We all know that the current Nintendo Network ID system isn't perfect - we've spoken about it in the past, in fact. However, things have become even more interesting with the news that second-hand Wii U consoles retain download privileges for games purchased by the original owner - even after the Nintendo Network ID has been removed and the console's hard drive has been erased.
This issue has only just come to light because the system is still quite new and we can't imagine there are many pre-owned Wii U consoles out in the wild, but a poster on NeoGAF has reported that they picked up a second-hand Wii U and were able to download Trine 2 and Nano Assault Neo free of charge - because the previous owner had bought them and then deleted them before they sold on the system.
This only serves to reinforce the problems surrounding the fact that downloads are tied to the hardware, and not the Nintendo Network ID they were used to purchase them with. This is in stark contrast with how Microsoft and Sony handle things - purchases are linked to your ID and can effectively be transferred to any other console you sign into.
At the time of writing, the only way to transfer your Nintendo Network ID from one system to another is to physically send your old system to Nintendo, but it's interesting to note that purchases are not mentioned.
Have any of you guys picked up a second-hand Wii U? Have you looked to see if you're entitled to download any games? Have any of you had to transfer your ID from one machine to another, and if so, did it let you access all of the games you'd previously downloaded? Let us know by leaving a comment.
[source vg247.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 80
Hmm. Second hand buyers get some potentially free stuff and Nintendo has another reason to link purchases to an account. I'm okay with it.
Well, this shows that absolutely nothing has changed in nintendo's online infrastructure, which is a shame. To have a hardware-locked purchases in 2012? And they expect digital distribution to flourish? They seriously need to wake up. On the other hand, no dev will ever about players sharing accounts and using multiple copies of a game when they bought one, like it was once widespread on PSN (don't know if still is). So either they simply don't know their way around, or they have an agenda.
Ha! With this kind of news out I expect to see an update within a week.
Oh Nintendo
@Kifa: Originally on PSN you were able to share your purchases up to five times, but now they have reduced it at two.
You are still able to sell or even broke your system and log in to another one with your account which goes with all of your stuff, like it is with every online shop on Earth but Nintendo.
This is simply unacceptable and ridicolous, nothing at all has changed and the Nintendo Network ID is just the new version of the dear old friend code, a big shame, really.
Prepare yourselves for a huge amount of users losing their games forever, just like it was on Wii, unless you send two consoles to Nintendo, very fair and user friendly I must say, I can only imagine how happy should be with Nintendo the original owner of that Wii U having thrown into the WC their money.
It's worth noting that the same rubbish happens on 3DS, and why should developers be fine with the eShop?
Are they happy to know that I just downloaded 5 Wiiware games on my day 1 Wii?
Exactly, WHAT'S wrong with you Nintendo when it comes to allow users to manage their accounts like they want?
What are your fears Nintendo?
So disappointed I am
Yep. That's a pretty major bug that hits them in the pocket and will hurt more as the system gets older.
good for them...
Wow that is a major snafu on the part of Nintendo. I wonder how long this will go on for now until they decide that purchases should be tied to the user's account that bought them.
While Sony is thinking about stopping used games for it's Playstation 4, Nintendo is encouraging it Seriously, that's a major flaw / oversight if this is true and reproducible.
My question is did the previous owner just delete the games or did he wipe the entire system? From what I know, if you do a full wipe of a DSi, 3DS, or Wii you lose access to all previous downloads. This could just be the case of the previous seller not knowing how to properly wipe/"reset" the system.
At least Nintendo supports used games...
Why are people selling systems anyway this early in the game? Crazy that you can even find used WiiU's to pick up?
The answer for savvy pre-owned sellers is to advertise the downloadable games that come with the machine when you're selling to increase you're console's value. Not perfect, since gaming tastes rarely match exactly, but you'll probably at least recover a little bit extra than a game-free used console would.
Congrats Nintendo,
You're obsessive grip on control and refusal to integrate techniques that have been time tested for you is once again biting us all in the ass.
*sigh. Don't get me wrong here, but sometimes I see why a lot of people are bigger fans of XB and PSN then the way Nintendo does things now....I never thought I'd say that, but sometimes it makes sense.
