Some of our long-term readers might remember that on this day four years ago we merged our three Nintendo sites — VC Reviews, WiiWare World and the original Nintendo Life — together to form the new and improved "Nintendo Life".
Since then we've grown our readership to an unprecedented level, and according to ComScore, we're now the largest independent Nintendo site in the world. In 2012 we got over 13 million visits, around 5.5 million unique visits and approximately 37 million page views. That means in 2012 someone, somewhere in the world viewed a page on Nintendo Life every 0.8 seconds. Those are incredible figures, and we naturally couldn't have achieved them without you guys - so thanks.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Nintendo Life team who tirelessly work to bring you some of the best Nintendo news, features and reviews for you to enjoy. We’d also like to thank you for visiting and reading what we have to say — without you we wouldn't be here.
We'd love to hear some of your favourite memories from the old websites if you remember our early days.
Thanks for your continued support - Happy Anniversary!
Comments 143
No, thank YOU for a great site!
i dont know what's real anymore...
Hurray! Congrats I was lurking on this site around the time of Nintendolife's 3rd Anniversary so I have nothing to share about the other sites. :/
You guys have been special to each and every one of us. I'm so glad we get to celebrate this day for a job well done.
Happy anniversary Nintendo life! Thanks for all the good memories
Congrats on the anniversary, here's to many more quality years.
I was also a long-time-lurker but joined recently. This is an amazing website with an amazing group of dedicated staff. Your features are some of the best I've ever seen. Happy birthday & congratulations, here's to many more years of top quality Nintendo coverage.
Happy Anniversary.
Congrats, friends!!!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary noe lets get freaking plastered.
Another long term lurker here... Well done on four years! I have only vague memories of earlier Nintendo Life from when I was more regular on a 'rival' site that has long since passed into history.
Keep it up you fine folks.
EDIT: Wait, is this just a really weird April Fools joke that has somehow influenced my memories of this website...?
Happy anniversary. I'm disappointed to say that I have only just discovered this site in recent months. It's fantastic, I really love the fact you review a large % of the games released, especially the often neglected eShop releases.
Happy Anniversary Nintendo Life!
Congrats NL.I've been around since VC reviews and seen the site get better and better.All your hard work deserves this success,well done.Best Nintendo site on the web.. Also one of the nicest designed sites,so clean and tidy ,my OCD approves.
Woo! Happy anniversary!
Congrats and thanks! I love thomas' intelligent articles. Keep it up!
Happy Anniversary! I've been lurking here for a while and finally decided to make an account.
Happy anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary Nintendo Life! I've been here over a year, and have not found one misleading review, troll (that managed to make it through @tbd), and other things commonly found on other sites. Good job and keep up the excellent work! :3
I am the kind of person that most of the time hates changes, so four years ago when I found that my beloved sites for WiiWare VC reviews (and possibly the only ones) that I found and loved since 2007 were going to merge with another I was sad and feared it would no longer be the same great and friendly site covering every download. Happily I was proved wrong, and even when I miss the style of the old it more than makes up for it with the Nintendo moments I have lived here and the previous sites (VC Imports and more systems, Wii SD card update, club.nintendo, new Pokémon generations, 3DS launch and ambassador, Nintendo Directs, Wii U reveal and launch, F-Zero AX included in GX... just to name a few) awesome community (writers and readers), features, contests, and all the Nintendo news a Nintendo fanboy like me could wish compiled under a single, trusty site. Happy anniversary NL, I hope its just the beginning of a very long life of my daily go-to site when it comes to games.
Alles Gute zum 4. Geburtstag NL!
Keep rocking!
i've visited other nintendo sites such as official nintendo magazine, cubed3, nintendojo, go nintendo and whilst i enjoy each one of them, it was this website that i signed up to. they are good but they just don't compare to nintendo life. i really enjoy the features and opinion articles, as well as the reviews and the virtual console & retro gaming sections.
keep up the great work and happy anniversary!
