It's that time again, North America, for your Nintendo Download update news. This week brings two high profile titles to the Wii U eShop, along with the latest Game Boy Advance Virtual Console offering. It's more of a mixed bag on the 3DS, though there is a demo for a major retail title that arrives next week.
Did you miss the European Nintendo Download news earlier in the week? Worry not, just click right here for all of the details.
Wii U eShop
NES Remix 2 (Nintendo, $14.99) — After the success of the first Remix compilation following its late 2013 release, the release of this sequel is no surprise. It features a host of fresh titles and challenges, as well as new modes for those with save data of the original and the ability to save and share replays. We were fans of this new entry in our recently published NES Remix 2 review — it's available from Friday 25th April.
Child of Light (Ubisoft, $14.99) — Utilising the UbiArt engine from Rayman Legends and its predecessor, this is an RPG with a poetic fairytale storyline; the Wii U version will support co-op utilising the Wii U GamePad, in which one player assists with Igniculus the firefly. We'll get working on a review, and this arrives on 29th April.
Ava and Avior Save the Earth (2020 Venture, $TBC) — This is an edutainment title that aims to promote recycling and 'green' attitudes, presumably with a mix of mini-games and assignments for young gamers to tackle. We'll see whether this is really an inconvenient truth in out upcoming review.
Wii U Virtual Console
Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island (Nintendo, $7.99) — The final part of the opening run of Game Boy Advance titles on the Wii U Virtual Console, this is the portable's version of the iconic Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. While the visual tricks may have lost a little in translation, the terrific gameplay and design survives the transition; we'll flutter jump our way through this again, but in the meantime you can check out our 3DS Ambassador Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island review.
3DS eShop
Me & My Furry Patients 3D (TREVA Entertainment, $29.99) — We all know that the 3DS eShop is short of pet simulation games, as we're surely only just approaching double figures. Nevertheless this one enters the fray and, as the title suggests, is focused on caring for poorly little critters. We'll get ready to apply some super-tiny plasters to hamsters in our review.
Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst (Tulip Games, $5.99) — Tulip Games is determined to make its object finding series a franchises, now weighing in with a direct sequel to attempt to blend some spooky storytelling with spotting random objects in environments. We'll get into an eagle-eyed review, while in the meantime you can see what we thought of the original Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst in our review.
3DS Retail Download
Gardening Mama 2: Forest Friends (Majesco Entertainment, $29.99)
Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return (Game Mill Entertainment, $TBC)
3DS eShop Demo
Mario Golf: World Tour (Nintendo, free)
3DS eShop Temporary Discounts
3D Mahjongg (Joindots, $3.99 until 8th May, normally $4.99)
Funfair Party Games (Joindots, $6.99 until 8th May, normally $19.99)
Gardenscapes (Joindots, $5.99 until 8th May, normally $7.99)
Secret Agent Files: Miami (Joindots, $4.99 until 8th May, normally $7.99)
Sea Battle (Teyon, 200 Nintendo Points) — DSiWare will not be sunk, as prolific publisher Teyon returns with this video game version of Battleships, albeit with some tweaks to the formula to liven up proceedings. We'll sink everyone's Battleship in our upcoming review.
That's your lot for this week, North America. Let us know what you're planning to pick up in the poll and comments below.
What will you be downloading first this week? (367 votes)
- NES Remix 2 (Wii U eShop)
- Child of Light (Wii U eShop)
- Ava and Avior Save the Earth (Wii U eShop)0%
- Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Me & My Furry Patients 3D (3DS eShop)0%
- Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst (3DS eShop)0%
- Gardening Mama 2: Forest Friends (3DS eShop retail download)0.3%
- Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return (3DS eShop retail download)0%
- 3D Mahjongg (3DS eShop temporary discount)0.3%
- Funfair Party Games (3DS eShop temporary discount)0.3%
- Gardenscapes (3DS eShop temporary discount)0%
- Secret Agent Files: Miami (3DS eShop temporary discount)0%
- Sea Battle (DSiWare)
- Just the Mario Golf: World Tour demo for me
- Nothing for me this week
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 98
I want the Sea Battle review finished ASAP. I don't know why, but it actually sounds promising. Teyon is touch and go I know, but just get it right and for $2, sure.
