Pre-E3 interviews are strange beasts - game companies want to get you interested in their upcoming efforts, but don't want to give too much away for fear of spoiling the surprise. What you therefore get is a peculiar blend of statements with enough vagueness and dodging to make a politician proud. That seems to have been the case in a recent interview with Nintendo of America head supremo Reggie Fils-Aime, who was caught between hyping the big N and dodging any controversial comments or tantalising reveals.
In an interview with GameSpot Fils-Aime did at least promise surprise 3DS titles at E3, which is certainly welcome with a relatively light confirmed release slate for the portable at this stage. We particularly enjoyed this answer when asked about whether more classics will be revitalised on the 3DS, in which he essentially promises us the moon on a stick - ie, un-named delights to satisfy our various desires, while ultimately promising very little.
Nintendo fans are very vocal, and like any company, we pay attention to what people are saying. But I think it's helpful to repeat what we've said before. The only way to truly surprise someone is to deliver something unexpected. That's really written into our corporate DNA.
So moving forward, I guess it's safe to say people can look forward to a combination of things they've always wanted…and things they never even thought of wanting.
As for the New Nintendo 3DS, Fils-Aime isn't concerned about consumer confusion over games or features exclusive to the hardware, as customers "are savvy enough to differentiate". When asked about the absence of the smaller model in North America, however, he did a barrel roll to deflect the question.
We made the decision that we felt was best in keeping with the needs of our user base at the time.
Reggie Fils-Aime successfully avoided spoiling any reveals, albeit while not saying much at all.
Comments 105
F-Zero X 3D with Online multiplayer. I haven't played my 3DS very much this year, just the Humble Bundle games so I need some 3DS treats.
Oh, like that Rhythm Heaven game Japan is getting? Oh, and all those Japanese games like Super Robot Wars?
Suddenly, Ice Climbers RPG comes out of left field!
Nice to see the 3DS getting even more love! It is easily becoming my favorite system of all-time and new releases could cement that even further for me. Hopefully one of those is a 2D Metroid since we haven't had the joy of playing one of those for ages.
This sounds too good. I hope they can deliver.
Just give me more info on Fire Emblem: If and I will be happy. The rest will only add to that!
@TheWPCTraveler I would love it if NoA decided they needed content and localized more games, just because they have to. I wonder of we'd get Fatal Frame if Wii U were doing well.
CDI Zelda Games HD Remakes?
The things we want better be a Metroid title! The things we never knew we want better be good and not party games or something too odd.
Lode Runner 3D
I want to know what I don't know I want.
And watch Rhythm Heaven 3DS and MH Cross doesn't get announced. lol
It's obviously going to be Mario Ballet.
Ill take the bullet for you guys C'mon Reggie, give us Mother 3!
It's kind of disheartening to see that I played exactly one game on the 3DS this year: Majora's Mask.
I know I'll be getting reasons to change that next year (Fire Emblem, Bravely Second), but I'm certainly hoping for stuff to hit this year too. Let's see if E3 delivers.
@A01 No put GX on wii u and X on 3ds and we'll call it even! oh and I'm still hoping for f-zero wii u because what miyamoto said about a new controller interface means he's going to use the gamepad not that abomination known as NX. new controller interface=/=new controller
Mario Party 11, Wii Music U and Metroid Surfing will be announced.
Animal Crossing: Happy Gardening In the Garden! will be the only new game for 3DS.
Watch the comment section converge into the issue made by the last few sentences....
Seriously, though. I'M SUPER HYPED NOW!!!!! I need more reasons to purchase a New 3DS.
Maybe I should just lower my expectations now, but I'm very intrigued...
Well I guess Splatoon's an example of something that I didn't know I wanted, so if they can pull something similar off again at this E3, then it should be a lot of fun. Also, Reggie, I've always wanted Mother 1 and 3.
@PikaTron >Mother 1
Glad I'm not the only one who want's that alongside mother 3.
I can't wait to see what it'll be! Hopefully more news on Fire Emblem:IF's localisation! Hopefully some more New 3ds exclusives? I'm getting one soon so it'd be nice to see some new games making use of it's extra power.
As long as we have a Super Mario 3D Land 2 I will be happy
Fire emblem is probably the game there talking about revealing, along with super Pokemon mystery dungeon.
Nice, can't wait. My 3DS needs more love.
Once again, Reggie still doesn't know how painfully confusing his company is being.
Anyway, I'm not expecting anything I actually want, despite Reggie's promises.
@LilC ...except they already revealed both of those?
