Nintendo managed to create a lot of buzz in its Nintendo Direct broadcasts last week, but certainly grabbed plenty of attention by releasing demo codes for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. The Club Nintendo distribution kicked off right away in Europe and a day later in North America, with lucky recipients receiving an email with four codes.
Many will have been hunting beasts thanks to an email or grabbing a code from a friend, but it seems Nintendo of America is sending out a fresh batch of emails. We've had multiple readers and a member of the Nintendo Life team receive Club Nintendo messages in their inbox, with the following details worth noting.
- There are two codes included, as opposed to four in the original run
- There is no time or play limit
- The demo includes tutorial-style stages to learn weapons, while local and online multiplayer is available
If you're in North America and are yet to get hold of the demo it's worth checking your inbox. As for those of you that have been playing the demo, what do you think of it?
Comments 637
Me hehe I got it
Happy Hunting!
@Shadowkiller97 thank you! Got the second one you listed.
@Shadowkiller97 Thanks for the code! I used the first one.
I got lucky and got a 4 batch email.
Tried the demo, horrible it isn't on Wii U and I will probably not get this, what a waste.
Well I got one from someone posting an extra one last week so if I get two I will at least be giving away one.
Get ready for this article to hit 1000 comments cause of people begging for codes or posting codes.
Just got the email. I already had a code, so if none of my friends want one, I'll be posting them here.
Both my sons just got it, but they have friends so I don't think we'll have any to spare, sorry.
Anybody wanna trade my code for their Majora Mask New 3DS System Preorder slot? lol
Crap! I forgot all about it. It has just been sitting in my inbox.
Need to check it out, since Wal-Mart and Amazon has were you can pre-order for $27.
What? I didn't receive any code Well, I'll have to wait a few weeks more
I got two codes, I plan on using one and trading for the other, lmk what someone's willing to trade it for
Yet again, nothing...If anyone would be so kind? [email protected]
I just got my two codes, but I really only need one. Sooo...have at it (and happy hunting):
Still nothing haha, so glad someone here was nice enough to share.
I got mine a little while ago
@No-longer-postin can I have your other code?
Nope, sorry. Already used both of them.
You guys are great giving out codes..I really enjoy the Nintendo life community..I got mine through a friend on miiverse...happy hunting all
I wish I got one
@NbaJunkie I agree, I love the NL community! As a whole everybody seems to be a lot nicer than the readers/commenters that I've seen on some other sites.
If I got the email in my second Club Ninty account, I'd give them out. just like I gave out 6 Smash Bros codes here a few months ago!
@Jake_homs Thanks! I used the last one.
And I used the first one. Thank you very much.
I know, I wasn't fast enough. after the blocks page it said it was used.
i am a platinum member and i have not got the email yet
Heres two extra codes:
Im giving away two codes in this video, good luck:
@hypercoyote Lol.
@andrew20 3 year platinum member, boguht mh3u digitally on both wiiu & 3ds ... and no codes (but I still get the nintendo spam promotion emails daily). I guess they consider I'm a for sure buyer, so no need to tempt me with demo codes
Luckily I got codes from MH players I play consistently with.
thank you for the first code
if somehow they send out more codes throughout the day, i'll put them up
Like usual, None for me. I guess I am never buying this game.
A06WTGBY26CTVDWM is the extra code I got. I hope it works for someone!
Looking for Wario Land 2 from club nintendo, offering NA MH4 demo code
Been sitting on these for about a week now. Figured some of you might want them:
Again nothing
argh.... I guess I am not the only one f5ing this page hunting for those codes!!! The last three were snatched super fast!!!!!
Someone pleaseeeeeeeeee
I got one! first time I've ever gotten a code from them
@MetaSmasher could I get your spare?? Thanks!
@dagarabedian hey thanks man maybe we can hunt sometime when the game comes out
Looking for Wario Land 2 from club nintendo, offering NA MH4 demo code.
Guys I'm not asking for much, if you guys want the code, just tell me by using @raghav
@raghav I got a wario land 2 code... how should we trade them?
Trading Strike Vector, Orion: Prelude, or Drunken Robot Pornography on Steam for a code
To get your hunting party going, here are three extra codes to share with your friends:
Thanks! #3
here you go!
@metasmasher I super appreciate it but it says the code has been already used... I guess, someone else took it first...
@elreins hey email me the code at [email protected] and then lmk if you did, and I'll reply back. Okay?
sorry, I don't have another
Still no codes for me. >:-/
Anyone got a spare code they could email me? ;-;
I have codes but they are for the North American (US) eShop. Not sure if that would work for you.
Could I have them? I use the North American Eshop
@sinalefa Could I get one of those? They work for me? hope to be able to redeem it, competition is fierce! =)
[email protected]
thanks in advance!
@sinalefa my sister wants one
Can someone email a code to me please I'm a BIG monster hunter fan this will be my second monster hunter game. Email me at [email protected]
@Mus1cLov3r trading for club nintendo wario land 2 code
Us code please
Could someone send me one?
[email protected]
Ugh. I still don't have US codes. I'm stuck with 4 AU codes. I don't get it. I used to get these emails without hesitation. I WANT A CODE, NINTENDO! X(
Man these go so quickly...if anyone has one they don't need I'd love to try it out, I'm so excited about the game. Email is [email protected]
@majintrunks I would like one please, US here
@Raghav Done! sent the email to you with the wario land 2 code. check it.
Can you email me one? [email protected]
Can someone email me a NA code please?
[email protected]
hey someone email me 2 codes for my friend and me.
@majintrunks I already have one but I'm getting one for my sister
Me to please [email protected]
Hooray! I got it! =w=
The email I mean!
2 codes please [email protected]
Oh that a nice bro or sis u are
I just want a code to play with someone [email protected]
@majintrunks [email protected] please thanks
FrogI can u email me a code please [email protected]
just need 2 codes [email protected]
I need 1 code [email protected]
I don't know if this code is still good or not... If so, its all yours!
