the 'Where's the Beef Lady'?
There's a target audience for the movie 'Pixels', but it's not for today's strapping young video gamers, they just won't 'get it'.
@Rocky2418 We actually got to see it in 3D IMAX.....the 3D was really really great! No complaints from me on the visuals. They were excellent. I thought the Centipede portion of the movie was the best too!
I saw this movie last night, and I gotta say I really liked it. It was super cheesy, and a fun ride. I can't understand why people are harping on it so much.
Um...I love Adam Sandler his movies are so dumb that they're funny.
Um...if you watch his movies expecting anything different you'll be disappointed.
@shredmeister I got a lot of the 80's references but my kids did not. However, my boys thought the movie was awesome. They were telling their friends all week that they saw it and it was good. Most of the responses they got back from their friends were that they wanted to see it too.
@dkxcalibur Um...I'm a teenage girl and I enjoyed the movie.
Um...maybe Adam Sandler's humor is funnier for my generation then it is for my parents generation?
@Epona14 Congratulations!
For the record, I said that I liked the movie in another post above. I was just pointing out that my son's missed the 80's reference but it did not stop them from thinking the movie was awesome.
Glad to see that the kids enjoyed the film. I can see why they would. So then the right thing for me to say is that the target audience is us thirty-to-forty-somethings with kids...Fun for the family.
My mom wants to see this film more than anything, and she is in her 50s (she keeps trying to drag me to see it with her). I tell her about the bad reviews, but she says she doesn't care, and still really wants to see the movie.
"I find it funny that most people hating on the movie, haven't even seen it"
That is the case for a lot of things, unfortunately. Not even just movies.
@shredmeister Yeah, I would back that statement.
@Bytec It's sad because Adam Sandler actually used to have entertaining movies once upon a time. It's like Nic Cage all over again...
I'll probably Redbox it solely for the visuals and get rid of it after watching it once.
But but i liked grown ups
Technically, Pixels just "proves" that bad scripts make for bad movies. This could have been excellent given the proper direction, regardless of its subject material :/
Well, it proves that bad directors and cheesy actors will not a good video game movie make, at least.
From what I am reading in this comment section they disrespected the early 80's arcade characters.I am young and still like those games.You don't have to be older to enjoy them.This movie is just another in a line of bad Adam Sandler movies.
@Gussie I'm 21.
There's a great deal of video games that would make for good TV and film if done right. The trouble is people keep going for the old classics that have little to no story progression if they even have a story in the first place. Because those are the ones everyone knows regardless of interest in games (talking about Pac-Man, Space Invaders, DK etc, the ones used to promote the film rather than Centipede and Galaga).
There is a small glimmer of hope in the Ratchet & Clank film though. I honestly can't think of a better franchise for it and it actually looks good and true to the games! Although I can think of many I'd love to see gain TV shows (Assassin's Creed, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus to name a few).
But the real problem with this film is that it has Adam Sandler all over it.
The short was fresh and original and lovingly created. This is out of touch and out to make a quick buck. It baffles me that people are trying to defend the movie saying that it's ok because that's what they expected. You wouldn't go to a restaurant expecting stale, tasteless food and then think it ok when you get exactly that. Why settle for the cinematic equivalent?
It's a summer popcorn movie, people. Get over yourselves
This sounds like a movie I might love. You all are just movie critics. This review had me at "bumbling idiot is the President"! Like honestly that sounds freaking hilarious. I could care less WHY a bumbling idiot is President.
Adam Sandler was in it, what did you honestly expect?
Wreck-It Ralph and Scott Pilgrim proved to be competent, if not amazing video game movies. It's all about execution and the guys who did Pixels missed the target.
Though thinking, can you imagine a Captain N movie if handled correctly? That feels like one of the VERY few concepts where live action + CGI could work really well.
took my son to see it. he loved it & i enjoyed it. it's not meant to be ready player one caliber. that's out next year or 2017 hopefully.
