The 3DS eShop is picking up steam lately, what with the recent update and excellent software like Pushmo, and Nintendo wants to keep that momentum going into early 2012.
The company just released a broad outline of its release schedule for the eShop in the first quarter of next year, with some good titles in the mix. Sadly there's nothing more specific than Q1 for any game, meaning we could see them any time between 1st January and 30th March. It's also disappointing to see Zen Pinball 3D won't launch until early next year.
3DS Download Software for Q1 2012
Colors! 3D
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword
Dillon’s Rolling Western
Kirby’s Block Ball™ [3DS Virtual Console]
Mutant Mudds
Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH
Jett Rocket Super Surf
Mighty Switch Force
Zen Pinball
The Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS will also be busy with a variety of downloadable offerings. Dillon’s Rolling Western™ brings tower-defense strategy and touch-screen driven action to the Old West. Armadillo ranger Dillon defends pioneer villages against waves of attacking rock monsters using gun towers, defensive structures and his own exciting attack abilities. In Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword™, players travel to ancient Japan and guide a young warrior as he battles waves of enemy soldiers. Players must identify the enemy’s attack, dodge and counter-attack with the mystical Sakura Sword to win the battle. The critically acclaimed VVVVVV and NightSky from Nicalis, mind-bending action of Mighty Switch Force from WayForward and immersive 3D visuals of Mutant Mudds™ from Renegade Kid™ round out a diverse selection of downloadable games.
Comments 51
It's a shame that there doesn't appear to be anything else on eShop downloads for the rest of the year ... but with a line-up like that, the new year can't come soon enough!
nice list, may pick some of these up if I get the chance
Nightsky? Whaaaaaa.
11 3DSware titles in Q1...that's 12 weeks. Not bad at all.
(oh and 3D Classics: Kid Icarus makes it 12!)
Wow, that's crazy. I almost consider half of those titles must-buys.
Oh my poor, poor wallet... Maybe I'll be able to set aside some Christmas money (if I get any). Sakura Samurai, Dillon's Rolling Western, Mutant Mudds, Colors! 3D, VVVVVV: you are all mine!
Sounds awesome, I hope Europe will get the same (:
Ooh by the way, Do any of you guy's know where the usual E-shop press release for Europe is? =O
Does it have anything to do with a possible ambassador games release? With the NES batch the press release came also three days late..?
@Djrr-ific I wouldn't get too excited: Nintendo's press department was probably just busy working on these announcements. It may still arrive later today, if not tomorrow.
I wasn't =P And yes, It is probably something like that..
But with Nintendo you'll never know...
They should release Zen Pinball this year. Other than that I have my eye on Jett Rocket and Night Sky.
@Djrr-ific You'll read it here as soon as we know what's what
Colors! 3D
Dillon’s Rolling Western
Mutant Mudds
Mighty Switch Force
Zen Pinball
I'll be downloading all of the above... and probably several more if reviews are good. This could get expensive.
Looks like I'll be saving some money this year since there's no pinball.
VVVVVV will be mine. Oh yeah!
I was hoping NA would get Zen Pinball before the end of the year (since EU already has it) and that Mighty Switch Force would come out before the end of the year too at least we will get the GBA ambassador games this month hopefully.
That's a pretty great lineup. I'll be grabbing at least half of them.
When the eshop will be available in Colombia?...gasp
why have they delayed Zen Pinball when it was supposedly submitted to them more than 2 weeks ago? I have been waiting for it for so long
Great 1stQ line-up! Guess I can go ahead and spend my last few dollars in the e-shop on Pushmo then. :/
Really excited for NightSky. Intrigued by Sakura Samurai. Mutant Mudd's mix of 3D and pixel art looks surprisingly neat, too. A nice post-holiday mix to keep the momentum going.
Darn it! I wanted to download Mighty Switch Force THIS year!
There's not a huge amount of 3DSWare at the moment, but the overall quality is astounding! Every title on that list is probably worth a download.