Hey, we get the World Tour demo after all.
I'll look at NES Remix 2, maybe Child of Light. Probably Yoshi's Island 3.
Can we get a port of Super Mario Advance 4 next?
Why is Nes Remix 2 at a higher cost in North America than Europe?
Has Child of Light got an EU release date yet?
I think Advance Wars will tide me over til MK8. I would consider buying Golden Sun but my backlog might get angry!
Getting NES Remix 2, the Mario Golf demo and after checking reviews, Child of Light.
Child of light!
Just the demo, but I don't know why. I don't even feel like playing Mario Golf.
I wish every week would be like this.. ! Child of light and the demo for golf, maybe remix2 in the future
Child of light you better believe it. Looks Yummy , Give me more RPGs on WiiU
NES Remix 2 & Child of Light on the 29th. I may grab the Mario Golf Demo as well. Too many eShop offerings lately. I still need to start working on Golden Sun.
Wait...NES remix2 wont be available til tomorrow? That doesnt make very much sense.
Anyway, I'll be picking up the MarioGolf demo for sure.
At a distant glance, I read that as "Funeral Party". Anyway, I'll be d/ling the demo later today. I'm patiently saving my currently available funds for Shantae & The Pirate's Curse. At the rate Nintendo is releasing GBA games, they seem serious about their opinion that GBA showcases the GamePad. Still don't have a WU yet, but I'll be checking out Nes Remix 2.
I'll download the Mario Golf demo as soon as it's available, but I'm definitely downloading NES Remix 2 tomorrow.
Lots of stuff!!! w00t!!! Getting Child of Light, NES Remix 2, and Mario Golf demo at least. Very good updates for today!
Definitely Child of Light and maybe Yoshi's Island for me.
There's been a lot of good weeks lately! Will it last, though...
I wonder what Nintendo will do with GBA VC after this week. I hope they don't stop releasing good games for it.
It strikes me as odd that they didn't go ahead and release NES Remix 2 today...Why wait until tomorrow?
@WillhamBoyGeniu It's actually about the same price considering the value of the two different currencies relative to each other.
Hey why no virtual counsel for 3DS that kinda irks me sometimes
NES Remix 2 and Child of Light for me!
I'm downloading Sea Battle and I might get NES Remix 2 tomorrow.
That's a good point @giygas_95 , are they just gonna trickle us. They could bust some gamecube games after MK8 release (I can dream). I did here something about DS a while back. GBA was a step in the right direction the Wii U still needs more diversity in the virtual console department
Nes Remix 2 when it comes out and Child of Light later on down the road, at least a month later.
yoshi!!! o/
NES Remix 2 and Mario Golf demo
Still got some thinking to do for Child of Light...
Just a breakfast burrito for me, maybe Child of Light as well.
@Nintenjoe64 Annoyingly, I think it's 31st April here in Europe.
What a good week! Keep it coming!
For this price I'm getting Child of Light. I thought it was way more expensive.
Ugh. Bland week for us 3DS owners. Not much for golf but I guess I'll give it a whirl?
Mario golf demo. YESH! So with the final selection of the early gba game selection will there be a dry spell for the vc games?
Good Week. Getting NES Remix 2 when I have the funds and gonna try out the Mario Golf demo.
Gonna wait for a review for Child of Light.
Child of Light looks gorgeous. Very keen to find out more about the game... but at $15 for a beautiful RPG like that, might not bother waiting for reviews. The only question if whether I have enough HD space available.
I love Yoshi's Island, but not on the GBA. I suppose releasing this game in that format indicates that Super FX 2 chip emulation is too much for the Wii U.