I like how he said that we made a decision based on what was best for their user base at the time, when it comes to the smaller model of the New Nintendo 3DS. I hope they announce release dates for that new Animal Crossing game, Yoshi`s Woolly World, Mario & Sonic game, Star Fox and Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. I wouldn't mind some new models/limited editions of the New Nintendo 3DS XL. also want some new announcements for both the Wii U and 3DS.
inb4 Paper Mario Sticker Star 2 D:
@AVahne Oh I'm sure he knows. He's a PR guy, of course he will be as positive and question-dodging as possible.
Things we'll get on the 3DS
Pokemon endless runner
Pokemon endless jumper
Pokemon tower defense
Pokemon TCG
OK that last 1 actually makes sense so Reggie probably won't do it.
And what language was that last sentence about the New 3DS translated from? If you read it backwards its the lyrics from "Stairway to Heaven".
Things I didn't know I wanted.... a lobotomy? Fairly sure that would surprise me.
Thigs we'll REALLY probably get on 3DS
Fire Emblem
Bravely Second
Monster Hunter X
Pokemon Z
Mother Trilogy. A N3DS exclusive.
Dance Dance Revolution X Xenoblade Chronicles crossover.
Kpop dance remix of "You Will Know Our Names" plays in the background
Shulk: I'm really feeling it.
Riki: Happy Happy Time!
@PanurgeJr - Nintendo IS bringing Fatal Frame V outside of Japan. They announced it in the Nintendo Direct, the April ND if I remember correctly. They are also picking up publishing duties on most of the 3DS SquareEnix stuff as well like Bravely Second. The new Chibi Robo also springs to mind. I have a feeling this was part of the reason NIS picked up Rodea the Sky Soldier as well. The Wii U has an install base of nearly 10 million (surprisingly close to the XB1 install base) and with third parties continuing to shaft Nintendo fans, the indie community and publishers who see the relative ease of translating titles to bring over are taking advantage of the millions of fans who want Wii U games. Smart business move for them.
Too many 3DS games, Wii U barely gets any support from anyone else. The Wii U needs it's full attention, and E3 is the best place to announce games. They announce plenty of 3DS games on normal directs. Nintendo Directs that aren't exclusive are pretty much all about 3DS games anyway.
Golden Sun 4 please. I'm crossing my fingers AND toes.
or GBA for 3DS virtual console
and Neo geo pocket for 3DS virtual console
@DefHalan @ValiantPixel A new Ice Climbers would definitely be something to come out of frickin' nowhere, if they wanted to give something a great revival.
@BlackSpy Golden Sun - heck to the yeah! We do not need to wait another 8 years, like from Lost Age to Dark Dawn...
Please, Camelot, at least reveal DD's sequel!(and I hope y'all can get back to the original duo's standards at that)
@Dpishere It should be, people have definitely been vocal about Metroid.
...In my dreams...
The 3DS family is (are?) my favorite system(s) of all time, so of course this makes me really excited.
@Mr_Diabolical You do realize that Nintendo's support has been focused on the Wii U for a while now, right? The 3DS has had sparse 1st party support since last year's E3. They can't just ignore the thing. The only 1st party games we know of for the 3DS are Fire Emblem If, Rhythm Heaven, Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, Chibi-Robo Zip Lash, and budget title Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer which is probably only getting a physical release due to the amiibo adapter. Only 5 games total, one of which is externally developed, another of which isn't coming to the west until 2016, and another of which isn't even confirmed for the west yet.
New 1st party announcements for the 3DS are really needed.
@Tommy_Wiseau YES! YES! YES!
@Lalivero We all know they're working on Mario Golf U!
It's only a week away, sit back and play lots of splatoon till then, helps to pass the time I'm willing to bet there will be tons of great reveals this year.
Reggie......its seriously time to reveal the unexpected, Dragon Quest VII, Dragon Quest VIII and Dragon Quest X! Do it! You guys publish it. You've done it before with these Dragon Quest games. Do it again. Do 1 amazing thing and bring Dragon Quest X to Wii-U. Wii-U misses out on Monster Hunter. At least bring Dragon Quest X to North america and europe
@Captain_Gonru - Somebodys working overtime.
And if 3DS does get a SMS port I'm holding you personally responsible. And not in a good way.
And if you want to know why I changed my avatar, check thr current box scores.
They're porting Terraria to 3DS and Wii U by the way.
I'm sure standard size 3ds will be announced along with special North American only face plates.
Still have hope for Digimon World RE: Decode!
@JaxonH - Oh you're no fun tonight. . (I'm glad Bill Trinnen has grown on me, I really don't like Reggie.)
Hear about the new 1TB X1? Wii U only has 968GB to go. (Yes, I know, 1TB external HDD costs less than the extra $100. My team just got no hit, I need to blow off steam.)
"Things they've wanted...... and things they never knew they wanted"
ooooo Reggie, talk dirty to us.
This guy is the master of spin. I'm more confused after reading his statements. Regardless, Nintendo seems to have some huge things coming at E3.
