The 3DS price drop comes into effect tomorrow and already major retailers are jostling for position on the starting grid.
Yesterday we revealed that GAME and HMV will sell the console for as little as £139.99, but as predicted the supermarkets are going even cheaper with their pricing: Morrison's will drop the machine to £120 for 10 days, while behemoth Tesco goes still further with an enticing £115 price point.
Of course everyone will be hoping this results in an uplift of 3DS software sales too, with Morrison's offering every 3DS game — yes, even Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D — for £25.
We've had confirmed from GAME Group that it will be selling 3DS consoles solus for £149.99 or with Zelda at £159.99.
Have you decided where you'll be placing your money come tomorrow?
[source mcvuk.com]
Comments 19
That's an outrageously low price point. Makes my decision to buy it a launch look increasingly rash.
That's shockingly low. I got mine for £160 and thought that was a good deal.
Now is the time to pick one up I guess.
No more complaining Europeans.
Huh?!! That's less than I paid for my DSi. I think I'll buy a few to flog on eBay!
Actually this makes me wonder how much they pay for them at cost price?
Still dont think its worth it.
Why can't the u.s. have competition like this? I swear, it seems as if every store gets together and decides to sell it for the same price.
You Americans should stop complaining, You now have the 3DS for $169.99 which is around £105. Even Tesco's offer isn't beating your main pricing.
^ You could actually get it for that price 3 days early (meaning the 20 free games as well).
I bought my dsi for that price OMG!!!!
And I thought £170 was a good deal... Oh well.
I paid £182 at launch and used my £15 Amazon voucher which meant in total I only payed £167. When it was cut to £140 I didn't mind massively, after all I was getting free games! £115??? This isn't the lowest it will go, I can see it going to £105 sometime tomorrow. This really. is ludicrous, especially seeing how so many Cheats are paying this price and getting the ambassador games. I have now unforgiven Nintendo, this just makes me feel so angry.
I kinda feel you, but I still forgive Nintendo. Those getting the 3DS for cheap and ambassador program are really really lucky. I still don't regret getting my 3DS at $250- I think it was worth that price personally, and Nintendo is giving games for free- something they DID not have to do. And I'n happy to have gotten my 3DS on launch day. It's the first console I ever got on launch and with my own money I worked for. Had I not gotten my 3DS in that timeframe, I would have missed out on the ambassador program and not even the $170 at Walmart before the initial date would not gaurantee me getting it because of the circumstances I am currently in. I lucked out too.
In my mind, nothing can beat that
Anyhow, I can see them dropping this to 95 the least
I checked Tesco and it is still full price, I asked the guy at the game counter and he said he had no knowledge of any stores lowering the price until tomorrow.
i love my 3ds and i want it to do well, so i don't care what people wind up paying as long as they keep on buying them. these stores are selling it at a price they've selected, so they are taking the loss, not nintendo. nintendo shouldn't be blamed for stores selling the consoles early or for those of us who got a double dish with the price cut AND the ambassador-ship.
Yeah, I can't complain. I just got my 3DS from Walmart last night for $169.96 + tax. It was the last one in stock and the systems were still advertised for $249.99! It pays to read message boards
I went online, did a system update (which took a while) and I had a message screen welcoming me to the Ambassador Program! Even with my tight finances, this was too good to pass up otherwise I would be still reading everyone else's posts of how cool the 3DS is. Now I know for myself
God I wish I would have been more patient now.Ah well ,a fool and his money an all that!
I didn't think it was going to drop that low!! Morrisons are also selling 3DS games for £25 including Zelda Pity there is no other decent games I want (that I haven't already played)
@KitBliss "I think I'll buy a few to flog on eBay!"
Bad idea. Trust me.
@moosa I'm british so I'll still complain. £115 is $184, so Americans still get a better deal
Anyway, the price is still fantastic. The original DS and the Lite were £100 and they sold almost 100 million uniys combined, so with the 3DS only slightly over this (even less when you consider inflation), I think the 3DS will still be a success.
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