Another week begins with the Nintendo Download Update details in Europe. This week brings a couple much anticipated Wii U releases, a smartphone smash hit, more welcome puzzles and various discount options. Let's get to the details.
Wii U eShop
BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition (Frogmind, €9.99 / £8.99 until 13th August, then €11.99 / £10.79) - A stylish and promising release, this is a sidescrolling flying title which is part action and puzzle solving depending on the scenario. With new controls and HD visuals over the previous smart device version, the new edition also promises over 15 hours and 100 levels of single-player story content, 100 co-op levels, and 27 multiplayer deathmatch stages. We'll see whether it truly takes flight in our review.
Wii U Retail Download
Legend of Kay Anniversary (Nordic Games, €29.99 / £19.99 ) - A remaster of a fondly remember PS2 title, this promises new HD detail, leaderboards and 60fps performance, all for a budget retail price. We'll work on a review to see whether this is a worthy 10th Anniversary celebration. Available on 28th July.
Wii U Retail Demo
Just Dance 2016 (Ubisoft, free)
Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts
Elliot Quest (PlayEveryWare, €10.99 / £8.00 until 13th August, normally €12.99 / £9.49)
TNT Racers - Nitro Machines Edition (Keen Games, €4.99 / £4.49until 13th August, normally €7.99 / £6.99)
3DS eShop
PICROSS e6 (Jupiter, €5.00 / £4.50) - This series of quality puzzle titles keeps on going, with this one said to include over 300 puzzles. The formula is likely to be the same as its predecessors, but we'll give it a whirl for a review.
Flick Golf 3D (Full Fat Productions, €4.99 / £4.49) - Hugely popular on smartphones, this touch-based arcade-style golfing now makes its way to the 3DS. There are three different modes to match your mood or time limitations, with simple gameplay that's designed to be addictive; we'll get into the swing of it for review, but until then you can check out our first impressions from earlier this year.
3DS Retail Download
Lucky Luke & The Daltons (Anuman Interactive, €29.99 / £24.99)
3DS eShop Temporary Discounts
Tomodachi Life (Nintendo, €27.99 / £24.49 until 6th August, normally €39.99 / £34.99)
Bit Boy!! ARCADE (BPlus, €0.99 / £0.89 until 27th August, normally €7.99 / £7.19)
PUZZLEBOX Setup (BPlus, €0.99 / £0.89 until 27th August, normally €2.99 / £2.69)
Code of Princess (Agatsuma, €14.95 / £12.49 until 13th August, normally €29.99 / £24.99)
Sayonara UmiharaKawase (Agatsuma, €12.40 / £9.99 until 13th August, normally €24.99 / £19.99)
Castle Conqueror Defender (CIRCLE Entertainment, €3.49 / £2.79 until 20th August, normally €4.99 / £3.99)
Demon King Box (CIRCLE Entertainment, €2.99 / £2.39 until 20th August, normally €3.99 / £3.19)
Quell Memento (CIRCLE Entertainment, €2.99 / £2.39 until 20th August, normally €3.99 / £3.19)
3DS HOME Themes
The Magic Unicorn (Sanrio, €0.99 / £0.89)
Hello Kitty and friends (Sanrio, €0.99 / £0.89)
Cupido (Sanrio, €0.99 / £0.89)
Blu Bubbles (Sanrio, €0.99 / £0.89)
Hello Kitty Little Princess (Sanrio, €0.99 / £0.89)
Hello Kitty Bundle (Sanrio, €3.99 / £2.84)
That's everything for this week in Europe. Let us know what you'll be downloading first in the poll and comments below.
Comments 93
Wow.......what a week.
So when is cube creator 3d being released??
Rubbish again this week. No VC titles or nothin'. I would have settled for some STABILITY over this lol...
I don't understand how we can go weeks without VC releases. Where is Mario Tennis? Very disappointing.
No VC releases, seriously? When you retail/eshop releases suck, shore it up with good VC releases, it's not rocket science Nintendo. At least stick some Wii games in there, you don't even have to do any development work for them.
I hope we'll see Picross e6 in Europe this week, too then...
Although a little low on standards, a discount on Code of Princess is what I've been waiting for in the past months, I'll jump on it.
Sadly, WiiU's week is rather forgettable.
I've been looking forward to BADLAND. It's intrigued me since I saw the trailer.
Even though it is a perfectly valid complaint, I'm getting a little tired of people saying every week is crappy simply because there's no VC. It's like no one will buy anything if it's not an old 1st party game. Potentially awesome indie release? Who cares? Nintendo didn't release that 64 game I played 10 years ago! I guess they don't want my money.