Translation: expect to see Pokémon: Poop Brown & Diarrhea Green, as well as 50 new Etrian Odyssey games!
Well... we should expect E3 announcements because there is hardly anything coming to both systems so if there wasn't, then we're in more trouble than we thought.
E3 HYYYYYYYYYPE! Can't wait to see the things I never thought I would've wanted!
maybe he backtracked on the standard new 3ds model in NA because they're planning to announce it. Could be why he chose to say "we made the decision we felt the time." Or maybe I'm just reading to much into that.
Frankly, pretty much anything the 3DS gets at this point would be a surprise. There's really not much left to do with it.
He succeeded in something else too, HYPING ME UP MORE!
I need a bumper sticker: "My president's body is ready." Comes exclusively with the Reggie Amiibo.
He said it's something we won't guess so I'm going to guess all the things I don't want:
Mario clock 3D
Separate accounts on each console
The new Zelda game will be released in seasons and as dlc packages with paid visual character customization starting with an early access alpha build that might never finish
The pokemon series will move 100% free to play and pay to win with a pokemon store app on the smart phones to buy each pokemon and move separately
Mario Maker will be online only with a huge server like the most awkward minecraft
Nintendo will sue and win against Youtube and capitalize gaming videos and streaming into a brave new world of Nintendo Video -application
Next console - which is an os, which is a smartphone app on which you need to permanently port your games over
Reggie will confess with proof that his body is not ready
Here's what I'm hoping for. Obviously, not all of these title will be shown at E3, but the more, the better:
New games:
Super Mario 3D Land 2
Pokémon Z (or X2/Y2)
A new Donkey Kong Country entry
An amiibo-centric game
A new Metroid entry (probably a 2-D Metroid)
A new F-Zero entry
Zelda: Twilight Princess 3D, exclusively for New 3DS
New IP (...maybe...)
Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus
Monster Hunter X, Stories, and/or Diary (in that order, if one at a time)
The Great Ace Attorney
Dragon Quest VII, VIII, and/or X
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden
DKC Trilogy Remake with remastered music by david wise on 3DS Please!
I'm sensing....a first person donkey kong beat em up!
Nintendo released a video announcing new details on the NWC, including that there are 8 games being featured, which will be a mix of old school and current games. One of those 8 games will be Splatoon!
Sooo... like Mother 3 and Project Guard?
A Gold Silver Surfer Amiibo!!!
Nintendo just uploaded a video to their Japanese Youtube account for Devil's Third. The video is about 10 minutes long and is hosted by Itagaki. It shows new footage of the game (which looks much improved over what we saw last year) and confirms an August 4th release in Japan.
@IceClimbers Doesn't it seem weird to you that major companies keep revealing stuff they should have kept for E3? Fallout 4... Devils Third... this... that.... X(
@VeeFlamesNL It's like Black Friday - starts earlier and earlier every year, but the official start doesn't change (though that's not technically true as E3 officially starts a day earlier than usual this year).
As for that Devil's Third video, I'm willing to bet a dubbed/subbed version of it is part of the Digital Event. I could see it being cut down a bit, and the beginning of it with the Japanese release date being cut out due to the game not releasing in NA on that date.
Dragon Quest VII and VIII please and thank you
@Ichiban Lol!
That's a lot of words used to say nothing. I'm wanting various new games to be announced to fill in the current light release schedule.
Pikmin for 3ds maybe.
You know what, I never knew I wanted a game about little plants that kill big bug monsters... and well yeah, the rest was history. The people butt-clinging to nintendo and begging for another zelda game every five weeks need to cool down.
Oh, how tired I grow of Reggie . . . If you noticed, in the article, the person actually asked him two questions regarding the standard New 3DS in NA:
"What drove the decision to only release one version of the New 3DS in the US, and is there a chance we'll ever get a regular one?"
And yet, while he "answered" (not really) the first question, he literally ignored the second altogether:
"We made the decision that we felt was best in keeping with the needs of our user base at the time."
I understand wanting to keep reveals secret, but he didn't even dignify the question of whether we'd ever get it with an answer--not even a deflecting one. Wow, I didn't realize I could lose more respect for him until reading that. Now I know better.
Diddy Kong racing two for New 3DS and a new Wario platformer (not another party game mix) a true platformer would be nice .
@Rocky2418 totally agree with you , I've realized I'm really not a fan or Reggie either I think he is well LAME..
Localizing of girlsmode 3?
New Ice climbers?
As for things I never knew I wanted, maybe he will make me want the new Sonic game?
You took the words right out of my mouth SanderEvers. I think you may have played a bit too much Splatoon lately as well
Advance Wars
Rosalina 3D World! 100th post ftr...
