After reportedly moving away from Nintendo eShop development, the creator of Spikey Walls, RCMADIAX, returns to the Wii U eShop this summer with the announcement of a trio of titles for North America.
The previously revealed Color Bombs is a chain reaction game, Don't Crash requires quick reflexes to navigate a car around a track, and Pixel Slime U is an auto-runner with a twist. Miiverse integration promises to offer a deeper competitive experience.
Take a look at each of the official game descriptions below:
In this chain-reaction title, players must collect a predetermined amount of "COLOR BOMBS" to complete each stage. Several difficulties such as advanced and timed levels will challenge even the most seasoned player.
Quick reflexes required! This exciting arcade title requires its players to dodge oncoming traffic by switching lanes. Each successful lap around the track is a point, but be careful as the CPU will quickly change lanes without notice. To add to the challenge, the speed of your car will increase with every successful lap. Players are encouraged to post their scores to Miiverse and compare to others online.
An auto-runner with a twist! This title is one where you are challenged with achieving the LOWEST score possible. Players control a pixel slime through 40 levels while trying to avoid death. Stages quickly change mechanics to keep players guessing whats next. At the end of 40 levels, players are encouraged to post their death score on Miiverse to compare with the online community.
RCMADIAX has also revealed Super Robo Mouse for the Wii U is back in development, with more details about the title to be announced soon.
Unfortunately none of these Wii U eShop games will be released in Europe any time soon according to the following statement:
These titles and more are being considered for the Europe market, but we are currently waiting for improvements to the ratings system to take place.
If you live in North America, let us know in the comments if you're interested in any of these upcoming Wii U eShop releases.
Comments 43
Okay, I realize that RCMADIAX made SPIKEY WALLS, and yes it is a bad game, but how come that is always the first thing mentioned when people talk about the company? They've made plenty of good other games, like BLOK DROP U.
Anyways, I'm excited for these, especially Super Robo Mouse.
Yeah I thought Blok Drop U was worthwhile. Don't Crash is obviously a version of the classic Atari 2600 game Dodge 'Em, which a Japanese dev did a version of for DSiWare. Assuming complexity ramps up beyond the simple two-lane track seen above that could be interesting as I enjoyed the other two.
Not in Europe? D:
Happy to hear Super Robo Mouse is back in production. Seemed like it had potential.
Happy to hear Super Robo Mouse is back in production. Seemed like it had potential.
Honestly the humble bundle donation is what is making me willing to take another look at his games. I'll check out Blok Drop U and the Don't crash game sounds amusing.
@RCMADIAX good to see developing for the Wii U again! I thought all the ungrateful jerks had soured you away... I'm looking at "Don't Crash"!
I thought he said he would not make Nintendo games anymore. And he comes back with quickfire games instead of more polished experiences.
I will keep my decision not to support him anymore.
@A01 It's about $2000 to get a game rated by both PEGI and USK, and then a further $2000 each for New Zealand and Australia.
"Don't crash" looks like it could be super fun. A cross of Off Road/Super Sprint and Road Hunter. Good thing too since I love all three of those games. And Super Robo Mouse looks very promising as well. I'm glad to hear that RCMADIAX is staying with Wii U
Pixel Slime U sounds interesting. If it'll have any kind of story line I may buy it.
@RCMADIAX Glad you're back on the eShop! We can always count on people like you to get games on the Wii U!
You promised extra levels for Block Drop U years ago and most of us bought it because of that promise. In my eyes you're a liar and such should receive no support.
Wow, glad to see @RCMADIAX back into developing for the Wii U! Good to have you back, chum!
Why can't you just take your shovelware and go away? You openly blamed Nintendo fans for your sales on the eShop, and now what? We're just supposed to buy all your crap and pretend nothing happened?
Hi @RCMADIAX, can I ask you the reason to come back to Wii U development again? Thank you.
I am also waiting on the extra Blok Drop U puzzles that were promised.
I don't care what anybody says, I like little cheap games like these. They remind me of old 90s PC games or arcade games, and that's cool
@RCMADIAX welcome back to the party dude!Remember, allot of people who have judged you have never been In your position, creating something for others. it's hard to please everyone but trying to is a challenge few ever take on!! Hope we see more in the UK at some point......
