The poor old white 8GB Wii U, shunned by the majority of those buying Nintendo's system and victim to fire sales and obscurity. The issue wasn't, we suspect, the colour, but more the fact that it was a HD console with just 8GB of internal storage memory; 32GB doesn't actually get us far either, but it's a little more palatable for those spending a decent chunk of change on a new system.
As the Wii U achieves more stable sales - which should comfortably take it past the dreaded Dreamcast numbers - it's mostly off the back of the well-known black 32GB model. The situation is different in Japan, however, where the white Wii U is actually the dominant system, mainly through bundles including a 32GB white unit, which Wii fans - particularly - have been yearning to see in the West. Some changes in Japan could now make that a greater possibility.
First of all, the white 8GB unit is formally being discontinued, with the official website stating that production is coming to an end. Though this announcement is for Japan, that end of manufacturing will naturally filter through to the West, though in truth this model has been increasingly limited in availability outside of Japan for some time. Ceasing production isn't uncommon, either, as Nintendo of Japan discontinued four bundles - white and black systems - last May.
On the flipside a standalone white 32GB Wii U option is due in Japan this June for 30,000 Yen (around $250), to join existing bundle options. If this is part of a manufacturing run to boost numbers of 32GB white units, we can dare to dream - possibly before being disappointed - that this option could finally make its way to the West. A lot is dependent of simple business, of course, and Nintendo won't roll out a new SKU outside of Japan unless it's confident of selling the units.
We shall see, but in any case the fate of the 8GB Wii U appears to be sealed. Farewell, you delightful underdog.
[source, via]
Comments 52
When I bought my wii U at launch, I really wanted my 32gb version to be white. Oh well, I'm still loving the thing
Honestly, the 8 gig model should have never existed. These days, even 32 gigs isn't really jack and 8 gigs is an absolute joke. I realize you can easily connect an external hard drive, but still, it should have still had at least 200 gigs of internal storage right out of the box. People don't want to have to buy a hard drive on top of all the money they already spent.
I just don't get why Nintendo struggles so much with this. The original Wii's 512MB was such a joke! The system couldn't even do DLC because of that crap!
I have a white one, as I've always bought Nintendo hardware in white since the GBA and Cube. Here in the UK, I suppose you could say they became scarce for the first half of 2014, although you could still get them, but only for the ridiculous RRP. From July onwards the supply must have gone up as you started seeing huge discounts. I paid £180 for mine and it came with £120's worth of new games.
To me the onboard storage is irrelevant. If you want to download games then 32GB isn't enough anyway, so who cares if your console has 8 or 32gb on board storage when you've got a 1TB external drive hooked up.
Nobody wants a white one whatever gig it is
@vio Only reason I can think of is to keep costs down. Completely agree with you though, 32gb does not last long these days!
They should've ditched it to begin with, and sold 32 and 64 gig versions instead!
They should have gone 64gig at least.
I have a black Wii U with a white gamepad. It's a perfect combo
Looking back, I should've bought the 8 GB one, because I have all my files on an external HDD anyway..I'm basically using nothing of the 32 GB I have internally.
Both 8GB and 32GB are insufficient if you want to download the larger games. I went with the 8GB and got a 2TB hard drive and it was a far better solution than getting the premium bundle. The only thing I missed out on was the digital promotion, although I probably saved more money in the first instance than I would have made through it anyway.
Both are insufficient if you want to play Xenoblade X, 60/120/240 GB Wii U consoles would've been better.
@rob955 I would've liked a white Wii U. Then again i'm just tired of black game consoles!
32 GB is still,like, super pitiful for $250~$300.
Even with a bit of dlc, 8 gig should be fine for people who only want to play disk based games.
Thing is, if Nintendo went with putting more memory into the WiiU, they would have had to charge more for it. And how many people would then look at the WiiU and not pay for it if they had done that.
Basically, the WiiU would have been an even bigger disaster if they had done that. Even so, how many people are buying downloads only, most people on here are whining about download prices anyway, so it can't be that many.
@vio @vio Well 32GB can easily store about 50-60 small games as most people cant afford to download too big to to there internet speeds.
How about a model with enough storage capacity to download more than 3 full priced games? With HDD storage so cheap these days, there's little excuse for Nintendo to use flash storage, especially since Sony and Microsoft have been doing so since 2005.
I woukd certainly like a white 32GB Wii U.
@rob955 I do
Ah, the 8GB-32Gb internal storage of the Wii U. One of the many areas where Nintendo absolutely got it wrong imo. All Wii U models should have came with ideally 500GB of internal storage by default, alongside the admittedly good decision to allow people to expand the storage space via both SD cards and external HDDs.
