A grim reality struck me this week. A new Sonic game was out and I couldn't, personally, care less. If brief demo time and video footage wasn't evidence enough, the word of those in the team that own Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric was enough to convince me that it wasn't worth my time or money. When both of those commodities are at a premium choices are made carefully, and the blue blur is too far down my list of priorities. I'd sooner splash some cash on some extra goodies such as amiibo and the GameCube adapter to go with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U; that's a sad state of affairs.
To be clear, this is branded as a Soapbox due to the fact that, from a Nintendo Life perspective, Sonic games will continue to get full coverage as is typically demanded; the hope is always that whatever comes next will be better and satisfy the fans that remain. From a personal perspective, though, there's a tipping point in which SEGA's continued negligence of its most important IP has gone too far, and I've reached it. Let's outline the case.
In the 16-bit era I was a SEGA kid, so the Mega Drive — Genesis to those of you in North America — was my gaming world. I was obsessed with the main-series Sonic The Hedgehog games, through the combination of platforming and — in latter entries — bursts of thrilling speed. While it's tempting to talk about Sonic being fast as his primary strength, that wasn't strictly the case; these games were just well-designed experiences that combined imaginative design with great visuals and an awesome soundtrack. Fast moments were often there for show — one rare similarity with the modern 3D efforts.
Of course, in this era Sonic and Mario were going head to head, but a vital point came when Nintendo released Super Mario 64 and proved that 3D gaming could achieve wonderful results. SEGA as a whole was lurching through a chaotic period in which its hardware strategy was a slapstick affair, and the Sonic games found on the Saturn — in that period of 1996 to 1997 — were way off what I expected as a fan. In some respects Sonic suffered due to his platform holder making a mess of its hardware business, and my household switched to Nintendo's 64-bit machine.
The trouble with Sonic's games at that time, even accounting for some attempts at respectability on the Dreamcast, was that his owners struggled to figure out how he'd play in the 3D era. That emphasis on bursts of speed was thrilling in 2D, but in 3D had predictably glitchy results in open play, or were simply on-rails sequences; whereas sections of crazy speed in 16-bit Sonic were for seconds at a time, these were entire levels with that approach. Not all releases in the Dreamcast era were poor, in fact they can be fun, but they rapidly put Sonic in a tier below the very best, at least to me, which was not where he belonged.
A telling issue, of course, was that with SEGA exiting the hardware market it meant that Sonic no longer had a definitive home. That doesn't excuse the continuing loss of identity that has blighted the blue blur, however, as subsequent releases jumped all over the place and introduced an increasingly aimless — and sometimes irritating — cast. In the space of less than a decade Sonic went from being one of the two most important brands in gaming to being a second tier figure, moving between systems with some games that were decent and others that were disappointing. SEGA, for its part, seemed less interested in finding the right formula and more bothered with flogging the brand while keen fans were still desperate to support it. Quality suffered either through poor design, wonky cameras or choices that simply weren't good enough.
The fact is that Sonic completely lost me between 1996/1997 and the Wii era, as every sight and play I had of new releases left me with a lingering sense of disappointment.
Then there was the Wii era, which again showed how aimless the strategy for Sonic had become. Sonic Unleashed was high profile but had poorly conceived Werehog sections, whereas the Storybook spin offs were pretty mediocre; again, far removed from the glory days.
I was given some hope with Sonic Colours, though, and enjoyed Sonic Generations to a degree, though the PC port that I played was a buggy mess. Add in the 2D Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episodes and, again, there seemed to be a focus within SEGA to rebuild trust. None of these efforts were perfect — the jumping momentum was oddly borked in Sonic the Hedgehog 4 — but they made Sonic a real part of my gaming world again. When a new Sonic game arrived I was excited, simply as there seemed to be a positive trend of gradual improvement after years of decline.
I'm actually a defender of Sonic Lost World, too, within reason. I awarded it 7/10 in our review and, although I sometimes wonder whether I was one point too generous, I still believe it was relatively close to finding a solid formula. It had problems — a horrendous difficulty spike at the end, some questionable level design and platforming controls that could have been tighter — yet had wonderful moments, particularly in cylindrical levels where there was a solid fusion of speed and control. The quality wasn't consistent throughout, but there were flashes where SEGA seemed to have grasped how it could give Sonic a style that actually works.
Yet then there's Sonic Boom. The whole concept, top to bottom, is why Sonic is in a cycle of diminishing returns and credibility. If SEGA's plan was to create an off-shoot that looks like the work of a committee of disconnected business people, and then hawk it around as a cartoon with mediocre game spin-offs, then the job is done. If SEGA's aspirations for Sonic is for him to be a TV character readily dismissed in the gaming space — for there are plenty of those — then it's clear that the company cares little for the character that truly made it.
I was embarrassed by a show demo of Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric earlier this year; it was shoddy, while reviews — including our own — along with general feedback reinforce that view. I will say from experience that when a publisher holds games back from the press until after release then alarm bells ring; short of actually refusing to sell the game SEGA — and Nintendo, acting as publisher — couldn't have hid it much better. The creeping trend of embargoes after releases is bad enough — see Assassin's Creed Unity — but not even giving early access shows that a title is either so online-centric that there's no purpose to advance copies, or that the product is a mess. Rise of Lyric was the latter. I'm actually interested in picking up Shattered Crystal cheap in the future, as it seems like a relatively competent effort. Yet Sonic's all about home console games, to me, with portable entries a welcome extra.
If Rise of Lyric is a new low, then what next? I think SEGA, first of all, needs to slow down. Whether its desire to extract a few more bucks out of Sonic overrides that priority is something for the company's executives and accountants to figure out, but a break is needed for multiple reasons. The brand is rapidly descending towards junk status again, and it needs to determine how the best can be made of Sonic moving forward. The first assessment is to decide who can develop a truly admirable Sonic experience — is Sonic Team up to the challenge, does it need external help? Then it needs to prototype, experiment and generally care about what it's doing with the franchise.
