Beyond Good & Evil 2 is a Ubisoft project that we know is on the way - we just don't know any specifics yet.
Ubisoft Montpellier is the studio behind the game, with Michel Ancel at the helm. However, Ancel has been reasonably busy as of late, what with the development of Rayman Legends, so the sequel to Beyond Good & Evil appears to be on the backburner for now.
In an interview with IGN, Ubisoft's managing director Xavier Poix addressed the notion that Ancel is too busy with other projects, jokingly saying he is "300 people. Each of them is doing something".
If Beyond Good & Evil 2 is made at some point, then Michel will have to focus those 300 people on that one thing. Today it’s Rayman Legends.
[Beyond Good & Evil is] one of those rare games where, each time I have the opportunity to speak with gamers or the press, we talk about that. There’s something magical about this game. It’s always on our mind, what we could do with it. But there’s nothing to say right now.
Ubisoft is being very tight-lipped on this one, though the game is starting to be spoken about more in recent weeks. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has said the game is coming, but news will emerge when the developer has something new to tell.
Perhaps once Rayman Legends is finally released in September, the 300 men of Michel Ancel will focus on Beyond Good & Evil 2 and we'll start to hear more about it.
Are you looking forward to seeing more of this one? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 23
Xavier Poix.
Coolest name ever.
Yes, I am looking forward to hearing more about this one.
I'm not really interested.
Damn it, that means the multiplatform versions of Legends are preventing them from working on Beyond Good and Evil 2... Yet another reason why I hate the Ubisoft executives right now...
Bummer. But I can still wait.
300 on Rayman Legends? Wow, I don't think it will sell enough to be profitable.
@CanisWolfred we've been waiting, what, 10 years? Yeah... I'll wait if it receives the sequel it deserves.
I want it to be so good that I can wait for it, so long as it doesn't become another Duke Nukem Forever situation.
This doesn't surprise me. He does seem to be pretty busy lately.
I am made of interested on this.
300... Hmm...
Multi-platform Rayman Legends? This is madness!
Just recently started playing the first Beyond Good & Evil, and I can definitely see what all the fuss is about!
Still, with Rayman Legends, Assassin's Creed IV, and Watch_Dogs still on the way, I'm not holding my breath that we'll hear any real talk about a sequel any time soon.
I thought this guy quit the company in protest of the Rayman Legends delay? Was I dreaming? I'm losing my mind.
So they are wasting those 300 people's time on Xbox and PS3 ports of Legends when in reality they could now be working on making BG&E2 for Wii U!
Beyond Good & Evil is just about the best thing Ubisoft has ever done so, yes, I'm interested.
@shake_zula ...rumors.
I wonder if he would be working on it now had Legends not gone multiplatform.
This was obvious...
@shake_zula: He was rumored to be planning to leave.
I can't wait for Beyond Good & Evil 2! If they give us the first one to tide us over on the E-Shop I'll be happy for a while. As for the sequel imagine what they could do with it, with the camera and gyro sensors and the huge world environment they could offer. This game would be awesome!
What a game! Part sci fi, biology lesson, political conspiracy, cross species relationship, hovercraft racer, photography course and air hockey mish mash and it all works sensationally. Not many games like this at all. Uncovering the secrets as the story unfolds is incredible and the relationship with Pey'j is very touching. Part 2???? Oh yes please!!!
I have YET to play BG&E1... I downloaded it for PC, but I don't have a controller (I refuse to play it with the keyboard). I'd RATHER find it for GCN, but it's been an excercise in futility. Nintendo... rectify the situation by giving us Gamecube Virtual Console... you KNOW you're gonna have to implement it one generation or another, might as well be now, and make this a launch title for it.
@Tsuchiya: Check out the Tv Tropes article "Awesome Mc Coolname". There's one person in the world named Batman Bin Suparman. I'm not making this up!
Also, yeah, of course Rayman Legends is Ancel's main focus right now. I mean, it wouldn't be the case if he only needed to make the game better and implement extra features. But making the game "good enough to make up for the dick move towards the Wii U"? Now THAT requires Ancel to be focused, as consumers have bought the Wii U only to wait until September for a game that went multiplaform anyway - and those are really high expectations to live up to!
Always knew that guy's Spartan.
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