Nintendo is just setting themselves up for a future catastrophe by not going ahead and solving this issue. Think one or two consoles down the road.... how is Nintendo going to ensure a customer can still access all their downloaded games over time? This is exactly why I transferred all my downloads to my WiiU. I am trying to keep all my VirtualConsole/Wiiware/eshop downloads on the same console so that I will always have them. Because I see this becoming a huge headache down the road if you have some of your downloads still on your Wiiware account, some on your 3ds eshop account, some on your WiiU Nintendo "eshop" ID account etc.
Nintendo did good by integrating the "eshop" into one shop. Now they need to solve this ID problem before it continues to snowball.
I can only assume that Nintendo refuses to adopt a true ID system because they know it will amount to their customers buying the same "classic" games multiple times. Scrupulous, but every major company does this in some fashion.
Its only one instance, hard to get worked up over it until at least a second.
And Nimtendo really needs to rename their "network" ID as their isnt anything network about it.
I don't really get how this is news, tbh. It's a quite logical consequence of Nintendo's choice of making digital content console-tied, rather than account-tied (which was revealed quite some time ago). While I'd (strongly) prefer account-tied downloads, it is nice that digital content is shared accross all accounts on the console. That way you're younger brother can also play Trine 2, without having to download it first themselves (which is the case with Live-accounts, for example).
At the very least, Nintendo should release a transfer option (which they also did for the 3DS), so you can transfer your data to a different Wii U. But really, Nintendo should just make content account-tied and give sellers the option to completely wipe their system.
Uh oh, this could be bad for devs in the future. Hopefully it won't make a massively awful impact.
Seriously, Nintendo, get with the times.
On the PS3, content is locked to an account, but purchases are still available system-wide for any users to enjoy. It makes sense and I hope that Nintendo doesn't screw things up further by not including this feature if/when they update NNIDs.
@Alienfish I'm willing to bet they'll never fix this. If it's been this way since the Wii/DSi/3DS... i can't see any signs of them regaining sense honestly.
@Bliquid I agree. The WiiU deserves to fail at this point. Iwata needs to be kicked soon imo.
"While I'd (strongly) prefer account-tied downloads, it is nice that digital content is shared accross all accounts on the console. That way you're younger brother can also play Trine 2, without having to download it first themselves (which is the case with Live-accounts, for example)."
No, it is not the case actually.
on Xbox and PS3 everybody can play what a user have purchased, so the multiple accounts being allowed to play the games bought by only one of them is not innovative at all.
What happens with these aforementioned console is that, in the case of the PS3, you can log in and download your games for free on two systems at a time, which are the ones you have activated directly from the system. Want to buy your third PS3? Then first deactivate one of the previous ones, and do this until death. On 360 you can actually have just one console registered, if you go and log in to your friend's console you can download your games, but to play them they must be logged as you, and must be online, because the only console where games can be played by everyone (not only the user that bought them), online and offline, is the console you have registered on Xbox website. In the case of Steam and Humble Indie Bundle you can download your games on every pc on Earth by simply logging in.
There is absolutely nothing nice in having the games tied to the console, nothing.
Wake up, Nintendo.
@people who don't own a WiiU and are complaining
This is good news for you
HA, when my friend and I bought an Xbox 360 off of a friend, we were pleasantly surprised to find it had maybe 7-8 full retail games downloaded and installed to the drive.
It's tied to both, actually. I made a seperate account just to be sure, and the games I downloaded don't show up in the Account Activity. It's just that any account made on a system with those purchases can redownload those games, but they're still credited to the original user's account.
Why does everyone want a shared account so bad? PSN and Xbox Live don't even use the shared account feature usefully unless your console breaks... They expect you to keep your console, and stick with it. I can't even imagine why anyone would have the need, or want to be transferring constantly, and why. If anything, this is a more 'dedicated', way of doing things, ON YOUR PART. I have PS, and know what shared account means.
Say it ain't so! When my DSi broke I lot $80+ Downloads and my policy is I never buy anything twice unless virtual console though. My greatest fear is my 3DS 30 VC games, pushmo, mighty switch and Denpa men! Fluidity too never mind a few retail.
If that happens, you need to have it repaired by Nintendo, and you won't lose any of your DLC. It costs $80 to fix a console usually, which is better than buying a new one.
@GumbyX84 If you're right that's the seller offering his console with his downloaded games. Next time, they'll think about keeping their Wii U.
