Get ready for SD card swapping

One feature pre-occupying the minds of some potential Wii U owners is the process to move their WiiWare and Virtual Console data onto the new console. With backwards compatibility a big part of the system — for some gamers — having access to years' worth of purchases is a welcome bonus.

Of course, with Wii not having a user account system as flexible as that on Wii U, we can't expect the process to be easy. Polygon has read through a Wii U user manual and found details of the transfer, and it's similar to the equivalent 3DS process.

  • Insert an SD card into the Wii U
  • Run the Wii System Transfer application
  • When prompted, put that SD card into the Wii
  • Download and run a transfer application from the Wii Shop
  • Data will be moved to the SD card, at which point you switch it back to the Wii U
  • The data will be moved onto the Wii U and then deleted from the SD card.

In terms of the data that can be transferred, it includes Wii retail game save data, WiiWare games and save data, Virtual Console games and save data, downloaded add-on content, Wii Shop points and activity records, and finally Mii characters.

In summary, it looks like you can transfer anything of value from your Wii to a shiny new Wii U; it may not be a streamlined process, but hopefully it'll get the job done.