2 codes please. im still look for. [email protected]
@Raghav Hey I emailed you a Wario Land 2 code already. Check your email and do send over the monhun code if ya please!
Could you send me a code please? My email is [email protected]
I want a code pls [email protected]
@ VeeFlamesNL
Any chance you can email a AU code?
[email protected]
Can I get a NA code pls email me a [email protected]
Okay sounds good!
Thank you
@majintrunks could I get your second spare code?
[email protected]
Thanks in advance.
Can I get a code please [email protected]
If anyone has a spare NA code my email is [email protected]
@majintrunks May I be the other lucky one???
[email protected]
I fear I might have got scammed by sending the Wario Land 2 code away...
It worked!
Thank you so much, really apprecite it!
If someone can give me 1 NA code, i'll be happy C: my email is [email protected]
Can someone give me a spare code please I'm begging. My email is [email protected]
@majintrunks my sister says thanks alot
I need one so bad
I need one so bad
Here we go again... I really wish those of us who have platinumed or have simply registered Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate would get first dibs.
How do you register if you get it from e shop because I got mhfu 3dd off the eshop
Majintrunks is based god.
I got an extra code if anyone wants it.
anybody got any spare US codes? my email is [email protected]
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Thanks zuzka what's your friend code
Never mind some took I while I saying thank u sad face
Dose any one have extras
I know that that code worked but then it broke. Maybe because we redeemed it at the same time.
Or maybe someone else took it.
Got mine, wasn't expecting it though. This should be a great time to jump into the series!!!
Got mine, wasn't expecting it though. This should be a great time to jump into the series!!!
Argh, I was so close to getting it from @ZuZuBe, I entered it and even got to the block size page!!! upon hitting download it said it had been used already...
Do u have extra codes
Same here
Can someone EMAIL me a code please [email protected]
This wouldn't happen if the demo was free for everyone to download.
anyone have one code to spare?! [email protected]
Dam u capcom
Srry for foul language
Unless he proves me wrong (and I seriously hope he does) @Raghav scammed me... cmon man I did my part, now do yours!
@elreins How'd they do that?
@akahetep Still need a code? Let me know. I received the four initial codes and then two today. Unfortunately, I don't have enough friends (with a 3DS of course) to use them all.
WOW that's low
@majintrunks may I?
[email protected]
o majintrunks, you are seriously based god. How do you do this?
@majintrunks can you give me one? email is [email protected]
@Nico07 I WANT ONE email is [email protected]
But if anyone has any extra NA codes my email is [email protected]
God I hate being this hungry for a game, it's a little depressing.
@Nico07 I would really appreciate one as well
[email protected]
@Nico07 yes i need one plz [email protected]
Wow I got the email that gave me tow. Not sure what I am gonna do with them. I have never played MH before but I have been curious about playing it.
Why couldn't they have released this demo to everyone?
@Nico07 can i hav one please? my email: [email protected]
GG elreins
Yes I still need a code
@SlammedTiger well He requested a trade for a Wario Land 2 code and I agreed... I sent him Mine but never got anything back....
@Nico07 code plz email is [email protected]
[email protected]
Hey guys! Has anyone got a spare EU code? Ive been searching for days and had no luck so far Thanks
Anybody else feel like an idiot just because of a code?
@majintrunks I got it!!!! Thank you very much!!!!
@Nico7 yes I still need a code pls here my email [email protected]
@Mario47959 Yes it's a little depressing actually.
hey can someone please email a code if they have a spare im a long time mh fan and i feel robbed that i didnt get an email or the demo wasnt free on eshop lol.
[email protected]
i need a code my email is [email protected]
may i please have a code?
email me [email protected]
cant wait to try the bug staff
I hope my F5 key isn't necessary for much, it might be done for after this.
Spare EU code anyone? If so, email me: [email protected]
I need a EU code [email protected]
i wouuld be eternally grateful
I need a code please a NA one please email me
need a us code email is [email protected]
Yes please.
[email protected]
@majintrunks it would be greatly appreciated if i could have one dude
[email protected]
I need one pls and slam tiger got one already
I need a code please :c
Did u?
@majintrunks [email protected]
@majintrunks i need one too email is [email protected]
Be sure to know majintrunks is da boss!!! going on about his business sharing codes with many of us.... Thank you again!!
@majintrunks do u hav one more? :3
@elreins Like I said, majintrunks is based god.
Iv been here longer
Hi guys,
I have 3 codes I'm not using. I'm from Australia, so not sure if they work everywhere. Happy hunting.
@majintrunks oh
Can I get one pls my email is [email protected]
i needz a code email is [email protected]
Found mine by goinf to twitter, typing in demo code, and switch the results to "all". Lots there and since the demand isn't as high as smash it's real easy to get one. Here's an extra a I just pulled off twitter: A070LM012VDY534B
@majintrunks Thank you so much, I'll find a way to make it up to you. I plan to back Children of Morta so I can send you the code I receive for the PC Digital Copy for Steam (or I'll send you the link they give me for the DRM-free copy, whichever you prefer) if they hit their stretch goal for console release.
remember when people paid over $50 for a Smash code? lol
Does anybody want the codes because their is no way i can use them.
Good Luck to everyone else! I am off to do some hunting!!!
@Max1028 yes i want one email is [email protected]
@Max1028 Give one to Akahetep, he's been here a while.
@Max1028 btw what region are they?
@Mario47959 lol I know.
@Mario47959 alright
Max do you have any codes for EU?
North America
Still desperate for EU code ._.
Just downloaded and played, it is a mighty fine demo. Really fun.
@max1028 k
@Mario47959 is that a yes
@max1028 yes
@Mario47959 Alright you will receive your code in a few moments please email back if you get it
does any one have an extra code?
Akahetep, I can't email you.
NA Code.
man i remember playing mh back in 2004 its been 10 years !!!! i need to play this game lmfao! send a extra NA code if anyone has one please would be greatly appreciated
[email protected]
can i have it?
