Prior to PAX East Capcom teased us all by saying there would be a "surprise or two" in store during its 'World of Capcom' panel.
It certainly wasn't kidding, as the company has not only confirmed that Duck Tales: Remastered will be making a welcome appearance this summer, but a Dungeons & Dragons collection is on the way as well.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara is a HD collection of two Dungeons & Dragons arcade games by Capcom: Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara.
Just as in the arcade editions, up to four players will be able to do battle through hoards of mythical beasts from the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Technology has moved on a bit since those days however, and Capcom has made sure to make the game playable online. Four players can still drop in and out of gameplay and there will be two modes for them to play.

The first mode will be a classic arcade mode and will feature several different paths to navigate through, as well as a multitude of different endings to complete. There's also an all new mode known as House Rules, which allows the player to customise the gameplay for what could be a very interesting experience. Naturally, there'll also be an online leaderboard for those competitive dungeon masters out there.
Another new addition is the Character Visualiser, which will allow you to see which characters you and your buddies use the most, analysing it all and offering advice on how to create a more balanced multiplayer team. There are also several challenges to complete which provides additional experience for characters as well as coins, which can be spent on a host of unlockables.
Wii U owners will get something extra special thanks to the GamePad. Items may be selected and spells can be cast just be touching the screen - sounds like fun to us.
It's heading to the Wii U eShop, as well as other platforms, in June and will be $14.99/£11.99.
Are you excited by this upcoming collection of two classic Dungeons & Dragons games? Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think.
Comments 50
Now these are the releases i'm talking about! More of this, Capcom!
Wow this is terrific news! These are great muliplayer games
I literally reached for my CC when I saw this.
I'm all over this one.
I wonder how well the game play will hold up after all of these years? Will you be able to just keep popping in credit after credit, or will it restrict the number available per play?
That is what I am talking about Capcom. DuckTales + D&D. Keep it coming!
looks like something i would buy
I've never played the originals but it looks amazing. Definitely getting this!
In my best Saturday Night Live voice.....It's the Chronic-WHAT?-cles of Mystara!!! ♫ ♫ ♫
Capcom is killing it today!
All I ask is for Cadillacs & Dinosaurs and a SNES Mega Man X9!
Best eshop news I've seen! I loved those D&D side scrollers. Spent so much time at GenCon playing those.
Ducktales & this? count me in!
Yes! Beats the hell out of paying $130+ for the Saturn version.
always wanted this on saturn but seemed way too pricey, at a little over £10 though this is a no brainer
holy crap, two of the best arcade games ever. just replayed these recently in fact. online multiplayer is a nice bonus, and for once in absolutely ever, its a game that could actually use some two-player (or more) action! (unlike everything else that needlessly has multiplayer modes that no one ever uses, its all about the solo missions baby, who cares about multiplayer)
Im still disappointed theres no MH4 info
Oh my! I have the Sega Saturn version and it's brilliant. This will be even better without the load times.
Oh Yeah!!! These are the kind of news I like!
Capcom will be getting some of my money this summer!
I've always wanted to play these. Love beat em ups.
I have so many fond memories of this game. I'll definitely be picking this up. Here's hoping for Pro Controller support!
so cool
Dreams do come true.
I would rather a real Dungeons & Dragons game. But ok!
Whoa. This, and Duck Tales, just came out of nowhere! I'm getting this Day One! I love the medieval, "Final Fight-style" Capcom games of the early 90s: King of Dragons, Knights of the Round, and Magic Sword (well, MS isn't FF-style, but still great)! I remember playing one of these in a bowling alley one time, and enjoyed it.
Finally, some HAPPY news from one of my old favorite third parties. Is CAPCOM back? Well, with them TALKING about a new Mega Man game to tease us wounded Blue Bomber fans, maybe not. But, today is a Helluva start down the road to redemption, if you ask me!
But... no Strider news? :/
one of my prayers have been answered definitely looking forward to this.
So is this a sidescrolling beat-em up?
Nice! Damn this takes me back... and online ability? Yes thanks!
Not bad. Hopefully it includes online multiplayer across all regions and maybe even systems.
D&D...Ducktales...what is this I don't--explodes
hmmm, im taking it these are the originals, with hd options, meaning if i dont want them in hd i can keep them old school? if this is in fact the 2 original arcade games sign me up!
Yay for Capcom! :3
So excited. My favourite arcade game of all time comes to what I still think may be my favourite console of all time.
Mystara is the core world of BD&D and the Rules Cyclopedia, isn't it?
This could be very interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing how this game turns out. The Wii U could certainly need a game like this.
First this. Then DuckTales remastered. Then a new MegaMan. My head is about to explode and level an neighborhood.
Holy crap, awesome. I remember playing these in the arcade. And it has online? I'm sold. I hope the bundle is reasonably priced.....
Virtual Console Arcade is back!!!
Feel like my computer may have been somehow rewired as a late eighties time machine overnight. Great news to wake up to though, Capcom have just announced my two most anticipated upcoming games.
I've always wanted to play these, and now I finally can! I'm excited.
Thank you Capcom !
capcom should announce final fight, rival schools, power stone, captain commando next
Nothing like surprises that are worthy of such
I need that
Would love to see Powerstone in HD, 4 player gaming bliss
I played this in the arcade way back in high school!
CAPCOM has been doing good by me.
I'll keep buying their games on Day 1 if they keep this up!
o nice King Of Dragons style i luv this , need that game ^^
my original idea was, "when i think of D&D, i think of rpgs, not arcade-style beat-em-ups. i'll pass." but then i watched the video and i thought, "well, i think it's certainly worth looking into, at least."
Whelp... looks like this isn't happening now... at least not in June.
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