There are some suggesting Nintendo should 'acquire' the IP, which would be lovely but won't — I don't think — happen. An interesting suggestion in The Guardian is for SEGA to hand over the keys to the most talented small 'indie' devs they can find; there's logic to that, as the brand's origins were in rebellion, with the classic early entries defying some well-known conventions in drawing inspiration from sources such as pinball. That's when Sonic was an actual rebel through actions and how he played, not in the annoying voice-over and awful script sense. I'd still prefer a sizeable studio with experience to run the show — that doesn't include Big Red Button, evidently — and spend a solid few years on the project.
Sonic and Mario are barely comparable now, which is SEGA's own fault, yet it can learn lessons from Nintendo's approach to its main series of platformers. Nintendo was more than happy — in the N64 and GameCube eras — to have long gaps between projects as it worked on the next game. With the Wii and DS the company kicked off its regular 'New' series of 2D games, while using the building blocks from the first two '3D' Mario games to expand and improve its efforts in that area. The regular entries we see now are the legacy of the company — in past generations — nailing down how Mario games should feel, and we reap the rewards as gamers. SEGA never truly took that time to get Sonic absolutely right in a 3D space, and has reserved his better 2D efforts for portable hardware. That history can't be changed, but with Sonic's identity at such a low point now may be the time to assess what to do next without chasing deadlines or targeting kids by committee, as with Sonic Boom.
Games like Sonic Generations, Sonic Lost World and Sonic Colours all showed potential, and at least provide some form of foundation. SEGA absolutely must show more respect for its mascot and its fans, however. It needs to take time and extract the best of recent efforts into one project, and it needs to stop degrading itself with shoddy, second-rate spin-offs.
I'm out of patience, for now. SEGA must show that it truly cares about making Sonic an important name in gaming; unfortunately I suspect I'll be waiting for a long time.
Comments 125
To be fair, Sega's not entirely to blame here. If anything, you should blame BigRedButton for half-arsing it.
@TheHumbleFellow Sega will have had some input in the game. I doubt they will have just left BRB to it. You only have to look at Sega's own "efforts" to create Sonic titles to know that the company has a mascot it simply doesn't know how to use properly.
Bring back Yuji Naka.
Sadly I totally agree, Sega is pushing this beyond ridicoulus...
Sonic didn't fully fail in some recent games, but even when something was done right Sega was very happy to make a new game without learn from what was good and bad in the last entry...
Weird enough the Sonic Boom games are even a come back of the worst examples of Sonic past. Granted I didn't play them, so I'll keep my opinion limited, but (enjoyable or not) the Wii U game was clearly rushed out as an infamous older brother and the 3DS game sounds like a good solid game with almost no levels and lenght and again that happened in the past; Generations on 3DS was a very fun game...lasting 2 hours! Still remember my dissapointment when I finished the game in less than an afternoon >.>;;;
I have some patience and hope left, but it's very very thin after seeing Sonic degraded to a cartoon character with a mediocre tie-in game -_-;
@TheHumbleFellow Sega is the owner of the character and it was their decision to delegate to BRB and their responsability to keep an eye on the project. Sega can't be blamed for the specific glitches or wrong details in Sonic Boom, but they are the ones that surely checked the game and gave the okay in front of the final result.
The only excuse could be that Sega had to release the Sonic Boom games cause of the deal with Nintendo and no delay was admitted, but I can't imagine Nintendo forcing them to get the game out even if it was unfinished and glitchy ^_^;
Amen to that.
@Damo So, you're just going to completely disregard Colours and Generations, are you?
Call me a blind quack, but I don't think Sonic Boom for either system is a travesty.
I think it's dumb to dismiss handheld Sonic games, simply because they're not these big experience and yet mention giving the Sonic IP to small companies instead.
What should happen with Sonic is that SEGA should give Dimps the right to make a home console 2D Sonic game, because they have given most of the best Sonic games of the past decade.
Fantastic article, Tom. A thorough and excellent read. You said it. Unfortunately, fanboys (which is not saying any rational Sonic fan, but the true blind sheep) are going to plug their ears and go LALALALALA, as they often do. Oh, well! As far as I'm concerned, the truth has been spoken.
I was tempted to check out Rise of Lyric just for laughs, but a bad joke isn't worth $60.
I was in the midst of typing a long-winded paragraph, when I realized that after Sonic lost his home due to Sega not manufacturing consoles any longer, the games began to lose creativity. I feel like Sonic Heroes and Rush were the last good games. I enjoyed everything from the original to the Sonic Adventure games. Every spinoff game in between was just icing on the cake. Afterwards, Unleashed really killed it for me due to being on an unfamiliar console, and looking really cheesy and different in a bad way. And that icing on the cake slowly went from being the homemade-with-love kind to the standard store brand, with more candles every year.
But in all seriousness, Sega has been neglecting it's brands. Where has Super Monkey Ball, Samba de Amigo, Jet Set Radio, etc gone?
Shut him up and make his eyes black again and things will eventually work out.
I've never played the old Mega Drive games, just some of the 21st century and I didn't like any of them, including GBA's Rush.
I was close to buying Colours and that's probably as close as I'll ever be until they release a truly good game, one with universal acclaim. And that probably will never happen.
@TheHumbleFellow As someone who grew up in the glory years - I still vividly recall trading in a load of old Mega Drive games to get the first Sonic - yes, yes I am. They're perfectly likeable games but hardly worthy of name.
@BLPs You're quite the drama queen, aren't you?
Ironically; I think one of the best representations of Sonic in recent times is his appearance in Smash Bros, both the character and the stage designs. Just make basically a classic playing Sonic game, very much like the Mega Drive original, but with those lovely 3D representations of the classic 2D graphics and I think it would be great. Just don't add in lots of random crap and gimmicks that aren't really necessary. Keep in simple, pure and fun, like the original game.
