
We made a slightly odd omission in our last Kickstarter summary article, in that we failed to include a title we'd written about prior to its campaign's launch — Hazewalker. Let's remedy that right now, shall we?

It caught our eye with its pre-launch press release and footage, as it has some ambitious scope and a decent-looking start in terms of development. While it's roughly the 56,743rd game project to cite Metroidvania as its design approach, it was in developer TheoryForm Games' attitude to the Wii U GamePad that we saw hope; lead designer David Pierce say the following:

I want to bring Metroidvania games into the next generation. I want to redefine what people expect from these kinds of games. I’ve been excited by 'second screen' possibilities and the kinds of gameplay experiences they can open up since Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on the Gamecube and Gameboy Advance.

Imagine being able to look at your map, thumb through your character’s journal, or see your inventory in the palm of your hands; for me, that’s really exciting. We’ve just started to scratch the surface of the really cool possibilities this brings to the table.

We are fully committed to an awesome, next-gen second screen experience, and Nintendo has been a fantastic partner to work with so far.

With male and female lead character options and a clear source of inspiration from Castlevania, this has potential, at least. The funding goal is rather bold, however, targeting $100,000 — Wii U is included in the core goal. After five days a little over $4,500 has been raised, so there's a long way to go before the target will seem feasible.

What do you think of this project?

[source kickstarter.com]