Not long ago a credible rumour emerged of Gold and Silver Mario amiibo toys being prepared for sale, with web pages discovered showing documentation for health and safety testing on these figures, specifically in the Super Mario design. The pages related to Nintendo of America, and it now seems that the gold figure is certainly on the way.
Below is one of multiple images that readers have sent on to us (thanks to all that got in touch) showing a Walmart ad that's been spotted.
It's pretty self explanatory in revealing it to be exclusive to the retailer, though we don't know what's happening with the silver model as yet. We also don't know, yet, whether these special amiibo are coming to Europe.
Would you be keen to grab a gold Mario amiibo, or do you prefer the normal figures?
Comments 59
If it comes to Australia I should be able to wrangle one.
This is a better way of handling store exclusives, Variants not characters.
I feelsorry for the store that paid for exclusive rights to the silver figure, that's like admitting you don't have as much money as your rival.
I'd by the silver one though, metal Mario!
I hope it works just as the regular Mario amiibo. All else would be insanity.
Let the, um, gold rush begin, I guess? Not a fan of these retailer exclusive amiibo, even if I am British!
If true, slightly disappointing. Regardless, Attempting to get
Meanwhile in Europe...
Actually, I've made this joke enough
Luckily for me I just care about having the little statues representing my favourite characters, so much prefer the regular designs. I'll be skipping all these gold/silver/crystal editions.
This is cool and if this info is correct then I reckon asda UK will get the gold being Walmart group and all, I already have my Mario Amiibo but a gold or silver one looks cool, but I think Nintendo should really think about replacing the Amiibo that we are still looking for, little Mac being one of my most wanted
I thought these were fake, but I'm glad they aren't — don't need to bother repainting any Mario amiibos now!
Dont really see the need for gold or silver versions unless they offer something over the normal amiibo. Plus i just dont think they look as good
There's no photo of an actual amiibo so hard to tell. Not really all that tempting a concept though. A bit showy/blingy/common/pretentious/unnecessary? Not sure what I mean, but not appealing. Some of the repainted amiibo on Etsy look way more inspired. Anything special about these amiibo in game? Think I can live without these.
Metal Mario I like, I'd buy that over the standard versions available so far. The gold one however, I believe looks tacky and blingy and is definitely not for me unless it does something amazing in game!
They could add amiibo support to New Super Mario Bros. 2 fith this Gold amiibo...
Available now?
@readyletsgo The poster probably hasn't been put up yet, and will be on March 20th.
@Inkling ah! Lol sorry, brain fart moment
Is this gold Amiibo a pack-in with Mario Party 10 at Walmart? That's what I am getting from the ad!
All I want is my King Dedede Amiibo. I don't care about these painted Amiibos. I can do this with spray paint!
Agreed. Hopefully future exclusives follow this pattern. I hated having to hunt these exclusives. I am only missing Shulk now.
Seeing how much money people have been selling custom variants for online I can see Nintendo jumping on this but I doubt it'll happen on smash as there is an aweful lot of characters.
Fortunately I live in UK so no exclusives... So far
Ugh, just hurry up and give me my Ness already! THEN you can go all willy-nilly with your variants!
I doubt It'll come to Europe. It'll Probably just be on eBay UK. ><
Gold mario amiibo looks better than an Oscar!
Really hate using up my shelf space for colored variants, but, I've got me all up to this point, might as well keep goin...
i still dont get whats all the rage about the amiibos especially these extra version of them e. O
Actually, it does say "Gold Amiibo Edition", which would imply it's a special edition version of the game. It might be bundled.
I can already tell that this is going to be a pain in the ass to find.
@Todd102030 It says 'Gold Edition' next to the amiibo. Not on the game box.
@Todd102030 Thank you! I'm not the only one that saw that! Maybe I'm not crazy after all! haha
@Inkling what Amiibo box? The entire poster is for Mario Party and in the corner of the Mario Party ad it says "Gold Amiibo Edition". I know that some copies of Mario Party are coming with a Mario Amiibo. So I'm just assuming the Walmart pack -in Mario Amiibo is Gold.
Doesn't matter to me anyway. i don't care for any Mario Amiibos except for the toads nor do I care for this game. Due to the fact that the car is still here, I'll even even begin considering this game.
I prefer the normal Mario over the "Gold Amiibo Edition". I always thought that the crystal Disney Infinity characters looked bad compared to their normal versions.
Off the subject, does anyone in NYC know if Nintendo World is stocked with Amiibos or are their shelves full of Mario, Yoshi, Peach, Luigi, & Donkey Kong?
The entire poster is pretty unclear. Usually in cases like this, they'd be explicit and say something along the lines of "Game and figure sold separately", which they haven't. I doubt they actually are bundling it, since Nintendo loves to get as much money out of people as they can, but who knows? The poster doesn't really indicate for a fact that they're being sold separately.
Wait, I meant next to the amiibo. I'll fix that. But it doesn't say it on the MP box
But what does it DO?
just buy the nomal one and spay paint it gold, job done
I'll get the silver one.
I have three 😎
I'm sorry, but I don't see this package you keep speaking of. I see the game box, and the amiibo. Nothing more
I hope the gold will be the pack in, since I pre-ordered 2 of them over a month ago...I hate when special editions come out after regular it is such a pain in the I will most likely have to cancel my other 2 to get these. BUT, I think this is fake, and still believe they are not gold and silver amiibos, but actually gold and platinum and will be club nintendo awards for gold and platinum members for this years final club nintendo awards...fingers crossed...
Meh, it will be sold out before you can ask the clerk where the Amiibo are. There is no point in bothering with these stupid things anymore.
@abe_hikura That is kind of sad for the other retailer that didn't get the Gold Mario. Of course Walmart is the only retailer to not have an exclusive amiibo as of yet, not sure if that played a part in the exclusivity deal. I wonder if the silver Mario will be branded as Metal Mario. Probably not.
I don't have a Mario amiibo so I'll probably pick this one up if I can find it. Will it work the same as a regular Mario in smash?
@JaxonH Haha I know right, I don't even want it, but I gotta have it because I've collected everything so far... I'M ADDICTED!
@wolvesboy ASDA hardly sells any Nintendo things anymore.
When all Smash amiibo's come out it would be chaos. GOTTA BUY THEM ALL GOTTA BUY THEM ALLLLLLL AMIIBO.
Why think when they would be sold out before you know it?
Thankfully, Walmart is soupah close to me =w= Just wish it was a better exclusive like Rosalina(AND LUMA) or Meta Knight :0 But will my leg break if I decide to go and get one? Let's find out by the massive line of people 0.0
Since I'm employed by WalMart I should have no trouble finding this one. Yay for me
Yeah it should work on smash and Mario party but only one at a time.
Its my understanding is its the same chip in both figures
Geez, and people complain about nickel-and-dime DLC for games like Evolve.
Ugh... Walmart. Great choice, Nintendo. You've assured no one will be able to find one of these things outside of eBay.
I just want the Smash range.
Guarantee the'll be on ebay for quadruple the price day the come out.
@abe_hikura I could be wrong and so don't quote me on this... But a Nintendo UK CS representative on said that the exclusivities is not something NoE would do regarding amiibo
I will check again tomorrow however, but I am positive they said that.
I absolutely need this.
As each figure of the same character offers nothing new except for a new pose or colour scheme, and the gold one doesn't look that great, I don't care if it doesn't come to Australia at all.
If it does, I may get one just to sell to people in other regions who really want one but miss out.
Must have to add to my collection! Can you preorder at Walmart?
The stuff people will do for gold spray paint....
It's gonna be a big payday for someone when they sell theirs on eBay
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