I wish Nintendo would just buy SEGA.
@Wouwter God, leave @BLPs alone. I think he makes pretty good points. This site shows a very worrying trend of "If you like Sonic, we'll have to remind you how crap he is" or "You're not allowed to say you dislike Mario". I personally agree with him that Nintendo has done nothing with Mario, or most of their franchises, for years. The soapbox article makes good points, but totally ignores the handheld games which were usually pretty good. Sega tried different ideas on the DS, rather than 'New Super Mario 5000', or 'Mario Kart Again'. Yes, Sega should have realised what was good and built on it more, but at least they've tried to do something new. As far as I'm concerned, the last 3 Sonic games developed by Sonic Team have been good. This is one misstep by a third party company, and suddenly Sonic has always been crap recently? Let's see what Sonic Team does next, then if that's crap, we'll agree Sonic is going downhill again.
Though I can understand the criticisms of Lost World I still consider it to be a pretty darn good game and maybe it is just me but I don't remember having trouble with the game from start to finish. Sonic sure has had his ups and downs and though he will likely never again return to games as high quality as the ones Mario stars in he can still be in some decent ones as Lost World, Colors, and Generations has proven.
@Pahvi Sounds like it was this you watched:
I thought Unleashed was great, even the Werehog sections. I enjoyed Colors too, especially the challenge mode which had you go through every stage in order. And Generations was awesome - don't know about you guys, but I didn't really find any bugs in my PC version. Adventure 2 is still my favorite 3D game though. But hey, everyone's entitled to their opinion.
Sonic Team I feel have redeemed themselves with Sonic Colours, Sonic Generations and Sonic Lost World (Though I haven't played the WiiU version yet). Rise of Lyric had issues from the start being a game that was created by a team that was supposed to be competent (Though, maybe there was a reason why they were Ex-Members of Naughty Dog) but chose to leave the project one by one instead of doing their job in trying to make the game half decent. All that was left was a rushed mess where the only people that gave a crap were the animators....to a degree.
Its a good thing that Sonic Boom is more of a spin off than an actual Sonic game.
But does SEGA ever make games anymore instead of just publishing them? Because I think they made Valkiria Chronicles and that game was critical!
.....yet they can't do the same for Sonic. I love the blue dude man! I know that if Nintendo owns him, It'll be a true blessing........
I think you forgot to mention that his handheld games even the RPG one were the best put into Sonic with innovation in mind.
Great article, it's a sad moment for Sonic fans and plataformer players.
Sonic could have been amazing on the Saturn. If a 2D game had been made, it would have stood the test of time way better than a lot of early polygon games from that era have.
Yet, everyone wanted 3D polygon games (or so we were told), and Sonic was not the only series to suffer in that transition.
In a sense I guess Sonic Team realised the limitations of a 3D Sonic on the Saturn and gave us Nights and Burning Rangers instead.
When Sonic did go 3D on the Dreamcast the game was visually impressive for the time, but felt like a first attempt.
The problem is, SEGA don’t seem to build upon and refine what works in each new game into the next, but introduce new gameplay mechanics which often create new problems (I saw a recent video from Jim Sterling where he summarised this pretty well I think).
Sonic 4 was an exception, I think episode 2 was a real improvement over the original in graphics and physics and showed promise, but they promptly abandoned it right there.
@RainbowGazelle His reaction is just so dramatic. If you like it, that's perfectly fine with me, don't bother yourself too much with what other people think of it.
SEGA has never really understood how to manage their IP. Just about every franchise they have has been allowed to languish or been re-imagined to the point of being worthless. Sonic is just the biggest example of that problem. SEGA basically is living off of nostalgia and good-will and they are quickly burning it up.
I'm no Sonic historian, but I enjoyed Sonic Heroes (Gamecube), which does not seem to get much credit from those down on Sonic. I did have the original on the Genesis, but was partial to Mario. Fast fwd many years and there is Sonic again on my MK Double Dash preview disc; enjoyed it and soon ordered the game (which apparently sold pretty well). Great music, plenty of speed and varied gameplay (flying, cars, rails, etc.) to present that 3D platformer as a fun and cleaver Sonic game.
I did demo Sonic Lost World on Wii U. Terrible. Did have hopes for Sonic Boom, but this review and others scream avoid. Too bad.
Before comments get too out of hand, thank you to the author for writing this. It's an eye opener.
As most kids in the UK in the 90s, I was Sega through and through. (Sonic won the playground battle here) For a long time he was my favourite video game character, especially on Gamecube. During the Wii years I lost interest, and with good reason. Sega lost it's way on the Saturn, that much was clear when I found myself playing Sonic Jam over and over. For those who don't remember, Sonic Jam was basically a compilation of Sonic's Mega Drive greats, with a 3D hub world thrown in that let you explore the history of the series. That 3D world played horribly, and was a sign of things to come.
Except it wasn't, at least not on Dreamcast and Gamecube, for me. The Sonic Adventure games were my favourites, and I even love Sonic Heroes. But the games that really shine for me in that era, were the Sonic Advance titles. 2D classic Sonic games that I couldn't put down. Sonic Rush was also fantastic, and the sequel wasn't bad except the between levels boat riding.
You're right, they should slow down. There's a pattern that has emerged. Every year a game is announced early on, and I always know it will be available by Christmas with a 3DS/DS title of the same name. They seem far too content to release a game every year (or a pair of games) than actually spent time to make them playable. Imagine we had a new 3D Mario platformer every Christmas? They would probably still be good, but would certainly feel rushed.
IMO they need to focus more on the handheld, 2D side scrolling Sonic. They haven't released a dedicated 2D side scroller for handheld since Sonic Rush Adventure in 2007, which saddens me because as I said, I loved the Gameboy Advance and DS titles. They attempted to bring the series back to it's roots with the Sonic 4 games, but they were awful and a shadow of their ancestors. I didn't even finish the second game (partly because it never arrived on Wii and it's awful trying to play on an iPhone touch screen.)
