Kaio: King of Pirates, an adventure game in the works by Keiji Inafune's Comcept development studio, has officially been confirmed as cancelled by publisher Marvelous. That's perhaps no surprise considering the continual delays and silence on the 3DS release, but it's nevertheless still rather disappointing.
The brand was originally planned to become a significant one for Marvelous, and there had been talk of a trilogy - the press release confirming the cancellation, however, highlights marketplace changes and "other difficult situations regarding plans they had for its mixed media development" as causes. As a whole the project has lost Marvelous around $3.8 million in costs. Comcept's recent priorities, meanwhile, have been the crowdfunding and subsequent development of Mighty No. 9, which is planned for Wii U, 3DS and a host of platforms.
We never saw a great deal of this title, though with Inafune-san on board there was some excitement around it. This official cancellation merely confirms, unfortunately, what had long been suspected of the project's progress.
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 66
That's too bad, though it looked mediocre, it is never nice to see something that could be something cancelled.
That makes me very sad. I was quite hopeful about this one. :/
I completely forgot about this game. Man, that's a lot of lost money.
Perhaps they should have invested 3.8 milllion in mighty no. 9 from the beginning.
I forgot about this one. No offense, Inafune-san, but I cared more for Mighty No. 9 than this.
Wow, that's a lot of money to lose and have nothing to show for it.
Its always sad to see a game get cancelled.
Too bad, I wanted to see more of this one. I hope MN9 keeps the promised release date next month.
Well it looked mediocre anyway Just look at the art of this game.
Disappointing news. I was looking forward to this one.
No! I was just thinking about this game the other day, I was really looking forward to it, this is disappointing.
This game never released?Wow i thought it did a long time ago,well that sucks and they wasted so much money on nothing?Ugh
Ah man, the trailer looked awesome. Damn you fools! Why?!?!
Yeah, awesome, another small publisher loosing a truckload of money -.-
And yeah, after that Mighty No.9 debacle, im not really suprised.
Maybe they should consider a brand namechange to Incompetentcept or something.
First, they fudge up their business plan on Mighty No.9, having to ask for more and more money, then planning a TV show (great plan if the initial money ask for the game wasnt enough...), then they hire a community manager who blocks backers for disagreeing with her and her radfem ideas...
Nothing short of a trainwreck if you ask me.
The worst of all: Even the die hard MegaMan fans, that were so eager to see this game lost interest in it due to all this. And thats an accomplishment if you ask me, but not a positive one.
Comcept bit of more than they could chew on pretty much all of their products and now they are starting to choke on it.
Its sad that the Marvelous has to suffer because of it...
Well.....crap. I was interested to see more of this game. The main character there reminds me of Klonoa.
@Einherjar I agree.
Gameplay is important. You should really get that down before you pour so much money into it
@Einherjar Well said. Agreed.
I never imagined it possible being the hardcore Megaman fan I am, but i myself have lost interest in Mighty No.9...Dont get me wrong though, because of it's association I feel like i have to give it a shot.
Oh gee, that's about as much money as they got from Mighty No.9. :T
Sad that the concept didn't hit it off, 3.5 million is a lot to spend .
They can't make a decent game with 3.8 million dollars?
Yeah, it looks like a Nintendo game.
...Well this is sad. It could've been something good, and the fact that they lost that much money with nothing to show for it...this is just sad.
It sounds like their mixed media plans may have damaged the IP.
If you blindly turn your back on everything that goes over budget, you're not going to be watching many movies or playing many games. While unfortunate when it happens, lots of things have gone over-budget over the years, but have still delivered quality experiences. Seems like a petty reason to suddenly be against Mighty No. 9.
The only difference is that the project was crowd-funded, so when he has to ask for more, it's from the crowd, not the producers some kind of investment firm. Welcome to what Hollywood has dealt with since it's inception.
too bad, the characters etc... had all seemed to be well developed. Its true that we had yet to see any game play, but surely with this much work going into an IP someone would want to follow through.
That sucks. It looked like fun.
Considering we've almost never seen any in game footage or imagery (I THINK there may have been tiny screenshots at one point) and rarely ever heard of it, this want surprising. It really is too bad though, it was announced at a time when the 3DS was aching for more games. While it has done better since then, it's on decline now, so having more games canceled isn't a good thing.
Well that's too bad, it isn't fair just to abandon a title for another. Especially if you would lose money on it
Dang, the art really looked good.
Have capital? Eager investors? Inafune will sell you a magical monorail to pure gaming paradise.
Going over your estimated budget is one thing, But his first Kickstarter got him 4 times the money he asked for, and he STILL had to ask for more.
That raised the first eyebrows. Then suddenly, they planned to produce a cartoon show alongside the game. Another thing backers were a little miffed about.
The third and final nail in their coffin was how they treated backers and general supporters. Everyone who disagreed with their radfem community manager got blocked and thus, lost every backer priviledge theyve "paid for". Even worse, for the longest time, those people were denied of a refund for all of this, which lead to some serious trouble for Comcept, forcing them to refund quite a lot of people getting pissed off by their project.
There's no need to get personal- MorphMarron
actually, facts are:
he has enough money for the game, everything promised is funded. comcept just opened up funding for more extras like voice acting, no different from how wayforward has kept paypal open like the whole time with 1/2 genie hero.
