Perhaps Code of Princess 2?

Code of Princess and Sayonara Umihara Kawase are just two games that Agatsuma Entertainment has developed for the 3DS, but the studio has revealed it doesn't plan on stopping there.

In a recent interview with Game Modo, producer Yasuo Nakajima said the company is aiming to develop more titles for the platform:

Yes, we are planning to release more and more titles with 3DS! Please don’t miss them!

Code of Princess was released way back in April of last year in Japan, and in North America in October. It reached Europe as a digital-only release, and you can read our honourable review of the title right here.

Sayonara Umihara Kawase was confirmed for release on the handheld in Japan this year, but Agatsuma plans to release it in other regions in the not too distant future.

[source, via]