It's time for Sega to bring Sonic back to where he began and do it right this time. Even if it means taking a Mega Drive engine and 16-bit sprite sheet and making an eShop game in the same vein as the Mega Man games did.
I completely agree, @ThomasBW84. SEGA needs to put Sonic on ice for a while. No new games (except the odd appearance in Smash Bros. or whatever), re-release the old Genesis / Mega Drive, Dreamcast, and Game Boy Advance classics on Wii U and other digital storefronts, maybe the occasional mobile... but no more major releases. Let it lie dormant for a time. Then, either find a promising up-and-coming indie dev, or a revamped Sonic Team, and come out with a bold, daring and POLISHED new game. Don't push for a holiday release; wait until late in development to announce the game so it's not being rushed for some arbitrary deadline. Maybe then the franchise could be saved.
Or just sell it to Nintendo. They seem to know what they're doing when it comes to software.
Great article. I read the whole thing, actually. I've never played a Sonic game but I can agree that its quality is...lacking, to say the least.
One critic pointed out that Sega keeps trying to reinvent the wheel and failing most of the time.
@Damo While I agree with bringing back Naka, he has stated on interview that he is glad to be free from having to make new Sonic games like Sakurai is forever tied to Smash, Kojima to Metal Gear, Anouma to Zelda and Miyamoto to Mario.
So while I would love it, I don't think its possible.
Its time to die, Sonic.
If I were sega I would start developing sonic adventure 3 right away. Many fans have been wanting it and the nostalgia alone would hype it up for non fans.
Sonic was once a representation of high quality plat-forming games, now he's the definition of mediocre. The respect is gone, every gamer I know laughs whenever Sonic is mentioned. He's become the butt jokes of Video games. It's about time they let the franchise go on hiatus to allow for recovery.
@RainbowGazelle @Wouwter @BLPs
Opinions? I'm pretty sure that word would sum up this conversation.
I couldn't agree with this article more. Sega needs to stop and take a moment to figure out just what the hell they're gonna do with Sonic (remembers games like Black Knight and Shadow the Hedgehog). Okay, let me rephrase that: Sega needs to stop and take a moment to figure out what the hell they're gonna do with Sonic IN A WAY THAT WORKS...and also NOT let BRB once again work on the series...ever. Hopefully Sonic Boom isn't a sign of what's to come, but I still think it'd be best to approach the next game with caution, and that's coming from someone who genuinely likes the series.
@TheHumbleFellow It wasn't BRR's decision to release the game. I'm fairly sure they even wanted MORE TIME to work with the game, but SEGA went "Haha, nope, we scheduled release for this day, it's going out".
@Pahvi That would be Jim Sterling
I watched that video last night
@Allx360 Sonic Adventure 3 would be amazing!
I hope Sega can get on the right track with Sonic, as the series has been too inconsistent over the years. It seems like for every good/decent game they develop there are two mediocre/bad games. Nintendo would never buy Sonic, but maybe they could hand the keys to one of Nintendo's arms for a go, say maybe Retro? Or at least a collaborative project between them and Team Sonic.
I really don't understand why SEGA has hard time working on Sonic. I mean they made some somewhat quality games like Jet Set Radio or Shenmue. I really wanted to play a third Jet Set Radio and Shenmue, but Jet Set Radio 3 for the Wii was cancelled, and we still haven't heard anything from Sega about Shenmue 3.
I just feel like if Sonic continues to be misrepresented by SEGA then he may only stick to being playable in a Super Smash setting. I would really like for the blue hedgehog to succeed though.
@RainbowGazelle Except Nintendo didn't HAVE to do anything with Mario. Mario has stuck to a formula that has sold many games and gotten mostly acclaim. Sonic seems to be floundering all over the place to find a big audience
The other point is how this game was hyped and marketed like crazy...but it is awful to most critics. That hurts a lot for fans of a series that's been decent at best lately
I honestly think that Sonic Lost World was a genuinely great game. It had a few problems that irked me, but for the most part it was a really enjoyable game and a good time. But I am pretty lenient towards Sonic since I just have this addiction with collecting rings and trying to see how many I can accumulate before I finish the level. Sure, Sonic doesn't have a great recent history, but to me the games are still fun and definitely Sonic-style. That's all that matters to me.
Okay, I may sound stupid or blind...But I actually look forward to playing Rise of Lyric. I love Sonic. I love him as much as any Nintendo character(I even consider him a Nintendo character nowadays). Even when he has a "bad" game. I still manage to enjoy it. Even though I was not alive during the 16 bit era so I have not played the genesis games.(Which I plan to fix soon). Honestly I am just going to stay positive. The Sonic Boom games look fun to me, The TV show is a blast, and I can't wait for the next game. I'm not going to let anything change my opinion about the blue blur. Because Sonic, You are still fun and cool to me.
@AyeHaley @FritzFrapp Because of this one game? 3 of the last 4 Sonic games have been good, but now suddenly this one means that all of them are bad? Where is the logic?
Yet sonic fans still want to buy this stuff. It sickens me. "Oh it will get better, just keep waiting." Sega is willing to shell out quick and easily made games because it makes them money, if you really wanted better sonic games you would quit buying ones that you know are bad.
@Cyndaquilfan123 I find it incredible that you really love Sonic but have yet to play any of his 16 bit games.Man you are in for a treat.The first 2 are my favourites,I wasn't a fan of the artstyle on the 3rd.No other game has wowed me as much as my first sighting of Sonic 1 on my mates Japanese Megadrive and because of that and my refusal to play any of his modern releases means I will always love the little fella
i just really want them to take a break from a few years to let sonic team work on other things (perhaps a new nights?) and then come back with a truly amazing sonic game.
I am of the opinion that Shadow the Hedgehog is a good game.
