In a recent interview with Official Nintendo Magazine, developer Team Ninja said that it is considering developing more games for the Wii U after Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is released in Europe this month.
When asked about what was next on the team's agenda, Yosuke Hayashi - director behind the upcoming action/adventure title - replied:
We are working on an action game, and we are looking into other titles for Wii U.
Hayashi was pretty tight-lipped about what game the team are working on, but when asked if the Wii U provided new opportunities for developers like themselves he responded:
Absolutely. That's clear from the launch titles and other games that are currently being developed.
Team Ninja worked on Metroid: Other M alongside Nintendo - is it possible that a new Metroid title is the action game mentioned above? If not, what do you reckon it could be? Let us know your thoughts!
Comments 26
Well, the action part of other M was pretty good, but not really deep and difficult. Exploration, Platforming en Story were not good... (and I know, Sakamoto made the story, so don't let him get involved!)
As long as they never touch Metroid again, I'll be happy.
They make, I buy.
@meppi Really can't fathom the hate for Other M. I really liked it!
Can't wait to see what they're bringing next to Wii U!
I really like team Ninja games a lot, so I'm loving to hear more support from them on Wii U!
Other M, is a really good game that also happens to have a really bad movie built in to it. I replayed this game back in august of this year, which would make it my third playthrough. Taking away the questionable story and its drawn out cinema scenes, I really can't find too much wrong with the game. The graphics were among Wii's best, the simplified control system makes the game easy to play, and the difficulty curve is just right. Maybe there could have been more melodic music tracks in the game, in addition to the already atmospheric score used, but that's only a minor complaint. I would definately like to see Team Ninja given another chance with Metroid, because what's good about Other M is actually quite exceptional, imo.
If they fix the faults and negativity that the fans didnt like, then yeah, do another Metroid.
Wouldnt be surprised if a port of DOA 5 was on the cards. After all NG3 Wii U has Kasumi as DLC....
Momiji and Kasumi are great additions to NG3 Razor's Edge, so I'd like to see who else Team Ninja can add to the game (Hayate, Rachel, Irene), and I'd also like to see DOA5, or a DOA game using DOA5's engine for the Wii U.
DOA5 for wiiu
It's because it is far from the overall quality of the Metroid Prime series from Retro Studios.
A completely different game and genre?
Yes, but my statement still stands
oh come on there is still hate for other M? the story of the game was fantastic and the combat controls were just fine! people say "it's nothing like the prime series" well for your information super metroid is nothing like the prime series and yet it's a favourite metroid game to millions of people across the world, including me. Other M is so damn underrated and bashed too damn much that it's sick!
Having a blast with NG3. Looking forward to see what they have coming next.
So is 2013 the year when Other M supporters finally come out in droves? If so, count me among you brave souls. I thought Other M was a very cool, risky move on Nintendo's part. As much as I loved the Prime Trilogy, I'm so happy they gave us Other M instead of just Prime 4. People always yell and scream for something different — then they get it and cry that it's not the same as what came before.
(That said, I hope Team Ninja isn't working on an established Nintendo franchise. Unless it's Urban Champion... wait a sec: Wii U-rban Champion? Yes!!)
DOA I couldn't care less about since I haven't played those kind of games since the mid-nineties and Metroid I couldn't care less about as I'm not a Sci-Fi fan and can't get into anything set in that scene (my problem, I know). Produce a quality action game though an I'm in.
That said - I fully support anything they do for Wii U right now. The more developers work for it the better off we'll all be.
I'd like an exclusive original IP most from them. I've personally grown a bit tired of DOA and Ninja Gaiden, and I don't want them working on a Nintendo franchise this time.
Sure, go ahead, Team Ninja... just as long as it doesn't involve...
DoA Beach Volleyball Touch kthnxbye
I liked Other M, it did exactly what the Metroid Franchise needed; break the mold and do something different so that when another Prime comes out everyone loves it instead of complaining about monotomy!
I liked that they tried to do more with the story and characters and I really hope that it happens again... just a bit better.
@Rapadash6 Totally agree especially about music.
@GreenDream #17
You can't really expect a hardened bounty hunter who has destroyed several planets to be brimming with emotion, now can you?
I am up for a new Metroid Other M. The only thing that sucked in that game was the story and the blame for that goes to Nintendo, not Team Ninja.
If Hayashi has touched it, I have no interest. He's destroyed the Ninja Gaiden franchise and smeared Metroid - Team Ninja is not Team Ninja with Hayashi pulling the reigns.
Yeah, hopefully a new Metroid game!!
My only problem with Other M was the actress who voiced Samus. The story was fine, but the actress just couldn't sell it. So, I don't mind another Metroid game from them. I loved Other M.
I hope team ninja, Tecmo, and platinum work for Nintendo this gen it'll show those whiny quote on quote on quote adult gamers Nintendo isn't just for the babies!
The only major gripe I had with Other M was those first person parts where you couldn't move until you scanned something, just broke the pace for me. Story wasn't the best but wasn't the worst I've come across either.
I love Other M, all butthurt people hates just because they think it will be something that Team Ninja never even did say. How can people hate a Super Metroid style game? I don't get it, so i'm happy for them making more games.
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