@majintrunks do you mind dude ? would be greatly appreciated
@majintrunks can u give it to me? :3
@akahetep I tried sending you a code to your gmail but I got a daemon failure error.
anybody noticing that every code starts with "A07"?
@Mario47959 I just sent a code your way.
I have one more NA Code
@majintrunks [email protected]
@majintrunks thnx a lot man !!!!
having tough luck on EU codes...
@nico07 Thanks!
@Max1028 Can I have it please
@Boidoh Alright
@Max1028 [email protected]
@Boidoh Alright you will receive your code in a few moments please email back if you get it
STILL haven't gotten a code yet!
I want to at least get used to the first Monster Hunter game i'll play in the series.
Every one with a twitter acount go now because I just got mine type monster hunter but don't go to the official acout
@Max1028 Got it! Thanks!
@Boidoh Your Welcome
Thanks for the advice majin I went to twitter and got a code
Any have an extra NA code..pls i need one..tnxs in [email protected]
Just a guy trying to hunt beasts to extinction. If ya get a code ya don't need, why not toss it into my inbox? It'd be greatly appreciated. [email protected]
Its nice and all to get the codes, but i wish they would do one for the smaller New 3ds.
These are from the first wave of codes, but have at thee! And Happy Hunting:
If anyone would like an NA code, I have 1 spare.
@ikki5 not a smart idea to base getting a game off whether you got the demo or not.. the demo will become available on the eshop closer to release i believe
i do
[email protected]
i would like a code if you don't mind email me at [email protected]
@Lukaz2009 got it! Thanks for sharing your codes.
one code please!! xD
my email is : [email protected]
one code please!! xD
my email is : [email protected]
give it me [email protected] pls
cool thx!
for me please!!! :3 [email protected]
for me please!!! :3 [email protected]
Taking hella long to redeem
I need it [email protected]
Dose any one want a code I just got another one
thanks bro!!! (Y)
Here's one.
Does anyone want one of mine? I only have one though.
@powderedtoastman Sent your way.
from dbgtaura
Who wants a code
Give me your email
I need a NA code [email protected]
I need a NA code [email protected]
@akahetep [email protected] ty friend
I could use a code if anyone has one to spare, [email protected]
I need a NA code [email protected]
anyone willing to give a code out of the kindness of their heart [email protected] much appreciated!
Yes ph on it
One more code
[email protected]
Anyone got a Eu code?
If there were any kind souls out there who wanted to gift me a code that would be much appreciated.
[email protected]
Thanks @majintrunks appreciate it..
I was quick enough to use one of the codes a kind fellow posted in the last wave's thread; now that I got an email in this wave, I'm happy to pay it forward:
A0715BRN0DHB6TSN (NA code)
I got two NA codes. I might decide to use one idk yet but drop me an "@" if you want the other one and I'll email it to you.
anyone got a code left if you want could you plz send to [email protected] much appreciated!
yo @witchsugoi mind givin the code to me if u havent already?
@WitchSugoi Hey man, did not get one yet. I'll take the second one from you if you do not need it!
@WitchSugoi May I please have a code? [REMOVED]
@WitchSugoi I could use it, if you haven't given it out already.
Hey do u think i could get a code if u do send it send it to [email protected]
Can anyone spare change [email protected] im a hobo
damn someone beat me to it!!
@bankai77 Thanks so much for the code, man. Managed to snag it just in time. Maybe we can play together when it gets downloaded?
@Luigifan141 Check your email.
been trying to get a code for a week almost now it be be much appreciated if someone wold be generous.. welp here's my email thank you for the generous people! [email protected]
I hate spamming but i really want a code! if anyone has a code to spare it would be much appreciated!! [email protected]
@WitchSugoi Thank you so much!
Last christmas i gave you my heart. the very next day you give me a code pls??? [email protected] baby lels
Needing a USA code thanks email me at
[email protected]
Sure would love me one of those tasty codes....but a little to paranoid to leave my email address
Keep posting the extras please! But I guess having preordered the MH4 Box and the MH4 New 3DS I should consider myself lucky enough.
so who else is standingby with there 3ds ready to entercode
Need a us code it be really apreciated [email protected]
if its ok if someone could send me a usa code pls at [email protected]
This is killing my OCD!
Need a us code it be really apreciated [email protected]
@parranoya I could give you mine if you want?
@Nintendobro Would love that bro! Only if you got a spare though.
need us code [email protected] pls and thank you
Here's my extra NA code. A071A9WE1BPVU5RF
This is going to be the best Monster Hunter yet!
@parranoya I do. Need email to send it to you. Its only gonna be a screenshot of it because I dont want people to see anything else.
someone message me a code, please? my Gmail is [email protected]
i'd appreciate it
Missed the code again darnnnn!!!!
I was beat!
That's okay I hate Monster Hunter anyway.
Actually I just grabbed the last posted one! Use this website to up your odds. https://eshop.nintendo.net/redeem_confirm#/complete
If I get one I will share it here!
everyone will get their code eventually. you just gtta beleive [email protected]
I am hoping I still get one from my clubnintendo account.
Already have the demo and I still don't get any. lol
@Sforzando You want one of mine? I have tow.
can i have one
i want one, my gmail is [email protected] please message me a code @Nintendobro
anyone willing to give out a code plzzzz send it to [email protected] thx in advance!!
nah, I actually am not interest. I just like watching people begging in the comments >:-]
If anyone has an extra US code, i would like one. My email is [email protected]
you gotta do what you gotta do
what would you dooooooooo for a klondike code [email protected] us code pls
@Earthybound I sent you the code. I hope you got it.
if anyone has a extra US code, plz can i have it my email is [email protected]
Here's two NA Codes, if anybody wants(I got a code the other day so don't need these):
Hope you say if you use though, so we know they're gone!