I don't think SEGA cares; they see an IP as just something to keep throwing until it brings a loss; and then they kill it. The reason they used to do well is because they had some of the most talented programmers that could do crazy things with weird hardware. (Multi-processor programming in assembly for instance). But they have pretty much let most of them go.
SEGA will just retire Sonic and complain that people just don't like platformers; much like how they complain people don't like tactical rpgs to cover for the fact that they sent the Shining Series into the ground.
Nice article, been awhile since we had a soapbox one.
I always got to give points to Sonic for changing up the formula at times to keep things new. One of my top 3 favorite Sonic games is one of the most frown upon on the internet forum but is different then the classic. With that said, I always notice the free roaming 3d Sonic games fall short compared to the more linear ones. Most due to camera control.
The best power SEGA like other old video games companies have is nostalgia. I notice it mostly with Sonic 4 episode 1 in this case. As long as you make it the kids of yesterday like it, you're good. Remember adults are more choosey with video games than kids.
@RainbowGazelle The logic is apparently that Sega doesn't seem to continue the "good" things about the series. They keep trying new things that don't seem to work
@AleyHaley NO, NO, NO.
I always liked Sonic, back in the 90s. But these new games are awful. I also agree that they need to take some time off, but I think they need to take a page out of Nintendo's book and release a "New" Sonic the Hedgehog side-scrolling platforming adventure. Just bring it back to classic Sonic, make it quality, and get the old fan base back in it. Not just the ones that have stuck with Sonic through the awful games, but bring in the people who have abandoned ship, like myself.
As an example, I hate 3D Mario games. Didn't like Mario 64, Sunshine, didn't really care for Galaxy (though it was better, IMO, than Sunshine), but I eat up 2D Mario games. New Super Mario Bros was, to me, one of the best things Nintendo did with Mario. I'm a fan of all of the NSMB games. If SEGA can't figure out what they're doing with Sonic, then go back to basics. Heck, let Nintendo get a crack at the game, if they're not willing to do it themselves.
I think Nintendo is just the only company that can keep an old franchise feeling fresh generation after generation. Sonic is in a bad spot, but you could almost say Megaman is doing much worse. And then there's Castlevania... and Final Fantasy...
To me, Sonic games went bad when Shadow got his own game. Sonic was my game to play back on the Genesis days. I would play those over Mario any day. I enjoyed the Sonic Adventure games on Dreamcast, and I liked the Sonic games on GBA. But like I said, once Shadow got his own game things went bad. Sonic 06 was just bad, the storybook Wii games sucked, I didn't even bother with Unleashed, and honestly, Sega didn't even get Sonic 4 right. I have yet to play colors. I meant to, but just never did. The Sonic Sega All Star racing games are fun, but they are not true Sonic games. Sonic Generation was good though, but Lost World and Sonic Boom just killed it for me. I don't know what Sega can do now for Sonic. People say Nintendo should pick up Sonic, but I say why? What are they going to do with it? Nintendo has a lot of their own franchises to look after.
Off Topic: I'm still annoyed that Sega won't bring anymore Yakuza games outside of Japan.
I think crapping out a new game every year is what's causing a lot of the trouble. How can you make a better game when you're barely giving yourself time to see how people responded to the LAST one? I mean, look at Nintendo. Nintendo has occasionally had franchises SKIP an entire generation just so the games would stay high quality. Metroid skipped the N64 era because the hardware wasn't quite right for the experience they were envisioning. It's hard to question Nintendo's logic since Metroid Prime ended up being one of the best games of its generation. Also look at Nintendo's 3D Mario games. The closest thing to a "low point" in 3D Mario games was Sunshine, but that game averaged 9/10s. The bar is so high for Nintendo a "disappointing" 3D Mario game is still better than 95% of the stuff on the market.
Thomas - thank you. This was one of the best pieces that I have ever read on the site, and unlike plenty of users I actually read everything through before I comment.
You're completely spot-on with everything here and I applaud you for putting all of this out there.
I think we all want to see the franchises we care about treated well. Sonic isn't one for me, but I can understand the frustration of fans. The identity just doesn't seem to be there. I wonder if they're steadily adding fans or not, and what they can do to avoid the series going completely niche. Maybe Sonic and Megaman can make a blue-coloured support group.
They need to go back to their roots and stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Also, MAKE THE GAME YOURSELF AND QUIT GIVING IT TO INCAPABLE STUDIOS!
Just curious, why do you think Nintendo won't be able to acquire the IP? That's not exactly obvious.
Anyway, I'm not sure I trust SEGA anymore. Generations was great, but I'm not sure if they're going to build off its success. We won't really know for sure until they release a PS4/Xbox One Sonic game and see where the gameplay goes there, as those are usually their best efforts and tend to follow up from each other. The problem on the Nintendo side of things is that SEGA treats the game as glorified beta tests for new concepts and don't really put a lot of effort into those games. If Nintendo can't buy the IP, they should at least negotiate for more input into the actual development of the games as a condition for releasing them on their consoles, they can handle innovation much better and put a lot more love and care into the games than SEGA can.
Sonic should go back to 2D...
man i miss when sega was making hardware
Im sure platinum games can do a badass sonic game
Sonic Generations was a great game, and Lost World was ok-ish although the characters in it were just appalling.
Hopefully Valkyria Chronicles' sales success on Steam (which wildly surpassed Sega's expectations) will help them realize there's a MOUNTAIN of long-requested properties that fans are clamoring for; give Sonic a rest if not put him out to pasture permanently.
I've always been a Nintendo fanboy, but I've also always been ready to try a Sonic game for a few years now. I've tried the demos and what not, but none of them are just attractive to me. It seems like they recycle the same gameplay over and over and hope for the best. I've never been able to pull the trigger because of this, and it doesn't look like I will soon either.
