Is it Thursday already? With all the excitement around the 3DS price drop — happening tomorrow, remember — this is a crucial week for 3DS, and things just got even more exciting as it's Nintendo Download time.
This week we've got a little bit of something for everyone, so let's dive in and see what there is.
Virtual Console
Super Adventure Island II (Super NES, Hudson, 800pts) — A pretty enjoyable game and a welcome addition to the Virtual Console in North America, some two months after it appeared in Europe. Our Super Adventure Island II review should help you decide if this is for you.
3DS Virtual Console
Avenging Spirit (Jaleco, Game Boy, $2.99) — You play the ghost of a murdered mobster, out to inhabit other people, abuse their bodies and rescue his girl. A story we can all relate to, then. We'll have a review soon.
Kyotokei (Microforum, 500pts) — A 2D shooter with more than a touch of Ikaruga to it, you don't see this kind of game on WiiWare very often. Here's hoping it's better than Microforum's other output, Enjoy Your Massage! and 3D Pixel Racing.
Crazy Hamster (Gamelion, 200pts/$1.99) — In this 2D side-scroller the titular rodent runs automatically, and it's up to you to help guide him to safety by placing items along his path: parachutes, fire extinguishers, you know: the usual hamster-related items. We'll review this one very soon.
Go! Go! Kokopolo (Tanukii Studios, 800pts/$7.99) — A rare find on DSiWare: a game that's actually very good. Developed by a three-man team this is definitely worth investigating, as our Go! Go! Kokopolo review explains.
My Asian Farm (BiP Media, 200pts/$1.99) — We've already reviewed My Australian Farm so expect this to be an Asian twist on the farming formula. We'll review it for you soon.
Nintendo Video on 3DS
Glee 3D Trailer — People like Glee. This is some footage of Glee in 3D. This is either the best thing ever to happen to you or about as welcome as sitting on a thumb tack.
Next Level: Hugs! — The official description says "everyday activities are boring. Let us show you how to take it to the next level." If the catalyst behind this advancement is hugging, we won't be shocked.
Comments 46
So, uh... we get to watch people hugging? Can't we just go experience the real thing ourselves?
Yes! super Adventure Island 2!
A Snes game I've never played? Awesome!
I might be excited for Kyotokei if the previous outing wasn't ENjoy your massage. But, I'll be nice and wait for a review.
Crap crap and more crap no thanks.
Once again, no actual new game offered for 3DS.
Avenging Spirit? Meh, i'll pass.
Well, I guess I will wait to see what's availible next week.
Kyotokei doesn't look half bad actually. The video seemed somewhat exciting.
Sorta reminds me of Cho-Aniki.
Still a little nervous about a game made by the makers of Enjoy your massage though.
Geee, happy 25th Metroid...... :-/
Wow Kyotokei is just basically a horizontal version of Ikaruga with cute characters. Interesting.
Kyotokei looks good. It reminded me of that game Outland(psn) after watching the trailer. 5$ seems great too, If it only has five levels that's a dollar a level which equals to a good deal in my mind. If the impressions are good i may give it a consideration. I cant wait for the review on this one.
I'm pretty sure gbc had a few more games than just Link's awakening so where are they
Hey cool! Super Adventure Island II! I always wanted to get that!
Man Nintendo Video will be subjected to a trailer WORSE than the SMURFS, man this sucks! I hate GLEE! Stop putting out 3D Movies I'll hate! Would you PLEASE?! But Avenging Spirit, yes please I'll get you when I come home.
I know people complain about everything, but service-wise this weeks American update embarks all (except the unknown 3DSware). You guys get VC, WW, DSiWare, 3DSVC...
Thats a funny description under Avenging Spirit. It made me laugh.
Anyway Super Adv. Island II for me please
@Bass_X0 Oh the irony! You complain about watching people hugging, yet with your complaint you force us all to... WATCH PEOPLE HUGGING!!!
Avenging Spirit sounds cool as hell.
And I already decided I'm getting Kokopolo sometime.
YOU RIDE BIRDS?!?! Damn Microforum! Ahhh man... I am waiting for a review this time. Despite that I really did think PIxel 3D Racing was a good game (I guess some people on here didn't think so). I hope this is good, I mean you ride birds! The art for the characters is ugly though.
And now the wait for AoF 3 begins...
Avenging Spirit doesn't look like something I would like, but if I still had my Wii I would download Adventure Island in a heartbeat!
Glee in 3D! !!!! As excited as I am, I have no interest in the movie.
well at least there`s something in each category this time except for 3DSware games.....avenging spirit looks cool
"All platforms" suggests there will be 3DS downloads, the so-called "3DSWare". I guess it just means Wii, DSi, and 3DS. Has there been a week when one of the three got nothing?
I'll download Avenging Spirit, and then I'll wait until next week.
WiiVC lives it seems...just not where I am...
Man....nothing for me this week I hope we get picross e over here soon!
Maybe Crazy Hamster and/or Avenging Spirit ... or the perfect time to send in my 3DS to get fixed ...
Also, if the WiiWare game turns out to be pretty good, I may get that as well.
Nintendo Video sucks, so what's the next level's gonna be? Kiss? Walk? Jump? I rather watch the Smiling Baby on YouTube then all of that.
I hope we get picross e over here soon!
America got GB Picross last week.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh nintendo!!!!! dont thumb tack me, thumb tack him!!!
I'll probably grab Avenging Spirit and Kokopolo.
And sheesh, people are impatient.....
Solid week. Avenging Spirit sounds interesting.
America may be recieving NES Adventure Island II instead.
It says Super Adventure Island II but the screenshots are from NES Adventure Island II. It does not state the console its from or the amount of points so check the Shop itself to make sure which version it is.
You make Avenging Spirits sound naughty D:
I want it
It's definitely Super NES Adventure Island II — I just booted up my US Wii to check. Just a mistake on the website's part.
sadly im going to go see the glee movie tonight
Nothing for me this week, but if Avenging Spirit turns out really good I might get it. Looks interesting too me.
I'm confused. I thought we were getting Metroid Fusion today. Hm.
Again, nadda for me. This makes like a month of nadda for me actually. Kind of tired of that. It would have been a great week to release Metroid II to coincide with the anniversary.
I've played Avenging Spirit and it's not that bad. I'll consider Kyotokei if there is no control latency.
Someone posted a Kyotokei first impressions on this topic https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/wiiware/kyotokei_new_shmup_coming_august_11_inspired_by_ikaruga
he gave it a 6/10!
LOL. "A story we can all relate to, then." Love it Makes me wanna download it!
Go! Go! Kokopolo is definitely the best here
NoA, this week, has DSIware that would NOT be acceptable even on an Ipod, so yeah, I finally agree with Iawata that Iphone is not competition with the DSi......... (they're way ahead of it with those releases.) The DSi loot makes Angry Birds look like CoD for the Ipod in comparison to DSiware... come on Nintendo, lets see something which actually makes sense.
@ Corbie I thought EXACTLY the same thing about Kyotokei when I saw it.
I have to admit, it certainly has my attention, and I don't do schmups often but Ikaruga was one that I enjoyed. The 500pt pricetag isn't bad either. What Microforum has made prior isn't even in the same league as this so I won't discredit them if they have indeed made a worthy product. Looking forward to the review, NL.
Now, the plot of Avenging Spirt has got me, and I watched some gameplay footage. I like the mechanic of the game and I assume all enemies are possessable... kinda like Mega Man just taking EVERY enemy's powers, lol. Looking forward to this review as well.
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