Since the launch of Miiverse on the Wii U in 2012, the social media platform has undergone a series of changes. Nintendo has provided its service with ongoing support in the form of regular updates. These updates have enhanced and refined the overall experience, and other fixes from time to time have focused on improving the performance and safety of the social network.
Of course, that’s not to say the platform hasn’t had any challenges along the way. Despite Nintendo’s ongoing support, there are certain adjustments that aren’t always so welcomed by the community. Today appears to be one of those days, with the latest update to Miiverse receiving a mixed reception from regular users of the platform. Improving the display speed times, but now only showing one latest post per friend or user that you are following.
Take a look at Erika’s full post below:
Share your thoughts on the latest update to Miiverse in the comments below.
Thanks to SpoonyTech for the heads up!
Comments 85
Although not a regular Miiverse user per say, I'd say that it doesn't sound that bad, as you only need to click on the arrow to see the rest... And speed is always a good trade off, although stability is always a close second
I don't see an issue, just click on the user and you get to see his stuff. I follow a couple of artist so I can still keep up what they do and more organized this way.
Not that big issue I'd say.
Just click there and enjoy all your friend's posts.
I think the most important question is: "Will we get another miiverse "war" out of this."
Facebook users would obviously be used to seeing a feed of the latest activity.
They've basically removed a feature, and that's bad.
The problem with this is that there's no indication of how many posts someone has made since you were last on. So if every person you're following has made one new post, you have to click through to aaalllll of their profiles just to check if they've made any others. That's pretty terrible, I have to say. This clearly should have been optional and I hope they rectify that.
Feature ruins my miiverse enjoyment! What point looking on activity feed see one post for everyone! Then having to be send to separate page see what there doing.
Keep it all in one place... Like said in post - If isn't broken don't fix it.
Stop awful updates if want improve miiverse I suggest adding adult section and kids section. Sick seeing kids spam on community's and prefer able speak freely with more mature gamers without admin depleting my post because I used word - shut up - joking with friend... Ridiculous
It's no worse than Disqus. Which is freaking awful.
i rather get rid of the random posts of "user's that like the same stuff as you" or whatever it is called. can i turn that off??
I don't see a problem and I think people are making a big deal out of nothing lol.
It's not good per se but it's not bad either imo.
The miis are revolting again
I have to agree with @6ch6ris6 I would love to get rid of random posts with users of the same stuff as you, it does bothered me, in the activity feed.
I've looked in the profile settings and user settings and can't find a way to disable it.
I'm okay with seeing a friends but not some strange, they can post annoying things.
Yeah seems like a tempest in a teacup. Facebook is a pain even with the limited number of friends I have because I'm constantly having to filter when people who like sports are constantly linking their team stuff. Less is more people!
A real update would be the addition of an age gate.
While I don't feel strongly one way or the other, the update kind of defeats the point of the Activity Feed. It's just a glorified "Following" list now.
@Sean_Aaron ...I'm following people because I want to see their posts.
I lol'd at you don't bothering but still talking about it.
What they need to focus on is a folder to hold all your game stamps. So you can use them on any post!
I rarely used this option, so I really don't care.
Well an option then to give people choice?
Is this really that big of a deal? Just tap the arrow to see more posts.
@solcross Like I said, you have to do that for every person you're following who's posted since you last checked, and you may not even get anything out of it. And to be clear, it loads a separate page to show their posts. It's not a snappy dropdown or anything. If you want to keep up with any significant amount of users, this is going to waste a lot of your time.
@Tate24 So you complain about immature kids and also complain when an admin deletes a post where you write like an immature kid?
Rules are for you to follow as well.
I follow hundreds of miiverse users. Does Nintendo really expect me to click the profile of hundreds of people just to check if they have made more than 1 post since the last time I visited miiverse? The speed increase of the activity feed loading is minimal compared to how it was before the update. & now it's overall much slower since I have to click on numerous profiles as well. & the activity feed is fickle on Wii U, it always seems to want to reload after changing pages & going back, which I'll now have to frequently do, making the experience even slower. Why can't this sortof thing be optional? Quite the downgrade to miiverse.
I don't know why so many people want it to be Twitter 2.0. Its for kids, why should Nintendo upset a huge amount of their customers to please a handful of "grown ups"?
Eh. As long as that arrow is there to fix it I guess. Some of my friends post every time they do something small anyway. Now can we get rid of those 'suggested user's' or whatever it's called? I see the same.ones every single.day, and I'm not randomly adding someone on Miiverse.
I just tried it and I don't see the problem. If there was some sort of downtime when you click the arrows then yeah, there would be a problem, but it's near instantanious and you can see how many long it's been since their last posts (as it's always been).