I joined when it was WiiWare World and I was still working for the big N. I don't tend to comment too much but keep up the awesome good work guys and gals!
Happy Annniversary! Thank you for helping make 2012 the best year of my life!
what? NO
this site was founded in November
I use to look at the site all the time and still do, especially Thursday nights for the VC releases!
Happy Anniversary, you guys!
I joined the site only recently, after lurking around for a while because I am an absolute sucker for your comments section design. Seriously, it's so clean and organized! I look forward to more years with you all! :3
Happy Anniversary Nintendo Life. You deserve such an accolade.
Very nice. Happy anniversary, and hopefully many more.
Happy Anny, NL! Cheers~
Happy anniversary. It's fun to hang out here.
Good work boys, keep going.
And happy anniversary
Woo! Happy anniversary!
NL is my favorite gaming site! o /
Happy anniversary, guys!
I'm not falling for another April Fools joke!! You can't get me again!!! AAhh..........oh wait...this is just......umm....Happy Anniversary! (if this really is your anniversary that is....I'm still watching you....)
APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The page views and visits was totally inflated. There are 1 page views every hour and only 10 visits a month! Thought you could fool us again did you?
Wow, congrats!
Four years ago was when I bought my Wii, and then I found this awesome website about Nintendo. Actually I don't remember which one, but I guess it was VC Reveiews. And then — whoa! — when I visited it again it was something completely different called Nintendo Life. Been in love ever since, you guys have the best writers and the best community ever.
"We're now the largest independent Nintendo site in the world!"
And this site deserves that title! With good detailed reviews, and respectable forums regularly check by mods (thanks @theblackdragon), N-Life is just the best place to be. Happy Anniversary, Nintendo Life! ^^
We need to celebrate this!
Congrats NL!
Happy 4th birthday Nintendo Life! I joined over 2 years ago now, according to my profile page. I was lurking for a long time before that until I was compelled to comment on the European gamers summit 2010 article (I know this not from memory, instead I just went through my comments section... Wow I've made 1000+ comments on the news pages of this site ).
I barely remember both VC reviews & WiiWare World. I checked out those websites for info on some games I had an interest in back then but never looked deep into those websites. I had only just gotten my brand new Wii in Sept. '08 & only started looking into games beyond Mario Kart Wii & Wii Fit some time after that. Those were some fun times...
Nowadays there's barely an article on this website I don't read & I soak up all the Nintendo news I can see haha, good times Nintendo Life for life!
@n0body April fools?
I'm not sure if this is an April Fools, but hey, free cake!
Happy Anniversary!
I love Nintendolife. You all are a bunch of the most cool-headed, intelligent Ninty-nerds online. I respect your opinions and find your choice of article topics really interesting. I've been around for a couple of years now, and if it weren't for you all, the end of the Nintendo Power era would have been only tragic... Instead, I found people who continue to celebrate my favorite things about Nintendo.
Thanks for everything Nintendolife.
Congratulations. Nintendolife!
Happy Birthday Nintendo Life! The site has become my number one visited website because of the great articles, reviews, and community. Here's to many more years!
Happy Anniversary! ^_^
You guys are the best remember that ! Happy 4 Year Anniversary Stay Gaming My Friends
Happy Anniversary.... I've joined this site about half a year ago and I've enjoyed the many informative yet entertaining articles!!!! Thank You
I'm on this site since the launch of zelda ocarina of time 3D, and i have to say that all nintendo related, this is the BEST site PERIOD. So thank you NL & happy anniversary
I have been following this site from the VERY BEGINNING, all the way back when it was all about the virtual console. I also remember when you guys made those massive layout changes and the ORIGINAL old look of VC You guys have come so far and have done a great job with the website!
Happy Anniversary NL! I've only been on here for a little over a year, but I expect I'll be on here for many more years.
Happy Anniversary NL. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication that each of your team members provide to make this the best site around today.
Happy Anniversary Nintendo Life!