Annnnddd someone already used the codes damn! :/
Would highly appreciate a code to: [email protected]
help me please! i needed a US CODE PLZ
my email is [email protected]
Merry Christmas
@LiinkZZ we gotta be quick dude
Aaand it's gone
tfw you get the code but you ds is about too die
@Fireskull THANK YOUUUU!!! my month of january is made now just gotta wait for the actual GAME
Got it!!! @PrincePeach92 thx!!
any extra code will be appeciated [email protected]
one for mi please!!! :3
[email protected]
Got to be quick
one for mi please!!! :3
[email protected]
one for mi please!!! :3
[email protected]
Anyone with an extra code please send to [email protected]
A code would be greatly appreciated at [email protected] Thanks.
aj smash Giveaway on youtube
I can't believe ninty doesn't realise how demeaning this process is.
If you still need a code give me your email! NA codes
Had to buy a code on eBay for $3 last week cause I never got one, and even though I don't need one anymore I still find it mind-boggling that yet again I did not receive a code... Wth Nintendo? Do you not know that I am a Monster Hunter guru that will actually use the codes and hand them out? Do you not see both games registered on my Club Nintendo for Wii U and 3DS? I'm the FIRST person they should be sending a code to...
@CrushdSheep please [email protected]
@CrushdSheep Please: [email protected]. Thank you.
@CrushdSheep I would like one too [email protected]
Cool I got 2 codes. I'll give them a try but if they're anything like the last couple monster hunter demos that will be sad because those totally sucked. I respectfully do not understand the hype surrounding these games. From my little experience they are not good at all.
@CrushdSheep dude i know we just met but i love you. thanks so much
@kidbunnyj haha anytime 😉
I'm a huge MH fan and I've been playing since the first game on PS2. I'd greatly appreciate an NA code [email protected]
sending you a code now =)
How about me anyone anyone not even a Titter
@CrushdSheep Dude you are my hero.
Thank you my friend! You're awesome
@LAOG not a problem, hope you enjoy it!
Np anytime =)
Anyone else need a code? I have 2 more
Here is an extra code! A070MRGA1PR3EAAH Have at it!
[email protected] I Need ONE Please
You would never think this game was as popular as it really is. When ever there is a monster hunter article it gets like 6 post tops. Probably because hunters are hunting.
Im a huge mh fan and i didnt get my hands on a code, if anyone would send a code they didnt need to me at [email protected] or __otaku___ on kik i would be super greatful, thanks!
me pls!
Whats your email address and I'll send it now
i need a code pls guys,i love this game and can't wait to play it! my email is [email protected] (EU Code) pls
[email protected] if anyone is feeling extra generous!
I have one unused MH4 demo code left, I'll trade it for the 2 codes that give 100 potions each, that came in the Pokemon ORAS bestbuy/amazon bundle (I can also offer unused diancie codes). Asking for american codes, offering american codes. If interested hurry, Im on my last MH4 code,.Quote me or mail to: tripunktoj (at) hotmail if you want to trade.
my email is [email protected]
@Moneyjaypr7 if you still have a spare please send me one! [email protected]
@Moneyjaypr7 can i get one !
@ModernMARVEL thank you very much cant wait to test the bug staff!
Please pass a code if you guys have any to spare
[email protected]
Thanks in advance
Am I the only one who never got a code...?
Sure my last one =). Whats your email
Just sent it =)
@Moneyjaypr7 [email protected] thanks so much !
@Pabloncio snagged the second one, thank you.
Just sent it. Enjoy =)
I used a code and gave one to a friend, but here are the other two for anyone who wants one:
very nice community on this page!!!
Plz someone I would be MORE than glad to have a code(EU). Reply to me. Also, join me in super smash bros wii u: Nintendo Network ID - Adoomski. Fav character gannondorf
Why is not working for me? :/ it keep giving me an error...maybe because all this code are North America and i neet one for Europe?
Im begging someone PLZ IM GOING PARANOID !
Send to this @Ademski or [email protected]
help me plz i needed a us code my email is [email protected]
@adeelahmed yes..
Will someone email me a code at [email protected]
@Pabloncio what do you mean "yes..."
who needs a NA code? I have a spare
@LegendaryYoshi me
[email protected]
Me, email to [email protected]
@Ademski, the codes from North America (NA) dont work in a EU Eshop, you need an EU code...
Remember, desperate guy , good at ssb4 , nintendo id Adoomski , hotmail - [email protected]
@LegendaryYoshi me [email protected]
@LegendaryYoshi me [email protected]
@Pabloncio still isnt SOMEBODY gonna upload an eu code?
@LegendaryYoshi Me please [email protected]
@LegendaryYoshi. Please me at [email protected]
I'm desperate
Here is an extra code for anyone that needs one A06WU9LD2LQ4EJV7
People are too fast here lol
If anyone has one please send to [email protected], please I'm desperate
If anyone could please send me an eu code at my address [email protected] I would really appreciate it
That is, if anyone can spare one
I still have no code
Please email one if you have an extra one to [email protected]
Can I get a NA Code from someone? Email: [email protected]
For US
Can I get a NA code from someone [email protected]
I have a code. I'm looking to trade for a club nintendo registration code for smash bros for 3ds. If you're interested email [email protected]
@SetupDisk this game was released in Japan before the Wii u was announced.
Posted it in the forum
Thanks Cello I'm so happy about this!
Anyone have a spare NA code? [email protected] I have a friend I'd like to give it to. Thank you in advance.
Can someone send me a NA code pls [email protected]
Well, I got a code from here, so it's only fair I give one back in return. Saving the other for my buddy though.
Both claimed. Enjoy!
Really wish I could get into this series but I don't even have time to play the games I've already purchased! MH3 Wii U demo didn't do the series any favors I think.
I have an extra one who hasn't gotten it yet?
ok i didnt recieve mine in the mail.....wierd can someone help me out here cause i really want to play this
@SavoirFaire i gave one to a friend to try
I haven't, can i have one please?
@SavoirFaire Thanks I redeemed A07050JP0VDSYN1L
Alright give me your email
@River3636 me please [email protected]
any extra codes? i got passed by on the list of people to send the code to apparently
[email protected]
same i need a code if someone could please please send it to me i would be very grateful please send to [email protected]
@Jray check your mail in 1 min.