Activity feed is now less crowded and faster. I guess I don't use social media that much, but I actually don't see how it's not BETTER than before.
Seems like a fairly pointless thing to do..;.
Rarely use Miiverse anyway, it's full of random children role playing as pokemon and I feel like I'm gonna get arrested just being there..
I didn't know it was such a big deal, then again I'm not big on stalking... I mean following so I viewed the it as being more organized. Plus I check it maybe like once a month so I guess that's the reason.
A lot of people bring up that stamp idea and while it sounds fantastic in theory, I truly wonder how practical it would be? Would you really want to flood of random stamps in a specific community? What if the game is M-rated? If Nintendo adds an age gate, are you still free to use stamps from games geared more toward kids in the adult-centric community and vice versa? There's just so many variables.
Even if everything is kept squeaky clean like it is now, would you really want the stamp of a gun someone earned in a FPS in your community for the latest Mario game?
God, I never use miiverse! Kinda goes over my head. Maybe I'm just too old and its totally not aimed at me.
@MadAdam81 what talking about? I talking to a friend about something and joking back and forth! Hows that childish?
I laughed heavily on that. As a 31 year old who frequents Miiverse, I hear you. There was a moment I found funny when there was the heated debate of voice chat in Splatoon. Everyone wanted the option but if Miiverse is indicative of the sorta players who will be playing Splatoon, then I can't blame Nintendo for wanting to leave it out, LOL!
There's Wii U Chat or, even better, Skype for that kinda interaction.
Doesn't seem like a bad update to me. More speed is always nice and it really isn't hard to click the arrow allowing you to see the other posts too.
Slow news day.
I don't think this is a big issue at all. This also have its benefit.
Its easier to see more different player posts this way instead of scrolling forever.
@Zyrac That's my problem, as well. I'm currently following a sizeable number of MiiVerse artists, some of which post multiple drawings and sketches per day.
This new "feature" makes it much more difficult to keep track of them, and while loading times in the activity feed are marginally shorter, I need more time overall to check every user I follow.
90% of miiverse users are angry 12 year olds, I don't expect anything less than a riot
@BLPs E3 is 3 weeks away, might as well just keep drinking steady until then.
I havent used Miivrrse since the last Hyrule Warriors, but w/ Splatoon next Friday I expect to be using it a lot, at least all summer long as the game drags out piece by piece ( thry should charge us like a WoW subscription for the summer, $15 per month May, June, July, August until we finally get the full game for $60. I guess the rest of the world only has to pay $10 per month.)
Anyway, Im up to 5 friends now, plus 3 family members, so Ill have to wait awhile longer to see how this affects me.
This update isn't really a big deal to me. Sometimes the people I am following post way too many times in one day so I have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find what everyone is up to. So, for me this is pretty helpful since it cuts down on the amount of posts I see from one person. If I happen to come across a person I am more inclined to see the posts of, I can simply either click on the arrow described above, or tap on their profile. No biggie for me.
Well if you can simply click an arrow to see all the posts I'm not exactly sure what the big problem is?
I don't however use Miiverse, or even have a Wii U, so I can't tell how much of an impact it has one way or another.
@Dpullam See, what I don't get about this is the implication that you are, for some reason, following people whose posts you don't particularly care to see.
Considering how people complained when Nintendo censored AVGN Adventures pictures this is ironic.
No wonder I use Miiverse.
I love Miiverse, I use it a lot and I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. If anything it will clean up the dashboard and you can still click for more posts from your friends. Some people just fear change. You should never say no to increased loading speeds =P
@NelClena What if there are a hundred arrows though?
People still use the Miiverse? I haven't touched the miiverse in.... a year maybe? It is stupid, it's a neat concept but done poorly.
@NelClena I don't actually have that many, but still, I find it inconvenient. When I check my activity feed I want to be up to date with everyone, not pick and choose like that.
If there were an indication of whether someone's made multiple posts since I last checked, I'd be okay with this. It's the fruitless profile-checking that irritates me.
I love this. I actually deleted someone from my friends list solely because he posted like a mad man on the Miiverse, drowning out other posts from other friends, and it was all extremely stupid, pointless posts. If it was just one post, I could have handled it.
gasp That's terrible! Doesn't take much to get Miiverse users in an uproar.
@mjc0961 I never mark anything as a spoiler yet mods have never done anything to my account.
Don't use, so don't care. I use my Wii U to play games, not for social media.
Another fine example of people making mountains out of molehills
@ikki5 It's stupid to you because you didn't use it enough for it engulf you.
Take this from a Miiverse Addict: good choice. Run from it; run from it, and never return!
@Kirk It has no impact, really...
