OK, not much like Zelda after all

THQ's original Darksiders on PS3 and Xbox 360 drew a lot of comparisons with Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda series, but creative director Joe Madureira wants the upcoming Wii U sequel to skip those analogies this time.

Joe Mad told Official Nintendo Magazine he only wants to compare Darksiders II to its predecessor:

I'll be curious to see who we're compared to this time, but the only game we want to be compared to is the original Darksiders. We want people to say it's like the first one but 10 times bigger and better.

Nintendo-only gamers missed the first one as it skipped Wii of course, so a few Zelda comparisons might slip through the cracks. Sorry, Joe.

[source officialnintendomagazine.co.uk, via officialnintendomagazine.co.uk]