Sega should hand over the keys to Sonic to a developer with close ties to Nintendo, like Retro or Platinum (not so sure about Platinum, since their style might do a bit too much with Sonic, and is unlikely to be sufficiently kid-friendly). Retro in particular would likely do a great job with Sonic in a 3D environment.
Most of all, I really just want Sonic to shut up and stop being a TV character. His writing is always so campy and terrible, and he is exhibit A for why generally don't want voice acting in my video games.
@Bolt_Strike Honestly, I would be surprised if Nintendo wanted it. It's not like Nintendo is lacking for cherished characters of video game history, and they are always churning out new IPs. Why would they want one that has been damaged the way Sonic has? I don't even know if they have the bandwidth to handle Sonic in a way that would make his fans happy. They are already struggling to put out major versions of their existing IPs at a pace that pleases fans (see, repeated calls for new F-Zero and Metroid games).
One of the things this article gets very right is the element of time. Nintendo takes a notoriously long time to develop its biggest properties (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.), and the gaps between releases on anything but the latest slate of New Super Mario Bros. games is always a matter of multiple years. Even the last New Super Mario Bros. game was in 2012, and there has never been more than one for a single console. Ironically, Sonic needs to slow down so he be fine tuned.
I used to love Sonic (I was a SNES kid, but took any available opportunity to play a Genesis with Sonic on it), and I have very carefully considered buying Lost World on the Wii U on multiple occasions, especially with the Zelda DLC, but I just can't pull the trigger. It's telling that the best version of Sonic I've seen in a while is in Super Smash Bros. I still believe they can bring him back from the brink, but they have got to give it to the right people and give them lots of time to work on it.
I really thought Sonic was finally back on track hen they realized how great the day levels were in Unleashed and tried to bring only those levels to Colors. Colors is a fantastic game, and it was the first 3D sonic that was everything I wanted a 3D sonic to be. Generations was coming out not much later too and that game was also amazing, and not only did it continue to effectively explore the 3D gameplay that Colors finally got right, but also integrated the long missed gameplay of the 2D sonics in the correct manner the fan's wanted (especially given what a disappointment Sonic 4 episode 1 was). Sonic 4 Episode 2 however was a great move in the right direction for a strictly 2D sonic on consoles in this day and age. I'd love to see them try again with a Sonic 5, make it not episodic and refine the few problems that 4 episode 2 had. But alas, this is where the good Sonic games for consoles stop hitting the mark. Lost World looked great, and the game itself isn't bad. BUT, in the end the game is pretty forgettable, not bad, but nothing great. Then, I wont even touch Sonic Boom, but for what it's worth Sonic Boom isn't so much the Sonic Team's fault as it seems like its probably BigRedButton's fault.
Eh I don't care what anyone says. I've enjoyed every Sonic that I've played. People are just too sensitive and want perfect Sonic games and crap. My personal favorite will probably have to be Heroes because of its amazing big stages and platforming it's just the story that was kind of lame to me. I bet the next Sonic for next year will be awesome since it will be multi plat and the last game like that was Generations....ooohhh.
Finally, someone on this site who shares my viewpoint. I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank You.
But Sonic isn't as popular in Japan, right? Maybe all the quality game studios in Japan that actually gave a damn (Sonic Team) just don't see it to be worth it anymore. Sonic Boom done by BRB and only sold in the West should indicate that... Hopefully Sonic's just going through a rough patch.
In the mean time I'm just gonna keep maining Sonic in Smash Bros. And hey, Archie's Sonic comics are pretty good! Check those out?
Me too! I think it has the best story/endings I've seen in any Sonic game besides Adventure 2.
SONIC.EXE is the only memorable Sonic game in roughly two decades. That about says it all.
I've said this a million times before. They need to cut out the story and stop stuffing the games with characters that are forgettable. Someone needs to make an honest remake, a New Sonic The Hedge Hog if you will. Similar to New Super Mario Brothers. Take the classic gameplay and just up the graphics. The story to all mario games is simple, the same should go for Sonic games. Yet Team Sonic always try to turn it into a story based RPG of sorts. They hit a home run with Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast but since they've been trying to make lighting strike twice and have failed. This mix of 2.5D and Adventure style gameplay isn't cutting it.
Haha i've had this photo as my wallpaper on my iphone for some time. Framing classic Sonic and Tails of course.
I'll always think highly of Sonic's first two Master System outings, especially Sonic 2. Everything after that, for me, went from ho-hum to flat-out terrible. It's sad, but I guess I'm used to it by now.
@WaLzgi New things are called 'innovation'. I thought Nintendo was supposedly about that. It doesn't change the fact that there is no logic to saying that Sonic has been crap for ages when it's only 1 out of 4 games.
Sonic? How much will this latest entry sell? I offern wonder if sega would make more money by reserecting an old ip...like skies of, or shinning, or panzer or Shenmue ?
@RainbowGazelle, innovation is not simply something new. Innovation is something new that is beneficial or an improvement. It's not innovation to put a hat on a toaster and sell that product even though that product hasn't existed before, as there is no benefit and its not an improvement.
Just give me a port of the Sonic Adventure games to either the 3DS or Wii U and that would satisfy me .
Though I'm going to be very optimistic until i actually play Rise of Lyric (I'm currently enjoying Shattered Crystal), I will say i think the best thing that could happen is if Nintendo bought Sonic. They seemed to capture him the best in Smash Bros. His appearance is spot on, the classic jump sound and other classic sounds Sega doesnt even use in recent games, his fighting style makes perfect sense, his final smash, his jumping spring, and his fighting stage all appeal to real Sonic fans. Nintendo and Sakurai-San seemed to have a perfect understanding of what Sonic should be, even though he's only a cameo character in Smash. Wishful thinking i know, but i can dream.
@duffmmann My point still stands that @WaLzgi 's comment makes no sense.
Also, I'd probably buy a toaster with a hat.
Well said, Thomas.
I really felt like Sonic Colours was close to getting 3D sonic right, and then they blew it!
