In the past few weeks we've reported that a number of titles on Nintendo consoles weren't going to be stocked by the embattled GAME retail group in the UK: titles such as The Last Story, Mario Party 9 and Tekken 3D Prime Edition have all missed out. The much-hyped Kid Icarus: Uprising can now be added to the list, with Nintendo excluding GAME and Gamestation, including the related online stores, from its list of retailers for the title's launch on 23rd March.
Considering recent events this isn't necessarily a surprise, though it's another disappointing development. A large number of major retailers will be stocking Kid Icarus: Uprising, and as always the future availability of Nintendo-distributed titles in GAME stores will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Comments 61
Not surprised... Its a shame though :/
I don't understand, why won't available the Kid Icarus from these 2 great game shops.
dont matter to me i get my games from wal mart
@supermario4ever GAME Retail group lost its credit insurance, basically meaning that its been unable to afford to stock a lot of new titles. It's affected a lot of titles on other consoles, as well as the games listed in the article.
It's like they don't even want business. Ah well, good thing I live in the US.
@ThomasBW84 Really? So strange.
Goodbye GAME... if they're not going to stock good games then what's the point in shopping there?
Its time for GAME's funeral march u_u.
Saw it coming a mile off. I'm guess the same will apply for Pokepark 2 next week...
Instead of Gamestop/EB Games buying GAME, Nintendo should. It would be such a cool idea.
@Koops3 hm that is a great idea. If nintendo gets their own "nintendo stores" where they sell everything that is nintendo or available on a nintendo system, people might just take note of the variety they usually offer.
I wonder if nintendo would ever discount games though, so I'll still be buying from amazon
i get my gtames at level up so it doesnt matter to me
Can't wait for game to bust
@GamerDude: considering all the employees that's going to put out of work, that's a pretty horrible thing to say :/
I wonder if Gamestop will buy up GAME. The quality might not go up, but at least Europeans will get their games.
Why doesn't game get stocked with certain games? I feel somewhat outta the loop cause I don't know
surprising uprising
I wish you could mail order games direct from Nintendo UK - this would also cut out the middle man for Nintendo - currently I buy my games from Amazon - cheaper than GAME and they deliver on release day. . . . Mind you - Amazon does have superb customer service. . . . . .
Another reason not to bother with them anymore.
I was in GAME the other day, picking over what's left like a vulture. For a company in trouble they've still got the latest games at ridiculously high prices. Suppose they have to make money somehow.
I feel sorry for the staff, bought many a game on their recommendation.
@SuperNictendo: Game lost their credit insurance so companies wont send them newer titles. Kid Icarus isnt the only game you also have Mario Party 9, Tekken 3D, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Ninja Gaiden 3 just to name a few of the titles that they wont stock.
Truthfully I dont know what Game is waiting for they might as well stick a fork in it cause they are done.
GAME over?
They already broke my heart when they stopped selling retro games.
It's not just Nintendo-published titles either - they aren't stocking new EA titles for other formats like Mass Effect 3 or SSX, and won't be stocking FIFA Street or Tiger Woods 2013 either.
Sad state of affairs when a video game retailer isn't getting games in because it can't afford to stock them
But then again, meh, I can buy games online for cheaper
This debate has been had already so I don't want to labour the point but for those of you are celebrating GAME's apparent imminent demise, you are misguided. I've had mixed experiences with GAME as customer and haven't always been impressed with their practices. However aside from the fact its going to put a lot of people out of work, this is bad news for gamers. There will be no specialist games retailers on a lot of UK high streets. This means less competition and means that more obscure games will only be available via the internet. If its only for the sake of the employees, I hope they find a buyer quickly.
apparently GAME is expected to pay its quarterly rent fees for all 600 shops in the UKby the end of march, but GAME has hardly any money and they may not be able to pay the rent, thats why they arent stocking new releases because game developers like EA, capcom and nintendo arent going to give them games if they cant sell them because GAME is losing customers to amazon and online shops, so GAME is losing money. but WAL-mart owners of ASDA here in the uk may buy them and save GAME also gamestop may buy GAME, but if not GAME may no longer exist by the end of this month
Nail in the coffin.
I don't live in europe so this doesn't really affect me.
@Koops3 I don't know if they have that in the UK, but in the US in Manhattan there's a Nintendo store called Nintendo World that sells games, exclusive merch and Prepaid 3DS eshop cards, which I can't find anywhere ese. If only they would expand..