The pixels short was so much better, and what the hell did they do to the graphics?
Why does everything always have to be either glazed, shiny, transparent or glowing once it hits the big screen? The original graphics in the short movie were perfect, expertly representing the 80's pixel art in all it's simplicity. Yegh!
This could've been an enjoyable guilty pleasure comedy, one where you're not supposed to think too hard about the semi-nonsensical plot, but the use of Sandler's juvenile-style "comedy" is what kills it for me. Not only that, but there are also three other idiots acting the same way. I may eventually check this out on Redbox, but I'm not going to the theater to watch four grown men act like idiots while tossing out lame toilet jokes and insults at each other.
@Caryslan Although I feel the same way (and I'm 45) and I would like to see some more modern video game characters in movies sometime, it would not have made sense in this movie, since the "message" that the aliens misinterpreted for a declaration of war was sent in 1981, so how could they have incorporated Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Virtua Fighter or Daytona?
And one thing I definitely can't agree on: in each area there can only be one golden age, so the same goes for video games. Officially, the Golden Age of video games was from the late 70's to the mid 80's. The period after that, late 80's to mid-90's, is most commonly referred to as the Silver Age, since the popularity of the arcades was already starting to diminish and the introduction of more advanced graphics (such as in Daytona, Tekken and so on) meant it was indeed an entirely different era altogether.
Having said that, it takes nothing away from the nineties being your most important period, so for all intent and purposes it was your personal golden age of video games.
Kevin James needs to go back to doing tv sitcoms. King of Queens is better than all his movies put together.
I wasn't hoping much from this movie at all. I enjoyed the first Silent Hill and for some reason, thought Super Mario Bros was entertaining to watch (but horrible)...other than that, I hated any other video game based film...especially Wreck it Ralph (only because it was disney for the most part...hate that company). Other than that, Adam Sandler has enough films I like and watch (Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Water Boy, Wedding Singer, Longest Yard, Coneheads...small performance, Shakes The Clown, The Cosby Show Episodes, Saturday Night Live, Mr. Deeds, Air Heads, Grown Ups, Grown Ups 2), but I gotta say that I'm 35 and grew up with his antics. These new comedians don't do anything (Like that fat guy from the Neighbors movie or Jonah Hill). The old comedians at least can still be funny (chevy Chase, John Leguizamo, Bill Murray, Sandler, Chris Rock), the new ones, not so much.
@Hungry-Bear I second that...
@JLPick You hate Disney? Why on Earth? You are sure going to miss out on a whole lot of great movies and other stuff then...
I work at a movie theatre and this is one of the movies the crew wanted to see. It wasn't a good movie, but it was okay. We get to see movie for free so it's not like we lost out on anything. Shrugs
It was not the best movie... but it had its moments. I for one found it pretty entertaining. The characters weren't dynamic(changing in personality), but I liked it to a small degree.
I don't care what anyone says. Every couple years I enjoy watching Mortal Kombat the movie.
It's bad but in a good way.
I also liked Silent hIll. I thought it was scary for its time.
Wreck it Ralph was awesome.
But that's about all I can think of.
I wanted to like Street Fighter but no. I don't care how many flip kicks JCVD can do he doesn't look like guile.
There was not doubt that the story was the same sloppy and tired story that Adam Sandler has used in countless movies. He's the lovable loser that everything works out perfectly for him and he has his outcast of friends who are over the top. The video graphics were awesome, so there was potential if they had created a better story. The worst part of it was that he wasn't even trying to act, but was just reading the lines and collecting a paycheck. Now "Grandma's Boy" was an awesome video game movie, but it wasn't based on any games but the culture of gaming and making games.
@Hungry-Bear Please no. King of Queens is utter trash. The premise of about like 90% of the episodes are 'If this old, probably senile man wasn't living in our basement our life would be perfect!' (With the other 10% being one of the other main/side characters being the idiots for the week, and the bonus 1% during the season/series finale being 'idiot balls for everyone!')