I can understand the bashing on Nintendo having trouble with accounts and stuff but... Nintendo is fairly new to this and being the ONLY hardware company to make games THEMSELVES, you can bet they fear piracy in any form as if their lives depended on it.
I would just give Nintendo time. I've seen my share of stuff that they've made wrong on this standpoint, but then again it's better for them to evolve while being sure that their own skin is protected, because the unavoidable switch from retail to download is one that is making it really hard for video game companies to track, regulate and manage their sales.
@DePapier - fairly new to this? It's 2013, that excuse doesn't hold up. They've had plenty of time to learn from their online experiences with the Wii and 3DS, and not to mention the competition has had account based systems since 2005-2006.
@SCAR392 - No, this is not a more 'dedicated' way of doing things, this is a backwards, archaic system that should not exist in 2013. If you decide to upgrade from a basic to a deluxe model, or your Wii U breaks, or for whatever reason someone gets a new Wii U, sending the console in to Nintendo to transfer your stuff for you (for a fee of course) is really a good thing in your opinion?
If someone gets a new Wii U, for any reason, they should be allowed to login to their account and download the games they already bought. It would not be a hard system to implement. They could make it to where all the purchases are automatically deleted from the original system.
@brooks83 Assuming anyone with a basic model downloaded any games
I wonder why the article picture shows the old prototype for the GamePad.
@DePapier What do you mean Nintendo are the only hardware company that makes games themselves? Sony has been doing this for ages, and I think so has Microsoft.
Naughty Dog (Uncharted), Polyphony Digital (GT5), Evolution Studios (Motorstorm) — those are all Sony studios.
Hopefully this is the wake up call Nintendo needs. They're losing money.
Sony only recently started having internal studios, maybe beginning in the 6th generation of consoles with PS2. Most of those devs you listed were 3rd parties making Sony games until recently.
@Koto I suppose, if you call ~12 years ago 'recent'. (I guess it's relatively recent, compared to Nintendo, but that's still quite a long time in terms of hardware/software development). To DePapier's point, it's certainly enough time to develop these 'fears of piracy', if they were to be merited.
[EDIT] And also remember that Sony even used to publish/develop software for Nintendo and Sega before PS One, so they understand the predicaments of pubishing software.
Sigh....Nintendo could have easily avoided this with a system similar to what XBL and PSN uses.
Nintendo deserves this. I love Nintendo games to death, but the company itself is plain stupid sometimes. How can they expect to carry out this big digital push, when they can't instill a bit of securety within their customers? I haven't bought any digital games on my Wii U as of yet, and I plan to hold off as long as I can. When you buy something you really should have the confidence of keeping it. Please fix this, Nintendo.
So Nintendo has completely lied about downloads being tied to Network ID? That's pretty underhanded and ridiculous. It was forgivable during the Wii's lifespan, but it is intolerable now to have no record of downloads that goes beyond the hardware. I've come to expect a lot of things from Nintendo. Bold-faced lies weren't one of them.
Goes to show, when your company is that f**king stupid over things like this, it'll bite back harder then a damn alligator.
Seriously Nintendo, the hell is wrong with you? Every other company has this right, but no, you can't do it right the 4th damn time.
Suck on this problem fanboys.
Why is this news? This was something that could happen with Wii, DSi, and 3DS. It happens to someone with Wii U and its all over the news sites? This doesn't make sense to me why it's being reported as if its suddenly a new or unpredictable issue.
But I got my Wii U about 1 month and 7 days after it even came out!Shouldn't I get free ambassador games like they did with the 3DS?
Just do stuff right the first time, like buying your console, and take care of what you have. They don't expect you to be switching consoles constantly, for the sake of themselves AND you. This is Nintendo here. They aren't gonna make a slimmed down console every 2 years, and their console is 99% not gonna break, unless you smash it with a hammer, or spill liquid on it on purpose/accident(which makes up the 1%). The fact is, you should never have to share accounts like PS and Xbox, unless your console will break or become obsolete VERY fast. There's a 1 1/4 year of warranty if you use Club Nintendo, and chances are, that if you don't have a Club Nintendo, you don't have internet at all, which makes the account sharing useless anyway. After the warranty expires, if your console breaks, it cost $100 at most to fix, which is a hell of alot cheaper than throwing down another $300+ for a new console all together, and they make sure you get your account on your console back. I've seen/heard of countless Xbox 360s, and some PS3s having to be sent in for at least a month for a problem that should have never happened in the first place, then get told it will cost just as much as a new one to fix, or less depending on the problem. Nintendo makes quality consoles, and that's the main reason why they don't expect you to transfer in the first place IMHO. Either buy DLC and take care of your console, or don't. Nintendo tries to make your gaming experience better, by applying technology that's around them already. They try to make their customers, and themselves happy with what they do.
