Nintendo's various Direct broadcasts had plenty of good news, and some reassurance for Western fans of Xenoblade Chronicles X came in the form of a new trailer that not only showed off extensive footage, but also reiterated a 2015 release date.
It's clear why Nintendo is confident, as the title - simply known as Xenoblade X (pronounced Xenoblade Cross) in Japan - is dated for 29th April. That's pretty darn soon, and not long after Xenoblade Chronicles 3D for New Nintendo 3DS in the West.
With a game of this scale it's clear that it'll be in the very last stages of development, possibly final testing. The question is around how long it'll take to localise, though we'd hope that the process would have been undertaken during development to be finished off once final code is complete. In any case, that 2015 window for the West doesn't seem so fanciful any more, especially if Nintendo makes it a priority to localise for release.
We'll see, but in the meantime you can see the Japanese version of the latest trailer - with that release date - below.
Comments 46
They should have titled the 3DS port :Nëw: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D so is not to confuse non-New3DS owners into buying the game. also I can see a Monado-themed N3DS XL.
Anyway, I'm guessing Xenoblade X will be a November release or late October in the west.
Yup, Oktober / November sounds about right.
After what had happened with teh original and its Project Rainfall support explosion, i guess they are working on the localization simultaniously this time.
But in any case (and please dont stone me for this):
Take as much time as you need. Id much rather wait a bit longer for a high quality product than to rush it out and end up with a translation of the TES Oblivion variety.
In any case, those are two games im really really looking forward too.
Though i have to say, id really wished the 3DS port of Xenoblade would have gotten the same treatment Majoras Mask got, meaning an overhauled Quest Log.
Its a real pain to find every little side quest at the proper time, since they are not marked on the map and devided between day and night.
Hmmmm, that's an amazing release date, but yeah, localisation could come in AGES! Oh my gosh, I love that trailer so much! With that Monster Hunter esque music as well! Devine.
I hope this gets a really nice special edition in the U.K
I find it hard to believe they will release it anywhere close to the new Zelda.I'd imagine they will want to give each 1 a lot of attention to build the hype in the weeks up to their release so releasing such huge titles so close to each other doesn't make sense.I think they might be a lot further along with the localisation than we think they are.If I was putting a bet on I'd say we'll see this around August,with Starfox into the Autumn and then Zelda for December
wow, I didn't think the game was that far along. They haven't really showed much of anything (which I guess is good for spoilery reasons). If Zelda is aimed at christmas, I would prefer to see this in the summer!
I hope for summer release! I can't recall if Nintendo has any games set for summer release (most are february, march, april and may!) so that'd be perfect opportunity. day one buy
Subtitles would be enough, kinda hope they don't waste time and money on dubbing it to other languages.
Id say save resources by sharing the British and American localizations like last time
Very optimistically I'd like to see a western release in june
@Tsurii897 I cant disagree with you more on the german dub
Honestly, i just adored Xenoblades thick cockney accented voice actors and i wouldnt want it any other way
German dubs are always a huge hit and miss thing, and i rather not want them to try their luck.
It also costs a Shirtton of money. Im just glad that this game comes over here. Thats all i could ever wish for
Is this going to dubbed or subtitled?
I'm so hyped for this game! Pumped to see it coming out in Japan so soon. Like it was stated a 2015 release seems very likely now! Which is awesome!
I read this news will the song "Everything is Awesome!" playing in the back of my mind. I think this is my most anticipated game for this year.
Now that's some exciting news. My one question: when am I going to have time to play all this year's new Wii U games?
I knew this was going to be the next main title. I suspect the west will get it in may.
@mateq - Yoshis Wooly World and Mario Maker still dont have dates and both were slated for 1st half of 2015 so they could both be out this summer. When may depend on when in May Splatoon hits, if it makes May, dates slip sometimes.
The US ND only said 2015 so I thought it was weird they spent so much time on it, but when my good budfy @sinefela told me April in the Japan ND I was estatic. Fall is good, Im still only 3 hours into the first game.
All I have to do is not find out I have Stage 4 cancer and I will be set! Just have to live through this year.
(Also this means no flying, train trips, drinking too much, long car rides, riding on horseback, getting into knife fights, getting into pistol fights, trying to jump into the pool from the trampoline, agitating alligators, screaming at bears, flipping off men larger than myself, or putting mentos in 2L soda bottles.)
I am surprised they took so long to mention it as I thought more people were looking forward to X here. There was another exclusive game that looked very interesting. Japanese name, black and white cartoon graphics, and platformer-puzzle based.