If this actually reflect peoples buying habits, then it's like everything that @Quorthon troll has been saying about us "fans" is true. We will drink piss out of a cup if it has Nintendo's name on it, but completely dismiss it if it's 3rd party no matter what reviewers and bloggers say.
Oh well, I'm hooked on 3D Sega classics right now and there's plenty of those!
@brandonbwii Refresh the page and the edit option should appear on your comment.
Legend of kay for me! ...or so I would like to say, but it has a bad timing for try to join my games' list and the highest of its range prices on Wii U, a very bad combo ^_^;
Would get Legend of Kay retail if it wasn't delayed for two weeks. Will probably go digital. Wish I had the money for some of those great 3DS discounts!
For me it's the discount on Elliot Quest. The reviews saying the game had too much meandering was a big turn off for me at first, but the Shovel Knight style Miiverse Journal being added in a Thursday update has sold me. I hope to view some very helpful posts so I never get stuck.
There is ALWAYS development work. It's simply that Nintendo needs to up their resources. It would be great if they had more dedicated "divisions" to focus on a wide range of content on their services. As of now it's like their business is half-baked and all over the place.
Still playing Streets of Rage 2 from last week!
Sweet! Ive been lookin for more beat em ups since playing through both streets of rage and only just heard of code of princess! Happy days!!
Come on NOE, green-light The Binding of Isaac for us already please >_<
@linforcer Where else would we see it? This IS the European release list.
@ All the naysayers: Legend of Kay, Badland and Picross e6. Those are all good to great games. We've had many way, way, WAY worse weeks before.
@brandonbwii Well usually for me the VC releases are all that's worth buying. Pretty much every good indie game that comes out on Wii U already came out another format months or years ago. Badlands is great but it came out on IOS over two years ago, and even the GOTY release here came out on all other consoles two months ago.
If this is the EU Wii U releases then Nintendo Direct must be confirmed for 29th July! There's never been a week with no Wii U VC.
@KeeperBvK yeah, I don't get some people! I've been waiting in legend of Kay for about a year now it's finally here! Can't wait to get my disc copy and give it a whirl
@KeeperBvK Yeah, for some reason I though I was looking at the NA post >_>'
Badland is a must. Top notch game that I'm really looking forward to playing again and adding on those multiplayer levels!
Another bad week for Nintendo fans, it seems.
Possibly Legend of Kay, but only on retail. The discount on Elliot Quest is intriguing.
@brandonbwii - Nothing that troll ever says is true. He's full of Nintendo hatred who uses ridiculously pointless weak arguments to back up his claims, wrapped around exceedingly long posts to make out his knowledge of gaming his superior to everyone else's.
I am probably gonna pick up "Legend of Kay" at retail unless NL scores it under 5.
PICROSS e6 and Just Dance 2016 Demo for me.
Someone know the exact release date of Pokémon Shuffle Mobile?
@brandonbwii Basically took the words it of my mouth. I mean do we even need an amazing content filled update every week? Have people seriously finished the games they currently have that they desperately need one this week.
I'm actually glad its a week weak as it means I save money and can work on my backlog; also I can push back the need to buy an external HD.
Something that has caused me quite a bit of confusion; the Legend of Kay Anniversary page on this site says the game is coming out on the 29th still for the UK, luckily I checked Game's listing of the game to see that it is actually coming out tomorrow.
Anyway, I happen to already own a couple of the games listed here (TNT Racers - Nicro Machines Edition and Demon King Box), but in terms of new purchases I shall be getting Legend of Kay Anniversary. I was expecting to pick it up on Thursday, due to being unable to on Wednesday, but with it coming out tomorrow it seems I'll be obtaining the game tomorrow.
That said, I probably won't play Legend of Kay Anniversary immediately. It seems to be a bit of a lesser known game, so I figured it would be a good game to play on my Let's Play channel, and I think games have more comical potential when you play them for the first time. As it is an older release, I imagine it shouldn't take all too long to complete, though perhaps I should see about checking up on this assumption first. In any case, I do look forward to playing it, and I do wish there was a separate poll so you can mention games you are purchasing at retail, rather than downloading.
Time to pick Code of Princess I guess
Nothing for me this week. Again.
Been wanting to get Sayonara UmiharaKawase for ages, so will finally pick it up on payday at the end of this month.
No Mario Tennis? :,(
Gonna get Yumi's odd odyssey and Code of Princess since they're on sale, only problem is which first because I cant add more money until I get paid Monday.
Nice prediction. There's actually an investor meeting scheduled for Wednesday. It could be delayed though.