Ok I'm not sure on this so maybe someone may help me understand about games tied to systems and accounts. If Sony with there psn tied accounts shut down one day and we all know Sony is in dept can we still play all the games we downloaded if psn is no more? I think not. On the other hand if Nintendo goes down with there system tied games I'm thinking we would still have access to all our games unless the system breakers down which could easily be repaired. So I'm thinking maybe nintendos system is better in the long run.
^Please don't try to protect the blatantly atrocious. Every other company uses a much better system.
And in that case, you'd likely be able to download all your games since you'd probablu have a months notice or so.
@SCAR392 Really? Actually, Sony fully utilizes this system with your purchases being tied to an account and not the device - your device does not have to break like you've claimed. In fact, you can deactivate a console from your PC and then log into another PS3/Vita and start downloading your games with no hassle at all.
Microsoft does tie your downloads to your hard drive and isn't as transferable/open as Sony's system, which is by far the best of the home consoles. I've transferred my games through 4 different PS3s over the years and two Vitas without one single problem.
Heck, even the mobile stores tie your purchases to an account and not your devices. Yes, the newest gaming consoles in the industry, our smartphones/tablets, are further along than Nintendo's next-generation home console. In fact, I have my Apple account tied to all three iPads and two iPhones that are in my home. I can freely access/download all my games and cloud saves in a matter of seconds on any of them, which is absolutely fantastic.
I'm sorry, my friend, but it's Nintendo that's far behind the times. This is 2013 - the digital age - in a world that's always online. There's just no excuse for all of this, in my opinion.
@SCAR392 A. What if someone is clumsy? What if there's a robbery?
We should have freaking options.
B. Again, many people would prefer the OPTION of just buying a new console, especially if there's an upgrade.
If smartphones do it, PSN does it, everyone freaking does it except for the dumb pieces of crap making the decisions for Nintendo Network.
@teros No, either way the servers would no longer be available and only what is already downloaded on your console would exist to you. If online servers are shut down, there would be no way to download your games afterwards. It doesn't matter what console it happens on or if they are tied to a console or account.
@slapshot. To my knowledge you have to be signed in to PSN always or you can't even play the games you have already downloaded, I don't think this is the same case with Nintendo?
OH SNAP! If people hacked pre-owned WiiU hardware.........THEY COULD STEAL PEOPLES INFORMATION!!! It sounds so possible that it makes me scared....
@teros This is false.. dunno where you heard that from but you are truly misinformed/gullible. PSN games can be played whenever.
This is why it's more important than ever to be allowed to back up one's titles, DRM free, in a non-distributable format... If Nintendo wants to encourage hacking and piracy this way, hey, who are we to argue... They're the ones making it tougher on themselves.
Just for the record, Nintendo is actually not tyrannical, like Steam and Xbox Live are, when it comes to DRM. Nintendo just has a weird half DRM, half PRM (physical rights management) take. So Nintendo is really not a terrible offender when it comes to DRM- they just have strange taste in product management.
I might be in a minority when I say that I'm not displeased by their digital rights handling... rather, I'm intrigued...
@teros That's Steam, which is always online only, full blown DRM enforcement. PSN has a half DRM, half DRM-free policy that allows one to back up files, even game saves; the only exception is game licenses. PSN-downloaded programs can all be used offline without any subversive analytic monitoring programs being enforced by Sony. Nintendo has a weird half DRM, half PRM (physical rights management) interpretation of Sony's methods. So Nintendo is actually not as bad as Steam and Xbox Live when it comes to DRM.
@Ulala That could be prevented by capturing the billing information as it's sent, then storing it server side. I doubt Nintendo would allow such vital statistics to be transferred back, unencrypted, to the client side... I'm sure they were watching what happened when the Dreamcast allowed that to happen... very strange and bad stuff. For example... "getting NOL'ed" in Phantasy Star Online.