What in the world is wrong with this store????? Some kind of hate between them and Nintendo for some reason? If the reason was mentioned somewhere before then I totally missed it.
Well! I just lost the GAME.
Well, this store is dead. No denying. Give their employees your condolences because the chain should be dead.
If they don't go under soon, then they'll only be delaying the inevitable. Sad.
Well there's the Nintendo World Store in New York...and ONLY in New York...
@GamerDude I know someone who works in GAME that lives near me, how would YOU feel when your jobless and not be able to cope? :/
I don't live in europe so this doesn't really affect me.
What about the whole "caring about your fellow gamer's plight" --- it could have been you in this situation.
Daily news: "GAME will not be stocking [title]"
Its big news in the UK financial news at the moment. GAME and Gamestation are in big trouble. I think the latest is they managed to get a buyer though???
Why did you have to say THAT MagicEmperor, Now we all have lost the game.
@erv nintendo would need to open a nintendo world store in london i think.
last i read GAME have found a buyer- if this turns out to be true, i do hope things will improve for that store and by means of stocking more wii , DS and 3DS titles.
I rarely go to retailers to pick up video games. Beside, i think if this happened in north America a lot of U.S gamers would be happy to see GameStop go belly up. Their customer service is terrible.
For those who think GAME/Gamestation do not want these titles you are wrong, EA, Capcom and Nintendo refuse to give them stock because they are still owed money from before Christmas, they want the money owed before giving them stock but due to their financial position they cannot afford to pay.
Also I work in CeX and the Gamestation in Ashford still has Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion and Mario Tennis on their shelf for pre-order.
This game is going to sell like crazy, mark my words!
GAME are shooting themselves in the feet.
Whoa! I never meant it like that, I meant to imply that thier a horrible company, that charge stupid prices, don't stock great games and all in all I dont like the company! However I do feel sorry for all the people who would loose thier jobs!
It's about time they had a closing down sale, isn't it? hurry up.
I'm not surprised with this outcome. Hope UK gamers find Icarus at another store.
@Koops3 #10
I second this.
@C-Olimar #21
Oh you.
@MagicEmperor #31
You! I will get you!
It is obvious that they're going out of business. Those of you who shop with GAME/Gamestation, I'd start pulling my pre-order money now if I were you.
Anyone surprised?
Good thing I don't have one where I live
Ah well it's usually just Wal Mart, Best Buy or Amazon for me anyway.
Geez, that sucks. I don't live in Europe, but I hope they can get this all fixed up (if they're even in a position to do that?). It'd be really bad if they were all closed down, considering how many people would lose their jobs... But good luck to them.
Makes me wonder how they plan to stay in business if they're not stocking the big games
They're probably not. Just trying to reach the end of March.
What do you think they're doing now with their "Spring Cleaning" campaign?
As for non-UK people coming in here saying "oh, I don't live in Europe so it doesn't affect me", what's the point of coming in here and commenting? It's a bit like me going into an article related to a US problem and saying "oh, I don't live in America so it doesn't affect me". Who cares?
Bad news. Game have removed inazuma eleven 2 from their site. Bet the news on its not being stocked will come any hour now...
on the plus side, they've had new black wii's for £49.99 and PS3's for £99.99 recently. their demise is imminent, should have kept more cash for a rainy day. rip-off stores anyway IMO, particularly GAME.
I was wondering why when I was searching for possible pre-order deals for a friend, the link on Nintendo.co.uk to Pre-Order the game went to a 404 on GAME's website. I copied the link and pasted it into Google and found a Cached version of the page, but the Live version page was nowhere to be seen. Now I know. I'll be letting my friend know to take his buisness elsewhere.
Now, I don't live in Europe, but seriously, this GAME store sounds like a big joke. How on earth will you earn money if you can't sell quality games?
@Steampunk It isn't THAT bad. Sure, GameStop once had a blatantly pirated game for sale once (LOL the guy was so surprised when I showed him), but besides that, their customer service is actually pretty decent IMO.
How on earth will you earn money if you can't sell quality games?
They're not.
I spoke to someone at GAME and Gamestation and they both said it will be available to buy next week from their stores...
am proper gutted about this because ive got £12.99 on gift card and i going put it towards Kid Icarus: Uprising and now not gonna stock it thats just crap!!!!
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