Congratulations and many thanks for all the hard work.
Happy Anniversary, NL! Have I really been on here THAT long?
Best April Fool's ever. Congrats, guys.
This is a really good Nintendo dedicated site so they deserve this success.
April fools!
Some good memories of this place~
James should've come back from Nintendo just to write THIS here article.
Those four years went fast. Happy anniversary guys!
NintendoLife is the longest-running April Fools' joke in history partyyyyy~
Congratz NL.
@Prof_Clayton - You haven't seen a single troll? April Fools, rite?
send me a slice of that cake in the post please
I didn't realize how close to the beginning of the site that I joined. I've been here for 3 1/2 years!
Happy anniversary Nintendo life!
Hear, hear! T'is a wonderful milestone for a wonderful site! I may not have been here too long but I can say that I've thoroughly enjoyed my time thus far! It really is a great team to work with and I'm glad that it reflects in our work!
You and me both. Also, Clementine with a gun fits what you're saying.
I have to say I don't recall the merger but I know my weblink sill reads Virtual Console Reviews and it has to be at least 5 years now, or whenever the Wii started getting VC games.
Very unbiased and comprehensive Nintendo coverage, I don't bother going anywhere else.
And I 2nd the "Where's James?" comment.
I remember seeing "NintendoLife" for the first time and I thought the merger was an April Fools joke. How wrong I was...
Thanks for being my go-to site for all Nintendo goodness, NL! FOUR MORE YEARS~.
Happy anniversary!
I remember first joining VC Reviews, it was a very nice and polished web site at that time, then you merge and made something good even better, thanks a lot for the hard work guys. ^_^
Congratz NLife !
Well done guys.
Happy anniversary Daily reader from Brazil here x
I refresh this website probably 40 times a day. So, thank you for all your work to bring Nintendo news to the blood-thirsty, raging, nerd glazed (thank you Peter Dinklage) faces of your reader base!
Happy anniversary, and thank you for providing and constantly updating and maintaining my favourite website ever
@SethNintendo re: I was looking at articles on mynintendonews (this site was down last night) and that site completely sucks compared to this site. There is apparently no moderations on that site and the user comments represents mainly garbage. >> i stopped posting on My Nintendo News over a year ago for good when i realised how bad the trolling was and that the person running the site didn't even bother to clamp down on the rude & troll-like comments. i agree that My Nintendo News is not very good.
This site is one of the best things thats happened to me. I have a pretty hectic schedule so whenever I have free time, I check on NintendoLife. it may be an exaggeration but believe me when I say NintendoLife has improved my life. Thank you.
Soooo, were is my cake?
4 years and still RUINED FOREVER. >:c
JK Happy anniversary!
Congratulations for your anniversary! It's been completely my pleasure to follow this awesome site.
Happy anniversary I visit this site everyday and really enjoy the articles. Keep up the good work!!
Happy Anniversary Nintendo Life!!! This is literally the best site in gaming. I have it as my default web page. I really enjoy the people here and although I don't always comment on things, I read every article that is posted. My first morning ritual when I wake up is to see what's new on Nintendo Life.
holy crap where did the time go
happy NLiversary~
Where's my cake?
I found you guys, I think in September that year. I really appreciate the intelligent conversations in the comments. good work moderators!
I've only been in the team for half of the four years, but it's amazing how everything about the site has grown in that time. NL's also a rare beast in that the community is so welcoming and friendly, the whole reason I started coming here three and a half years ago.
Here's to the next four
Remember this day. Signed onto WiiWare World and thought it was a pretty good joke.
...How long will this be up? Not funny anymore guys.
I remember starting out with VC reviews after I got a Wii in 2007 and also followed WiiWare World when that came into existence (though not as much as VC Reviews.) I still remember that day the sites merged and thought it was all a big joke (seriously who picks April 1st for a major site makeover?) It was cool one year when you changed the site back to the old design for the day. I hardly remember what it was like now. It's weird to think I've been coming here for 6 years but that just shows how awesome you guys are! I obsessively check here multiple times a day.