Ok, now this is good news. The WiiU being in trouble meant a ridiculous amount of focus in the last few months, with the 3DS getting the short end of the stick. Six consoles in the WiiU Virtual Console (including the baffling presence of the Game Boy Advance) and only three on 3DS... but this is just an example of what I mean.
Now, the "things we didn't know we want", if this means more stuff like Code Name S.T.E.A.M., I don't really care, but might be interesting nonetheleyss. On the other hand, if by "things we want" you mean a portable Mario Maker, Reggie, you caught both my attention and my money in a single (and good) move, but this might just be me.
What we've always wanted eh? Sounds like some Metroid goodness.
A Rosalina game would be epic! Maybe someday...
Wait, Egoraptor is invited? Intriguing. (I wonder if he'll manage to stay family-friendly though.)
I really looking fotward to seeing what they have in store for the 3DS at E3! One of my most wanted games is a new 2D Metroid title! I can only imagine how fun that game will be! As for Wii U, I mainly just want a new Animal Crossing game which I've been pretty vocal about in the past. E3 can't come soon enough!
@NinjaWaddleDee Well Luigi (Luigi's Mansion, Luigi-U), Wario, Yoshi, DK, Peach (Super Princess Peach DS), Bowser (Bowser's Inside Story DS), and even Toad (Wario's Woods, Treasure Tracker) got their own games. Toad was the player in Wario's Woods so that's why I included him. That's everyone from the cast of Mario Kart 64 who starred in his or her own adventure at some point.
Daisy and Waluigi were only created as doubles for Peach and Wario in Mario Tennis, and have since only made appearances in Sports/Racing/Party games to stuff the rosters. I do hope Nintendo releases Amiibo for them however.
That leaves Cosmic sorceress Rosalina with no game all her own although she's unlockable in 3D World. Unlikely to get her own game, yes, but she's here to stay in the Mushroom Kingdom...
@StarDust4Ever You had to rescue Daisy, not Peach, in the original Super Mario Land.
@Vineleaf I figured somebody would bring that up. Daisy would have been a totally forgotten conquest and naught but a foot note in gaming history until a bunch of developers got together and said, "Wario and Peach need partners for Mario Tennis 64. Got any suggestions?"
That said, Waluigi really made his proper debut in Mario Party 3.
EDIT: Daisy apparently existed prior in her proper color scheme in NES Open. Female Caddie for Luigi. Anita Sarkesian would be proud. Derp.
I'd rather they call it Earthbound Zero, and leave Mother 3 to be the odd one out, title-wise.
@StarDust4Ever Just being pedantic to start the day.
I expect this year's E3 Nintendo Direct to be a really good one. Nintendo just breathed new life into the 3DS with the new hardware, now they need to make all those people who bought one happy that they did. I expect at least 2 games to be announced that are exclusive to the N3DS. However, most of the holiday releases will be for the entire 3DS line.
On the other side of the fence Nintendo delayed Zelda into 2016 so now they need to convince Wii U owners that there is still lots of great software to look forward to this year holiday season. I expect that Star Fox Wii U will finally get a proper unveiling and there will be at least one big surprise game for Wii U (F-Zero maybe?).
As long as I hear about Yo-kai Watch and Style Savvy 3 then I'll be fine since Bravely Second and Fire Emblem have already been announced
I'll post this again: Mario Player for the 3DS to go along with Mario Maker on the Wii U. It would allow the player to download thousands of fan made levels to play! It would be awesome to make the levels on the Wii U and send them to friends to play on their 3DS!
Other then that, I would like to see a new Advanced Wars game but I doubt that will happen. We're due for a new Mario game on the 3DS so maybe a remake of Sunshine or Galaxy will happen....for the "new" 3DS.
@StarDust4Ever I think a Rosalina rpg by the people who made the Mario and Luigi rpg games would be great!
Hyrule Warriors All-Stars just got leaked ( and essentially revealed) for 3DS. Guess that's a surprise..., right?!?
@DarthNocturnal it was about 60 games I think more in Japan around 80
But there is only about 75 games on pocket most are snk and capcom I think one Sega game also turbo is the most likely along with SNES
Since the last Digital Event was mainly Wii U focused, this one will be 3DS focused I guess. So hyped! Things I want:
A new IP which is a RPG
A 3DS shooter
A 3DS beat em up game
Some gamecube games ported to 3DS. They did a Wii U game so why not?
Minecraft (Wii u AND 3DS)
@NinjaWaddleDee that would be awesome! Rosalina has really found a home in the Marioverse. I think her future as a partner, major or minor NPC rolls in future games is a given.
@JaxonH I can't see them announcing Z. Would potentially cannibalize Super Mystery Dungeon sales, unless they announced it just to give us the finger and say it's due winter of next year.
Please let it be a totally new Zelda, with a new overworld. Not just the Hyrule warriors port.
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