Alright, thanks so much man, you rock!
I had my code since this aftenoon but I plan to let it sit in my email, since I'm Monster Hunter just isn't my kind of game.
enter mind if i have it???
Why don't u share it with me
lol i think hes joking dude... at least i hope so
@Jray just sent.
Can any one send the code for me my Email is [email protected] Thanks .
Does anyone have a spare code? I'm a platinum member on club nintendo and I still haven't gotten one. And yes, I have opted to receive emails.
thanks again!
If anyone would wanna hook a brother up with a code for NA, [email protected], it would be greatly appreciated!
@Jray no problem I never got into them so I'm gonna check it out myself
[email protected] email me if you have spare mh4 codes so me and a friend can get one. im sorry for soundin needy me and my friend are big monster hunter fans and we cant miss this opportunity
@sinalefa Aw, thanks so much but I think I'll wait a little longer. I just got TW101 and I don't think I'll have much time anyway
Muchas gracias en serio!
hey guys...i been begging for code since 15 jan. Pls help me out. I had key in more than 200 "used" code. can anyone pls send to ganwei_mu_@hotmail.com. Btw i am a Singapore user i think my code usually work on A070
please someone who wants to give myself a code: 'c
my email is: [email protected] plis
Can someone send me a code and we can play together send it to [email protected]
If someone sends it to me I will upload a code for club nintendo
Id be very happy if someone sends me a code :3 [email protected]
anyone please give me NA code,, my email: [email protected]
really want to play that demo Y_Y
Could someone be kind enough to send me a code? Email is [email protected].
Thanks! Tell me if you sent me one
Please email me a code if you've got one. [email protected]
I don't know how to redeem this code?
NA codes:
Haaaaaaaaaaaappy hunting!
Happy Hunting!
I never got a code, pretty disappointed as I buy a lot of games and I'm a huge Monster Hunter fan. Why not just release the demo on the eShop.
I doubt I'd bother playing the demo anyway though as I've got my MH4U N3DS preordered and will just want to get into the full game.
Thank you Drakefur
@Drakefur thanks XD
Plz I'm begging for someone to give me code [email protected]
thank you so much,, got 2nd code
@bintiez how?
Had to start an account to comment
Here are my extras:
Happy Hunting!
Thanks SlackerM, got the first one!
Just got mine earlier today! Unfortunately, I can't give the other one out since I sent it to my best friend, but congrats to anyone who got a code!
Well, Nintendo has failed me again. Guess I'll be buying MH4U used; it's a shame, I was looking forward to it.
I got the codes. I will probably offer the spare to my sister. I am not sure what to do with the mine since I probably will not use it...and no, don't bother asking, I will not give to beggars. You will have give me a good reason why you "want" the code.
@MortalKombat2007 I really want this code as simple as that,I've been playing mh for a while. Do what u want with the code.
@MortalKombat2007 Because I´m a frustated monster hunter ??... no really, just no reason, do as you like...
@MortalKombat2007 truth be told, there really is no good reason to have it. it's just a nifty perk to test it out early. Definitely would like it but it is just as good otherwise. ^_^
@MortalKombat2007 I just love monster hunter no other reason
@Nintendoftw123 would u like warioland 2
I wish there was a code for Art Academy Sketchpad instead, I would definately use that instead of my MH4U code. I've been dying to try that and can't find any eShop cards in my area. So, in my email my MH4U code stays. I just hope Art Academy will be one of the rewards Nintendo offers before Club Nintendo shuts down....
u should give it to me
I'm dying to get that code like u r for art academy.
But that doesn't explain why I should give it away
That's starving me like Nintendo is starving u plus I'll give u a game code.
@ENTER Just make someone else happy...
u said it
It's not really starving me. As soon as I find a retailer selling eShop cards, then I'm good to go
Still just make me and JulioMorataya happy hunters
Mmm...I cannot give the code to one person in a safe manner on NintendoLife. Sure. you could post an email here but it is not safe to share your email publicly anyways...Suggestions, or perhaps I'll share somewhere else.
Also, I should put the "winning conditions" in better terms. To put it simply...Why do you like Monster Hunter? Bribery will get nothing.
I love monster hunter be cause I love the strategy. I love claiming the victory of a monster's soul. It all just makes a great game. I feel you should pick me.
[email protected]
@MortalKombat2007 That's a hunting dilema... I like MonHun because it has consumed countless hours of my life... and I've dreamed of a well roasted meat once or twice...
Love how these articles always end with people begging and spamming about codes.
Not begging competing
I posted 2 NA codes, but I don't think that anyone saw. Comment #444!
@thehoppypoppy sadly someone used them...
Awww, what do I have to do to get a demo? I buy games a lot, so why shouldn't it be available to 3ds users? Makes me sad. If anyone has a code, I would be eternally grateful!
Why do I never get these demo codes?
@MortalKombat2007 Well, I'm interested to try the game out. Why? Well, I've never played this series before, but maybe having a demo could change that. I recently bought myself a 3DS and slowly working on getting myself some games, but it's kinda difficult to choose what games are worth buying. :/
So yeah, maybe having a demo and trying out the game would make me love the series. Or not. ^^
Can some please give me a na mh4 code. My email is [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
@Heng-Yu sadly gone...
How r people getting them so fast
Thanks for lending out codes though! I still hope I can get one soon,
[email protected]
Or [email protected]
To anyone who has an extra NA code, can you please give me one? I will greatly appreciate it. My email is [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
My leftover free code - happy hunting!
I just sent it Nintendoftw123 nice doing business with u.
Under consideration...but I don't know how to go about sending the code safely.
@MortalKombat2007 I can simply leave my email here (since I don't think there's a PM feature in this site).
Do what you wish, but I am not responsible for any spam you get from posting your email publicly.
@MortalKombat2007 I don't need it anymore so if I won give it to someone else.