Frankly, it's time they did what we all know would work...A true 16-bit 2D Sonic - A proper 'Sonic 4'
Sonic was never comparable to Mario. Mario is a worldwide household name. But he has his room in Nintendo's roster, along Shy Guy
I've always been a Nintendo gamer, but I've had a lot of respect for Sonic.
Putting on that Red Scarf has not helped Him in anyway.
Sonic Adventure was fun... they could go back to something like that...
Dear Sonic,
please don't listen to the haters. You got some pretty, pretty bad games the last few decades and it's really not your fault. It doesn't mean that, one day, someone who cares and knows what they're doing won't come along and fix you. Because they will. They'll make you a game that's worthy of who you and your friends are. So don't you lose hope, Sonic. I know I won't.
an old fan
Why do I continue to love Sonic so? Why does the sound of golden rings send my heart all aflutter? Why do I inflicf such pain upon myself?
Disagree completely, Sega's has control of Sonic, they should be ashamed of releasing this game and most of the others
Sonic's handling in Smash Bros. is how he should be in his own games. It's amazing how much Nintendo nailed other 3rd party characters better than those companies themselves.
@OneBagTravel Sonic 4 pretty much was Sonic's NSMB. Except Sonic 4 wasn't as successful, so it hasn't seen the light of day since Episode 2.
IMO neither of them were that good, the games were too short, the physics were too wonky, many of the levels were ripoffs (especially in Episode 1), and they made stupid decisions like having Tails relegated to a co-op character instead of fully playable. Like with Nintendo games, they were real "B Team" games that didn't really have any love and care put into them.
Well thought out, and well written. This describes my sonic woes perfectly.
Colours was near perfection, so all Sega needs to do is make a sequel, just don't f it up ext time.
Sega would do well to choose much more carefully which companies are able to utilize this character. I've lost pretty much any confidence I ever had in the Sonic brand after being burned so many times. It's essentially a 50/50 shot these days whether a new Sonic game will be good or completely mediocre.. I'm open to new games in the future that others tell me are good, but my presumption since the Wii era has been that Sonic games are, by and large, buggy, unpolished, and mediocre experiences, and the games that have come out in the last few years, Generations aside, have done little to disabuse me of that.
Even the best Sonic games pale in comparison to the Mario platformers, though. The one possible exception is Sonic 2, which was a masterpiece of the 16-bit era, but otherwise? The worst thing you can say about a Mario game is that it is unoriginal and/or takes no risks. They are always polished and professional experiences, though.
@ThomasBW84 Assassin's Creed Unity was considered so broken that today Ubisoft announced that they're cancelling the season pass and giving those who purchased it a free digital download of a different Ubisoft game (choose 1 from: Watch Dogs, Far Cry 4, The Crew, Rayman Legends, Just Dance 2015, Assassin's Creed Black Flag).
I've been steadily becoming less and less interested in Sonic with every game. Spinoff or not, this was supposed to be his "big revival" to "breathe new life" into the franchise. But it flopped. Again.
Sonic has one more chance as far as I'm concerned. If the next Sonic game is a failure too, I'm writing off the Sonic franchise for good.
hides in corner no no no no no..... no no no no...dies no...
my ghost:@AleyHaley thanks allot!
I'm glad I'm not the only who played the Somic Advance games. Those were great. I just wish they would release a new 2d Sonic Game on a console. I would probably buy that day one.
I didn't think Colors was as good as most people on here are making it out to be. Lost World was way better.
Sega have failed too much with sonic main games, every Mario main game has been a masterpiece or close to it.
Sega need to take a step back for a few years and work on it instead of just passing out crap like Boom.
You have to blame Nintendo. They have taken most of their 2D characters and given them all fantastic 3D gameplay. Without their flawless record in this area, we could be a little less harsh on old Sonic.
Seriously speaking, Sega needs to restore Sonic. Restore him, Sega. Please find a way, Sonic is a great video game Character.
Sonic just has a crazy history. Why oh why did Sega not make a 32 bit Sonic game on the Saturn? Considering how well the 16 bit games were, it surely would have rocked. Sure, Sony was doing great things with the Playstation but Sega should have focused on their systems strengths instead of trying to follow Sony's game designs when the Saturn just wasn't made to push that many polygons. As for what's happening with Sonic now, it's hard for me to say. I haven't even tried all the Sonic games up to this point so I really didn't need a new one anytime soon but I wish they wouldn't create another version of him. Mario isn't sporting new gear or a face lift. What if Nintendo suddenly made Mario skinny and Luigi fat?! LOL!
Actually, when you look at some of the Mario games they had different designs, and such for the Mario Bros. Compare how Mario looked in DK, Mario Bros. arcade, the original Super Mario Bros., SMB3, and the 3D games. They've had way more different designs then Sonic has.
As for my opinions on Sonic, I'm actually a li'l more optimistic, as I don't think all Sonic's "newer" games are that bad. I even liked the "Shadow" solo game, and such despite the flaws they had. It's a shame "Sonic Boom" wasn't better done, but at least the TV show is a li'l amusing.
Some old-school Sonic purists are a li'l to blinded by nostalgia, and I see them all the time on the internet insist EVERY Sonic game after Sonic 3 is "bad," or give ridiculous criticisms like that Sonic "shouldn't have green eyes," and such. I even see some even bash the later 2D games to like "Sonic Rush," they're so obsessed with hating anything new.
So while I'm not going to deny some of his games are "hit or miss," (I didn't like "Secret Rings" personally) I'm honestly kinda burnt-out on the Sonic-bashing. So even if Sega does make a more universally well-done Sonic game, it'll still have it's hatedom.
(Also, not all the old 2D Sonics were great either. Some of the Game Gear games were medioscre. In fact, I thought the Game Gear Sonic 2 was way frustrating, despite it getting a "good" review on this site. Though "Tails Adventure" was awesome.)