Coming soon to NL will be an article about how the owner didn't fully delete the account properly... NL users will still whinge.
This is just dumb on Nintendo's part. Microsoft, Sony, and Steam have been doing this for years now, and Nintendo still can't get that part right. I'm sorry, I don't care if they're "new to the game", it's 2013, this is just inexcusable.
@SCAR392 Accidents happen, no matter how careful you are. You can have the console repaired now but what about in the future when Nintendo stops repairing them (do they even take GCs anymore)? Some people might not want to play around with shipping or the warrenty is expired/won't cover costs. The fact is as long as your games are tied to an account and that account is safe so are the games no matter what happens to the console, can't say the same for Wii U or 3DS.
Some people do buy more than one console for various reasons, but why should they have to re-buy games or send everything in? What about parents that have to buy two of everything (which can be expensive)?
As you said Nintendo uses the technology around them to make gaming better, and this technology is out there and is now commonplace. This doesn't make gaming better and theres no excuse not to have it. If you like it thats fine but please don't go around telling others they're doing it wrong if they don't.
That company better be working on implementing an account system that can carry licenses, so people can protect their purchases
... All in all, I think MadAussieBloke is just right if you read his comment. It's the previous owner that is foolishly offering his games with his Wii U. As a buyer, I would be happy to see that happening. And as a seller, I'll think twice about the value of the Wii U that I'm reselling (if one should ever have the need to do that...).
That's not wholly a bad thing. Sellers can get more value for their system if they can say "look, it comes with games A, B, and C, and you don't have to worry about losing them"
First of all, I know how the account sharing works, so please don't try explaning it. I know your console doesn't have to break in order to transfer via internet. I'm not saying anyone's wrong for wanting an account sharing/transfer system, so that's not even an argument to be had. I could care less if they had a Nintendo ID link system, because I'm not gonna sell my console, and it's not going to break. If they stop taking repairs, chances are that they don't make it new anymore, there's something new out already, or they're out of business. The only reason why I've ever used sharing on Xbox/PS was because I got a new console(new slim console or more HDD space), or just to give my account to my family for whatever(PS, and no use really)... All in all, it doesn't effect me, there's my $0.02, complain if you want.
I can see an account system being implemented like iTunes, PSN, Xbox Live, IF, they plan on their device being obsolete POSSIBLY in a year or so. Turns out, Xbox/PS consoles get a 'makeover' or break, Apple releases 'the next big thing' ever freaking year, so I can see why they NEED an account system more so than Nintendo. Like others have said, it makes the seller more aware of what they are parting with, and buyers a chance to to get a deal with perfectly good purchases, no matter who bought them.
@SCAR392 That's a very good point, and I agree with your sentiments. Nintendo consoles are the only ones which do not incorporate "planned obsolescence" into their manufacturing plans, compared to most of Sony's, Microsoft's, and Apple's products. For most technology corporations, manufacturing accountability is designed so that certain specific device models are the real deal, while others are just chortling time bombs. Nintendo products, on the other hand, tend to be built with the idea that they won't be replaced for at least another 5 years.
Not even one of my Nintendo consoles has broken on it's own over the years; even the old NES, SNES, and Game Boy still work... although my childhood rage bouts at luck-based games kinda made my 1st N64 bleed...
I think this conversation has gone in circles, but if you could care less if Nintendo implements an account system, why tell others they are wrong for wanting one? Also, nobody plans on their console breaking or getting stolen, but things happen. Why not give the consumer some extra confidence?
" Nintendo consoles are the only ones which do not incorporate "planned obsolescence" into their manufacturing plans"
Their handhelds certainly do.
@brooks83 Talk about talk'in in circles.
@SCARSCAR392 I see your point but my point is down the road, with an account system even if you can't get it repaired you can at least replace the console and re-download everything but with Nintendo's setup where only they can recover everything your screwed. It has nothing to do with "dedication" its about not having to worry about loosing everything. Not trying to argue here but saying "just do things right the first time" implies you think someone is wrong and not everyone that wants accounts console hop or constantly upgrade.
This free games thing isn't new and is only more beneficial to the buyer, people already advertise digital games as part of their sales. The only difference is shared games across the console.