@MortalKombat2007 I am aware of that. ^^
But I'll only post my email if you'll give me the code anyway. So no worries~
If I don't get the demo, I won't be trying it, If I don't try it, I am not going to buy it.
I decided not to give the code away here. Most users begging are people who join the site just to get the code. Now. I feel I was just dangling meat for a bunch of dogs. I wanted to do a nice thing for a NintendoLife member who is a Monster Hunter fan but no.
Need your leftover code (to quote Adam Sandler from the Wedding singer) " I'm on my knees pretty pretty please. I want to die, put a bullet in my hhhhhhhheeeeeaaaaaaddddddd!!!!!!!" email me @ [email protected]
I've been debating about getting this game. Would love a demo code please if anyone would send me one. Feel free to send to [email protected]
I will wait all night if I have to........ Lol played all the other MH... Just really want to test this one out... If someone please would send me a code
This is my email [email protected] por favor regalenme un código de Monster Hunter 4 Gracias
Well, that's nice. I mean, I've already had mine, but that's still neato.
still didnt get an e-mail. already got a code though during the last code release thx to another member on nintendolife. would like to give back to the community
Ive been trying for days for one NA code. Can someone please end my misery? My email is [email protected].
@blackbeltbap I've been on the hunt for 4hrs straight lol ....hunting for a demo code
Where do I insert the code and download the demo?
@clm ya it took me a while too. i got code from someone that said they had codes and i gave them my e-mail and they e-mailed the code to me, its the best way. wish i had a code to give u ill keep checking
Thanks @blackbeltbap hoping my search ends soon... Lol
Would anyone have an extra code for me?
I need NA one, thanks in advance, much appreciated.
My email is [email protected]
Here are two North American demo codes for MH4 Ultimate. All I ask is that you post back on this thread that you got the demo and that the code is taken.
1. A0707J5F19JA4U37
2. A0703FEG0PAA62QC
Have fun playing the free demo hunters!
damn!! so close!. just needed to delete some data on my sd card lol. my salt is real today! lol.
@CastroFox007 I freaking love you mate, thanks a lot, I was dying to have one of the codes. I got the second one, happy gaming to you too, you are awesome.
Been a fan of monster hunter since its ps2 release on september. been a club nintendo member for almost 1 year..still wondering why i didn't get some. is it so bad that im going nuts for a demo code?
Looking for Wario Land 2 from Club Nintendo. I'll trade a NA MH4 demo code for it.
@Bob-Omb wanna trade?
i got 260 gold coins on my club nintendo anyone interested on a trade for codes?
@Bob-Omb btw im doing this by wii u... : how gonna do this? XD
sent you an e-mail hopefully the wii u can handle it lol!
@Ragneel Thanks, I just replied to you!
@Bob-Omb it was nerve-racking but we did it. and getting on it right now xD. TY SOOOO MUCH MAN. see you on the hunt!!
Ugh I'm stuck at work and I didn't bring my ds today T.T I doubt any codes will be left when I get back home OTL so hard waiting until the 17th to play the game (of course Nintendo releases on a Friday so of course mail won't arrive even with one day delivery until Monday)
I've never played a MH game and I preordered this one based on reviews of past games and gameplay footage of this game. I would love to play the demo to see what I'm in for if anyone would be kind enough to send one my way it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Well said, my sentiments exactly. I'd sooner waste a code than give it to these vultures. Save those codes for people who are more deserving.
I just got my codes! I didn't care for MH on the Wii and I skipped the last game so I'll at least give this a try tonight.
Hey Guys Here are some North America Monster Hunter Codes ^_^
I got the middle one, thank you very much sir ^^
@Sparkrm You're Welcome Anytime ^_^
@GaymerPlayer5 Thank you so much, I used on of the codes, can't remember which one. You have made a friend of mine really happy.
@RedBeanPorridge Glad i can help
@OnionOverlord And what just makes a person so called "deserving"? Whether you give away your codes or not is your choice, but don't demean your fellow gamers. I've owned the last few monster hunter games, and even preordered the ds xl and the limited edition of the game. I've had no real reason to join Nintendo club until now, not to mention it seems the whole thing will disappear soon enough. There is no such thing as "more deserving", just elitist like you who think they are better then everyone else.
At least most of the others here are nice enough to want to help fellow MH fans
Somebody who participates on Niniendo Life and I don't mean just reading up on the news. Users who signed up to partake in discussions. Somebody who did not just signed up just to get a code. Anybody can claim they are a Monster Hunter fan. A Nintendo Life member who is a fan of the series of Monster Hunter would discuss their fandom on the forum...in fact, there is a thread on the subject currently active. From the looks it, none of new members on the page joined in the discussion. I would rather let the code expire than give it to a new user who will not return to Nintendo Life at all.
I will "demean" whom I choose, and in this case I am "demeaning" the very type of people who are leeching bottom feeders who take advantage of someone else's generosity. The only reason you even bothered to call me out is because you yourself fit the bill (having just joined 4 hours ago. HMMM!) and are offended because you feel I have made a personal attack against you. Well, rest assured, I have. People like you only join a site or community when they need something, only to vanish once they obtained what they needed. It's called "leeching" and you would be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't condemn you in some way or another for it.
With that said, I had no intention of sparking any sort of "argument" on the issue and was merely giving my two cents. As someone who has went through this sort of thing before myself, I can see where Mortalkombat2007 is coming from. Just look at the way this article was bombed with vultures begging for codes and you should have no problem understanding what I'm referring to.
I am far from an "elitist" mind you, I just don't feel that bottom feeders should be rewarded. I have plenty of codes sitting in my email right now, but for reasons seen above, am certainly not going to post any for the sharks to feed on. In fact, I don't even consider myself to be deserving of a code (if I needed one) because I rarely post on the community much these days and as a result, would have no right to ask for something where I have not adequately participated in the community enough to deserve it. The fact the comments section can't go an hour without blowing up from shark swarming it is a testament to what i was saying (and wouldn't have said anything to begin with had I not felt the need to after MK2007 said his peace.)
