As much as we'd like to go over the sorry history of the Wii U version of Watch Dogs, we'll resist the urge. All that needs to be said is that the game finally launches on Nintendo's console this week — an event many believed would never happen — and we've captured some footage to prove that it actually exists, and isn't some kind of elaborate wind-up in behalf of Nintendo and Ubisoft.
Below you'll see the game's opening mission, which gives a flavour of the hacking action that makes the game so unique. You should also note that there is some bad language in the video, so consider yourselves warned.
Does the footage meet your expectations, or were you anticipating something more impressive? Let us know by posting a comment below.
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Comments 116
Never heard of it.
Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me, this... doesn't look half bad. Can anyone confirm if this version runs at a constant 30fps and if screen-tearing is lacking or not?
What does the gamepad show? Thats what I'm wanting to see.
IT's ALIVE! How does it run?
Who let the dogs out? Who who who.
It looks great. I am definitely getting this with my B2G1 deal at GameStop (for renewing my PowerUp Rewards membership).
I'll get it as soon as I find it on a store shelf. I love open world games, and the Wii U has way too few of those.
@Goob Constant 30fps is too much to hope for i think. I would guess it spins between 23-30 fps. Just a guess of course...
@Goob I did not notice any tearing. Frame rate is a fairly smooth 30 with minimal dips, but nothing to be upset about. Much better than ACIV. Shadows are not the nasty hashmarks in Splinter Cell and ACIV, but are a very smooth gradient, which is very welcome. Texture filtering is sort of crappy, but I can live with it. Over all, I am impressed with the performance! It looks like the delay was worth it.
Definitely looks good...slowy peeking my interest a little....might pick it up.
Now all we need is WiiU gameplay footage of Project C.A.R.S.
Let the review out!
So... It looks decent, which is a plus... But I've already played it because I got sick of hearing how good it was.. But then it got dumb.
Too late, yesterday I cancelled my preorder. I thought if no site had a review the night before it was released, combined with no released facts about the WiiU specifics or any gameplay videos. I wasn't happy to risk wasting my money, as would have processed my order today ready for delivery on the UK day of release.
Still no reviews even though it's been released and on sale for the last 12hours. I've been checking meta critic and the only reviews are those of the purchasers and those are all negative. Stating hacking is done by pressing the X button (no skil); gameplay is boring; the eviroment is boring and the driving is atrocious.
Still eager to see a review though as I can buy it if they are positive.
This does not look bad, then why did they take so long to show it? So all Wii U owners would get Smash U instead?
Ubi$oft really wants it to fail.
Looks great and the Frame rate looked just fine for the opening.
Way too late I'm afraid. Already played it when I bought the PS4. Came part of a bundle with Last of Us Remastered edition. Not a bad game but certainly not as amazing as Ubisoft claimed.
6 month old game at full price when you can find it much cheaper on other consoles.
No thanks. I'd rather just play GTAV again.
I can't wait to pick up a used copy of this for next to nothing.
...woo houuu. next news please.
Even one year later, this game is exactly what I need for the holidays. Picking my copy tomorrow.
I had this game pre-ordered and went to pick it up... and GameStop didn't have it. Their shipment hadn't arrived.
I half-expected that to happen, since I'm pretty much the only regular Wii U customer this particular store has.
I said I'd pick it up Friday when I come by for Smash. They'd better have THAT one or there'll be hell to pay.
@Sir420 Do you own the game, and played it for yourself?
Good to see they didn't gimp the WiiU version, but that doesn't magically improve the good, but repetitive gameplay. Maybe someday...
looks good actually. I may buy it later after other games I couldn't get this season or when it's on sale on the eshop.
Looking good, will defo get soon.
I just can't get myself excited for this title anymore to be honest. I was excited once, but.. eh.
Not bad really. I'd say it looks like the PC set to lower detail settings. Still runs well.
Looks acceptable, better than expected. Very atmospheric.
However, 60 bucks is a stretch.. that's something I only pay for a few selected games like the new Smash or Legend of Zelda. I don't even have Mario 3D World because it's 60 bucks. I know what I can enjoy for 60 bucks and I know when it would make me feel ripped. I'm good at waiting for sales and supporting good indies in the meantime.
Too bad it looks like garbage.
