Treasurenauts is coming

Renegade Kid is one of the best known download developers on the 3DS, in particular, with Mutant Mudds perhaps the most popular of its titles to date. There are also exciting things on the way, with Moon Chronicles bringing episodic play to the the 3DS eShop and Treasurenauts looking like a colourful 2D romp.

There are plenty of positives for the studio, then, though it did suffer a setback recently when its Cult County Kickstarter campaign fell well short, reaching less than 10% of its goal. Whether these struggles were due to the fact it was a new IP, because it was an episodic title, or simply due to the lofty $580,000 target, it was clearly a major disappointment for the company.

Co-founder Jools Watsham stated that the developer would look into other options after the campaign closed, and has posted a message to suggest that the team is looking to return to its 2D roots, while the first-person horror title drops back.

Watsham has also stated that there'll be no Kickstarter funding for this project, so it looks like this will be developed within the company's existing and conventional business.

Were you disappointed with the struggles of the Cult County campaign, and are you excited by the suggestion of an experimental, pixel-based 2D title from Renegade Kid? Fans of the studio still have plenty to look forward to, it seems.