Cool to see Rcmadiax back on the E-Shop again. I'm kinda interested in Color Bomb.
Not too shabby. Good to hear that Super Robot Mouse is back in development. Have to wonder if the change in seasons reinvigorated RCMADIAX...
Kudos to him then
Didn't this guy supposedly stopped making Wii U games?
Whats next to believe. That these games will not be in the same lines of Spikey Walls?
@Oragami They have made precisely zero good games - they have made precisely zero games that aren't absolute garbage - that is why they bring up Spiky Walls - because that is the best indicator of the garbage they shovel out
I was happy to see RCMADIAX go away - the company poisons the well that is the eShop - great - here we go getting trolled by a dev - I have the feeling they (or he?) makes garbage on purpose - to make a name for themselves or something - Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice? Fool me once, and you're not gonna fool me again. A wise man said that.
I wouldn't call them "ungrateful jerks". A lot of people have valid reasons for disliking what they've put out on the eshop. It's not exactly what people would call quality material...
He basically admitted as much earlier this year, on this very site. He noted that Nintendo gamers bought crap for a laugh (The Letter), so he was just going to keep making more crap.
His games are the definition of shovelware. If this is what the eShop is going to continue receiving, I'm glad I bought a PS4.
There is nothing invalid about a game you play for five minutes which advertises itself as such. Hell you want everything to be crap like Black Ops? THAT kind of rubbish clogging the shelves is the death of the industry right there.
I've never played this guys games but I do like the simple scaletrix look of the crash game.i do wonder why he came back after his eshop comments tho it's up there with Ucraft being exclusive again.
wasn't he rambling on twitter not to long ago about focusing more on Quality Over Quantity? hmmm...
@RCMADIAX shut the box sequel please!!
Great game!
Also, Don't crash sounds just like Atari 2600 dodge em!! Bring it on! No more than 2 bucks though!
@uhhhhhhhh check out shut the box! Cool little dice game and perfect when you only have time for a quickie!!😜
Some of them look interesting, but I will hold out until I can check some of the reviews before I purchase them.
@Oragami Because unfortunately Flappy Bird is the one game he produced that just about every reader here is familiar with. Sort of how Shigeru Miyamoto is always first equated with Mario despite the multitude of other creations he is responsible for.
It is just in the case of RCMADIAX the association is more of negative stigma than a positive one.
@Darknyht But none of his games is any better than flappy bird - they all hover around the drain
I said it at the time, I reckon it was just a publicity stunt when he announced he wasn't making any more games for the Nintendo eShop. This guy is clever and I reckon he's doing alright. Won't get any money from me with his current stuff but good luck to him, I guess!
@vitalemrecords Wow, precisely zero good games? How could I have been so wrong? I thought they made some good ones, but if you say precisely zero, then I must be mistaken.
@vitalemrecords It is the infamy of Flappy Bird that most think of. I doubt that I can tell you the name of any of his other games without having to think, but Flappy Bird comes to mind without effort.
Since the PS4 doesn't make use of the Construc2 Engine, it completely avoids having these bottom-dollar, no-quality games slapped together based on a tutorial from a website and sold to consumers who don't know any better.
The PS4 indie situation is actually quite good thus far, and while the Wii U is getting games apparently intent on bottoming-out the concept of quality, the PS4 is getting things like Never Alone, Mercenary Kings, and the like. All the best indies on the Wii U are also on PS4/PS3/Vita. It just doesn't have the Construct2-helmed crap.
Which is a pity. That engine has potential. But apparently not in the hands of most of these Wii U indies. As I noted before, Rcmadiax literally took a Construct2 tutorial, and sold it to Wii U owners.
@Oragami you never said he made any good games - I didn't say you were wrong - I just suggested he deserves the bad rep for all of his games, not just flappy bird.
@vitalemrecords I'm quoting my first comment word for word now, "They've made plenty of good other games, like BLOK DROP U."
It's like a rash to the bollocks. An itchy pain that just won't go away.
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