@Ogbert If I ever went to a restaurant that advertised, or more likely proved from past experience to be that, then yes I would and yes, I would think it 'ok for what it is.' Isn't that managing expectations? (granted, I'd be unlikely to visit in such circumstances, but you were talking 'ifs' here...)
About the whole everyone hates the idiot president thing not being realistic, have you seen our last decade and a half? Most realistic part of the movie, really... (regardless of your political leaning/opinions, I mean seriously, I don't even know how to describe the rampant media sensationalism with both of them, not to mention if everyone really did hate them, how, exactly, did they both get reelected?)
Lets see, about the characters, I think people said they were too one dimensional and never really developed? Thats actually kinda the point. Sandler movies generally don't do that, the main characters stay mostly the same, picking up a few useful skills or learning to apply old ones in new ways, but the fundamental changing occurs to everyone else around them. Like the super-serious government and military types who eventually learn to relax a little. ('relax a little' lessons used on super-serious types is the main schtick of Sandler's arsenal, I'll give you that)
That said, I have yet to see a review mention one enormous confusion/possible plothole. Granted it is a spoiler bit, but still... And I guess I'll get some space:
The glasses that Dinklage's character uses to cheat at the arcade games, how in the heck do they work? I mean not just in the 80s tourney, but in round 4 (Pac-man) How does he input them? And why do they speed up a ghost when he does it? The code should work by giving inherent advantages to a character or character group, not a specific player, because that would be unique to him and he would have had to tamper with any machine he used... I'm making my own head spin here, is what I'm saying.
I get that they went for: Make 'character you control' have '+X' movement speed for 'Y' seconds, or something, but as a program in the 80s that doesn't look like it should work in-game.
... That got way out of hand really quickly. Sorry.
I was optimistic upon first hearing about the film, but the second I saw the main cast list, I instantly knew there was no hope for it.
A real shame, this could've been an interesting, even fun movie, but they just HAD to throw in a bunch of washed-up "comedians" to destroy any chance of that.
Despite being part of it's demographic target, this stinker was easy to call the first time the word Sandler was attached to the film.
I actually liked the movie for what it was. While I haven't liked Sandler's recent performances and this one is no exception, I was able to look past that and enjoy what was on offer. I don't think the cast did justice to the era it was paying homage to but I still found the movie enjoyable for what it was, a moderately enjoyable movie that has loads of 80's video game cameos and references with a good dose of 80's culture in there which I absolutely love. It's not perfect, but to me, it was a good watch. I implore everyone to at least give it a chance and be open minded about the movie even if it does star Adam Sandler and Kevin James. Personally, I feel like most people focus on the actors involved and use their prejudice against them and use it against the movie. While they could have cast better actors for the lead roles, Sandler and James along with the rest of the ensemble did a good enough job. There are far worse actors in the industry than them. Again, just my opinion. I felt I should share it and be fair.
@crystalorbie You wouldn't go there in the first place, that was my point. People are arguing this is ok being bad because they expected it to be bad. Sorry but why go to something expecting it to be bad? That's not intelligent behaviour. What's more you're telling the big studios this is what you want. You want bad. This is what you'll happily pay for. Bad will do, don't worry about making something good I'll pay for bad so long as I know it'll be bad in advance then my expectations are met. That makes no sense!
well that saved me 20 bucks. I might watch this in a few years time if it's on TV and there's nothing else to watch.
I usually stay far away from any movies Adam Sandler is involved with considering I don't enjoy his acting style in the movies I have seen of him. I think I will pass on this one too.
Adam Sandler, LOL. Just that name alone should keep you far away from this movie. To be fair, Punch drunk love is passable, but that's only one movie.
I'll wait for Zoolander 2. Now, that's a movie when someone is smart enough to make fun of stupidity. Adam Sandler is not smart enough to know he is not smart, that's the sad thing about his movies.