And is one year late.
Omg, I am genuinely surprised!!! Compared the game play to the ps4 and the ps3. It is tons better than ps3 and so much closer to the ps4 version. Might get it in the Christmas sales.
@schizor Indeed. Check out my miiverse posts on the subject!
Looks good. Still debating between this or a used copy of the ps4 version.
@RudysaurusRex How? Wat? One year how?
It looks like it is in the middle - it's not as good looking as PS4, but not bad as PS3, which looked like garbage
@Sir420 Just wondering, does the Wii U version also have the same online modes as the PS4 and Xbox One?
It has the mode where u play with the mobile player and has the mode where u enter someone else's game to hack then but not sure about the team encryption thingy
@Dave24 The game came out last year on all the other consoles. That means the people who really wanted it would have bought it on other consoles. Which leads to poor sales and Ubisoft blaming that on us the consumer.
@RudysaurusRex Are you from the future? Last I checked, it's a game from 2014, and, it is still 2014, unless I got warped into the future and I don't know it yet.
Ubisoft won't blame anyone, because they clearly stated long ago that Watch Dogs is their last (mature if I remember correctly) game for the U. It would sell bad even if they would release it on time in May, because there was nothing on other consoles.
I expected worse. Now I'm surprised they wouldn't show any of this in advance. If I wait long enough this will be £6 to download.
My review coming tonight if anyone follows me on miiverse my Miiverse NNID is Ryo_Hazuki-san going to be a in depth look into this game and what i think look for it in my feed.
@Ryo_Hazuki-san You know I'll be there, bro. Love your posts.
Our full review is coming soon... oh and to all those haters, it's actually only 6 months since the initial release.
Awesome, it looks great like AC4 when i saw it for the first time. I don't know why people are surprised Ubisoft said they'll make it the "best it can be" just because they made little use of the Gamepad and excluded one DLC pack it doesn't mean they didn't put an effort on the port itself. Missed the pre order deadline so i may get it if Smash and Amiibo doesn't sap my money
@JaredJ get this, Wii U ports usually review better than PS4 but maybe you should wait for this review first
@SKTTR I understand where you're coming from. My experience with Nintendo is that it takes them YEARS to drop the price on their big games, so I usually just buy them at launch. I'll splurge from time to time, like with Bayonetta 2, but just expect to budget for first party Nintendo games.
@Goob Early days with it, performance is OK so far, but I'm yet to fully stretch its legs in the open world.
@sinalefa To be fair the launch for other platforms came on the same week as Mario Kart 8 and it's a general trend that Mario Kart sells significantly better than Smash. A few months delay probably would have sold the best (e.g. July).
If you are "mature", you will buy the game. That's why they delayed it in the first place. They thought maybe people would be more "mature" after 6 months
@firebird3334 Yeah, we opted for video instead
Joking aside, we'll be putting the Wii U asset Ubi sent out in the system for the review, too.
Hmm, I believe I said something like "they probably just want to make the game run as good as possible on the Wii U, so that's why they delayed it." a few months ago. Looks like I was right after all.
Still interested in the game, will probably pick it up once I'm done with Smash and Captain Toad. Knowing Ubi, the price should be a bit lower by then.
@Sir420 thanks! wrapping up work soon saving my project files now that i needed to get done for the day, then heading to the store getting junk food n gonna stay up all night playing wii u n watchdogs my full review will be a doozie !
Looks pretty good to me. Buying next month
Since I'm not getting smash (no interest) I'm gonna re-pre-order this now. When do reviews come out for it?
I know it won't happen, but, I would love if Ubisoft added in little Nintendo touches to this version since its taken them ages to port this game over. I know they don't care about the WiiU, but as a last stitch effort to grab some sales from people (and there is a lot of them) who don't want smash.
Anyway, preordered, who's with me!
EDIT: Ok I bought it along with CoD Ghosts, I've heard kinda good things, total €69 including postage from amazon. My first CoD with Watch Dogs, I'm good to myself
Well, I'm still somewhat interested in the game and so have kept it on my Christmas/Birthday list (their pretty close, so it's easier to just make a single large list as anything I don't get at Christmas I usually get on my Birthday). Whether I'll actually get it then all depends on whether it gets bought for me.