I'm gonna have to go along with those that are saying they don't see the problem here. Not a big deal to be honest.
@Captain_Gonru - Way to be a team player.
I just checked out the update and I prefer this to the old layout. It's cleaner, loads a little faster (a little), and if you want to see more from a particular user, just hit the arrow — simple. (And totally not a big deal.) I'm not a regular user of Miiverse, mainly due to how slow it is even with the "improved" hardware of the New 3DS systems. I may try using it for a week to see if the increased speed is negligible or noticeable.
Oh the humanity...
I very rarely use it as is. If it bums out the masses I hate to see that. Its junk. It doesn't allow private messaging with buddies and allows for no privacy at all. Sometimes you just want a message to just go to a few friends not the whole world.
I don't like it, but I don't think it's such a big deal. That said, they definitely could use development manpower to fix various issues with the platform - namely speed and the failure to load stuff properly.
I personally hate this update, and I don't even follow many people. If someone posts more than two things between times I check Miiverse though, guess what? I have to go to the page of every person I follow, which is just slow and clunky. Most people are saying it hasn't improved load times either. I really hope they fix this by making it optional.
The old way wouldn't load properly for me, so this is definitely an improvement.
Good update! No problem.
This makes Miiverse completely irrelvant for me. There have been less and less people posting anyway but some a very active with pictures and entertaining posts....and now I won't see those because I don't check 3 times a day? Pointless. Maaaaan, what the hell are you doing Nintendo???
"uproar"? a bit sensationalistic, don't you think?
I don't care,it's no big deal
I personally don't mind it myself, but it alienate alot of other Miiverse users. It should be optional.
If they wanted to improve speed they should have deleted (or at least made optional) the annoying "users with similar interests" feature. I've always found that making me unwilling to check the activity feed, especially since the posts being shown to my face are uninteresting and have nothing to do with my interests.
miiverse... the ONLY social networking site where you get punished for being social.
seriously, i put a link to my da profile and they hid my profile. seriously!
The performance bump isn't significant enough to warrant the trade-off.
@ianolivia Nintendo has to see to it that the children are sheltered. While their just protecting their own ass it really holds Miiverse back from it's true potential.
Miiverse was already fast, though. Not like I actually use the Friends feature there too much, but that still sounds like an awful idea.
...I don't see what the big deal is.
Whew! You scared me. I thought it was going to be like:
"Hello users! A new rule has been set into place, so that anyone caught saying the word "poot" will be instantly banned and have all of his/her followers removed.
Hope you like the update! Tell us what you think."
Anything that makes it load faster is a good thing in my book. I hate waiting for that crap to load.
@DreamOn Don't underestimate them, they slay zombies with pillows and radio's, they defeat ghosts with candles and hair blowers, conquer the world with rock-paper-scissors,...
I've seen an army of them well organized in my Streetpass plaza, and I've seen a horde in chaos when spinning the Wii U home menu Miiverse plaza.
Then again, given an actual sword in Streetpass Quest, they attempt one strike and run away...
Not a big deal, but kind of a stupid update. Wanna do a smart update? Add a age gate for some games, and allow adding pictures to posts of games you disabled it for (Pokemon x & y, pokemon omega ruby & alpha sapphire, AVGN game come to mind )
As far as I can tell, the purpose of social media sites has largely become complaining about social media sites.
Are they too lazy to click an additional time?!
@Zyrac That isn't what I am saying at all. I just want to see posts from everyone I follow without having to scroll through pages of posts from the same person before I can see the others. If I want to see more of one person's posts, I'll check out their profile. That's all I have to do. It's one tap away.
This is a very, very BAD UPDATE. Simple as that.
I don't use Miiverse much except for Animal Crossing, but this seems to be an issue of UI. Their update has downgraded the user interface by making the process of following users harder, not easier. It can be worked around, but it is more then an issue of sheer laziness as some are suggesting. Social media is a product. Facebook has to maintain a (sometimes barely) usable interface so that people use their site and see their advertisements, but as the site has a large base and the cost of entry is free, people are more likely to shrug when a new update introduces yet another sidebar that isn't useful and doesn't work with touchscreens or jams a "Send Money" button into the already limited space in the chat bar or whatever. Miiverse has a much smaller userbase (citation needed) and has an entry fee the cost of a Wii U or 3DS. On top of that, it doesn't have paid advertisements, so it justifies it's existence by being a feature to advertise the Wii U and by advertising games to system owners. They have less room to drive away users before the whole thing is a failure and all of their users have paid, so there is more room to complain if an "upgrade" makes things worse.
Meanwhile, i'm just drawing doodles of noodles on the gamepad.
First world problems.
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