April's VC line-up
Week one: 3 titles!
Week two: 2 titles!
Week three: 2 titles!
Week four: one title...
While my Math skills may be a little out of practice, this GBA debut already feels a lot like previous VC support. "Look, we've got games!" and a few weeks later, "Look... we've got A game." Here's to hoping they're not already out of steam.
Yoshis island for me and none of this 'New' business.
Mario Golf demo: here I come!!! :]
@River3636 maybe other publishers Will be on board and utilize the GBA on virtual console. Castlevanias anyone. I have all the game from the ambassadors program so I hope they go through those games fast and they are.
@absuplendous: Its not that the Super FX chip is too much for the Wii U its the fact that Nintendo doesn't fully own the rights to that technology. It was co-designed with Argonaut Games. It's kinda of the same reason GoldenEye for the N64 hasn't come to the VC.
I am afraid that day does not exist.
Woah Child of Light is out already!?
Just Child of the Light for me.
Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island was my first Mario game I beat. I beat it as a GBA game. I for some reason am terrible on Mario games. I guess I am better at Paper Mario than normal Mario.
just the demo for me. i'm getting kirby next week and mario golf probably around the 20th of next month although i do have a eb games gift card so I might get mario golf after all...not sure yet though
Didn't know Child of Light was only $15. Totally getting that!
Whoa, didn't think Child of Light would be so cheap. Since it's not retail pricing, I'll consider getting it.
Why Yoshi's Island for GBA and not for SNES? I prefer the SNES version because it has smoother framerate and waaaay better sound effects/music because of the higher quality chip sound the SNES had. Sigh. Sometimes Nintendo truly doesn't make any sense with their game releases... Oh well, NES Remix 2 for me
@AdanVC Because they apparently don't own the chip they used to make it. It's not like they couldn't do something about that, but it looks like none of the Super FX games are ever coming to the VC.
This is how it should be EVERY week!! They still need to step up their vc releases. Japan already has 5 T16 games!! And sega where are you? Genesis games please?!?!?
Wait, Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island AND Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, at the same time on Wii U? WTF Nintendo, really? AND no 3DS love? I know I gotta get a Wii U but damn...
This week's offerings look pretty good on the Wii U eShop. Can't exactly say the same about the 3DS though.
I'll try to get Child of Light as soon as possible, I can never get enough of RPGs.
Remix 2 and yoshi's island for me. Awesome download week for wii U!
I'm definitely interested in Child of Light and NES Remix 2.
Child of Light for me.
I want Child Of Light so much.
I thought Steel Empire was going to be released in NA in April?
why Nintendo can´t emulate SNES Yoshi´s Island? Is the chip very difficult to emulate?
@WillhamBoyGeniu It is not - £9 is a bit more than $15.
@Giygas_95 I see. Thanks for link too to better understand.
@unrandomsam Lol ok.
NES Remix 2 and Child of Light.
MarioGolf demo for me. Ive been DYING to play this. Child of Light im gonna rock on PS4.
I've seen better download weeks.Aside from Mario kart 8 and 3ds smash I'm not very excited in general.Oh well, I'm glad I'm not just a Nintendo fan only.Compared to Sony and Microsoft Nintendo is behind in nearly every way.I think I'll just stick with gameinformer,as they cover Nintendo and so much more.
Wasn't NA eShop supposed to get discounts on five big Nintendo games this week? MK7, Animal Crossing and the others.
Does anyone know if the progress you make in the MG demo, carries over to the full game? If not, i'll wait till the 2nd... begrudgingly.
I hope Child of Light turns out to be a good game. I have yet to see how an average battle looks from start to finish, and that is what makes or breaks an RPG for me.
Also, is this two decent weeks of downloadable goodies in a row? What is this, Bizarro World?
Anyone know the download size for Child of Light?
