The Nintendo Wii did a lot for the video game industry. It brought a breath of fresh air by allowing players to play games with motion controls, it had an approachable attitude and it allowed developers an opportunity to get creative with their games. Yes, the Wii was quite a step forward, and one of its messages to players everywhere was “get active”. Nintendo didn't want players to sit silently on the sofa any more, it wanted them up on their feet and – for lack of a better term – exercising, an ambition beautifully illustrated by Wii Fit.
By use of the Balance Board peripheral, players could now take part in fun mini-game-like exercises that were designed to work muscle, stamina and flexibility all from the comfort of the living room, and, with the game’s fun approach to fitness, it was a complete success. Of course, it’s been a few years since the Wii first gave players that incentive to exercise, and some ex-Wii Fit gamers may have shelved their Balance Boards with the lack of motivation. But, on November 1st 2013, Nintendo moved forward with an offer for the next addition to the Wii Fit family – Wii Fit U.
With the launch of this deal, the chance to get active and to exercise was there once more, with brand new games and activities to take part in, as well as having its own pedometer to help you get fit on the go. Yes, there was a lot on offer, and you didn't even need the Fit Meter to take part in the deal — all you needed was the Balance Board. Now, that deal is coming to an end.
The original offer was to run from November 1st 2013 to January 31st 2014, and one glance at your calendar will tell you that (at the time of writing) Jan 31st isn't that far away. Once the deal is up, any player who missed out and wants to get the game will have to shell out for the software, where as those who take part in the deal need only pay for the Fit Meter. So if you've been putting off getting the game, now would be a good time to get on the eShop and take advantage of the offer. So long as you activate the software before 23:59pm on January 31st, you will get 31 days free.
Comments 24
Thanks for reminding me, will activate it wright away ^^
I got my free download & activated it within the first week of it being available, not like I've used it since then but still...
My Wii U is still broken so i will miss out on this... grrr!
1196 steps so far today... still sore from yesterday's yoga/free boxing because I didn't warm up enough first. Love that Wii Fit U!
Personally, Wii-U Fit is like a 'GOTY' for me. Most of the games within, felt like entering a new dimension. I wish they upgrade the graphic thus, especially the town! Make it like... Monolith Soft's X! 8D!!!
i have the fitmeeter so i don't need to buy the game
@Sockymon 1934 for me
Already done!!!
Can somebody explain to me why a system that is barely selling is taking away a 31 day demo for 1 of it's potentially more popular games w/ Wii upgraders? It's not a "free" game, it''s a 31 day demo, that's all it is. I don't understand why, under current Wii U circumstances, Nintendo would want to stop offering a demo for a game that requires people to go out and buy a Fit Meter to continue playing it. Or a balance board.
I'm not just being a jerk, I just don't get why they would take this offer away. Do they really think they will sell more copies of the game without a free trial?
I was really expecting a Jan. Nintendo Direct to make this a permanent offer, though maybe lower it to 14 days.
So I bought the Wii Fit U bundle that comes with a balance board and fit meter. I played it a little bit and enjoy it. I tried to download the digital version of Wii Fit U (since it seems to be more convenient to own this digitally), but my Wii U wouldn't let me because it said it already detected Wii Fit U data. Do any of you know (i) how to download the digital version of Wii Fit U when there is already save data from the retail version of Wii Fit U and (ii) whether I can use the Fit Meter that came with the Wii Fit U balance board bundle to keep the digital version permanently? Thanks.
I'll never use it, but i do like free stuff!
DON'T PASS THIS ONE UP, PEOPLE! The 31-day trial thing is also misleading, since you get to keep the full game for $20. So really, it's not so much a free trial as it is a really big discount.
@topperware: I imagine if you have a Fit Meter from a packaged game you can save it for the free download version. But if you can't download it because of pre-existing data, you could try copying that save data onto an external device, and later try copying it back on. You might not be able to keep data from both--I don't think anyone's tried this before.
my wife loves it , shes using the wii u more then me at the minute. still havent been given chance to play pikmin 3
Got a question. Let's say I get the Wii Fit U trial and activate it. Is there a time limit to when I have to buy a Fit Meter, or can I just activate the trial, wait an indefinite amount of time, and then get it for free when I eventually get a Fit Meter?
@ntabruzzo "From my understanding, you have 30 or 31 days to try the game for free from the time you downloaded it. If you don't sync the wii fit meter thing to it before the 30/31 days, then once the trial period is over you can't keep the game." When you do sync the meter to the game, a message will come up saying something like: 'Congratulations! You have synced your meter to the game. For now on, you can keep the game after the trial period is over! Enjoy playing Wii Fit U.' "
@WindWakerLink Ok, I was just confused with how they kept on saying "Sync a Wii Fit Meter to use Wii Fit U after the trial period is over" It was just my interpretation of it. Made me think you can sync one after the fact.
I don't use the game much, but the Fit Meter does an okay job of tracking activity. If we ever thaw out here, I need to start walking again.
It's just to get a sales spike, they wanted to cash in on people's New Year's resolutions to lose weight. It is statistically proven that most people give up on their New Year's resolutions by the end of January. Besides, they can always bring back the demo at a later date.
This game and the Fit Meter in particular is great! It really makes you more aware of your daily activities and may lead to higher level of motivation.
Some of the Games are really good. Some, like the dancing ones for me, are every time a welcome challenge ..got the muscle ..still lack balance and coordination
Great way of keeping track of the calories you're burning. I burnt 700 calories by walking 9750 steps today!
So will my Wii U stop referring to it as Wii Fit U (Free)?
Iv downloaded the trial but iv not started yet do I need 2 start by 31st also do u need 2 pair the fit meter by a certin time just that it says on site u can pair even after ur 31 day trial is up dose this still go even after 31st of jean it's so confusing I can't get the same answer twice lol can any1 help plz thanks
Tried to download get error code 105-3016 says data is corrupt and to delete the data and try again. There is nothing to delete?
Went to the Nintendo website error code checker, 105-3016 doesn't not even exist in their records?
Glad I didn't actually pay for it, Will be leery to purchase anything for the Eshop in the future.
So I downloaded Wii Fit U trial the day it came out. I bought the Fit meter a few weeks ago and registered it, to get the full version. So today, I noticed it still had the words (Free) on the title... I figure if I removed it and reinstalled it, that would be gone. Well, I deleted it and now I can't install it because the trial does not exist...and the EShop wants me to pay $29.99. I'm going to call Nintendo tomorrow... but any thoughts?
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