It's all the stupid decisions, all the little omissions and mistakes just like this, that when all combined together is ultimately what made the Wii U fail imo.
@DreamOn that's ironic if I could I would have a black gamepad with a white WiiU
32 Gigs is not enough if they are doing retail games on the eShop. SSB4 is 17 gig not to mention patches and DLC. If we were only talking DLC, VC and Wiiware titles only then 32 gigs would be enough for most.
Right now storage and the ability to lend out my discs are the only reason I still prefer my physical copies. Right now some of my space restriction are from games like Pikman 3, DK: Tropical Freeze and Wii Fit U. All free from them. Otherwise they would be on disc.
The one thing that I will give them praise over is that you can hook up any usb drive to it. Still can't stand XBox overpriced drives where you can only use theirs.
@Rob_mc_1 That's actually not true, external hard drives are supported for XB1.
The 8gb Wii u was advertised for people who do not want to download games. Then we had a very large update which ate up all most all of the 8gb.
I've never liked white consoles. The irony is my Wii, DSi and now the new 3DS were all white because of either a lack of an alternative colour or the store only had white left. If Nintendo wants to increase sales they should release some new colours (I'd love a red Wii U!)
So, can we stop calling 32GB "premium" and "deluxe" now? The Deluxe name died when the DDP ended Dec 31, 2014 anyway.
Maybe theyll anmounce 64GB at E3? 32GB isnt really enough but I do think the majority of Wik U owners would be just fine w/ 64GB. The jump from 32 to 64 cant be more than a couple of $, these arent retail cards, its wholesale chips. I bet 64 now is even cheaper than 32 when the Wii U launched 2 1/2 years ago. If Nintendo isnt goibg to pasd on the savings in price at least make the system usable out of the box.
I love the white Nintendo consoles. They are so pretty. I actually waited before buying a Wii U until there was a white premium model. In the end I got the Wii Party U Bundle, which was a great deal imho. I really, really love it. You're gonna need an external hard drive after your first large downloaded game anyway. The white is just so soothing. I even had to import white Wii U Pro Controllers from the US because those are not sold here (even though Nintendo had them at an event stand, so I bitched about it there) ... Totally worth it though
(Btw: It was cheaper to import two of them from the US including shipping and taxes than to buy them here retail.)
@dizzy_boy This
I play mainly physical games so I don't need much storage space.The things that made me buy a black Wii U instead of a white one were the sensor bar(I didn't want to keep my Wii) and Nintendoland.
32GB is all I need. All my games are physical, I only download DLC and occasionally an eShop game. I think I should be fine. If you want to download all your games, you need an external harddrive anyway.
The 8GB model is a joke for anyone who wants to download games, especial with Nintendo pushing the eShop the way they have been. Lest we forget that after the system update, there are only about 3GB free available to the user.
As easy as it is to add a standalone hard drive, it's really not very user friendly to expect people to do so.
I'd love a white Wii U. I wish it would have came out in a 32GB white option and skipped the 8GB one.
Don't worry, my 8GB Wii U, I still love you.
This is great! that means there will likely be slashed prices at the stores. I guess now is a good time to import!
Is the basic discontinued in the U.S. already because I never see it...
I still think Nintendo should've gone with way more than 32 GB. I've already filled up my Wii U main space as well as one flash drive!
I got my 8GB unit for £149.99 just six months after launch, so I certainly can't complain about the value. Upon saying this, 8GB just should never have even been considered for a future-proofed, modern day games console. It's almost as if they were asking people not to download games! And I don't consider an external HDD to be convenient solution, either, as it takes up more footprint and uses up 2 x USB sockets if you want it self powered.
I would have rather had a white 23GB Wii U than a black one, but as I already have the black one, a white 32GB isn't really a big deal for me. Color isn't really important anyway
I think Nintendo should have done a 32GB white and black models from the start, the white one has become pretty differcult to get hold of in the UK. I wanted to get another one but I will probably hold out and see if a limited edition version turns up to celebrate Mario's 30th Birthday.
If I never saw the unloved white WiiU 8GB left in the cabinet window of a major second hand store, despite being discounted twice down to $145, then I would not be a proud WiiU owner at all.
Honestly, I would have preferred a white 32gb system over the black one I have, but ohh well, still love the thing
@MegaWatts I got about $60 of free stuff with my digital download promotion.....So, I guess it was a push with me. I like having the few extra gigs b/c it's a semi-portable system for me- I realize that hard drives aren't that big, but this is one less thing I have to worry about.