I only saw small snippets from the video, but it looks fine to me.
Unfortunately even if this game is excellent on the Wii U version I will still be waiting for a price drop since the game is available for a lower price on the other consoles.
i would probably get this if i had a wiiu. not many open world games to choose from on wiiu. this looks really good
Sorry Ubi It's a pass for me
This looks okay as a sneaking title. Too bad I don't like Stealth that much and I have much better options, like Dishonored, and...some old games...okay, maybe not a lot of choices, but enough to severely lower my interests.
The vague art direction really makes this game look grey and uninteresting when ported sloppily.
Add to that the cheesy melodramatic writing and acting and the whole thing seems rather pointless.
Looks good BUT there isn't much action going on. Don't get your hopes up yet. I'd like to see more videos out in the open with more action. Not that I will be buying it. I'm still not swayed one bit to get this game.
@firebird3334 Are you a regular on mynintendonews?
Awaiting review I hope it's a good one it's currently on my list of games to get for the Wii U.
Or you could just wait for a few days for the review since you are unsure of it. It's not like it will sold out immediately.
That actually looks pretty good. I might pick it up if they do a sale or drop the price on it. Not paying full price for a game that came out half a year ago...
Nintendo games usually keep the prices up though. Are you saying you typically buy at launch if you are to buy anything at full price, and instead look for used copies if you pick games up later?
This could've been good if they would have made good use of the gamepad, like we were originally led to believe. I skipped it on PS3 because the Wii-U version was supposed to be the "definitive version". Oh well, I'll give it a shot.
@BensonUii To be fair, Watch_Dogs by all accounts is better as a stealth game than an action game. It can be action-heavy, though.
@Chard5001 So... you've been living under a rock for a year or two, then?
looks like the 360/ps3 version but with a little better graphics. PC, Xbox one and ps4 still look the best, obviously, but this is kinda impressive!
I meant I'd like to see some more action in the open world IF it'll have frame rate issues. the opening scene doesn't have much going on.
It actually looks good. I'll put it on my list on games to get, it won't be first to get though.
@BensonUii yeah I know, but I've held off on getting it on ps3 and 4, so, feck it, not buying any other games until The Order so these two will keep me going.
Looks really good, great frame rate, only less npc's on the screen. But looks good port.
Doesn't look bad
Thanks NL. Exactly what I wanted to see.
Didn't get on launch because I'm broke atm, but will buy new for the U in the future. I've done my homework and seen that opening scene across the consoles several times. That looked pretty darn good on Wii U. On par with the X1 and way better than last gen consoles. Exactly what I wanted. Sold, Ubisoft.
Thank you XboxOne and PS4 players for beta testing this game for us.
Nice Gjess i'll be hacking chicago next few weeks.
Really? Just the map? Well, that nearly ruins it for me.
Would have been better to see some open world footage to get a real idea of what it runs like
Got this in the mail today, and I must say I am impressed. They even have DLC available on the eShop. So I went ahead and picked up both of the DLC packs for $11 total, which is like 7 DLC packs total between the two.
I also think having an interactive map on the gamepad ranks up there among one of the best possible things you could do with a second screen. I hate pausing games. I hate interrupting the flow of my game every 30 seconds to see where I'm at on the map. Interactive like Deus Ex? All the better.
Where's muh AC:U for Wii U?
@JaxonH Still not worth buying this for full price, and the DLC for 11 dollars.I'll wait for this game to be on sale next month cause of terrible sales.
Didn't care about the game then, still don't now. Only way I would get it is if I was given it for free, which wont happen.
That's what I want to see too, the screen shots and the video looked pretty good; infact it's a lot closer to the PS4/XBO than I thought it would be, but the outside world will be far more telling.
I'll probably pick it up when the Wii U version is the same price as the other versions.
@B3ND3R spoiler alert! waah waah waah! Just kidding
I have this on PS4 and I cant tell the difference between them so thats cool
@Laxeybobby I wouldn't take those reviews seriously. They were done near midnight and they couldn't have possibly played the Wii U version. They're probably haters of the game and worship at the alter of GTA. Metacritic is full of them. The score is slowly going up though so that's a plus.
It actually looks ok
Very beginning looks godawful, Starts looking a little better once Aiden gets out of the room, but this wasn't worth the delay especially not at full price.