I had that in the list initially, but thought it struck a dark tone. I wanted to keep my death scenarios light hearted.
The four games i care about the most this year. Xenoblade chronicles x, witcher 3, zelda, the division. I played xenoblade chronicles through at least 5 times. Im sure ill play this just as much.
If you had to choose a funny way to go, that would be it. Local Man Agitates Alligators, Pays Ultimate Price.
Come to daddy, baby! If the first semester is looking good, I'm really lost for words as how to describe a second semester with Xenoblade, Star Fox, and Zelda.
@Tsurii897 Hey, Kid Icarus Uprising and Fire Emblem Awakening are 2 really recent Nintendo games that had FANTASTIC VAs!
And I still think summer is possible. I'm keeping my hopes low, but I'm still keeping them.
@sinalefa oh, I believe that is box boy and is made by Hal Labratories.
@sinalefa - Guess I should go watch the Japanese ND. thanks again
I suspect a summer/early autumn release, considering localization was almost parallel to development. And even though this game is clearly bigger than its predecessor, I doubt it will take until winter.
It's most likely in Nintendo's best interest not to place Xenoblade X and Zelda too close to each other, anyway,
@BensonUii Xenoblade XL! I hadn't thought about that. I hope you're right about that, I might stop being so butthurt about not getting that White standard 3ds if I got a Xenoblade one.
The game looks awesome otherwise, but the human models look hideous! Like some weird Japanese dolls!
That lion dude looks awesome, the robots are wicked cool, the monsters and animals are beautiful and the scenery is breathtaking, but what the boink is going on with those human character faces??
If they tried to go for a manga-ish style, they failed horribly. This kills the game for me.
EDIT: On top of it all, the faces are so lifeless, without a shred of emotion. They should've taken note from Skyward Sword. That game has low poly chars but they're filled with feeling!
Thanks for the info. I hope they localize it later on. It must barely have any text anyway.
@Tsurii897 Oh you meant specifically German? I thought you were talking about English. Haha my bad.
Mother of GLOB! I hope the US gets a mid-year release date rather than later. (yeah, right. It'll probably be Christmas)
Man this looks SO good. Been waiting for something like this to come out.
I see this being delayed to early 2016 for the west.
@sinalefa I really liked the look of that black and white game. It had blocks that you extend out of the little block character to use in navigation and puzzle solving. Looked like a great little concept.
I haven't had time for RPGs in ages. This looks pretty cool, but haven't played the other. The sooner it releases the better though. We need all the months filled with Wii U releases. Even if I can't possibly play them all.
YesYes Yes WoooooooooooHoooooooooooo !!!!!
I am so hyped for this game i can't wait.
Zelda and starfox & Splatoon
I can see this coming out in the summer. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is splatoon coming out in May, Zelda would be Nov./Dec., Stairfax before that, say, September/ October. So there needs to be something to fill that gap, and 3-4 months seems reasonable for localization. I have no idea where Yoshi's woolly world comes into this, maybe they just forgot about that game... I think SMTxFE will come out in 2016, because lets say they announced it a year after they started working on it, which means they started in 2012, giving them 4 years to complete it. I still have faith that it isn't cancelled. I must keep hope.. I.... Must.... Keep... ugh...
Launch it a month after Xenoblade on 3DS. It'll get some hype going. Oh and use the European localization for the U.S. to save money. The voice acting in XC was part of what made the game so enjoyable.
So it's going to release it May along with Splatoon ...OK, I know I'm being too optimistic, but I friggin' want this game!
@Tsurii897 The Prof. Layton and Inazuma Eleven games come to mind. Other than that I can only think of some party games like Mario Party or Smash Bros.
This seriously looks like too much, it looks really amazing can't wait to play this game, now give Sakaguchi and Mistwalker money for The Last Story 2, and ask Sakurai to make Kid Icarus Wii U too while you're at it ,
I kinda hope they'd keep the british voice acting in the US again, I know they kept it as to not consume resources but it really grew on me by the end of the game. Well, the game is supposed to take place in Neo LA anyway so it sounds unlikely and rather unfitting for this one...
I bet it's a september release... Why, you ask? 'Cause Miyamoto said that Starfox would come before Zelda and Zelda is a typical november release. So I bet it's september for Xenoblade, October for Starfox and November for Zelda since Ninty is taking this "one big game per month" approach on Wii U recently.
@Moshugan Well lets not forget that your main character can be customizable, I forgot if they had voice actors for both the male / female gender of the protagonist. But I like the character models, it looks different in a good way; or bad to other people.
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