Happy Anniversary! I only started visiting this site last year but instantly became my where to go to find Nintendo news!
Happy anniversary?
Happy anniversary guys!
NL is one of the few sites I visit on a daily basis. Keep up the great work!
Congratulations! You guys deserve it. I remember my arrival like yesterday: I had had enough of IGN's nonsense and needed something that covered my Nintendo needs better... I couldn't have been any luckier than to find you guys
Happy Anniversary NLife!~
I've only been here since 2011, but I've really loved visiting this site and connecting with different people. Quite possibly my favorite site to visit at all.
Thanks for everything and congrats to the staff!
I was used to getting my Nintendo news from Nintendo Power, so the day I got my final issue... I cried for a while, then went on the computer for a suitable replacement. Nintendo Life was the only site I would even consider after scouring the web for hours. Thanks NL.
Happy anniversary, NL! I've only been around since 2011 and I've loved every moment of it. Everyone here has made a great community that I'm happy to be a part of. To many more years!
great site!
Oh, it´s the beginning of the 4th year already. And what a great site it still is.
Happy 4th!!! Exciting!! ^__^
Ah, memories...
I still remember that fateful day I did a google search for "virtual console reviews" and, lo and behold, "". How appropriate.
Congrats! And thanks for keeping the site up! Covers all my nintendo-news.
I have good memories from the start at VC Reviews, it was such a good community..and still is!!
Happy anniversary to a truly exceptional website!
To an amazing, troll free, exceptionally staffed, game website. I came here a long time ago looking for DSiWare reviews and found those, and an AMAZING community. There truly is no other like NL. Thank you for that. raises wine glass To many more years!
Happy Anniversary!
...happy anniversary, happy anniversary! Haaaappy anniversary! Happy, happy, happy...
Happy anniversary! The staff of WiiWareWave congratulates you guys for bringing Nintendo fans amazing reviews, excellent news articles, and unrivaled exclusive features for the past four years!
You guys are an inspiration for up-and-coming bloggers with your unprecedented professionalism and great personalities! You'll be around for many more years!
merry anniversary nintendo life. this is my favorite place to go for gaming news.
i know some of you out there are absolutely thrilled to hear this so here it goes:
im a permanent member and im never leaving, keep up the good work dudes!
The community here is simply fantastic! We are going to need a lot of cake...
Happy Anniversary! Now go for another 4!
Is it really been 4 years? Wow. I still remember when WiiWareWorld was my favorite site. Then the fusion happened and we got a forum and a chat, and I made many friends, all part of this community. Things have changed a lot, some people has gone, and I don't post as much as I used to; but the quality of the site is as good as ever. I do believe this will always remain as my place to come for all things Nintendo.
Congrats Nintendo Life!! This is my favorite site ever. Thanks for all the great articles!
Most sites I go to, don't last more then a year when I join.
NL just been lucky >:[
Happy anniversary! Too bad I wasn't able to find this site sooner.
I've been visiting since it was known as Wiiware World, and I always admired that you guys reviewed any and every download on the DS and Wii. It seems like you have abandoned that approach, but it's still a great site.
Happy Anniversary, Nintendolife 😀
Happy anniversary Nintendo Life!
I remember finding this website by coincidence during late August of 2011. I made an account just to ask about my worries of not turning out to be a Nintendo 3DS ambassador. James, a very nice author that used to be on this website gave me a thorough explanation on whatever I have asked, and assured me to keep my worries at rest, because I turned out to be a 3DS ambassador.
Since I only made an account and went on here for that question, I haven't visited since, though I suddenly got a smack of friendliness, and overall a great environment. Months after moths later, I began to develop a great interest in Nintendo news, and to be kept updated. Guess where I went to...