About time! I'm surprised fans even accepted a 8GB version release of a console. 32GB also not acceptable. Sure you use your own HDD, but that's not the point. Still charing people like € 350 for their console. Compare to Ps4 price. Sorry bout it but you hardware wise you get nothing! That was my only complain about the WII U and Nintendo behaving towards the fans. They are busing the people who are blindly getting everything and think it's gold. Wake up people! Glad 3rd party stopped supporting. That will teach them Lol. Just my out loud opinion
Well, the 32 GB one has more memory, so this makes sense. The 8GB one just seems pointless.
I still kinda want a white one even though I've got the black one.
@vio Owned a 32GB delux since launch never needed an external Drive. You were saying?
@Alucard83 Didn't want 3rd party anyway. Got my U for first party, anything else I may want or can afford is bonus.
@audiobrainiac same
Could this mean that in Europe and America and Australia and other countries could see a price drop for the 8g white wii u? Im just curious to see as i want to get a wii u but always seem to be a bit pricey to get one.
@rob955 Silly me, I guess I want a black one.
Like others... I wish I had the White version. Oh well
Omgsh it is the end of the world. I have 32GB of storage in my phone flash drive. I mean OMGSH it is so horrible not 32GB. Meanwhile somebody has an 2TB X-box. It is the end of the world.
As a few others have commented, for me the 32GB to 8GB difference (which is actually more like 25 to 3, after the initial setup and whatnot) is actually pretty huge. I don't purchase any retail download games (won't make that switch until the account system is stronger, so that my games aren't linked only to the system itself; plus they're no cheaper, which makes no sense). So my used space would be spent on on VC, WiiWare, and DLC, which would take up very little--though 3GB would be pushing it. After all, the two MK8 DLC packs are over 2GB in themselves. So yeah, 32GB would be enough for me indefinitely, while 8GB wouldn't.
That said, from the start, I've wanted a white Wii U deluxe--that's the primary reason I still haven't bought one to this point--and just never really wanted to have to have an external device always sticking out of it, especially when I bring it elsewhere. (At the same time, I've been dealing with an unending left thumb soreness for over a year which was caused by persisting in some over-the-top bonus challenges in a few games, such as DKCR. Hence, avoiding getting a new system and playing a bunch of new games probably isn't the worst thing for me, in that respect.)
But if the white 32GB system ever does come here, I will buy/pre-order it instantly. Especially that one listed above--with no game, for $250. Then I could just pick and choose the games I'd really want. Sadly, I doubt that this announcement in Japan will have any bearing on the matter, though. And based on NOA's track record of the last few years, I certainly don't expect them to make any decision that would match up with something I want. (cough no white standard New 3DS cough)
@vio I completely agree, 8gb version should of never existed to begin with. 32gb version by itself is not enough. Luckily I have a 1TB external hard drive I already owned but while Nintendo has made some positive changes with its online features and play, they should of incorporated more internal memory from the get go. The eshop is great and has provided Nintendo with steady income but when your very limited... Nintendo, add more memory.
@Rocky2418 I agree with what you said. I don't purchase retail games: unfortunately, I was very desperate one night and purchased Mario 3d world but outside of that it's strictly virtual console games. I will say though, I've purchased paper Mario, super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, earthbound, Donkey Kong country, punch out, metriod trilogy, pokemon snap, and majoras mask, (pikmin 3, smash, Mario kart 8, hyrule Warriors dlc) still have 6gbs left.( Mario 3d world included).
Unfortunately if you choose the path of retail wii u games you'll run out of memory very fast lol....
@Rocky2418 I agree with what you said. I don't purchase retail games: unfortunately, I was very desperate one night and purchased Mario 3d world but outside of that it's strictly virtual console games. I will say though, I've purchased paper Mario, super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, earthbound, Donkey Kong country, punch out, metriod trilogy, pokemon snap, and majoras mask, (pikmin 3, smash, Mario kart 8, hyrule Warriors dlc) still have 6gbs left.( Mario 3d world included).
Unfortunately if you choose the path of retail wii u games you'll run out of memory very fast lol....
I originally bought the 8gb White Model for $250 before it dropped to $220 and included Nintendoland and Skylanders and it couldn't hold jack squat. I eventually sold it to pay for car repairs and when I had the money, got the Zelda bundle. Even that barely holds any games. I downloaded Zelda, New Super Mario Bros. and Darksiders II and filled up my space. I had to buy a flash drive just to store Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze which made it no longer a free download.
8GB system + system updates = no free space.
Don't get this. Go with the 32GB and pray they release a 64GB one. HDDs compatible with Wii U (with decent speed) are pretty damn expensive.
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