I'll have to agree with OnionOverlord and MortalKombat2007. I have some codes in my e-mail, but after seeing how so many users just joined this site just to beg for a code turned me off from sharing them. I'll be happy to share one with an actual member of the community, but not these leeches who join the site, beg for the code saying they "need" it, and then never come back (gotta laugh at the usernames that are just Mario and a number, very original guys). I would rather have the codes expire.
Got codes myself. I wasn't interested, but my friends'll get to enjoy it.
If anyone still wants a code here a couple. Let me know if used plz. A071CDFP0LL3K4CW
Happy hunting!!!
@Timvp2120 thank you, I used the first one
can anyone comment on if the graphics are a bit better in this one as opposed to last years release. also a code would be dope
@Timvp2120 I've used the second code. Thank you so much and I really do appreciate it. Happy hunting to you too!
@MortalKombat2007 lol yeah sorry for not being on nintendolife, not even hearing of it till now. Maybe if you were nicer and brought newbies up instead of assuming that everyone will disappear at the end you would get a lot more people coming here for discussions and such. Don't worry, I'll stick to my capcom forum from now on (you know Capcom the actual makers of the game)
NoE? Ya know we exist...
I never got any codes -_- I have an account here and at club nintendo. Am I missing something? If not, is anyone willing to email me their extra for the US?
Plz Would anyone have an extra code for me?
My email: [email protected] thanks
I got codes I could trade. I want Wario Land 2 from Club nintendo (NA). I am trading MH4 NA code in return. Email me at [email protected] and first message me here if interested, by using @Raghav
@Raghav I could do this. Want me to email you?
no don't trade look at the top of this post
the messages from elreins
@Anneke you right! Thanks
@Raghav sorry, nevermind
Looking for some unused Nintendo Club PIN codes... I'll trade a NA MH4 demo code for one
@Bob-Omb Hey can i get the code?
@Sonicyoshi123 Do you have any unused Nintendo Club PIN code? Ughh I really need some more coins in that. :S
@Bob-Omb Can you send me the code by email and ill send you the code from there. I don't want anyone taking it away
@Sonicyoshi123 What game is your code from? (and what's your email?)
@Bob-Omb I will give pin code for game Fantasy Life my email is [email protected]
@Bob-Omb i have a code for Theaterythym: Curtain Call. My email is [email protected]
Ok here is the situation i have 2 codes for the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate demo but i am not into Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and i have zero nintendo eshop points in my nintendo accounts and there is add on content for Wii U games and maybe a app for the 3ds that i want to buy with nintendo eshop points but i am bankrupt when it comes to eshop points so here is the trade i am offering i will give both codes to the person that will buy 2 nintendo eshop cards that will have 2000 points each for a total of 4000 points and then tells me the codes on both cards once i have entered both codes for the nintendo eshop points that i want and i get my points i will happily give both codes to the person that got me the 4000 nintendo eshop points so does anyone want to take me up on my offer?
i gotta code for game & wario for the wii u i never used. anyone willing to trade moi?
@aniki7 @raghav Just clarifying. In the end I was not scammed. It happens that after I sent an email with the code to raghav, he did not check his email until TODAY (12 hours or so after I had sent the email with the code for Wario Land 2). Because I got no reply for him, late at night yesterday I went ahead and entered the Wario Land 2 code on my own 3ds to verify if the code had/hadn't been used. It turns out it was unused. And so I ended up claiming the VC title for myself.
Again, he did not scam me, I apologize for having made it sound like he did... even when at the time it did look like it.
For the rest of you guys still looking for a code. DO HEAD OVER TO TWITTER, search DEMO CODE and filter the latest messages, you are sure to find unused codes there. two of my friends did get theirs there.
Good luck!
@elreins thanks for clearing that up! And thanks also for the twitter advice. Don't know why I didn't think of that.
@raghav I hope I didn't offend you, but y'know, can't be too careful. If the offer is still on the table I'd be glad to trade with you.
@seb5049 I have a couple of Australian codes which may work, give me your email and I'll send you one if you want to try it .
I have 3 unused codes for the US version.
Those that want one, just say so!!
Be quick about it.
@maceng I would like one!
@maceng Me please!
@maceng me please!
We have 3 winners!!
Just send me codes worth of 200 coins or more at ...
Just kidding!!
Well kiddies, I just need your e-mail addresses. I check your profiles and there is none.
Sorry for the hassle but this is the only sure way to get them to you, right? Any other way would be appreciated!
@maceng can you send it to my nintendo network id?
Edit: that is on my profile, just pm one to me from there.
Sure. But how it is done?
@maceng here's my email ^^
It's [email protected]
@maceng Sorry about the hassle. ><
Thats Ok. As soon as I send them and you have them working, post it here, OK?
@maceng Will do, Thanks!
Sorry, I just run out, unless aniki7 doesn't send me his email in the next minutes.
Any luck, TrueBlue38 and Jimmy2much?
@maceng Havent recieved the email yet.
I sent them 2 minutes ago...
@maceng me neither
Jimmy2, any luck?
no ><'
Check your spam folders. Check for a sender starting with echer....
(I'm a bit wary of posting my email here, since I used for work)
use it...
@maceng I GOT IT!!! THANKS!!! just give the emails a minute!
Uff, my rep was going down the pipe...
@maceng I GOT IT TOO =D
@maceng Thank you very much! I used the code. just so you know.
So, I have one last code left. Going at once,...
Can I get it maceng? Email is [email protected]
@maceng I'm here!!
@maceng My email is [email protected]
EDIT: I feel so bad for being so late x( I had to walk my dog real quick/not quick enough. It's okay if gave it away in my absence, but I hope that's not the case!
Got it! Thank you so much @maceng ! You've made my day, and all the days until the full release! Happy Hunting!
Happy Hunting indeed!!
I have a couple of other Club Nintendo accounts. If I get more codes, I'll be happy to share them, OK?
@maceng If you have a spare, My brother could use one, just send it to the same email I gave you. I'd Greatly appreciate it! Happy Hunting!