@DThrow_UAir Silent Hill, the first movie
@Dakt RIGHT! It's as though they tried to appeal to the widest audiences as possible, while missing everyone completely. It's like trying to shoot a heard of deer with a shotgun from 200 yards away.
"Let's throw in some arcade stuff and reference to The Wizard for the 80s culture, add in some washed up comedians from the 90/00s era, and make sure it's bright and colorful for the kiddies. Oh, and throw in Olaf's voice actor for good measure."
@Dakt to be honest, I'm 15 and I have memories of having great times with games like pacman, galaga, pole position, xevious, mappy, etc. Pixels and arcades aren't really that old. And forgive me if someone already responded to this, I didn't really bother to read past the first few comments.
I don't know what is worse- the movie itself or the fact that it has already grossed over $100 million in box office revenue!!
People- if you want to stop Adam Sandler from churning hit him where it hurts...in the wallet.
If these disasters were bombing at the box office instead of actually making money, he wouldn't be able to keep jamming them down our throats.
As long as he is making $$ he'll keep pumping out junk and junk so his buddies can keep getting work.
And FYI no I did not spend a dime to see this movie....I've seen enough through the previews and reviews to form my own opinion that it doesn't deserve my hard earned money....wish other people would too instead of wasting their money to go see it out of boredom, cast names, etc....
@Ogbert True enough, but it also goes for something that's really 'merely ok' or 'mediocre.' Sometimes things that barely hit acceptable can be just what you need, rather than constant perfection.
In the case of this movie, it appears a lot of people, myself included, went in with this mindset and came out happy that they got what they were expecting, with some happy that it was a bit more enjoyable than they were expecting.
I actually expected it to be absolute garbage, myself (Jack and Jill is easily the worst movie I've ever watched, and that includes the snoozefest that is the animated 'The Secret Garden') and found it to be kinda funny overall, though I understand not everyone will enjoy it as I did.
(Edit: I went to see it because my brother, sister, and my sister's friend all wanted to see it, and it was my brother's birthday. Thought I should mention it since everyone would otherwise wonder why I went when I thought it looked terrible)
@6ch6ris6 @Bytec I first saw this comedian in the (in)famous "Big Daddy", who was neither great nor bad. But he acted in some good comedies like "Little Nicky" (yes, I enjoyed it), the "Mr.Deeds" remake who was okay, etc. I think back then he always did his job playing an ordinary plain guy.
But he also appeared enough skilled in more serious stories like "Punch drunk love", the movie about the trauma guy or the one with the dying stand-up star and my favourite movie (starring him): "Spanglish".
The more recent movies are hardly enjoyable: the US remake of the prison soccer british movie was a very bad take on the original, then followed Disney, the girl with the memory loss, Click (erk). There has been kind of an audience change, that's maybe the reason I lose interest in his movies. Also, "Grown-ups" could have been good, I don't know why it did not appeal to me.
I must confess "Happy Gilmore" gave me some laughs too. And the Sandler/Schneider 'guy from nowhere' running gag worked on me.
"Adam Sandler is not smart enough to know he is not smart"
Well he was smart enough to start his own production company, surround himself with the right people, and put out movies that are very profitable. Also, he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
@HollywoodHogan I don't know you from Adam, so are you Adam Sandler?
"Pixels Proves Once Again That Video Games And Film Do Not Make Good Bedfellows"
Nope, its just because it is a movie with the wrong people: Adam Sandler and Kevin James. I don't know much about Adam Sandler, but hear his movies are terrible all the time. And Kevin is just plain irritating.
@TheRealThanos Yeah I do hate them, but no, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything from them. Technically, I don't like companies that are prejudice, hate jews and sexsts. Other than that, it's just my opinion and they're a company that my kids even dislike...having no interst in their films and became bored at the Park.
@JLPick Hm, okay. I am a person that respects other opinions, but I can't help but wonder how your kids don't like the park or even the cartoons. Everybody knows that Disney/Pixar makes high quality cartoons and more often than not they are rewarded for doing so, so them not liking them seems odd to me, if you don't mind me saying so.