Sorry if it seems like I think you guys are wrong, but I don't, and people just need to take care of what they have if they don't want to deal with console replacing/repairs, which is alot of what system transferring has to do. I'm pretty sure you guys would repair your console through Nintendo, since it costs less than half of a new one, and it 'saves' your downloads. Anyone who just replaced their Xbox 360/PS3 when it broke the past years, pretty much lost alot more than repairing it in the long run, that's not really the best decision money wise. The people who have replaced their Xbox 360 multiple times, could have essentially had a Wii, DS/3DS, PS3, PSP/PS Vita, and in return had a broken Xbox 360 that they could have probably fixed themselves costing $10, plus $60 for the year worth of Xbox Live they wasted replacing their console. Nintendo was probably laughing to the point of bleeding out their ears from how much Xbox 360 consoles broke, but thank goodness for the system transfer, because that extra $600 for every 33% of people who had to replace consoles(average), it was all worth it. I seriously hope they make an unflawed super perfect console next gen, because they took more than they gave in those scenarios, so they owe alot of people a redemption. As for PS3, I think they're doing good overall quality wise, but Move needs to be cool, and I'd rather have local wireless LAN over account sharing anyday. It would be too complicated because they might have to port Xbox 360 games, then add Move and wireless LAN support, which would be hard like making Wii U games... Haha. The last part was a joke.
@SCAR392 "First of all, I know how the account sharing works, so please don't try explaning it. I know your console doesn't have to break in order to transfer via internet. I'm not saying anyone's wrong for wanting an account sharing/transfer system, so that's not even an argument to be had."
"PSN and Xbox Live don't even use the shared account feature usefully unless your console breaks... They expect you to keep your console, and stick with it."
Want to know why I explained things for you - try reading your very own words, before making statements like this:
"First of all, I know how the account sharing works, so please don't try explaning it. I know your console doesn't have to break in order to transfer via internet. I'm not saying anyone's wrong for wanting an account sharing/transfer system, so that's not even an argument to be had."
Yeah, I am extremely careful with my consoles. I used to be so extreme I would wash my hands before handling a disc or controller, but these days I'm not that bad lol. The only Nintendo console I've had break down on me was the original NES, and it could be easily fixed by replacing the pin connector. I bought a top loading NES instead though and haven't had any problems with that model.
So for those of us who take care of our stuff, this probably won't be a big issue. The reason I think Nintendo should implement an account system is because it is an industry standard now and it only furthers the idea that Nintendo is behind the times. It also is a make or break issue for a lot of potential customers. If anything, most would see it as a negative rather than a positive feature.
I don't get your point.
@Pixel-Perfect ^This^
@SCAR392 No worries, we all do that sometimes. I just though you might appreciate someone pointing it out the nice way for once.
I definitely have to agree on the failure rates of the PS3 and Xbox360 in the beginning. I kinda understand the PS3 but I'm almost amazed the 360 slipped by as bad as it was. I guess it just shows how little effort went into testing everything and is rather disrespectful to the consumer imo.
I'm really careful with my stuff so accounts aren't a make it or break it sorta thing to me personally, just extra insurance. The only things I've had break are my DSlite's hinge(a common problem it seems) and the AC/DC jack on my SNES (another common problem) though it was used.
Buys a pre-owned Premium pack.
So what happens if you need to replace your Wii U? You have to rebuy the games?
@The_Fox Well... you're right... that's true... it would have been more accurate for me to say that the more durable models of hardware, such as the DS phat, were designed to last for at least 5 years without breaking. The revisions, on the other hand, are much more fragile...
Moving production to China after the Game Boy Color and Gamecube is when lifetime reliability started going downhill for Nintendo products... Though it's still not bad. My 12-year old GBA vanilla, 8-year old DS phat, and 6-year old Wii vanilla all still work as well as the day I first used them... EXCEPT for the GBA L-button, that's the first piece of portable Nintendo hardware that had the inevitable "shoulder button displacement syndrome" after prolonged use. Unfortunately, it seems like that carried over to the DS lite, and possibly the 3DS vanilla...
I've never experienced issues with Nintendo hardware being unreliable, I've got most of their consoles dating back to the NES which all still work. The NES cartridge slot design was a bit flaky but it was rare for them to completely give up. Still purchases being tied to a device is rather silly.
i think we should play & download 3DSi 3d game and wii old classic games to on the wii U
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