EDIT: It's just a financial report release. Sorry. My bad.
yikes, this is a bad week. where the heck is the VC?!? I love retro games but I am so close to ditching my wii u and getting a Retron 5 right now. To have the cartridges is obviously more expensive but at the minute Nintendo are just drip feeding us when there's so much good games out there. A real shame.
Just the Hello Kitty themes for me this week
Nikki theme when
@Grumblevolcano That would make a lot of sense. 2 weeks since the announcement of Mr Iwata's passing is perhaps a good time for Nintendo to hold a Direct and make a number of announcements going forward for the second half of 2015.
Hello Kitty themes. Hello! 😻
Nothing this week,I'll get Legend of Kay Anniversary later.
Picross and possibly flick golf for me 👍
@brandonbwii I'll gladly take a stab at 3rd party games - just not download-only indies. I've been burned by enough half-baked eshop games that I'm not going to bother with them anymore.
Would anyone recommend Tomodatchi Life at that price? I'm a big Animal Crossing fan, and I tried the demo for this game and really enjoyed it, just waiting for a good discount since it's over a year old, I'm really tempted by that £25.
Definately Elliot Quest.
Probably Badland.
@rferrari24 This is big news, actually. We'll see how Q1 FY2016 pans out.
I believe that hardware is weaker than anticipated, which is a given since this is Nintendo we're talking about, but software outperforms (again), thanks to kids and squids everywhere!
I have no money this month (August) but following that dry spell, I do plan to get Badland.
Hope Flick Golf is coming to NA!
Bit Boy!! ARCADE gets 4/10 but on most other places ive seen this get reviews, it gets 7-8/10 and personally i think it looks quite good at 89p im in.
Well hopefully the attack on titan theme will be purchasable soon as I don't have room to download it.
Plus still waiting for the sticker store.
Did Code of Princess ever get a patch to fix those framerate issues ive read about?
@brandonbwii well... It's hard to argue that. Let's face it, the NL community has finally succumbed to the negativity that plagues most other gamer sites some folk still come here to talk about games, not just to diss them... Unfortunately, many (especially since E3) have hopped on the bandwagon of hate, which is very sad, seeing as I taut this as one of the best forum sites. Still is, just sad to see all this negativity.
Does "retail download" mean you can buy a retail copy in store and/or download in the eShop?
@Platypus101 If you looked at the last few months, they'd understand why "people jumped on the hate wagon."
@ikki5 really? Justifying hate? Um... It's not the end of world if a game does not meet our expectations. Post #11 sums it up. We should be contributing to productive banter, not just default to hate.... Just saying.
@Platypus101 While I do admit that I did get on the side of large frustration from the E3 Digital Event, I eventually went back to being happy about what Nintendo's done from great things they've done since E3 like the large amiibo restocks for GAME and the Nintendo UK Online Store, playing Yoshi's Woolly World at the end of June, more great VC releases like Shadow Dragon, etc.
In conclusion, I wish I didn't set my expectations for E3 so high (as good or better than 2014's E3) hence none of that would've happened
Cool. I was pointing it out to show evidence against a possible Nintendo Direct. It's a release not a meeting, so maybe something is up. I agree, Splatoon has been doing great!
@BakaKnight it's not an indie it's actually a full budget retail title
@Oaf7724 yes you can get a copy at a store
When is The Letter: Game of The Year Edition coming!?
I´m getting Legend of Kay retail, I usually prefer physical media.
Leaving behind my preference I still don´t get the benefits of downloading retail games when they are more expensive to buy on the eShop and you will never be able to sell it used.
I got this one pre-ordered on Amazon for €19,95
Who is going to pay €29,99 for the download version?
Also, are they ever going to start getting the VC up to speed? Nothing again this week
@TheLastLugia I haven't played it, but I sound in the same boat as you. When I read up about it, it sounded like street passing is important to the game and that's why I passed on it as where I live, I only get street passes when I go to Japan.
Really recommend Sayonara, great game!!
6 wee holidays in UK...and ZERO Virtual Console releases. I want to cry
Even Europe is getting crappy weeks... :c
More Picross for me!
We just got four VC games over the past two weeks and one Wii game.
At this point, it's not weak. It's actually average. This is what the expectation is.
I've been looking forward to flick golf but I have Mario Golf I'm wondering if I should even bother. Hopefully Gotcha Racing and Flick Golf will see North America this week.
@spoony_tech would you like to play Mario Golf sometime
@Windy Sure but when is more the question. I'm often too tired late at night anymore. It easier for me during the day so let me know what's good for you.
Now if I see the physical release in stores soon i'll be content.
If Legend of Kay is really any good (Looking forward to that review, NL), I'll pick it up when It comes to the USA (on a physical disc, of course).