Tooooo many games already so nothing for me. Child of Light looks cool and so does Remix 2 (although I would want to play the first Remix prior). With Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Rayman Legends being fairly new additions to the family library and DKCTF @ 96% completion we have enough.
@Mrclaycoat The download size for Child of Light is 3178.2 MB.
3DS VC just isn't getting much love lately.
Many thanks!
I voted for NES Remix 2, but I will consider Child of Light once I read a review.
Can I just say how amazing it is to finally be able to play Yoshi's Island on a TV again? It was the only beloved SNES title from my childhood to not be released on the Wii VC, so this was a long time coming.
@WillhamBoyGeniu How is it a higher price? It's called "different currencies". Usually you pay less for your games than we do. In this case it's about even.
Shouldn't it be NES Reremixed?
So many great games this week it's hard to pick which one to vote for as I will be picking up at least 2-3 of the choices.
@MeloMan No, we're not getting the SNES original and the most likely reason being because they don't own the Super FX chip so both SMW2 and SNES Star Fox will likely never come to VC.
Only NES Remix 2 for me, massively excited for Child of Light but as always with non-Nintendo titles I'll be buying that on Xbox Live. There's no game I want more than SNES Yoshi's Island on Virtual Console but I will continue to hold off the GBA version unless I run out of other things to play (still haven't touched Earthbound or LTTP).
for once,im actually going to buy something....im really really intrigued about Child of Light, been looking forward to it since it was announced
I'm getting Child of Light for the PS3/PS4, does that count?
With that new DLC, Mario Golf demo for me.
NES Remix 2 not available until 9 AM PST??
No 3DS VC? Boo. We need Blaster Master, Devil World, and Castlevania 3!
Child of Light at last!! NES Remix 2 looks intriguing too, but this week was a good one - take that, haters... And I am actually glad to see the end of the "first cycle" of GBA games, as I still own my SP w/ Mario & Luigi, Metroid Fusion, and Golden Sun...so here's hoping they release great games that I missed/ignored.
I thought Child of Light was coming out April 30th. This is GREAT!! Getting it tonight!!!
@WindWakerLink April 29th actually
@WillhamBoyGeniu You're welcome! Anything to clarify things a bit.
@KnightRider666 @KingMike Hey, at least we got SMB3 last week. I'm just glad we got that...Plus in May, we'll be getting all the GB/GBC Mega Man games!
Voted for Yoshi's Island, which I got this afternoon. Would've picked NES Remix 2 first, but of course it's not out yet.
For the record, NES Remix 2 is coming out at 9:00 am Pacific/12:00 noon Eastern tomorrow, so I'd advise against waiting until midnight tonight
(Source is Nintendo's eShop page on NES Remix 2)
Oh crap is the sale for that shmup game over,,,,
Yes! I didn't know we were getting the Mario Golf demo. Downloading it now!
Is there some reason why we keep getting Yoshi's Island GBA instead of SNES? I'm not entirely convinced that Nintendo can't be donkeyed to emulate the FX chip.
If you mean Chain Blaster, it is still on sale until this Sunday.
@sinalefa yup that one! Thanks! I gotta make sure to buy it.
I... actually think putting on the Updated Rerelease of Yoshi's Island was a good choice. This one was meant to be played on a home console and not a portable, after all, and it provides a bit of fresh air instead of just rereleasing the SNES one... again.
Surprised how good the GBA port looks on VC, as well. While I'm sure it's generally preferred to have the SNES version, I think this was a terrific Plan B. I'm assuming the original was just difficult to emulate. Makes no sense knowing it never arrived on the Wii VC, otherwise.
Also, I was kind of disappointed to see that NES Remix 2 doesn't come out until tomorrow. Oh well, though.
Running out of April for Scram Kitty...
@Unca_Lz "Yea. That's what I thought. Thanks."
they are doing it just to piss you off
Yes, go Rockets!
Another week of 3DS getting shafted.
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