Also, honestly I wouldn't want Nintendo to buy-off Sega/Sonic, because then they'd cancel the official (20 year old) Sonic comic series, and such... (Seeing how Nintendo is basically against letting any animation/comic companies handle their properties lately.) Or possibly forget about said series like they have F-Zero, and such games.
So while I LOVE Nintendo, and they have a better track-record, they aren't perfect either. In fact, they supposedly helped Sega with "Sonic Lost World," didn't they?
I totally agree with you. Those games had lost there thunder for so long now. When I saw it as a third party exclusive I didn't even count it from the get go because I realized years ago that the games were stale. Sega where are you and where the hec is phantasy Star online you just dont get it anymore. You made good on a new Alien game but that's it and let's not forget the one before that was a suckfest. You will always be one of my favorite companies but I haven't played a Sega game since that Generic Sonic RPG on the DS. The last great game you gave to Nintendo fans was Phantasy Star and The psp one was better . Get it together Sega.
I'll worry when the next Sonic Team game is as bad as Sonic '06.
@RainbowGazelle Okay, they did three games right. So why is this game terrible? Oh right, because they tried to "innovate" it and failed miserably. Innovation isn't necessary when the previous formula works.
I actually never liked the 2D Sonic games. I played the ones on the Dreamcast, and my son played one on 360 and those were enjoyable. Lost World seems like I would enjoy it. It is disappointing that Sonic fans seem to be forced to endure extreme varying degrees of quality in games. As a Nintendo/Mario fan, there have been no games that "I" played of the series that I thought wee bad. I hope the Sonic series finds its footing for the sake of Sonic fans and gamers alike.
@AugustusOxy Discussing Sonic tends to do that to you.
Sonic has never been good.
Okay, evidently it's a $50 game and not $60, as I erroneously posted. But my point still stands!
Unfortunately, I agree. I really loved Sonic Colors. It wasn't perfect, but it was on the right track. Sonic Lost World, while not bad was a step backwards. Sonic just works better in Color's tube like levels than the bigger Lost World space. But worse, there were way too many 2D levels and I really didn't like the retro art style either. So here's me hoping that team Sonic is working on Sonic Colors U...
At least Sega is working with they character right?, what about Crapcom with Megaman?
@thomin I love sonic colors but it is mostly a 2d game.sonic lost world, in contrast, is a very 3d game. List world also have increased elements if exploration. I personally think lost world is the best 3d sonic game made.
"SEGA absolutely must show more respect for its mascot and its fans"
Yeah, because they never have listened to fans and given them service, or hosted special events for Sonic and the fans. Yeah totally, I mean, what's Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Generations? e_e
The only problem here is how much of a big fuss people make. Sonic has had so many great games, with great stories, and ideas that I've not seen in many other games. SEGA may have "experimented" with Sonic, because you can't keep releasing the same game over and over again with the same gameplay before it gets tiring. I can't believe that people still buy out the "New Super Mario Bros." series of games, with the same ideas over and over again. Is it really hard for people to just have fun with games? I never hear as much hate to a character more than Sonic, because many have just gotten this idea that he's a failure, just from hearing it and probably never trying his games. For those who do, quit overreacting. If I ever hear a Nintendo game get a low score on here, people don't even mind and still support it. If I hear a Sonic game get a 7/10 or near, people flip out saying the series is doomed and that they never had any hope, It's really, really tiresome. Give him a break. If you don't like his games, then don't play them, but don't go voicing some sort of negative feedback and trying to prove how much of "great taste" you have in a game. What's even to say a game is good or bad with how many different varieties we have? I have always supported Sonic for the last 9 years, and will continue to do so. I am enjoying Sonic Boom, the game and the show, and am looking forward to what Sonic Team has to offer in the future!
Very well said, man. For me I think the Archie Comics had nailed Sonic perfectly story wise thanks to his full cast of interesting characters unlike other franchises, Sonic is the only one that has potential in a good story.
I have a feeling that the sonic franchise has died, and i was a huge sonic fan as a kid, honestly to me SEGA need's to get crap right, and make a good 2-3 year build. they seem like everything is just so rushed. yet the still remake the games up until sonic adventure 2 ports, why? they sell! Xbox Steam Ps3 Wii Gamecube, all have port's. well my rant is over back to playing SA2 p.s. its not the fanbase, most mario games are good imao.
@TheSonicdude97 But there's a middle ground between what NSMB does and what Sonic does. The problem with Sonic is that it's so all over the place in terms of gameplay and how it handles elements like speed, platforming, and exploration that it tends to put off certain groups of fans that enjoy those elements. Release a game like Generations and you favor speed fans over platforming and exploration. Release games like Lost World and you get the other way around. The radical changes in gameplay turns it into a zero sum game with its fanbase, and apparently SEGA isn't satisfied with the reception and sales that come from it. What they need to do is offer more balance and fluidity in the gameplay, take elements from past gameplay styles and mix them together into one coherent style, and then build off that core formula in the future.
@Bolt_Strike @TheSonicdude97 Please, sonic adventure 2 was good at the standard 10-15 years ago but is below today's high standard. The camera was uncooperative back then (but the camera was uncooperative in any games at that era).
Sonic Lost World just does things right as it has no camera issues. However, as Bolt_Strike has said, fans do not like its sudden departure to the usual sonic formula.
But why didn't Sonic Team listens to fans by imitating Nintendo's approach of rehashing Mario 2D games? I am perfectly confident that Sonic Team can make good 2D sonic games - just look at Sonic Colors.
Anyone here ever played Freedom Planet? Yeah, Sonic should learn from that game. That game was everything Sonic 4 wasn't.
@DiscoDriver43 I just purchased it. Freedom Planet plays like Sonic + Rocket Knight Adventure, and the level design is creative.
Just forget Sonic and play countless other platformers that are still good. Mario, Donkey Kong, Rayman... OK, that's only three.
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