No VC at all means a surprise is on the way? What could Nintendo be up too. Or I'm wrong and they just didnt have anything ready VC wise this week for NoE.
I'm guessing a Thursday morning Direct that will include some sort of surprise VC release. Maybe Mother 3?
@faint I know it's a retail release, but they announced the prices to be between 20-30€ depending the Platform, I was really hoping it would have been 25€ at most on Wii U.
@Spoony_Tech I can play anytime. Pick a day and time I'm there.
Nothing here interests me this week
@Windy Sounds good. I need to let my eye heal up (long story) and I will set up a time.
I've finished most of my VC games, I would love some fresh ones to play.
@Peach64 After reading all the comments yours I totally agree with, I love Nintendo more than any other format and first party is what I buy on Nintendo as they are master pieces and stand the test of time even if it is games from years ago, I can play indies on Steam, PS4 or Xbox One earlier than on Wii U Eshop and at good prices (more Steam for that).
Just sadly I wait for Mondays to see what GBA, 64 or Snes and Nes games I can add to the library for laying in bed and playing at night. Just alittle frustrated at the low amount lately but when Mario Maker hits OMG never be bored again
@Spoony_Tech cool talk to you then. I would actually like to start up a Saturday or sunday tournament type of play from the message boards like we did with ATV Wild ride. I will mull that over and. See if I can figure out how to host up to 8 people. Then I will post to the message board
Microsoft-Rare will release a package with 30 games.
It's going to include Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Perfect Dark, Battletoads, RC Pro Am...
well... 30 games for 30 dollars...
And then we have Nintendo charging 10 dollars for a N64 game, 7 dollars for Snes, 5 dollars for NES...
Ok, the Virtual Console in PS4 and Xbox One was always a mess, but soon Nintendo is going to lose MORE market if they decide do keep the same format on NX.
tempted by code of princess but,,, anyone still playing it online?
@Platypus101 It's not just E3, They've been making bad decisions for a long time now, especially in North America. They've promised stuff to get better when there has either been no change or it has gotten worse. VC titles do mean a lot especially when you see one region with games you never played, you want to play but the region refuses to release what is in another region even though there should be nothing stopping them from releasing it, especially when it is their own game. But overall, people just want Nintendo to keep their promises, stop making mistakes, learn from them and so forth. There has been a lot of crap this gen, some of which has been going of for over a decade now and the keep saying they learned from it when they haven't. Like, you say it is unjustified when this is wrong. There is a reason why the fans of Nintendo are a fraction of what they were 15-20 years ago.
@ikki5 Main reason being because Nintendo isn't one of the only major gaming companies, like it was way back in the older times. I'm not saying it justifies Nintendo's actions, but that is a pretty big reason as to why Nintendo doesn't have as many fans as it once did 15-20 years ago.
@Aromaiden And is there a reason why Sony and Microsoft's fan base keeps increasing? The reason is because those two get it right. Maybe not so much Microsoft at the moment but seriously, saying that there are competitors is not a good reason. Sure it would be a factor but Nintendo needs to fix it's issues and it's issues would be the bigger reason why people jump ship. You don't jump ship on something that is already awesome. You jump ship for something that is better. If Nintendo continued to stay great, they should be remaining the same (which would mean they are bringing in people to fill up those who leave) or they would be growing which they are obviously not.
Do we have any clue when OctoDad is coming out?
Still waiting for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town VC release. US has it, why can't we
Nintendo does it's own thing at it's own pace, it dosn't concern itself with being as competitive or market competent as its rivals and just continues trundling along in it's own world... yet continues making some of the best games we're ever going to play.
No, Nintendo are not going to monopolise the gaming scene or have the numbers they did 20 years ago... the gaming industry has grown and evolved from the NES dominance years where the industry had previously fallen over... NES was the recovery of the gaming industry as a whole and now it has competition which frankly is good news for us all. People don't jump ship from Nintendo, they themselves evolve and explore other avenues... and in my case, after enjoying what its rivals have to offer, still find time to power up a ninty console on a regular basis.
Kay, Code of Princess, maybe Yumi.
Okay... for some odd reason, Legend of Kay Anniversary for Wii U is not available at my Game store until... the 4th of August. I've no idea why it was delayed... or why it was only the Wii U version that was delayed... but it was.
Admittedly, this bothers me little, as I don't plan on playing Legend of Kay Anniversary immediately. Still, it is rather strange that the game is available to download for Wii U and yet I can't seem to pick up a physical copy until a few days later... at least on Wii U anyway. So I look forward to purchasing Legend of Kay Anniversary soon... for real this time.
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