For months, I have been anonymously reading news articles almost daily. Only recently have I reset my password because of not using my account after a long time, meaning I forgot it. I have recently began to comment. I also added a picture and changed my username from Alex_C (which isn't even my real name) to Funny_Moblin (because Moblins are my favourite Zelda enemies). Maybe I haven't commented much, but I started commenting again, because I had realized how great it is to ask, post an opinion, or even argue. Very rarely have I seen a troll on this website, and that is really something.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for all that you do!!!! xx
Aww, you made me feel all merry and nostalgic! I miss VC Reviews..
Thanks for the best gaming site on the net!
The reporting, writing and community are all top quality and make me feel like home.
I'm proud to be part of such a fantastic Nintendo news site. All our wonderful readers are to thank for all their support.
I'm only part of the team 6 months, and here's to plenty more!
Happy birthday Nintendo Life!
I only actually starting becoming a regular visitor since early last year so good for you, Nintendo Life for making it for four years.
Keep up the good work, people!!!
So long as NintendoLife is around, Nintendo's doom-level will remain minimal.
Wasn't around back then but I really enjoy the site, and even most commentors.
I'm a recent convert to NintendoLife. Came here from IGN around the launch of the Wii U. Their Nintendo coverage is laughable most of the time. Can go almost a week without a new Nintendo related article. Happy Anniversary!
You are the best Nintendo site, even better than the official sites. I´m your reader since it was VC Reviews.
Wow, has it been four years already? I still have very fond memories of VC Reviews, checking the site in the middle of class every Friday to see what classic games I might be playing that weekend (always with that glimmer of hope that it'll be EarthBound).
Also, the one time Seanbaby posted (on the Urban Champion review). In my opinion that was when VC Reviews went from small Nintendo fan-site to a force to be reckoned with.
Thanks guys.
Wait, there was a NintendoLife before the merge? I forgot about that!
I remember lurking around the old VC-Reviews site and thinking that this was some crazy April Fools' joke. I don't really have time to play much here anymore (Thanks job and Reddit), but this place is still my go-to for Nintendo news.
I was always a visitor of VC-Reviews and WiiWare world, always a massive fan of them both.
Once Nintendo Life came into play, they took me under their wing as a contributor for a good while, which I very much appreciate to this very day
Congrats guys!
@rjejr Comment #68!
YAY! Congratulations Nintendo Life! Ever since I found you a few years ago when I was looking for DSiWare / WiiWare reviews, went on to discover that your staff really know and care about what they're doing, and then discovered that your readers aren't total internet jerks, I don't even bother looking at other video game websites anymore! Also, you've taught me that there are a surprisingly large number of video game-themed cakes being created in the world, and for that I can never repay you.
Wow, congratulations team @Nintendolife!!
Just looked it up, joined in March 2008, before WiiWareWorld existed. Must admit I was originally sceptical about the giant merger of the sites, but it has clearly turned out brilliantly. I hope WiiU virtual console reaches the giddy days of Wii VC with 2+ releases a week.
I want a photo of James with a WiiU cake.
Happy 4th anniversary Nintendo Life!!
I gotta say When I first joined I wasn't sure how much I'd keep up with everything, but reading news articles and joining in on discussions quickly became a daily habit (in a good way).
This site simply wouldn't be as nice as it is without the community and staff each doing their part, so keep up the good work everybody.
Happy Birthday to You - well, it is a birthday as well, isn't it?
Exactly what RudyBelmont said at Comment #113
I usually lurk around a couple of times a day, in case I miss something. Had more laughs here than a great many other places I know of.
Thank you Guys n Gals.
Been here from almost the beginning i'd also say its pretty much my one stop shop for anything Nintendo,
I come here for all my video game news! One of the first things I do in the morning is check this site. Happy anniversary! Keep up the good work!
Happy birthday!
Happy Anniversary !
I'm relatively new to this site and have only really been regularly checking it for the past year. Yet, I have already come to learn what a great resource it is to learn about all things Nintendo. Keep up the good work. Happy Anniversary !
Thanks for being my number 1 Nintendo info site. Happy Anniversary!!!!
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