Watching dogs.

Ubisoft's Watch_Dogs was one of 2013's most anticipated titles, until it got pushed into 2014, that is.

While nothing can really remedy the disappointment of missing out on one of the most exciting new games in recent memory, you can still Watch Dogs — quite literally — thanks to the well-intentioned efforts of indie developer CNIAngel.

CNIAngel has created a browser-based title called W▲tch Dogs, in which you actually gaze at pooches — and that's about it.

The dogs themselves come in all shapes and sizes, with some even showcasing bizarre anatomical arrangements, and the developer states that there are two "secret commands" which allow you to either kill or grow your collection of hounds.

CNIAngel isn't done yet, either — the developer has confirmed via Twitter than the sequel will be entitled $leeping Dogz.

Altogether now: GROAN.