And as far as us adults go: I gather that you never liked Star Wars or Marvel then? If you do, and I was in your place, I honestly couldn't give a rat's @ss who made those movies: if it's good, it's good and I will go and see the movie, even if Hitler made them (a bit of a radical example, but so to speak). Your comment also reminded me a bit of my dad: because of Tom Cruise being an idiot Scientology freak he is boycotting all his movies. While I agree with him on the freak part, I still watch his movies because he made some really good ones and he will more than likely make a few more.
The same would go for Disney, if you get my point. And you don't necessarily have to spend money on it either: watch the movies when they are shown on TV or simply stream them from the internet...
@TheRealThanos As the park goes, the rides were kind of boring for my kids...they're 3 and 4, and just had no interest in the characters. Spongebob, Scooby Doo, the Minions and the Raving Rabbids and Mario are what they like. As the animated movies go, they have no interest in the disney ones. Back to my taste, the original 6 Star Wars were not Disney, they were Fox Lucasfilms, and I never really got into any of them. As Marvel goes, Disney doesn't own the X-men Or Spiderman films, Universal and Paramount do, and I only liked the X-men movies...tired of the whole superhero movie thing anymore. Other than that, I've seen some disney films, just never liked them, the only one that I could stand watching again is The Apple Dumpling Gang, and I'd have to really be bored to do so. As far as what you said your father stated, I'm not that bad with actors...I don't like Jim Carey, but I've seen a few of his films. I don't know your age, I'm 35, so I'm guessing it just happens this way when you get a little older. My kids could like Disney in the future, but for right now, they're scared to death of Mickey and have no interest in the Princess things.
@JLPick I'm 45yo...
@TheRealThanos I think disney was good in the 50's to the late 80's, but have now lost the charm that they had. The park was meant to be for kids, and with these new thrill-rides and taking away the classics (20,000 Leagues Under The Sea and adding Ellen to the Earth ride), I think they're losing what they were meant to be. Universal Studios is meant for the older kids and adults, disney is meant for children and the young at heart. I like Epcot Center, and there are a very few older disney films that I didn't think were that bad, but nowadays, I stay away. Do you agree, or do you think that they're still as good as what they were in the past? Just out of curiosity. Also, do you have a PS3 or PS4? If you do, I'll give you my username and we can continue talking instead of adding more and more comments on this post (Not trying to sound rude or nasty on that last sentence, just don't want to have everyone read our comments). My username is JLpick on the playstation network. As for nintendo, my Wii U is being borrowed by my brother, so I'm sure I won't have that back anytime soon. Talk to you later!
@JLPick I agree. Working and living in Europe nowadays, so I have never seen the modern day version of Disneyland and/or World, but from what you tell it sounds less appealing. The Euro Disney park in Paris still has it, though.
And although I would like to have a good talk now and then with somebody older than 14 or 18, I'm afraid I'm one of those much lauded Dudebro gamers: I have an Xbox 360. You can check my profile for additional info. Other than that, I haven't joined the whole current gen console thing yet, due to other obligations far more important than game consoles. I do agree it can be a bother sometimes to have a conversation on here. You could start a forum topic but they should really add a private messaging option, like so many other sites have. Oh, well...
futurama did it first and better...
I saw this with my two sons this weekend and we loved it. When Donkey Kong arrived it was a magical moment for us. We even spottet Mario in a brief second. Do not care about the bad critics. It's a fun family movie that shows respect to arcade and gaming in general. I had a big smile on my face the whole movie and I'm 46 years old. This is going to be a cult movie a few years from now...
did anyone like this movie excepted for me?
You should never review another movie again. Just finished watching Pixels and it was very good.
As a 44 year old gamer that grew up playing the games in the movie, I got it. Too bad for you and the rest of the sad critics that just don't.
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