In a more pessimistic viewpoint, it probably won't last (UFO Interactive have a game coming out soon).
EDIT: Actually, 10 titles in 12 weeks is pretty good! Plus DSiWare and Virtual Console!
D: D: D:
Sigh, guess that give more time to make sure the app is perfectly ready then...
DAMN! I want mah Pinball THIS year! Oh well....I guess I have enough to play but it better come out in like...early January or something. I noticed that even though the eShop doesn't get a tone of new 3D releases, when it DOES get a 3D release, its usually a high-quality thing. Nothing truly bad is there now and I'm pretty sure everything on this list is pretty good. I'm fine with Nintendo trickling the content out like this when virtually all of it is good stuff. Much better than packing it with useless fillers...
@ Nintendolife: Maybe you should make it clear in the news, that this list is only for North America and not Europe.
So this means all of the eshop games that we know about are all releasing in Q1? Something doesn't smell right.
@brandonbwii There's also Block Factory from Enjoy Gaming (makers of pyramids), Samurai: Sword Destiny [UFO Interactive], Dot Eater: New Picdun [Gamebridge], escapeVektor [Nnooo], Hunting King [Arc Systems], AiRace: SPE3D [QubicGames], oh and the 3DS sequel to Thruspace "SpeedThru: Potzol's Puzzle" which has been announced for Europe but not the US.
This is great, I can't wait for NightSky. I've been waiting for that game since it was announced for WiiWare in 2009. Once this lineup hits the eShop will have already surpassed DSiWare as far as quality and quantity of quality games.
Good Lord, I think I'm interested in ALL those DLs
I want NightSky!
so anyone actually willing to bet Nightsky isn't delayed?
NightSky isn't in 3D, which is a shame. But if its good enough I may buy it.
Totally unfair: I have to wait until 2012 to get Zen Pinball?!
pardon me for being OT, but when do we get the GBA games? ( for us ambassador saps)
Some good stuff. But "Jett Rocket Super Surf"? I don't think it will be a real sequel to Jett Rocket. I guess it's more of a multiplayer surf game. Though that also could be fun. It's to early to judge!
@AtomicWaffles They tweeted after feedback from user's when they announced it wouldn't be in 3D, it's actually gonna have 3D now!
VVVVVV and Night sky in one quarter? at least one will be delayed, for sure
Hmmm... nice little list! Colors! 3D and Mutant Mudds are my two picks.
I want Zen Pinball, Sakura Samurai, and possibly Jett Rocket
I will buy Colors! 3D, VVVVVV, NightSky and Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword. Nicalis, please don't push back
Mutant Mudds will be good but I am so disappointed with the rest of the list.
Not sure about the whole VVVVVV thing... I just don't get it and I still have my Colecovision if I want to play stuff that looks like that
OK, is there even any actual good reason why they are delaying the already finished Zen Pinball and still not allowing Pinball Pulse to be played on the 3DS?!? Well?!?!?!?
Nintendo, stop toying with me!!!!
After taking a closer look at that list....I'm interested in quite a bit of it! For sure I'll get Colors! 3D, Dillon's Rolling Western, Kirby's Block Ball, Mutant Mudds, Fun! Fun! Minigolf, Mighty Switch Force, and Zen Pinball. The others are sure to be high quality and stand at least some chance of me grabbing them. My wallet weeps for Q1 2012...
With the exception of minigolf, all of those have me interested.
Mighty Switch Force all the way man!! It will be my first eshop purchase that was not free.
Great propects here !
Hope NightSky, Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword, Kirby’s Block Ball, Jett Rocket Super Surf and Mighty Switch Force find their way to Europe soon.
They're actually releasing NightSky? I'll believe that when I see it.
Wait a second... Samurai Sword Destiny isn't in there... Is it REALLY coming out in December? I hope it's good!
yeah, either december, or quarter 2
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