Animators looking for projects to show off on YouTube have plenty of options, yet a common idea among Nintendo fans is to take the company's best known games and switch them up into first person. We've seen it done with Pokémon on multiple occasions, while some have gone to lengths to mod games or run them through Oculus Rift; credit's due for taking us into these iconic worlds, at least.
Another to emerge recreates the opening stage of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, which is a little creepy considering the fact Yoshi devours enemies. It reminds us of a CG version of how stages looked in Super Paper Mario, in a sense, and also demonstrates why traditional 2D platforms are far more popular than any game that has you hopping around excessively in first-person.
It's an impressive effort from YouTuber bestvegeta, though, and you can check it out below.
Comments 47
No flutter jump unfortunately, still pretty good though
That's pretty cool.
Dude got like 12 points for that level.
I've seen many types of these videos and they always make the same annoying mistake. No game would EVER be that linear lol.
That's cool. I'd like to see one for a Zelda game now.
Wow that video it was amazing
amazingly rubbish
@rayword45 It's not really a mistake. The point of these is to recreate something known and view it from a different perspective. To make it not as linear, they would have to make an entirely new level, thus making it not really Yoshi's Island.
1 red coin and no flowers. Well done but a bit too fluffy for my tastes
I imagine they can make the level twist and turn without losing any of the gameplay. It would just look different, not play different.
First Person + Side Scrolling = Meh
Seems like it would be a bit annoying to play like this.
very nice very nice
I don't get why people are so upset with this? It's just an interesting take on a familiar game.
@Shadowflash Yeah I know it's a recreation, but still, I don't think they should be so ridiculously faithful as to make it nonsensical.
I've seen first person Mario recreations where it was linear for a first person game but not ridiculously so, and it was still very much recognizable as the first Mario.
@KirbyKirbyKirby Your standards are too high
One of my all-time favourites! Such a beautiful game.
Watching this more or less reminds me of Sonic and the Secret Rings/ Black Knights.
impressive that it was made, but why is the level just 1 strip of land?
just reminds me of how much i hate 1st person view, yoshis island is my favorite mario game ever and that looked SO BORING!
Imagine this on the Occulus Rift
I wanted to see them track down Baby Mario.
Yeah, first person platforming doesn't really work that well, you can't really see the obstacles well from that perspective. The only time they get away with it is when the platforming is simple jumps, such as what you would see in Metroid Prime or Half Life, and in that case the platforming doesn't serve the same purpose as it does in more traditional platformers, it's more a part of the exploration than anything else.
I would like to see a 3D Yoshi game, but not in 1st person. Make it a 3rd person and use 3D World style level design.
@KribyKirbyKirby I second that.
It's a neat effort, but that doesn't mean it's getting a free-pass. It looks terribly stiff, bland, and has some very confusing setups (like the egg-popping sound going off the moment an enemy gets dragged close enough to the mouth). The creator(s) should've taken more time to show off a seemingly playable version instead of just going for the one-off joke he could've brought into perspective with a comic just as well.
Kinda makes you feel like if you're playing Super Paper Mario's 3D Mode but in first person. Cool concept but I'm not sure I like my platformer to be in first person.'s nowhere near as good
Some things just work in classic 2D and by that I don't necessarily mean bitmap/sprite/tile art but more on a 2D plane rather than with a full 3D camera/perspective (especially the first person in this case).
This kind of first person view (or even 3rd person in 3D) could work for this kind of game but you can't just keep the totally 2D levels and stretch them out in front of you on totally thin linear paths. I think this kind of thing could work really well if the levels were kinda more like the types of racing tracks you see in a game like Diddy Kong Racing (N64), where they are still technically very linear courses with clear cut paths that go from a start point to and end point but at the same time they have a degree of openness and freedom, the possibility for exploration, where the player can actually wander of the main path (track) if they want. This way you still know exactly where to go but you don't feel like you're just moving down a totally straight and linear corridor,
Imagine if the creator of this video had just went a tiny bit further and took that level path and actually placed it directly at ground level, basically making it part of the rest of the background scenery (a bit like there being a yellow brick road leading you through the world), and then just curved the whole 'map' left and right every now and again, and made some parts a bit wider and narrower etc, so it wasn't just a totally straight corridor the whole time...
Then it could have been potentially very cool imo.
Not that this little first person example is supposed to be taken so seriously lol
Ooh, that's pretty cool.
That was fun!
That was cool. I don't know why lots of people think this is mediocre or whatever when you could mever do it yourself.
I would have liked for Yoshi to get damaged so we could see Baby Mario in the bubble, haha.
That's neat to see, nothing I'd want to play seriously, but just to see it.
Not bad considering it is fan made. Doesn't look it would play very well though.
What a noob. He didn't even pick up the flower.
Day in the life of a Yoshi
Super Paper Mario isn't CG? You learn somethin' new every day...
On topic; meh. Looks nice - but that's about it.
I sometimes ask myself, is Yoshi's Island the best video game ever made? And every time, I come dangerously close to answering yes.
Neat, but I've never been a fan of depicting a 2D world in 3D as a narrow platform like that. I can think of videos going back to the early 2000s that show Super Mario Brothers doing the same thing.
Seeing the flowers go unclaimed made me far more frustrated than I ever imagined it would.
Platforming does not make a totally seamless transition to First person
Nice video, but nearly unplayable if it was a real game. There's an 8-bit Super Mario translated to FPS too, I bet it's from the same creator. I hope Nintendo never consider doing this.
@BurningSonic I was hoping Yoshi would get hit by something and suddenly the camera would whip around as Yoshi ran to rescue Baby Mario. They didn't even show baby Mario being tossed to another Yoshi at the stage clear post.
@Dr_Corndog Just say yes man,you're not alone
Wow, that was as beautiful as it was creepy.
I don't think it'd be a very good way to play the game, but I did like getting the opportunity to see that level through the eyes of Yoshi. That was pretty darn cool.
You know Ocarina of Time was originally going to be first-person, right?
Really!? That's cool! I never knew that. Learn something new every day.
Pretty impressive!
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