EDIT: Then it starts looking bad again over half-way through. Do all the versions look this flat?
@JaxonH I really don't get the hate for the "it's just a map!" stuff when it comes to the Gamepad. It's an open world game. What is more useful than a map on your other screen? So much time saved.
And I get people want little hacking mini games and whatnot to be on their two, but I just don't care. That kind of stuff always takes me out of games. I want the second screen to be helpful, not an excuse to waste my time and distract me from what I was doing.
Ill get it as soon as i change my mind about these games, which will never happen xD
No seriously, enough of these generic open world shooters, that concept went dry long ago.
@KillScottKill Oh boy, how right you are. It gets rid of constant menu switching and thus, never breaks the flow of the game.
But you know the folks around here.
When the gamepad is used in a practical way, its noz gimmicky enough, when its use dto its fullest, its too gimmicky.
There is no middle ground.
Looks good, but way too late of a release.
I feel conflicted. I do want to buy this game to show Wii U support but after deciding I would wait until I got a PS4 to pick up GTAV, I'd be better off waiting for this game too. Only reason I really care is because I REALLY want BG&E2 to be let out of the attic, but I guess I'd probably have Nintendo's QoL Virtual Reality video game console by then... And I'd still not be able to play it on Nintendo.
I really would like to support this game for WIi-U, but what Unique features is it bringing to the table? I have this on PS4 already and I have to say I found it to be a bit of a snore fest. This is tough as a part of me wants to back a major 3rd party release for Wii-U, while another part of me wants to tell Ubisoft where to stick their their game for being worse dirtbags than EA in general. As it stands I will buy the game so long as they've made good use of the Wii-U controller.
The graphics look good, the gameplay looks meh. Might get it when it's really cheap though
@D2Dahaka No unique features just a map on a gamepad,that's pretty much it.And i would recommend not buying it on the Wiiu if you already played it on the PS4 or Xbox One.Cause this version has nothing new just a map that shows where you are.In my opinion that's not enough to by it again for full retail price of 60 dollars,but hey that's just me.
@midnafanboy Appreciate the reply. Guess I'll pass then.
Actually the Wii U version looks closer to the PS4/Bone version rather than the PS360 version. Quite impressed if I'm honest, but now I can get the same game on the PS4 for 30 yeah.
Despite the camera blurriness, it looks great. I'm getting this the same day captain toad comes out.
Looks alright I guess. Definitely not worth paying full price for, so I'll look for it when it's in the bargain bin or when Best Buy starts clearancing it out for ten bucks like Black Flag and Mass Effect for Wii U.
I wasn't sure about this game on Wii U but now I am glad I waited I hope it implements the gamepad as promised.
Ok. This makes me wonder why they worked so long and hard to port a game that surely will sell bad instead of creating a sequel for ZombiU that would sell well.
It actually looks good, aside from the poor animations, but those affect the PS4 / Xbox One versions as well from what I've heard, and it definitely looks better than the 360 / PS3 versions.
@JaxonH I'm in your camp on the gamepad map, worked great in deus ex and made ac:bf much better when sailing around. It doesn't have to have a new gimmick to be well used in a game imo.
My issue with watch dogs is more the delays, price and lack of dlc(although they have weirdly released some now!!). That and having played it a wee bit on ps3 at friends it didn't impress enough to buy full whack. I will buy, but cheap and in about 6 games time as I'm not as fussed now and I'm gonna have another back log after xmas!!
Awaiting review, and price drop. It's not like Ubisoft notices 'support', or will ever consider ZombiU 2, Red Steel 3, BG&E 2,... For Wii U.
@Pod sorry, I should have made the comment more clear. To me, it doesn't seem worth it to pay full price for a port that came out half a year ago on other consoles. Ubisoft frequently has sales on their games and drops the prices with regularity so I will wait for one of those to happen.
I'm just being anal. Ubi does seem to have quite many sales on the eShop.
its is as close as wii u owners are gonna get to gta like game
I think this will flop. In my opinion, Ubisoft made a terrible mistake releasing this game at this time. They should have done it earlier or later. Most Wii U gamers who would consider this game, will most like be focusing on Smash Bros. right about now.
Anyone notice the coat spasm at 8:14?
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