Retro City Rampage Music

Retro City Rampage: DX on 3DS has worked hard to earn its deluxe subtitle with a slew of additional features not seen in other versions of the top-down action game. Even further bonuses and tweaks are set to come in future updates, and as the title is one big love-letter to the '80s and '90s, it's only right that music should get a turn in the spotlight.

Through its Twitter and Facebook pages, the Retro City Rampage developer has announced that the first update to the 3DS version will include a full musical jukebox, meaning that players can listen to all 148 of the game's tracks whenever they like through the playlist menu.

You can see the new feature in action with this tease of a Vine post, showing off an impressive selection of melodies to which players can wreak havoc.

Waypoints and parking garages will also be added when the update releases, so it's one to keep an eye on for any 8-bit city slickers out there. As an added bonus — and for an undetermined period of time — the full official soundtrack for the game has been reduced by 75% on Bandcamp, with a deluxe set that includes multiple discs and extras available for as little as $10CAD.

Leave a comment below if you're like, totally stoked, and let us know what you'd like to see in future updates of the 3DS version.