Earlier I was checking the comments here http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/01/22/monster-hunter-4-demo-codes-did-you-get-one
Sometimes people post random codes. Keep an eye out.
Bye for the night!!
@maceng can you send me 1 demo code for mh4u pls? here's my email [email protected] thanks alot dude
@rjejr Whoa, what? Lol. That's hilarious.
Hey everyone. I cant check my email because I stopped paying for Comcast mail, so even if I got one I cant check (They are not nice people) Look I know a lot of people have been asking for a demo code but if anyone finds themselves with one extra code that is cold and lonely and just looking for a 3ds to call home, I would would love it and take very good care of it. Its been a shitty couple of days and playing this demo would be amazing and appreciated more then you know. The email is [email protected]. Thanks for reading even if you don't have a code
Hey does anybody have a code to spare? I've been dying to play this new demo >n<
my email is [email protected] if you feel like being my hero ŎuŎ
Hey, anyone got a spare North American code to spare? I've played every monster hunter game and I really want to play the demo of this. My email is [email protected] if anyone is willing to give me a code that would be great!
@rayquaza_master I'm pretty sure AUS codes don't work with UK 3DSs, but I'd still accept it gladly in hope that I'll be able to trade it for an EU one. Email: [email protected]
@Superstick - oops. was going to go back and delete that after I posted it, guess I forgot. Seriously surprise nobody reported me for it, and 600 comments at that. Gonna go burn it down now.
Please send me a code, my email is [email protected]
Many thanks!!
I have no interest in "Monster Hunter." Enjoy.
Played it for a few.... was a bit slow but I'll give it another shot later
Here's the other code I didn't use:
Hey if someone would be so kind, i have not received a code and i have been a die hard fan since the first one and want to play the new one, so if you could, please send a code to [email protected]. thank you
@Xekratos hey I have a NA code I'm willing to trade for Wario Land 2 on club nintendo, lmk.
I dont really know how that works but I have coins and I really want that demo
Ill trade if you walk me through it
Im looking for a code and I would be so greatful. I have CN coins if you want to trade I just really want this demo. [email protected]
Can some plz email me a spare Code plz at [email protected] MH fanboy for life would like to test the game layout really bad.
@seb5049 Sent it!
If anyone has anymore MH4 codes could I please receive one. Really want to try the demo. Send to this Email: [email protected] THANK YOU
@rayquaza_master OMG THANKS You just made my morning.
can someone send me one code u.u! please please! ([email protected])
Trading NA/AUS codes for an EU one! Thanks!
Please, send an EU code to "[email protected]"
Please if someone has a EU code send it to me I appreciate so much!!
[email protected]
Hi, im new to monster hunter but since im getting a new 3ds ive been bery intersted in mh4. May I please have an NA code? Would aprrecite it a lot! [email protected]
Please guys i have been waiting since it came out in asia can i have a NA code? my email is [email protected] i didn't know people where doing this thing on forums so i am late I will also give a legend of zelda cod the first one or another thing on club nintendo of your choice
Looking for some unused Nintendo Club PIN codes... I'll trade a NA MH4 demo code for one
Please ... I big fan of Monster hunter franchise ... [email protected] >.< I want US code so bad!!
@Bob-Omb i have a pin for you if you still have a demo code!
I apologize for asking, but my gf recently received a code from a friend in order to try the game. Having never played the game (and knowing I am eagerly awaiting the release), She gave me her only code.
If anyone has a key, I would greatly appreciate it. I would really like to return the favor so that we are able to play together and get her a taste of the series. Thank you in advance!
@Bob-Omb Take a look at your email
@MattRoux I saw it and just replied to you. Thanks and have fun with MH!
Any one has a NA code? PLEASE send to my email address: [email protected]
If anyone were so kindly to have an extra North American demo code, and willing to part with it, please send it to [email protected]. Thank you and have a good one!
I need an EU code. If you have an extra code send it to "[email protected]", pleaseee...
If anyone sees this and has some NA codes, I would REALLY like one. Email: [email protected] It would be really appreciated by Snorlax. Thank You.
Anyone pls send a demo code to me pls
Pls share
[email protected]
Pls help
Thanks alot
NA demo code
If somebody has extra EU code, send it to "[email protected]", please...
dose anyone have any codes left for monster hunter 4 u demo???
Anybody have a NA code? send to "[email protected]"
I've never played a monster hunter game and I'm really interested
I have just 2 codes left. I can sell each for $5 paypal or for a Club Nintendo Game? My email is [email protected] if you're interested.
They're NA Codes by the way.
I have one code left for NA region
Hey guys! I registered myself just because I love monster hunter soooo much, but I didn't get a code.
Could you please comment me if you have a code? It would mean a world to me.
PS.: I'm from Europe, so I only need a EU code. Tnx
Here's my two codes for North America:
would anyone be able to send me a code for the NA demo please i would greatly appreciate it and would love to play online with anyone, if you could please send the code to my email "[email protected]" i would appreciate the hell out of it and if you play you can also include your Nintendo ID thingy so i can friend you and we can play
e-mail: [email protected]
I'm searching for an EU code, my email is "[email protected]". Please...
Pls send me one NA pls
[email protected]
Plus send me
Can anyone plox sens me NA code? My email is [email protected] My friend code is: 3368-1850-1356 so we can hunt together.
Well it's a bit late but if anyone has a NA code to spare. Send it to ( [email protected] ). It would be really appreciated. Thanks.
Anyone who has a spare NA code?
can i have your extra one been waiting for an email from nintendo but seems they still haven't sent one for me. my email is [email protected]
Thank you and Godbless ^_^
Pls send me one NA code pls
[email protected]
Wow people are still begging and pleading for a code? Get a life guys. Seriously.
Still... What is with these idiotic download codes anyway? How hard is it to just put up a friggin' demo and let people try something? Isn't that the purpose of a demo? Why turn it into something so needlessly complex and convoluted? Get with it Nintendo.
No point in sitting on a code. For NA, that is:
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