Also, comcept made no plans to produce a cartoon, they were approached and asked by someone else if they could make a cartoon about mighty No. 9. people just misunderstood a fairly clear update. their only mistake was not expecting people to mix up the two distinct topics that were listed in the same update. they overestimated people's reading comprehension skills
and being part of the forums, and researching on twitter, there was no extreme radfem agenda. it was just people making something out of nothing, just because the community manager drew herself in becks costume and joked how it would be cool if beck were a girl... at least as I recall on that part.
also, forums are a $5 backer privilege.
also, any sources on "serious trouble"? or is this just the internet again?
the update in question, read then restate grievance.
they didn't go over budget, they just added more funding for more stretch goals, but for some reason, the internet couldn't understand it, even though in their update and FAQs, they clearly state it multiple times.
that's why america puts so much emphasis on them reading comprehension tests!
Not good for Marvelous losing $3.8 million.
Aww, that penguin pirate is so cute though
@Einherjar As several have pointed out the game was already funded they just put in additional streach goals as an extra incentive and the whole radfem deal as khaosklub pointed out involved little more than people getting worked up over nothing because she drew herself as beck and joked about him being female. Remember this is the internet we are talking about here where things have a way of getting blown out of proportion pretty easily
I had long forgotten about this games. Sad nontheless.
And that's not all.
Anyone here remembers Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z? Jusy another disaster made by Comcept's incompetence. Pretty sure Koei lost money in that scam too.
If game publishers are minimally smart, they will stay away from Inafune's projects. Everything he is involved on turns to dirt.
Inafune is just as bad as Capcom, if not worse. Guy just scams everyone for a quick, easy buck.
You did an excellent job missing my point and have been corrected by others here.
Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of the specifics of the Mighty No 9 issues, but this doesn't sound all that bad after all. My point was only, even if it did go over-budget, that doesn't automatically mean a bad product. I'm still looking forward to Mighty No 9.
Surely you have some evidence to back up your hyperbole.
Because if you'd like to know what an actual scammer looks like, I give you Denis Dyack and the guys trying to resurrect STALKER.
umm... that game has 3 developers... and from a quick googling, most of the blame seems to be on spark unlimitted.
what is it with people trashing Inafune? especially with unfounded rumors and claims?
the man started off on street fighter, created the mega man we know and love, produced resident evil, brought us dead rising and onimusha, produced minish cap, and brought us lost planet.
he left capcom because capcom insisted on turning it all to crap!
I'm going to clue people in on a concept here that they aren't going to understand.
You. Aint. Gonna. Make. A. Game. For. Just. 100. Grand.
Not even 300 grand.
Maybe small indy companies that have experience cutting corners can do it, but not someone like Inafune.
The whole kickstarter concept isn't about funding a project, its about getting a production company to PICK IT UP.
They figure "enough people back this, it shows that there is a serious interest and maybe some big player will buy the project if they see a lot of money thrown at it".
So they lie to you, make promises they'll never fulfill and you fall for it.
So good job being sheep.
I'm not surprised but still dissappointed.
except the game is done, we have the BETA to test out, it's seemingly going to be released next month according to schedule...
also, where is this 300 grand from? they initially ask for 900K, they got over $4mil. just what? No one picked up MN9, what on earth are you talking about?
I remember this from a while back. Shame, I liked a lot if the character design in it, though to be honest knew little else about it.
I'm disappointed sure, but I doubt that Comcept and Inafune-san are solely at fault for this so everybody needs to chill out and research the facts before bashing one of the greatest minds in the industry...
it did seem interesting
I pretty much expected this after not hearing anything about it for a long time. No surprises here.
Never heard of this, too bad Marvelous was the one who lost money.
Well, the bad news keep on coming today, what is it, friday 13th? ...oh right.
But seriously, is it wrong that I cared more about this than No9? At least this wasn't another 2D platformer...
Disappointing. It looked interesting.
I was just thinking about this game the other day..... Too sad....
They probably got crowd funding for Mighty No. 9, because of this failure.
I do think Mighty No. 9 is worth a look, though, if even that will show up
A lot of Kickstarter projects haven't shown up on time, or at all, which is why I don't give a s***.
Ouch. $3.8 million.
Should have spent the money on making Senran Kagura even better. And more merchandising.
Also, the only "famous" developer/s that quit a big company to strike it out on their own and ended up being successful that I can think of is Platinum Games. They are successful to the point that they are widely regarded as the best developers of action games in the industry.
Sakurai doesn't count because even though he's technically his own company (Sora) after he quit Nintendo he basically still only makes games for Nintendo.
Yeeeeeeeeeeah, Luffy's still gonna : Y Ugh, go on that road, but anyways, it's leg breaking that it got cancelled, looked really swell back in the day!
(last time I can ever say that I suppose, also that penguin was super kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!)
Dang, I was hopeful for this game. Oh well.
What a bummer. I've been interested in this game since it was first announced... Was that really back in 2011? Maybe 2012, but either way, it's a shame and it makes me sad.
Aww, I had been excited for this game when it was first announced way back. Although news has been almost non-existent, it remained faintly in the back of my head...oh well.
This dredges up those bad feelings about Mega Man Legends 3 being cancelled.
They got $4 million dollars on kickstarter for Mighty No. 9 minus $3.8 million dollars for the losses on Marvelous' Kaio.
That's still $200.000 left for MN9 and that translates to: 10 people with a monthly paycheck of $1600 working for 12 months on the game. Still a fair amount of money and time for a medium sized indie team, wouldn't you think?
comcept didn't lose 3.8 mil...
Inafume is an overrated developer. He's all talk and never delivers.
A pity. It could have been something (maybe).
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